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EV Hardmode difficulty?

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So, they other night, my guild easily cleared (like 2 wipes) normal mode EV. We've done this now two weeks in a row.


After, we decided to check out hardmode. Within a few seconds we wiped while taking down the first tower. I mean a megawipe.


The raid leadership decided it was because our gear was inadequate, and didn't make another attempt.


My question, is hardmode really that much of a gear check? Or is there a completely different strategy we should be using in hardmode? Is it necessary to farm normal mode ops for weeks before eveni attempting hardmode?

Edited by Turando
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HM Ev is not a gear check. NiM, is however. The towers aren't too much of a problem. Usually you only die to them if you pull too soon (damn their aggro range), or your deeps isn't paying attention and runs in late (even then, it shouldn't be a problem. On NiM, they only have 70k or something. They don't take long to burn down.


The gear check is usually in Soa, phase 2 and 3. If you enrage (5 relics) in phase three, then you don't have enough deeps (though, if you get that far, you should have been able to kill him before enrage, at least on HM). That could be a gear check or a deeps problem depending on how people play.

Edited by strikeviperMKII
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Thanks folks, I had a similar thought. Wiping and learning isn't a problem for me, I remember wiping 17 times straight on a raid boss in that-other-game.


However, I didn't want to openly question raid leadership and cause drama so early in the progression.

Edited by Turando
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THe towers can be supringly painful for someone who isnt prepared, just have one tank aggro 1 tower (tankable with repeated taunt), and the other tank aggro the other while the dps takes care of the adds.


We did it with one tank and a ranged dps tanking the first tower we killed while the tank aggroed the other tower. The point is not to let both towers run amok or to let them hit the same target, because that's when it hurts.

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I have seen the towered bugged in Hard Mode 8 man.


Sometimes when we first zone in for the week, the towers, all the power calls are red/active and there is already a group of mobs spawned in the middle of the area.


Other times, the power cells are yellow and no mobs.


You may have just gotten what I call a Pre-agrro setting.


We focus dps on the right power cells/turret, then the left while the tank(s) ick up the adds for aoe.

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