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In ONE WORD, Sum Up How You Feel About SWTOR Presently


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So I had given up on MMO's and was content on paying for WoW long enough to enter in a new loot code and go "oh look at my new mount." I'd use the LFG to run an instance with what normally was a group of egotistical, pampered, impatient brats who thought I had to spend collegiate type hours studying to run a one hour dungeon. At that, the rewards for putting up with folks like that were minimal, and what consisted of solo content was mind numbingly dull.


I've put up with patchfests in every MMO i've played, and that's including WoW (a game I didn't start until right before the first expansion came out). I've gone through droughts of not being able to find groups for the content I wanted to run, at which point we're back to the mind numbing single player content. I guess I could of pvp'd, but I enjoy the community aspects of MMO's more, and if I really needed to "pwn" someone I'd prob play BF3 (no I don't play BF3 as I've been spending my time on this).


While WoW was the death of MMO's for me, this game has been somewhat of a rebirth. It's different, and that difference has been good for me. I want to enjoy leveling. I want engaging story arcs. I want to feel like my character is more animated than a /emote, and all the while I want the ability to play with my friends. Or make new ones, and enjoy the characters we've made. I like the idea that I can spend a little time and ACTUALLY get a little done. I want the npc's to be a little upset when I say, "You have to pay me more," and I like seeing my friends type "lol" when I do it. I love the fact that running Esseles and chosing different conversation bits gives the whole run another feel, to the point that I don't think any two runs I've done have been the same (Bioware please feel free to take this as a plug for more FPs like Esseles/Blacktalon).


So here it is, I like this game. Even though it could use some cleaning up and retooling, overall I think they got it right . . . for me, and I don't want this game to be the "WoW killer" cause I want all those "omg *** L2P" people to stay there. As long as my friends and like minded players are having fun, who cares?

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