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SWTOR is nearing its second month of release... do you think it has staying power?


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Yes or no?




Are you still having fun?


YES but I play with a casual player friend, its pretty clear to both of us once the storyline ends, so will this game.


Have you seen a population drop in your server?


YES, on all 3 of the servers I play on.

Anyone claiming there no drop is delussional oir a paid Bioware/EA employee!

I log on between 5pm est and 7 pm est every day and havent seen a heavy server status for weeks now. On any server of the list, not just my own (when I log on I do a 3 server run of crafting commands so see the full list every day between those hours).


How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?


Its better then RIFT in many ways, falls short in others. But both suffer the same issue that they were not developed for long term play. They give it all away and thus give players no reason to become attatched and emotionally linked to their characters. Neither Rift, WOW, TOR makes walking away from your character a hard thing to do. When I left DAoC, EQ, oNWN, it was TERRIBLY HARD for me to think all those hours and effort I put in on my character was for not. I had a attatchment to the characters that held me in those games. TOR doesnt have that.


What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


Kinda late now but combined leveling speed/crafting speed/ difficulty setting. TOR, like RIFT, like WOW, is just to easy and as I said above, fails to create that emotional link between player and character that makes it hard to walk away from.

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I've given up on Failware. You can see a clear a trend: no communication; tons of issues and concerns go unanswered and neglected; they cannot even fix broken core functions. I was even hoping they would prove me wrong. Alas, they never did.


If they devote more time to answering questions rather than policing forums, we may get somewhere.


I hope this game does not fail, but I do not see it lasting long. Even fanbois will get tired eventually. The single player story and the alt re-rolling will only last for so long, and you will run out of excuses.


I think BW is way over its head with this game. And I think they are genuinely clueless regarding many things like PVP, and that is why they are silent.


I've not been disappointed and angry with a game developer as I am with SW:TOR's.

They need to pull a miracle to save this sinking ship. If or until they do, I will watch it from afar.


Good luck to those who are left behind. You will need it.

Edited by Treplos
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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


Yes though not as much as I was last month.


Very much so. Been on planets with only 18 people.


Last MMO was AOC which for all its faults was a good MMO with interesting combat, a lot of story and excellent graphics. Both do feel very single player like and AOC could be considered more hard core than ToR, ToR is more casual friendly.


The number 1 thing would have to be more species added to character creation and more options in total. First thing people see when they start and going to stick with them all the way through the game. So one of the most important long lasting aspects of the game.

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Yes or no? Yes

Are you still having fun? Yes, very much

Have you seen a population drop in your server?A little, but still lots of folk

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO? Hard to compare, last MMOs, CoH and AoC, had changed a lot over the years and thus had tons of content. CoH at least had a lot of non-linear and more varied repeatable content, and much more large scale group content (for dozens of people). So it was a very different experience.

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?

#1 Third neutral faction. #2Territory control.

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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?


Having reached End Game, no. Sub is canceled.


Yes or no?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?


Yes, sadly went from Full with Ques, to now light after the 30day trial was over.


Yes or no?

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?


Was honestly disappointed, since it's a giant copy pasta of WoW. Left Wow because I was burned out with that sort of game play. Wasn't expecting more of the same.



Yes or no?

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


Hard to nail it down to one thing. If I had to comment on the least used feature, it would be Space Combat. I was expecting, a drop in group space PvP/Co-Op feature sort of like an old school, "Free Space", or as others have mentioned a more open Eve-lite aspect to space game play.

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Yes or no? No

Are you still having fun? No, already cancelled gave it an extra month but still not happy

Have you seen a population drop in your server? Yes, hasnt everyone? Guild of about 25 and one one logs on anymore

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO? Exactly the same, both designed for casual 8 year olds.

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?Fixing 1 thing wouldnt help, there are hundreds of things wrong with this game.


Whats the point in playing a game (or making) if whatever you do doesnt have any point.

Edited by Emeda
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"Staying power? Yes or no?"


Yes. If utter crap like Champions Online can still be around after three years, TOR will easily break 5 years.


"Are you still having fun?"


Tons. My friend just bought the game and we've had a lot of fun playing together.


"Have you seen a population drop in your server?"


I don't pay attention to population numbers. They're irrelevant.


"How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?"


Since I play a lot of MMOs I can't tell which one (of LOTRO, DDO, EVE, STO, CoH and others) is my "last", unless it just means last logged on to, which would be STO. But either way the answer would be the same. This game is on a whole different level, it's like comparing an Olympic athlete to a state-level athlete. The characterization and cinematics make this an entertainment experience instead of a grind. For the first time in an MMO I actually feel for NPCs and feel dread at whether they are going to die.


"What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?"


Lesbian romance ASAP.

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Yes or no? No, once the story is done there is nothing to do but dalies and PvP, not enough MMO in this RPG


Are you still having fun? Yes, with my alt. done with the mains story stuck in a very limited end game...cant even RP with him because that community is a dead redheaded step child


Have you seen a population drop in your server? average for a new game, vastly higher than average lose of friends from previous games...thats what I get for enjoying RPing.


How do you think this game compares to your last MMO? Story is vastly superior, gameplay is inferior and feels like a single player game made to be online to take advantage of monthly payments


What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added? an actual community, I cheated by saying that because it would take many things to create it, most of which were complained about for over a year in beta


Once im sick of the game from the massive lack of variety and I cant even do the class stories anymore ill leave, I figure they have another 3-4 months to get some depth into this game before that happens and even then would need to be the kind of depth that brings actual RPers back into the game.

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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


No -

IMO the game is in too much of an unpolished shape to have long term staying power (this could possibly change in the future)


No -

That's why I canceled yesterday, I found it difficult just to log in as all I would find to do was the same grind. All MMOs are grind fests, however, its the manner of the grind that makes the difference.


It is not as nearly polished as my last MMO.


Hmm that's a tough one, as there are a number of things. Mainly I suppose the environment design but that's rather broad.


Overall I think the game is OK, but that's about as far as it goes, and not worth $15 a month to me. IMO they would have been better suited going with a F2P expansion model such as the one used by GW/GW2 rather than a subscription based model. SWTOR just doesn't offer enough "epic factor" to sustain a large subscription rate, but most likely will sustain a smaller, die hard star wars fan base rate.


I'm not posting this to slam the game, just merely offering a neutral perspective from a long time MMO player. If anyone enjoys the game, then I say most excellent for them and enjoy it. In its current form, its just not my cup of tea.

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Yes or no? No

Are you still having fun? Well, I was initially... but no.


Have you seen a population drop in your server? Prior to unsubbing I saw a significant decrease in players on Ven Zallow RP-PVP server.


How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

Not very good. The story line on rails makes it so there's no attachment to your character. Sure, you can choose various "decisions" but they have no impact except for the next few words to come out of an NPCs mouth. There's no roleplaying a unique character that found their own way to 50.. It's way too much on rails. In other MMOs you MAKE your own character's story, it's not handed to you on a silver platter. By the time you reach top level, you've role played a unique character through a unique series of events of your own choosing. In SWTOR you simply follow the rails, it's like playing a movie (static, linear, non changing plot) rather than an MMO. I can't believe the design decision was made so that EVERYONE has the same character, story, companions, etc. That's so fail it's absolutely mind boggling how they thought it would work. Also the loading screens and unncessary running between planets is downright dreadful.


What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


Edited by al_giordino
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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


1. No

2. Not really

3. Yes my server went from 100 in fleet to 25 in one month, now it's dead.

4. Last mmo was Rift which is an MMO, this is more of an RPG

5. Too many to name.

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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?



Have you seen a population drop in your server?


On the contrary I see more people.


How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?


My last mmo was pretty good, LOTRO, they are many features in that game that I miss, but they where not there when I started playing it so I am gonna give it time. This game is way more fun IMO, with time I think it will be my fav mmo.

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


In game Guild mail would be my number #1 (and please let us write longuer mail)

Edited by Mateops
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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


1. Yes

2. No

3. No comparison

4. I would like more ship customization, but to be fair I would like to see any graphical glitches fixed as well as any glaring bugs first.

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I'm not posting this to slam the game, just merely offering a neutral perspective from a long time MMO player. If anyone enjoys the game, then I say most excellent for them and enjoy it. In its current form, its just not my cup of tea.


Wow nice! Thats the best comment ive seen from someone who is leaving.


Hope you find your game Demithio!

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Yes or no?



Are you still having fun?



Have you seen a population drop in your server?



How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?



What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?


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Yes or no?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

No it has increased



Going by your sig, Space Slug population has gone up for Empire. Republic has gone down slightly, zone populations are not even close to last months numbers.


We can barely break 100 people in the fleet prime time weekends now days, and the server is heavy-very heavy.


Level 50 pvp, might as well hang it up on the weekdays. Only time I have been able to get my 3 wins is on the weekends.


Never see any lfg, or guilds recruiting. Just playing Empire on Space Slug gives you a very good idea how dead the Republic side is.


50 commando,

space slug server

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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?




2. I'm having a blast


3. Republic side population on the Perdisometing Trade routes has exploded in the last 2 weeks. Sith Side has seen a slight increase but isn't close to republic side(Dormund Kass usually has around 3-40 ppl in the evening while coruscant has 100+ regularly)


4. It is much different than WoW - I like leveling a heck of a lot more thats for sure, its actually fun to level and tbh I am a guy who actually preferred leveling over raiding ni WoW :p but as for end-game we'll see


5. I'm content with what I've experienced so far(max level 38 atm). I swear to god the biggest pet peeve of mine is no specific server forums I hate the grouped by letter forums.

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Yes or no?

Are you still having fun?

Have you seen a population drop in your server?

How do you think this game compares to your last MMO?

What's the #1 thing you would like to get fixed or added?




Blows competition away.

More customization

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1- yes

2- yes

3- yes

4- worse


I would add a RvR zone on EACH planet, for each lvl tier, if a high lvl gets into the fight in a lvl 20-30 zone he gets insta-transported to base. (better than the chicken thing in WAR.

There is so pointless empty space on the Planets , specially the 30ish 40ish ones were they could put an area with control points, fortresses, bastions, etc...

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