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Bioware what are you going to do about the POPULATION IMBALANCE


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This is an EA Bioware game, they will probably just do what EA Mythic did when it comes to faction imbalance. Give some incentives to the losing side. However, that sometimes encourages people to migrate to where one side is favored, rather than switch or move to a disfavorable side. Meaning, more people might simply go Empire to be on the overpopulated side.


From launch to current, on my server anyways, republic players have been rerolling empire, simply because they have a much larger community. An example of this yesterday, a guy was recruiting for his newly founded empire guild, in which he and his old guild rerolled empire due to "more people means easier to get groups and better economy"


I would like to see an fresh ratio of empire:republic players now, at prelaunch on Tuesday it was 2:1, but i my guess it would be much higer than a 2:1 now.

Edited by Brutem
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All the WZs should be made so that they can be same faction. I don't care if it makes sense. This is an mmo. Functionality trumps cute storylines.

This solves the problem of IMps having to play huttball all the time. Does nothing for faction imbalance.

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Speaking of school, you need some comprehension lessons.


You specifically said to "Save the game", people need to roll Repub.


So again, I say, that is only the case if this was a PvP specific game whereas Imbalance issues matter so much that it can destroy the game. But because this is NOT a PvP specific game, rolling repub or not, is not likely to cause the game to die, nor save it.


Get it yet, kid?


Depends on what you mean by die. WIll the game EXIST if the pvp side dies? Sure it will as an empty shell with a few thousand subscribers.

Every pve/pvp mmo from the last 5 or so years that has garbage pvp EVEN IF they profess to be PVE driven dies...


Edited by Milkies
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I don't think this problem exists on all servers. Last night on LA we had a huge 40+ vs +40 battle on Ilum that lasted most of the night with a. Constant back and forth struggle for the bases. It was awesome. It made my computer crunch to a halt a few times but it was fun regardless. I do my dailies all the time and sure we(Imp) normally control the CA but the repubs come and kick but on a regular basis. Fighting them off often requires a ops group to be formed so we can come back and steamroll. God I hate BigTime Lira or whatever her name is (repub dual wielder). 5 good republic PvPers can beat twice thier numbers. The good republic PvPers on our server know when to attack and when to disappear. Numerical superiority only matters in set-piece battle and even then strategy is more important. So my solution is to do what these people do. Learn the terrain, develop a strategy and pick your fights. If your conserned about gear it's even easier now to get equips then ever.
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it is really hard to fix this issue but one thing they could do is; they could make bounty hunter available on republic and imperial commando available on imperial side like paladin, shaman situation and that could really help imo and if not than i dont know what else can be done....
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Seriously, Ilum is a joke, in wz's imperials completely outgear us and really its embarassing. I hit 50 2 weeks ago and I'm bored, my gear is crap compared to imps and we are outnumbered. I play on infinity gate. What is your response to this imbalance? Does every single republic player have to quit or reroll imp for you to do something?


Honestly I kind of envy you guys. If you get into a guild and can organize 4-12 people, you could all go out to Ilum, get a dozen easy kills from Imps trolling the middle, then all queue WZ's once the inevitable Imp zerg shows up. Your WZ queues will pop immediately, and you can play 1-2 of those until Ilum quiets down again, then go back and rinse and repeat.


I play on your server (Infinity Gate) and have toons on both sides, fleet populations feel to me like there is about a 1.5 or 2 to 1 population balance of regular players (favoring Empire obvi), but the imbalance becomes more acute during peak times where I think Imp numbers swell more than Republic.


As with all MMO's, your'e going to have to get organized and make friends if you want to enjoy endgame content. Otherwise, just roll some alts and experience the awesome levelling experience for a different class/faction.

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much of the pve game counts on you being able to group with others... faction imbalance affects this too


i.e. If there are too few on the Republic side, a Republic player can't do much in the way of PVE either


So a Republic player could solve this by rerolling Imperial side or they can quit.


the % of Republic player who choose the option "quit" + the PVP imbalance causing PVPers to quit, will start to impact the total number of players playing the game


reducing the total number of players means less money for BW and so they'll put fewer resources into expanding/improving the game....


not it has affected everyone


The issue that people are communicating for imbalance is more specific to objectives which may favor the heavy populated faction, and is in direct competition for. This is where the biggest issue with imbalance lies (aka, Ilum).


PvE objects are not in direct competition with the other faction where it makes a huge difference. If the availability of Operations and Flashpoints were dependent upon which faction owns a specific objective, then it will be a huge issue.


I would also argue that PvErs in Swtor may be more inclined to switch factions for PvE content/storyline as their motivation, whereas strict PvPers may not. So imbalance issues "forcing" players to switch sides is likely less of an issue for PvEers.

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The issue that people are communicating for imbalance is more specific to objectives which may favor the heavy populated faction, and is in direct competition for. This is where the biggest issue with imbalance lies (aka, Ilum).


PvE objects are not in direct competition with the other faction where it makes a huge difference. If the availability of Operations and Flashpoints were dependent upon which faction owns a specific objective, then it will be a huge issue.


I would also argue that PvErs in Swtor may be more inclined to switch factions for PvE content/storyline as their motivation, whereas strict PvPers may not. So imbalance issues "forcing" players to switch sides is likely less of an issue for PvEers.


You're in the wrong forum, care bear.

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Depends on what you mean by die. WIll the game EXIST if the pvp side dies? Sure it will as an empty shell with a few thousand subscribers.

Every pve/pvp mmo from the last 5 or so years that has garbage pvp EVEN IF they profess to be PVE driven dies...



You're the one who said, to "Save the game", a certain condition must happen. Perhaps you should define what "saving the game" means first?


And you're still basing SWTOR's survival entirely on the PvP crowd, which you have absolutely no idea how big or small that crowd is.


You're trying to create fact from nothing, and trying to switch the subject to fit your argument. I know you're butthurt from lacking logic, but it is what it is.

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You're the one who said, to "Save the game", a certain condition must happen. Perhaps you should define what "saving the game" means first?


And you're still basing SWTOR's survival entirely on the PvP crowd, which you have absolutely no idea how big or small that crowd is.


You're trying to create fact from nothing, and trying to switch the subject to fit your argument. I know you're butthurt from lacking logic, but it is what it is.


This entire thread is in the based on the PVP side in the PVP forum. Also, i've already told you about how modern MMO's "die" when their pvp fails...


I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.

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Ilum needs to be instanced like AV. Basically like a no time limit, persistant warzone with raidable bases to end instances that are/become imbalanced. You queue up just like a warzone and you're transported to the zone when the sides are balanced. No new players can enter the zone unless someone else leaves. New zones are created as the appropriate number of queued players are attained. Open world PvP (like on Hoth, for example) should not/does not need to be balanced as there is no major incentive to zerg there except for fun, which is a good thing.
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This entire thread is in the based on the PVP side in the PVP forum. Also, i've already told you about how modern MMO's "die" when their pvp fails...


I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.


You still miss reading101. I point out how your conclusions are lacking because your conditions are PvP based, whereas this is a PvE based games. It was used in comparison to your rants.


Some Modern MMO's don't also have a huge franchise behind it. Star Wars franchise was popular long before this game came out, so it has a huge fanbase to back it up. What were the other MMO's franchises like before they developed, hmm? Different formula to consider, kiddo.


And some people argue WoW's pvp is crap, yet the game is prospering pretty well.


Points from you mean nothing to me. I only care of the opinions from logical and intelligent individuals. You currently offer amusement.

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The fact is they may have already doomed their game from the start with the decisions they made because any changes they make now will be seen as an attack on imperial players and the QQ will be immense. It's really an astounding lack of foresight on the devs' parts.
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You still miss reading101. I point out how your conclusions are lacking because your conditions are PvP based, whereas this is a PvE based games. It was used in comparison to your rants.


Some Modern MMO's don't also have a huge franchise behind it. Star Wars franchise was popular long before this game came out, so it has a huge fanbase to back it up. What were the other MMO's franchises like before they developed, hmm? Different formula to consider, kiddo.


And some people argue WoW's pvp is crap, yet the game is prospering pretty well.


Points from you mean nothing to me. I only care of the opinions from logical and intelligent individuals. You currently offer amusement.


Buddy you wandered into this thread talking about pve this pve that. If you can't understand that "the game will die" pertains to the pvp aspect in THIS PVP THREAD IN THE PVP FORUM then you have a serious serious mental disability. I really dont care because we're over here discussing cookies and you wander in spoutin' off about cake and pie.


Just go be not smart somewhere else.

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I suppose the better question is what Imperial players are doing to address population imbalance? Bioware realistically can't force people to roll a specific faction, but players can force themselves.


Why not designate a current medium-heavy pop server and a few of you Imperial "PVP GUILDS" reroll there as Republic? Or is it the fact that the majority of "PvP guilds" aren't actually there to PvP, but to steamroll?

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Add my logic. After awhile Imps are going to want to see the story from the Repub side's class(es), so they alt Repub. Then they will have lvl 50 toons for both factions, and can play PvP with the faction that needs more players. Be patient my young Padiwan, it will all balance out over time.
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