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Friday Q&A...


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I think this is a great idea every Friday to try and answer the questions we have about the game. I just want to give a fair warning that if you don't answer some of the hard questions that have been asked you are just going to enrage the players again.


One of the biggest issues I see and have myself is the lack of communication about issues. I will use Ilum as an example. The last few patches have made that area go from bad to worse. It really is the worst open world pvp zone in MMO history. If some actual communication was done with the people on the forums then the changes made might have never happened because you would have realized the problems before they went live.


Please answer the hard question that have been asked. After that start a true discussion on each forum with the players to move forward. I have seen great ideas on the PVP and Crafting forums. Tell us what you are thinking.


"We are working on the issue" is not a proper answer.

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I hope the questions they choose to answer are better than some of the ones from the pre-launch Q&A's like will we be able to jump? and, can we swim in SWTOR?


Also, it would be nice if they didn't answer questions where the answers could already be found on the website itself.


Oh, and if anyone asked in the Q&A thread, please do not answer

"Can I haz ur stuff?"

Edited by Davloc
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It doesn't really matter what questions they choose, people will rage.


They pick 10 of the hardest-to-answer, most contentious questions and try to answer them fairly? People will spaz out at the answers and the forums will be awash in a sea of foaming saliva.


They choose 10 questions they actually have the answers for, shelving the ones they haven't made decisions on yet? Dozens of "Omg BW don't care about us" threads will insta-pop all over the front page.


They really can't win, poor things.

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it won't matter what question they answer


there will always be someone thinking they missed the big question, purely because tehy never answered their question. and who is to say what question is more importatn?


i hope they answer my question. i doubt they will, but if they do i'm sure some of you will think they have wasted a question by answering mine.


but as i said, who is to say who's question is most important????

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They pick 10 of the hardest-to-answer, most contentious questions and try to answer them fairly? People will spaz out at the answers and the forums will be awash in a sea of foaming saliva.



And that is different from things now? At least some facts we can fight over, not as much conjecture.


I really just think it is going to be another shuck and jive session where they say a lot and answer nothing with details. Just vague, "we are a looking into it" or "would like to do it" and even "I dunno".


Maybe I will be wrong, that is why they asked for questions in advance...so they could have answers ready. Really so many topics of "screwed up or missing" in this game its a lot to be on top of.

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it won't matter what question they answer


there will always be someone thinking they missed the big question, purely because tehy never answered their question. and who is to say what question is more importatn?


i hope they answer my question. i doubt they will, but if they do i'm sure some of you will think they have wasted a question by answering mine.


but as i said, who is to say who's question is most important????


"Why can't my scoundrel wear heavy armor"




"Why is the overall itemization terrible"


One is a decent question, the other isn't.

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I am pretty excited about it, though i think they will dodge the tough question, lets see if they have the balls


Lol, was that your question?

"Do you have the balls to answer the tough questions?"


Edited by Davloc
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