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Ravage is not uninterruptible


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So i switched rage spec expecting a couple of pvp improvements e.g. obliterate as an additional gap closer.


But above all I expect that i could force charge, open up with ravage and be immune to knockbacks.


But no, knockbacks still send you flying despite ravage having already opened up for a second.


So no, its not uninterruptible...

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So i switched rage spec expecting a couple of pvp improvements e.g. obliterate as an additional gap closer.


But above all I expect that i could force charge, open up with ravage and be immune to knockbacks.


But no, knockbacks still send you flying despite ravage having already opened up for a second.


So no, its not uninterruptible...


Knockbacks will always interuppt, what they mean by uninterruptible is that they cant "kick" you to stop the cast. Yes its a stupid pointless talent.

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So i switched rage spec expecting a couple of pvp improvements e.g. obliterate as an additional gap closer.


But above all I expect that i could force charge, open up with ravage and be immune to knockbacks.


But no, knockbacks still send you flying despite ravage having already opened up for a second.


So no, its not uninterruptible...


Uninterruptable does not equal can not be CC'd lol.

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You misunderstood the talent description. You have to take it completely literally; "Cannot be interrupted."


This means that interrupts can not interrupt it. Knockbacks, stuns, disorients, or simply moving out of the effective range will break Ravage, even with the talent.

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So it can't be affected by one specific skill. I get knocked back way more than interrupted during my Ravage attack


That's why the talent is only 1 point. Also, consider that most opponents can just use an interrupt randomly, off the GCD, at little to no cost, to interrupt Ravage. With that talent, now they must use their knockback or CC, even if they wanted to save it.

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That's why the talent is only 1 point. Also, consider that most opponents can just use an interrupt randomly, off the GCD, at little to no cost, to interrupt Ravage. With that talent, now they must use their knockback or CC, even if they wanted to save it.


Also consider the frequency that the a knockback can be used. Group make-up etc. Plus all the stuns and everything everyone else gets. Plus going down the rage tree you don't benefit from Ataru or armor pen which makes the ability extremely useful. Better off spamming vicious slash with berserk up

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