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Player Vs. Anger


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This game seems more like an exercise in how much bull you can put up with before you want to break you keyboard.



Ilum === drive around hoping for some boxes that aren't camped to high H*** by no-life slobs.


PvP daily === Lose most PUGs, glitch out of most wins, or just don't have them count towards daily.


Rank system === either play legit and be behind the curve or exploit the numerous glitches that seem encouraged by the CS team.



I play MMO's for the PvP and this game is only fun when I'm a pvE champion. That's decidedly lame. Can I has my monies back?

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While you have an optimistic attitude and I appreciate that, I do not agree that all of these issues have the potential to be fixed.


Open world pvp is skewed beyond belief in a way that requires serious fundamental change to overcome.


However, thanks for the glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. I do not want to simply quit, I hope for a quality game that I can enjoy playing. However, if they do not fix these issues, I want my da** money back.

Edited by _Dakk_
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the only real change that is needed as far as open world pvp, is a change in how players play the game. there is nothing BW can to do make people want to actually pvp. the fact is, most people just want to farm for gear and they will figure out the fastest and easiest way to do it not matter what system is in place. you also have people who only really want to gank.


we have had some really good pvp in ilum on my server two nights in a row now. why? because we got enough players who want to pvp instead of kill trading. we had fun and the dirty imps had fun too, even though we kicked their buts tonight. but even with that, the best pvp is always going to be in warzones, because pvp in open world( no matter what game it is ) is either just about who can bring the most people or its about ganking.

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the only real change that is needed as far as open world pvp, is a change in how players play the game. there is nothing BW can to do make people want to actually pvp. the fact is, most people just want to farm for gear and they will figure out the fastest and easiest way to do it not matter what system is in place. you also have people who only really want to gank.


we have had some really good pvp in ilum on my server two nights in a row now. why? because we got enough players who want to pvp instead of kill trading. we had fun and the dirty imps had fun too, even though we kicked their buts tonight. but even with that, the best pvp is always going to be in warzones, because pvp in open world( no matter what game it is ) is either just about who can bring the most people or its about ganking.


Hehe guilty about the whole ganking thing. Stalking the zone and setting up a kill is way more fun for me than standing in a ball of players that may or may not be more organized than a herd of cows. It's just way less efficient for valor and daily gains; and very difficult if you're not a stealth class. I've found my niche but it puts me way behind the curve when it comes to gearing up. I'm ok with that.


Most folks will not be and will play a "less fun" but more gear grind efficient way of playing. Only one company so far has made a game where everyone's particular playstyle was rewarding and that was an MMOFPS. It's asking alot of BW to do that out of the gate. I think that with time BW has a shot at it. It's just gonna take time. If you don't want to wait around for it no one should blame you.

Edited by Amos_Umbra
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the only real change that is needed as far as open world pvp, is a change in how players play the game. there is nothing BW can to do make people want to actually pvp. the fact is, most people just want to farm for gear and they will figure out the fastest and easiest way to do it not matter what system is in place. you also have people who only really want to gank.


we have had some really good pvp in ilum on my server two nights in a row now. why? because we got enough players who want to pvp instead of kill trading. we had fun and the dirty imps had fun too, even though we kicked their buts tonight. but even with that, the best pvp is always going to be in warzones, because pvp in open world( no matter what game it is ) is either just about who can bring the most people or its about ganking.


There are absolutely things that Bioware can do to properly incentivize us to play competitively rather than cooperatively or having us chase after boxes.

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