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Skill tree help.


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Typically, yes that's the best way to go. Until 50 don't bother considering a hybrid build -- if you even have an interest in that sort of thing. Generally, it is considered best/easiest to pick a tree and stick with it until you get the 31-point skill.


Now, there are some trees that people may say are not worth getting that skill, but those are few and far between (also open to a great deal of debate and personal opinion). But the easiest way to go is to stick with a tree until level 40, at which point you should have the 31-point skill.

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What he said /\ /\


Plus do not feel scared that you may not like your current build. You can always respec aka reset your skills. I tend to pick skills I like and use, dabbling in other trees isn't always a bad thing either, however most people tend not to.

http://1stvideogame.com/?p=2345 <-- Where to respec

http://1stvideogame.com/?p=2252 <-- Costs.. Keep in mind you get to respec 1 time each week for free.

Edited by CzaplaM
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if you go to a place like torhead.com or db.darthater.com they should have skill trees for each advanced class. You can practice making builds just to see what it would look like from all the points you could use. Basically you'll use most of your points in one slot and then use the rest in the two others, usually in slots where you get passive bonuses.
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just keep in mind that when you spend 5 points in ANY skill in that sub tree, it will unlock.



lets say tier 1 (lowest level) have 4 skills. 2 3 3 2 (that is max skill points you can allocate)


if you allocate 5 points, it will unlock tier 2 skills. you can put all 10 points on tier one and it will unlock tier 2 and tier 3 :)


Feel tree to play around http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc some of the info is slightly outdated due to 1.2 patch but you can get a general idea.

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