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Poll: What do you think about the new changes made to global cooldown UI in 1.1.2?


What do you think about the new changes made to the global cooldown UI in Patch 1.1.2  

3,457 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think about the new changes made to the global cooldown UI in Patch 1.1.2

    • They're good!
    • They're terrible!
    • I don't care either way.

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Addons... enough said. Let the community make ui mods so we can tweak what we want instead of waiting for you to realize that your repeating the same mistakes mmo's made 5-10 years ago with your "improved ui changes". Seriously its like you set out to make an mmo but decided that any mmo that had ever come before you had nothing worth learning from Edited by Fieryabyss
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Just blackout the abilities that are on CD, and light up the ones that are ready, it was right in the begining so why did you change it in the first place Bioware? Now you cant see anything for all the bright lights, I play many characters and am lvling them fast so I dont remember where I put my abilities on my bar and Im having a hard time seeing them for all the strobe lights. My eyes are bleeding! :eek:
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You're not really a minority, the very short poll of around 3k players has resulted in almost a tie. What Bioware should do is make a toggle so the players who like the disco light flashing can keep it and the ones who don't and makes them ill can turn it off. They're taking way too long to come up with this solution though, and that's because they did the stupid thing of implementing it without testing it first and seeing the reactions of the players on the test realms. Had they done this properly they would've got lots of complaints on the test forums, but then at least the people who hate the effects can go back to live and not have to put up with the flashing effects whilst Bioware worked on a toggle switch. This was totally backwards and I'm a very disappointed customer. :mad: If they're going to just throw in new features at random like this then what's the point of having a test realm?


I support your solution whole-heartedly.


That way I can keep the changes that I love while others can disable it.


It seems like such a simple option, I do hope that Bioware considers it rather than spending more time designing an entirely new concept.

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There are two main problems:


One: The Global Cooldown causes ALL abilities to flash when it's up. This means all of your bars will flash white every 1.5 seconds.


Two: Using ANY ability causes all of your abilities to go grey and they don't fade back in until after the Global Cooldown is up. This is a huge problem when you're a class that spams abilities every second, such as a Jedi Sentinel. Basically, the abilities never light back up and are in a constant state of fading grey and flashing. Because of this, you can't tell what abilities are ready, whether or not you're in range, or if you have enough resources to use the ability.


This. This right here. This guy gets it.


My eyes start to hurt after about thirty seconds of combat. Pulse... pulse... pulse...

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The very short poll of around 3k players has resulted in almost a tie


57% vs 31% is not "almost a tie". Not even close.


Edit: Operative healer perspective. I hate the new system. I cannot see whether I can use my Instant heal until the gdc is over. Which is absolutely gamebreaking for me as a healer.

Edited by Lushbits
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The thing we want Bioware is OPTIONS. Allow us to HAVE OPTIONS.


Allow us to have a text overlay...



Shorthand (1m25s)

Veritcal Bar



Allow us to have OPTIONS of what to choose. Don't force us to do everything how you want.


Control... Stop with the control. Let us have some FREEDOM.

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Didn't bother reading 90 pages worth of whining but for the people complaining about how it's hurting your eyes, saying how Bioware screwed up, and should've learned from other MMO's, my question is why are you even staring at your bars during combat? Also a couple replies up I read someone saying how the poll is not even close to a tie and obviously those people think that everyone hates the change. Look at the poll numbers and the amount of people that voted. It's barely anything. Edited by IcemanEXE
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I don't see why this is complicated.


Buttons need to be faded when unavailable and not-faded when available. Regardless of the REASON for them being unusable.


If you want a cute animation to show how long you have to wait, make it a tri-state toggle in preferences. on/off/on-except-gcd.

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They new cooldown indicator has taken a step back from the previous iteration, at least for my playstyle and my class.


In the previous iteration (before 1.1.2), abilities that were usable still appeared "lit up", even though they were on CD/GCD. The cooldown indicator still scrolled down the ability, but the ability itself was actually lit up, indicating it is usable the instant it comes off CD.


This was PERFECT for me. It let me actually predict the next ability I would use before I used it. Since I play rage/focus based classes, it's not as simple as knowing the next ability to press and pressing it; I had to know if I even had enough rage/focus to press it, and if I didn't I would have to change my rotation. With the previous iteration I KNEW I could use an ability because the ability was lit up, even if on GCD or CD. For other classes this might not be a big deal, but for a rage base class that needs to build our own rage through abilities, it helps immensely if we know it the split second we look at an ability if we have enough rage to use it.


Now with this new iteration, the ability goes dim (and has a white border around it) if it is on CD or GCD.


This basically means I cannot accurately predict my next ability. I absolutely stinks. Considering how 10 hours ago I was playing with the PERFECT system for my class, it really gets to me that I have to use this new, inferior system. This means that my ability bar is constantly completely dimmed out because something is always on GCD/CD. I cannot look at an ability and tell if I can use it once the GCD is up. It really hurts my enjoyment of the game.



PLEASE give us the option of using the previous iteration of cooldown watch.


And only apply the white borders to abilities that actually have a CD longer than the GCD, thx.

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My thought is that you do two things.


First, if you must have the timer swipe in the UI then do it in another color other than the ice blue that you are using currently. Rather than that bright color use a contrasting color such as the universal color for "stop"... Red.


Using red would ease the eye strain that people are complaining about and would be easy to see. I have trouble telling when a yellow icon is really ready to use when the ice blue is near the bottom of the button. With red it would very clear to see it is still a pause state.


Second and most important.... Make a change and STICK WITH IT!


Quick making these modifications every other week. You are creating more trouble for yourselves because we don't have a set UI that is set and finished.


We are not ever going to be aclimated to the game UI if the developers are constantly toying with the thing.


I would like to see real changes made to the UI but the time out swipe color is not the major change I am thinking of, it never was on the top of the list I had.


Settle this issue and move on guys. C'mon Man!


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It's the worse one I've ever seen out of ALL the MMO's I've played. It really needs to be changed back yesterday. I sent in a ticket on my tank told them tanking was horrid, their reply was "can you send more information on character and area?" REALLY???? I said TANKING was horrid I think that covers ALL PLANETS sheesh!! Are you guys 12? I mean REALLY!!
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Why cant you guys make it so that the cooldown effect only applies to the ability being used - simples - I am sure this would make everyone happy. Thank you


This would suit me fine too.


It is super irritating that they take the whole game down to fix some ilum issue again and arent going to fix this at the same time. Then again they have had over a month to fix the HQ textures and they dont so not suprising. EDIT: oh and the mortar volley lag on trooper. grrr fix some of the easy things as well when you are messing about with world pvp patches that I care zero about.


To guy two above me .. why change the font at all? And more importantly why change it to an almost unreadable one.


To guy above me .. you sent a ticket that said tanking is horrible? um ok. Im not surprised they sent that back unopened.

Edited by jadel
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I really really like the current UI. Its very obvious when my abilities are available to use. But i have to agree with some of these posters, everyone wants something different, so the best solution is to be able to create custom addons :) Which i'm sure is in the works (hopefully soon :D)
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I really really like the current UI. Its very obvious when my abilities are available to use. But i have to agree with some of these posters, everyone wants something different, so the best solution is to be able to create custom addons :) Which i'm sure is in the works (hopefully soon :D)


I quite like the long cooldown overlay .. but are you really saying you like how all the abilities flash and scroll for EVERY GCD?


I dont mind a bit of each to their own thinking but I cant see an upside to that effect in any way.

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I dislike the new UI a lot.


There are two main problems:


One: The Global Cooldown causes ALL abilities to flash when it's up. This means all of your bars will flash white every 1.5 seconds.


Two: Using ANY ability causes all of your abilities to go grey and they don't fade back in until after the Global Cooldown is up. This is a huge problem when you're a class that spams abilities every second, such as a Jedi Sentinel. Basically, the abilities never light back up and are in a constant state of fading grey and flashing. Because of this, you can't tell what abilities are ready, whether or not you're in range, or if you have enough resources to use the ability.


I play a Sentinel and it is almost impossible to determine when abilities are off cooldown. During my hardmode raid last night, my entire UI was constantly greyed out or flashing, which made it impossible to determine which abilities could be activated.


I could not monitor Merciless Slash, Cauterize, Overload Saber and Zealous Strike properly. I basically had to guess when each was ready to use. The other raiding Sentinel in my guild was having the same issues.


And don't get me started on the flashing every 1.5 seconds...



man thank god, this is exactly what i was trying to explain to my friends. I play sentinel and couldnt describe to them just how frustrated i was

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this one works well but is confusing as to what will be available after the cooldown. maybe in time i will get used to it, even over the course of 2 days it got a bit easier to tell but could be better. i feel like this new one works better and is more reliable but is harder to read.
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To many patches they can wait till that one day a week. Quit ruining my prime time for fixes that do nothing to help the bugs in PVE! and I gotta quit early twice a week I cant even get my dailies in this is bull crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus you end up breaking more than your fixing. Now I got to run my graphics in medium cause it lags me a half a sec from something you did in the last couple patches. I pay for this too and I keep getting screwed by your patch time! I honestly think you should fire who ever you got patching this or sell the game to someone who can get the job done without having to patch multiple times a week! Edited by Treysatoo
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I dislike the new UI a lot.


There are two main problems:


One: The Global Cooldown causes ALL abilities to flash when it's up. This means all of your bars will flash white every 1.5 seconds.


Two: Using ANY ability causes all of your abilities to go grey and they don't fade back in until after the Global Cooldown is up. This is a huge problem when you're a class that spams abilities every second, such as a Jedi Sentinel. Basically, the abilities never light back up and are in a constant state of fading grey and flashing. Because of this, you can't tell what abilities are ready, whether or not you're in range, or if you have enough resources to use the ability.


I play a Sentinel and it is almost impossible to determine when abilities are off cooldown. During my hardmode raid last night, my entire UI was constantly greyed out or flashing, which made it impossible to determine which abilities could be activated.


I could not monitor Merciless Slash, Cauterize, Overload Saber and Zealous Strike properly. I basically had to guess when each was ready to use. The other raiding Sentinel in my guild was having the same issues.


And don't get me started on the flashing every 1.5 seconds...


same me:) with longer cd u never know if its ready or 1-8 sec to end of cd because line is on a very bottom :( it should be like it was on the begining grey icon untill its ready and than normal icon whit small flash its ready.

Edited by Darthkhafra
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There's so many responses spread over at least 4 main topics on how Bioware can fix this. Add a toggle switch for the flashy effects, make the GCD only affect spells that are on a GCD and not every other spell. Is anyone really listening to us or are we just barking at a blank wall? Edited by MJHoyle
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