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Why do people think Empire are catered to more than republic?


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I know there is a huge faction imbalance. I have a 50 and several alts on the empire side, however I just recently started playing on republic, and honestly I'm enjoying myself there way more. The things they say are better, it feels more like the original 3 star wars movies, the music is similar to those as well. The general feel is just more "star wars" than on empire, probably because we usually see from that perspective in the movies.


Anyway, I'm not far yet, on coruscant, level 13, but every second of it has been fun for me, and it's just getting more that way. I think the armor looks better, especially on the Jedi, and the Sage animations look much cooler than the Sorc, in my opinion.


So why are people always complaining that empire is "cooler" or whatever? I really don't see it. Quite the opposite.


Play a vanguard, then go play a powertech, then come talk to us.

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I think its due to a few things.


First off, everyone who have seen Star Wars as a kid have had this fantasy of becoming a Jedi. The problem is that most of the ideas behind it (Episode 4-6) is rather loose and not very well defined - Obi-Wan talks about a more civilized way of fighting with light-sabers and thats basically it combined with the flow of the force etc. We all know the excellent liners. It leaves alot to the imagination.


Then we get Episide 1-3 which paints a whole different picture all together. Corruption, arrogance and in total a very different Jedi Order that many of us had pictured in our heads growing up. This along with the Old Republic lore established with KOTOR1 makes the Jedi Order and the Republic way more complex then even what George Lucas probally had imagined in the 70's.


Combined all this with the fact that nobody have ever seen or played from a pre-movies Imperial perspective (NO - Extended Universe does not count, when Luke goes down the dark path I closed the door). BioWare have with the current timeline gotten almost full creative control over how the Old Republic Imperial side should look and feel like.


One poster mentioned earlier that Republic side feels alot more Star Wars'y - and he's right. The music, locations and mindset remind us more about the 70 movies then the CGI movies we got with 1-3. Unfortunaly, to some degree I guess, BioWare actually made Imperial ****** compared - if you choose to see it from a newcomers perspective.


I could of course be very wrong and people just like red/black color themes more then brown/white :p

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I know there is a huge faction imbalance. I have a 50 and several alts on the empire side, however I just recently started playing on republic, and honestly I'm enjoying myself there way more. The things they say are better, it feels more like the original 3 star wars movies, the music is similar to those as well. The general feel is just more "star wars" than on empire, probably because we usually see from that perspective in the movies.


Anyway, I'm not far yet, on coruscant, level 13, but every second of it has been fun for me, and it's just getting more that way. I think the armor looks better, especially on the Jedi, and the Sage animations look much cooler than the Sorc, in my opinion.


So why are people always complaining that empire is "cooler" or whatever? I really don't see it. Quite the opposite.


I think it's because they are not as racist...also English / Scottish / Irish accents get really old REALLY fast...

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emo's and angry teenagers = sith

nerds and 20+ age players = reps


I feel like every server I play sith on, its a troll convention. People are di cks, and just plain stupid compared to republic servers.


just my take on it. . .and idc if my profile does not fit you. . .this is more humurous than anything else.

Edited by Drahh
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Somehow it's always the people concentrating on playing the "good side" who think that they are discriminated against and that the "bad side" is favoured; it's the same in WoW and WAR for example. Someone could write a psychology graduate thesis out of the reasons.


Just look at the state of the end-game and look at the leaked future patch update plans people; BW is hardly discriminating against the Republic in the context of those. And Coruscant is for the Republic only, hardly an example of a bias against the Republic.

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Republic storyline is the same all the way through. Everything is falling apart, disjointed and filled with corruption and incompetence. Oh look another person that betrayed the Republic /yawn.


The whole way through you get the opinion that there is no leadership in the Republic, everything is decaying. Even the fleet sheep looks dirtier and more rundown.


Empire stuff feels space age. You feel like you are part of a warmachine rather than an incompetent bureacracy. Sure there is some infighting and a few power struggles but all in all there is more purpose to the storyline, I feel less like a Mr Fixit on Empire than I do on Republic.


Of course this is my opinion/impression.


Its SUPPOSED to feel that way...


The Republic IS a bureacracy...the Republic is run down because when the sith first invaded they got their BUTTS KICKED because the Republic is a PEACEFUL democracy not built for war.


You kinda missed the point.

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"Why do people think Empire are catered to more than republic?"


Seriously? Are you living on a another planet? Do you actual play the game??


  • Red crystals
  • Old school arcade game rooms
  • Sith Juice (now made with 100% republic soldiers)
  • Palpatine Popcorn Puffs (now in BBQ flavor)
  • The Bounty Hunter Annual flamethrower BBQ picnic
  • Darth Shlop's Bothans Gone Wild video access channel
  • Empire Employee of the Month
  • Korriban lucky lotto (Only worth anything to player under 50. Sorry)


And what do we get?


A Jedi centered in the SWTOR loading screen pic....who is already dead.


Thanks BW! :(

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"Why do people think Empire are catered to more than republic?"


Seriously? Are you living on a another planet? Do you actual play the game??


  • Red crystals
  • Old school arcade game rooms
  • Sith Juice (now made with 100% republic soldiers)
  • Palpatine Popcorn Puffs (now in BBQ flavor)
  • The Bounty Hunter Annual flamethrower BBQ picnic
  • Darth Shlop's Bothans Gone Wild video access channel
  • Empire Employee of the Month
  • Korriban lucky lotto (Only worth anything to player under 50. Sorry)


And what do we get?


A Jedi centered in the SWTOR loading screen pic....who is already dead.


Thanks BW! :(

This has to be the funniest **** I've read in a while. Thanks.

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Republic storyline is the same all the way through. Everything is falling apart, disjointed and filled with corruption and incompetence. Oh look another person that betrayed the Republic /yawn.


The whole way through you get the opinion that there is no leadership in the Republic, everything is decaying. Even the fleet sheep looks dirtier and more rundown.


Empire stuff feels space age. You feel like you are part of a warmachine rather than an incompetent bureacracy. Sure there is some infighting and a few power struggles but all in all there is more purpose to the storyline, I feel less like a Mr Fixit on Empire than I do on Republic.


Of course this is my opinion/impression.


There is also a few other things such as ability imbalances between 'mirror' classes. Ability delay (see Project vs shock, Death from Above vs Mortar Volley), talents in the Sage tree broken when mirror talents Sorcerer tree are working as intended.


Better responsiveness of for imperials on turrents in Alderaan Civil War (see Youtube clips)


All in all it seems like more work went into making things work for the Empire with more polished stories.


Pretty much this, also I can't help but feel that the Empire just looks cooler (well, Trooper's look better)

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There's more truth to that than you think!


One simple and visible example of apparent Empire favoritsm is in the gear appearance. Look at what Sith get--pretty much exactly what they would want. Black, manacing outfits, or sexier ones with mid-riffs showing. What would Republic want? I daresay they'd want a lot of brighter-colored robes, like white or silver. But those are very hard to find in moddable versions, whereas black Sith Armor is the norm. Sexier versions with a bit of skin? Sure---if the skin you want to show is neck up only. And don't even get me started on the headgear! Seriously, the Consular headgear looks like it was designed by an artist who hated Consulars.


Wow, cool your engines because your flying off into the wrong direction!


Remember there are 4 classes under Rep:


  1. Trooper
  2. Smuggler
  3. Jedi Knight
  4. Jedi Consular


Now, I'll start with the last 2:

Take Ep VI: Obi-Wan is running around in robes... which may just have been because he was living on sandy Tatooine as a hermit...

Take Ep V: we find Yoda hobbling around in robes... which may have been because he was living on swampy Dagobah as a hermit... oh, yeah, there is that vision bit of Obi-Wan... not much to see really...


The fact that Jedi wear the outfit that we are used to is actually only established in, well, Ep VI (via all 3 Jedi showing in robes, which could still be explained as being similar to either Angelic visions: I don't think any person who got apparently turned into an angel ran around in some white dress and barefooted... so the robes may have been a part of the Jedi 'afterlife concept...)


But obviously the 'dress code' was established thru Ep I.


Now, pretty much most Jedi we see in Ep I - III are wearing plain robes or rather simple clothes.


Care to venture a guess why? Maybe because vanity would be considered a sign of fear and as we know, fear leads to ... the dark side.


A Jedi doesn't need flashy clothes, being a humble 'servant', a defender of the Republic is enough for him.


And by the way, for a good long while I had my Jedi Concular running around 'topless' i.e. just in her strap-bra thing. Which actually looked rather sexy combined with both the lower robes as well as pants.


Let's move on to the Trooper:


A trooper is a soldier... when was the last time you saw a soldier in some designer 'uniform'?


I think we don't need to further dive into that one...


Which leaves the Smuggler...


now, your smuggler could be just about anything: a flashy gunslinger, a 'space trucker' in overalls, you pick, you choose...


So, unless you are playing a smuggler who like to show off his money or a Jedi who traded being humble for being 'in tune with Fashion', I don't really see anything wrong with the dress options given right now... *shrug*

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emo's and angry teenagers = sith

nerds and 20+ age players = reps


I feel like every server I play sith on, its a troll convention. People are di cks, and just plain stupid compared to republic servers.


just my take on it. . .and idc if my profile does not fit you. . .this is more humurous than anything else.


The less populated side feels more mature because there's less people in your zone to mouth off like a rabid teenager :D


It boils down to probabilities :t_redface:

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Have to say that the Republic has some of the most evil players I have ever met. They come in swarms killing all of us noobs and do rude things to the bodies. I'm not even going to mention it. :eek:

As a Sith I thought I was a bad guy but after being butt ***** by the Republic for the last few weeks I can truly say that the Sith is the good side. At least we have honor and like the living. I will never be able to look at the Star Wars flicks the same way ever again.

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Republic storyline is the same all the way through. Everything is falling apart, disjointed and filled with corruption and incompetence. Oh look another person that betrayed the Republic /yawn.


The whole way through you get the opinion that there is no leadership in the Republic, everything is decaying. Even the fleet sheep looks dirtier and more rundown.


Empire stuff feels space age. You feel like you are part of a warmachine rather than an incompetent bureacracy. Sure there is some infighting and a few power struggles but all in all there is more purpose to the storyline, I feel less like a Mr Fixit on Empire than I do on Republic.


Of course this is my opinion/impression.


There is also a few other things such as ability imbalances between 'mirror' classes. Ability delay (see Project vs shock, Death from Above vs Mortar Volley), talents in the Sage tree broken when mirror talents Sorcerer tree are working as intended.


Better responsiveness of for imperials on turrents in Alderaan Civil War (see Youtube clips)


All in all it seems like more work went into making things work for the Empire with more polished stories.


I always thought they were the good guys. But not so sure based on this game.


They talk about balance all the time which means there has to be both good and evil.


If the Sith are evil who are the good?


Early on the Jedi Consular runs a quest where you are told that Jedi are not allowed to love??????


At this point I don't really understand what the Jedi stand for. A


nd maybe thats why the Sith chose this time to make their move. The Republic has become bloated and ineffective like Roma and the Jedi have turned into Monks.

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Wow, cool your engines because your flying off into the wrong direction!


Remember there are 4 classes under Rep:


  1. Trooper
  2. Smuggler
  3. Jedi Knight
  4. Jedi Consular


Now, I'll start with the last 2:

Take Ep VI: Obi-Wan is running around in robes... which may just have been because he was living on sandy Tatooine as a hermit...

Take Ep V: we find Yoda hobbling around in robes... which may have been because he was living on swampy Dagobah as a hermit... oh, yeah, there is that vision bit of Obi-Wan... not much to see really...


The fact that Jedi wear the outfit that we are used to is actually only established in, well, Ep VI (via all 3 Jedi showing in robes, which could still be explained as being similar to either Angelic visions: I don't think any person who got apparently turned into an angel ran around in some white dress and barefooted... so the robes may have been a part of the Jedi 'afterlife concept...)


But obviously the 'dress code' was established thru Ep I.


Now, pretty much most Jedi we see in Ep I - III are wearing plain robes or rather simple clothes.


Care to venture a guess why? Maybe because vanity would be considered a sign of fear and as we know, fear leads to ... the dark side.


A Jedi doesn't need flashy clothes, being a humble 'servant', a defender of the Republic is enough for him.


And by the way, for a good long while I had my Jedi Concular running around 'topless' i.e. just in her strap-bra thing. Which actually looked rather sexy combined with both the lower robes as well as pants.


Let's move on to the Trooper:


A trooper is a soldier... when was the last time you saw a soldier in some designer 'uniform'?


I think we don't need to further dive into that one...


Which leaves the Smuggler...


now, your smuggler could be just about anything: a flashy gunslinger, a 'space trucker' in overalls, you pick, you choose...


So, unless you are playing a smuggler who like to show off his money or a Jedi who traded being humble for being 'in tune with Fashion', I don't really see anything wrong with the dress options given right now... *shrug*



Great post, but you forgot one thing.


Most people playing aren't playing for lore, they want to look cool and different.


Most MMOs these days have become fashion shows. (clothes, titles......)

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huh? sage animations cooler??? u really prefer throwing pebbles (that pebble rain channel skill) rather than lightning out of your fingers? really????



I know there is a huge faction imbalance. I have a 50 and several alts on the empire side, however I just recently started playing on republic, and honestly I'm enjoying myself there way more. The things they say are better, it feels more like the original 3 star wars movies, the music is similar to those as well. The general feel is just more "star wars" than on empire, probably because we usually see from that perspective in the movies.


Anyway, I'm not far yet, on coruscant, level 13, but every second of it has been fun for me, and it's just getting more that way. I think the armor looks better, especially on the Jedi, and the Sage animations look much cooler than the Sorc, in my opinion.


So why are people always complaining that empire is "cooler" or whatever? I really don't see it. Quite the opposite.

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The empire pretty much falls apart. After all, what the sith have built isn't sustainable and will eventually just crumble away; like all fascist regimes. That's a pretty big part of star wars. Evil, no matter how powerful it seems, can't last forever. Empire players who say that the empire seems stronger than the republic just haven't gotten to the end of their story. I actually think it's rather well done, the empire seems all powerful and everyone is afraid of it, but then it starts to come apart at the seams. And seeing it happen as a republic character is pretty satisfying.


When people say that the empire is catered to, they're normally looking for reasons why the imbalance is so heavy. I don't think you can put the blame totally on bioware for that, people like to be evil. I can't quite understand it myself, as I couldn't get past DK on my beta agent after they told me to kill slaves rebelling. That's not a story I want to be part of. But like it or not, people love to be evil in games.


I do think you can put some blame on bioware for making evil not have the weight it should. As an imperial, you're part of a fascist, genocidal, enslaving war-mongering state. And you do some awful awful things. But since you're still a player and are required to live, have people be available to you, and can change at any time, things don't have the punch they should. You shouldn't feel like a ****** who's good deep down after you kill an entire race. That's the sort of thing that turns you into an irredeemable monster that absolutely everyone hates. Instead, that can just be a misstep. You're not damned for that. Without consequence, evil is a hollow construct and has no storytelling potential.


But most of all, the reason people say the empire is catered to is because in many cases it is extremely obvious that the empire classes are the progenitors of class mechanics. Why does stock strike take ammo? Well, cause Bounty Hunters use heat and their melee attack is a jet powered punch. Why does the balance tree revolve around telekinetic throw? Well, cause Inquisitors have Palpatine lightning as that ability. What's the deal with Stasis? Well, force choke is there for Warriors, and... Darth Vader. Why does ammo regenerate anyway? Cause bounty hunters have to worry about overheating. ETC. Add to that the ability discrepancies that pretty much uniformly benefit the empire(Mortar Strike, Full Auto, Dirty Kick...), and it's hard to not look at the empire as the faction that the game was built around.

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Republic storyline is the same all the way through. Everything is falling apart, disjointed and filled with corruption and incompetence. Oh look another person that betrayed the Republic /yawn.


The whole way through you get the opinion that there is no leadership in the Republic, everything is decaying. Even the fleet sheep looks dirtier and more rundown.


Empire stuff feels space age. You feel like you are part of a warmachine rather than an incompetent bureacracy. Sure there is some infighting and a few power struggles but all in all there is more purpose to the storyline, I feel less like a Mr Fixit on Empire than I do on Republic.


Of course this is my opinion/impression.


There is also a few other things such as ability imbalances between 'mirror' classes. Ability delay (see Project vs shock, Death from Above vs Mortar Volley), talents in the Sage tree broken when mirror talents Sorcerer tree are working as intended.


Better responsiveness of for imperials on turrents in Alderaan Civil War (see Youtube clips)


All in all it seems like more work went into making things work for the Empire with more polished stories.


I have to disagree with you about the Empire. If you think helping out incompetence and overall stupidity is being part of a warmachine, then hey, you are part of the biggest warmachine in the galaxy. Seriously, it seems like every world I go to makes me /facepalm for the things I do for the Empire. The Empire is constantly losing stuff (which if they put some effort into it, could easily reclaim for themselves), are always, ALWAYS under-maned/under-equipped to do ANYTHING (funny, you have all these soldiers and equipment just lying around...), and the officers are basically clueless as to what to do next. I swear I am waiting for a Quest for my Inquisitor that goes along the lines of, "My Lord thank the stars you are here! I cannot seem to find my ***, despite my head being shoved into it! I am using both hands, I swear!"


Neither faction is "better" than the other. The Republic is a slightly evil Sergeant Bilko, and the Empire is Gomer Pyle, USMC.

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