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In ONE WORD, Sum Up How You Feel About SWTOR Presently


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Really like :

- Story

- Overall look of the planets

- Gear customisation


Dislike :

- UI because its so big and clunky which makes the game look as if im playing on 800x600 instead of 1920x1080. I also would like to move UI parts around, I dont like having to look at all screen edges, its too distracting.

- When a change is introduced for the UI, instead of making it an option in preferences, its forced down our throats. This last GCD change is a good example. Related to this, Bioware please dont try to reinvent the wheel. There are other MMO's out there that made combat using a GCD work right.

- Companions control. Having to use the passive toggle (which is not an instant skill despite what the description says) to move a companion out of AOE is cumbersome and slow. The companions can use an additional heel command or even better, flags that you can put down to make them stay somewhere (ala Guild Wars heroes).

- Please teach the companions to use elevators!

- Cutscenes that drop you into combat right after it. Its disorientating because a lot of the times you get put in the game with the camera in a different position, not knowing where the mobs are. I like to be in control of fights and prefer not to be put right up a melee mobs nose with my back turned to them.


I can name more petpeeves (Dromund Kaas city taxi service anyone?), but these are my main annoyances with the game.

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Really like :

- Story

- Overall look of the planets

- Gear customisation


Dislike :

- UI because its so big and clunky which makes the game look as if im playing on 800x600 instead of 1920x1080. I also would like to move UI parts around, I dont like having to look at all screen edges, its too distracting.

- When a change is introduced for the UI, instead of making it an option in preferences, its forced down our throats. This last GCD change is a good example. Related to this, Bioware please dont try to reinvent the wheel. There are other MMO's out there that made combat using a GCD work right.

- Companions control. Having to use the passive toggle (which is not an instant skill despite what the description says) to move a companion out of AOE is cumbersome and slow. The companions can use an additional heel command or even better, flags that you can put down to make them stay somewhere (ala Guild Wars heroes).

- Please teach the companions to use elevators!

- Cutscenes that drop you into combat right after it. Its disorientating because a lot of the times you get put in the game with the camera in a different position, not knowing where the mobs are. I like to be in control of fights and prefer not to be put right up a melee mobs nose with my back turned to them.


I can name more petpeeves (Dromund Kaas city taxi service anyone?), but these are my

main annoyances with the game.


That isn't how this game is played. :rolleyes:

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