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Tracer Spam


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What's the skill name for interrupt on BH?


Please, do go on... elaborate


Most CC interrupts, but there's just the one with a lockout. I think it's Powertech though, not a base BH ability.


Off the top of my head my BH can interrupt with:


Interrupt - 6 sec cooldown 4 sec lockout

PBAoE stun

30m ranged stun

Jet charge - I think this one is unaffected by resolve as it's a root


Edited by Jestunhi
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Just because tracer is the most noticeable animation doesn't mean that's all they are spamming. They shot tracer off the most to keep up buffs/debuffs and to trigger barrage. Heatseaker is shot every time it's off cooldown and unload every timer barrage is triggered. Railshot if you're on the move.


It's funny because nobody complains about pryo spamming powershot. They use the same number of abilities at 50 and are stronger on the move. Is it because it's not a noticeable of an animation?

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Most CC interrupts, but there's just the one with a lockout. I think it's Powertech though, not a base BH ability.


Off the top of my head my BH can interrupt with:


Interrupt - 6 sec cooldown 4 sec lockout

PBAoE stun

30m ranged stun

Jet charge - I think this one is unaffected by resolve as it's a root


I wasn't asking if CC interrupts or not, I was asking for the skill name of my interrupt on my Mercenary like the other classes have, I still haven't found it! This is (yet another) TM Spam thread isn't it? And, no, I play Pyro build which is much more fun in PvP!

Edited by NevesNET
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I wasn't asking if CC interrupts or not, I was asking for the skill name of my interrupt on my Mercenary like the other classes have, I still haven't found it!


If the CC interrupts then why do you need a name of 1 interrupt when you can use many?


As I said, the BH interrupt with a lockout is a Powertech skill, not a base BH skill.


Not all classes have lockouts (nor do they all have heals, guard, knockbacks, etc)

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What's the skill name for interrupt on BH?


Please, do go on... elaborate


Please don't take this the wrong way, but you're a prime example of players who don't know how to play their class.


The following skills interrupt:



Concussion Missile

Electro Dart


Jet Boost

Jet Charge


Rocket Punch (if talented)


Some of these may not be strictly intended for interrupts, but do so nonetheless.

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I love interrupting a missile spammer and just watching him stand there not doing anything for 4 seconds LOL! It is like a free stun.


Then I interrupt other Mercs and while I get a couple of seconds of nothing they end up upper cutting me then back to the spam.


Which is fine I guess... but when you face a team of 4 Mercs and 4 Sorcerers... well, you can imagine how many people rage quit at the lack of skill.


As a scoundrel, I have to (yes, still a scoundrel even though I got screwed hardcore) use all 4 of my hotbars. I am using at the core 10-12 buttons easily for every fight I have. Then I have specialty buttons I need to use. And that is just PvP, I am not even talking about what I gotta do in PvE. All this to just do the damage I do.


At least pre-balance when I hit someone for 4k damage (not anymore naturally) It was when I was stealthed, positioned correctly, used a 10 energy move and a then a 15 energy move (estimations) and then I had to use 6 actions within 6 seconds for just the opener. Then I had to push all my buttons. I wouldnt be able to ever get a 4k hit except when I was stealthed.


But now I get hit routinely for 3-6k by people's moves and abilities that require no special opener, no conditions needing to be met, all they do is hit a button that goes on cool down for a few seconds (or not) and massive damage is at their fingertips.


I dont mind a lot of damage being done, but dont make it easy for them. Anyone saying scoundrel/operative openers was easy, it half right, but it was far more than one button used.

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Please don't take this the wrong way, but you're a prime example of players who don't know how to play their class.


The following skills interrupt:


Carbonize <- Not Mercenary

Concussion Missile <- long activation time, how you going to interrupt with this cc?

Electro Dart <- this is a cc, long cd

Grapple <- Not Mercenary

Jet Boost <- this is a melee skill, can't interrupt healing at range

Jet Charge <- Not Mercenary

Quell <- Not Mercenary (THIS IS AN INTERRUPT BTW)

Rocket Punch (if talented) <- Only in Arsenal tree, also melee skill


Please, do go on and teach us how to play our class...

Edited by NevesNET
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As a Commando, I agree with this. In Voidstar, if you're running to the big pillars, I wont even follow if I don't have both of my CCs ready to go, because I know that with my 1.5s activation time, I'll never hit you while you're running around, losing LOS. And all of my skills are weaker without being buffed by grav round. LOS is your best weapon vs a trooper, I promise you that. Just like if a Scoundrel gets off their bust openers off, or if a Sage hits you with a CC first, you're at a disadvantage if a Commando catches you in the open. It not something that cant be overcome with smart use of your cooldowns, but it is a disadvantage just like you could find against any advanced class.


The complaint is: Trooper/BH play style makes the way that I want to play not as effective. And I agree. Just like every time I play against an Sniper, Operative, or Sorc, I have to completely change up the way that I play. Start using less effective skills in a more effective way, burn some CCs, use actual PvP skill and hope that I crit more than they do. Every advanced class is OP if your play style is not effective against them, and you refuse to adapt.


As far as full auto goes: If you see troopers not using it, they're either farming DPS, or ineffective. Allow me to explain with a Pros and Cons of Full Auto v spamming Grav Round:



Slows target

Uses the same amount of ammo, but over twice the time, so effectively, it's half the ammo

Similar DPS, but with a higher chance to crit



Because it is a full 3s cast time, you're not as responsive to changes in that time

Its not building up buffs like grav round would


So basically, if you don't use full auto you get slightly better DPS (minus some from the loss of crit% of full auto, plus more because of the 2 additional buffs on High Impact Bolt and Demo Round) at the cost of ammo and a snare. If a Commando is killing you without using full auto it's because you're squishy and he knows he wont run out of ammo or need to snare you. Full Auto is a great tool for PvP and if it's underutilized, that's on the player.


full auto is bugged to **** and loses a ton of damage if you take any type of damage. for some reason it also takes a second for the stupid animation to kick in before it even fires. that's why you don't see it used much. the mercs version is way better.

Edited by zeroburrito
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Carbonize <- Not Mercenary

Concussion Missile <- long activation time, how you going to interrupt with this cc?

Electro Dart <- this is a cc, long cd

Grapple <- Not Mercenary

Jet Boost <- this is a melee skill, can't interrupt healing at range

Jet Charge <- Not Mercenary

Quell <- Not Mercenary (THIS IS AN INTERRUPT BTW)

Rocket Punch (if talented) <- Only in Arsenal tree, also melee skill


Please, do go on and teach us how to play our class...


Well, you can make excuses or hide behind semantics if you want. I'm going to continue interrupting people & having fun on my BH.

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Well, you can make excuses or hide behind semantics if you want. I'm going to continue interrupting people & having fun on my BH.


Excuses for what? The fact that Mercenaries don't have an interrupt? You're a POWERTECH, you have an interrupt... I as a Mercenary in Pyro build DON'T, so I think they should add one to the Pyro tree so I can interrupt the TM spam like everyone else.

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Excuses for what? The fact that Mercenaries don't have an interrupt? You're a POWERTECH, you have an interrupt... I as a Mercenary in Pyro build DON'T, so I think they should add one to the Pyro tree so I can interrupt the TM spam like everyone else.


Actually I'm a merc, I simply listed all the interrupts that BHs have available. Come on man, if you're any good at all, then you're using your abilities in creative ways. If you're not using what you have available from that list to occasionally interrupt then you're doing it wrong.


Edit: & if you're not in melee range for those required abilities then use line of sight. It's only available in EVERY WZ.

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Let me start by saying I have no problem with the damage tracer missile and grav round do. However, I am tired of getting into warzones and having half of the enemy team standing in one place spamming one button. I am a vanguard, and fight bounty hunters on a regular basis. I must use a dozen different abilites, while the only cast bar I ever see on their portrait is tracer missile. At the end of the warzone, they have done more damage on average, from standing in one place channeling one ability.


Would it be so hard to add a short cooldown, say 10-15 seconds, so that these players actually have to learn to do more than press one button?

never played a bh before?


tracer missile does more than just dps. it stacks an armor buff on the bh and a debuff on the target that increases the damage of rail shot and heatseaker missile. also every time you use it, it has a chance to remove the cooldown time of unload.


it is the basis for many different abilities.

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See commandos and mercs claim the tree is about tracer/grav but its actually all about unload/full auto. They are jsut ment to use rounds and bolts to unlock it.


I have a 50 commando, 50 smuggler and now im working on my powertech. Ive never seen a commando or merc played as the spec intends.

It should be full auto/unload then grav round and instant rounds untill fullauto/unload procs. You NEVER see anyone using fullauto or unload. This is where the defence of grav round/Tm fails.

I agree with you that the vast majority never use those skills, but that's because of how it's been designed.


For every stack of Tracer Missile on the target, the Mercenary will do more damage with their Weapon/Kinetic damage attacks - of which they have many.


But after 5 TM's, the target is going to be out a sizable portion of their health. 1/3 or more, depending on how lucky the Merc is with criticals.


After a Rail Shot, Explosive Dart, Thermal Detonator, and (likely) a Heatseeker Missile, plus a new Tracer Missile to refresh the stacked debuffs, there's not a whole lot of time or enemy HP to dedicate to a 3second channeled ability that doesn't do all that much more damage than the other attacks available. Even less time if the enemy player gets close enough for a Rocket Punch.


And that's all assuming there isn't a grouping of players that they can let loose AOE's on.

Edited by jcyrus
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Folks have to learn to press more than one button because you don't get tracer round until level 20. Also no Merc is topping damage and kills just using single target tracer missiles. The ones blowing up damage and kills are the ones who are throwing out their AoE every chance they can get, that is the real power of a Merc. Tracer missile is just a good option against a single target, although so is death from above if you have a target standing still. Its also one of the most counterable abilities, easily interrupted, locked, or LOS'ed. People complaining about it really do need to learn to play. As for one button spam; Sorc's spam lighting, snipers spam snipe, Mercs are hardly the only class that has an ability they use as the staple of their arsenal. Edited by Dominemesis
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... and how much would a DPS spec Sorc hit you for in those 4.5 secs just by spamming Lightning?


assumeing that the lighning deals 1000 dps at least itll end up at 4,5k dmg at least


with a critchance of 33% and 60% critmultiplier:


(1000dps + 1000dps*0,6/3)*4,5s=5400dmg average


well, most of them dont just spam lightning (or whatever the channeled ability is called)


they also deal rediclous dmg having quite some mobility and an aoe knockback. the problem with sorcs is that they deal internal and elemental dmg which cannot be reduces by anything but overall dmg reduction (such as commandos have in their gunnery tree as a stacking buff or the sentinel's rebuke).


as we see there are several overpowered classes. atm mercs and sorcs (and their mirror classes) dominate pvp more than any other class. the sorc busts tanks and the mercs bust melees and basically evrything else that crosses their way.



btw as a sentinel i need 4,5s just to start the fight and having dealt 1k dmg. there are 3 abilities that crit with more than 2k dmg, none has a cd under 9s. there is one ability which sometimes deal over 3k dmg which can be used every 15s at best and deos not hit moving targets due to an animation issue. additionally the spec which is neccesary for this 3k+ crit lacks overall dps an features slightly better survivability.

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I have never seen any BH or Commando use full auto in pvp. And I didn't just write this post after playing a few matches. This is after weeks of watching several individuals in pvp literally spam tracer missile/grav round. Sure, maybe they also use instant casts in between, but I don't see how they are using too many other abilities, because not a second goes by when they are fighting that they aren't channeling it.


And they end up with 500k+ damage in matches. Every match. Compared with an average of 200k-300k for other classes, it just doesn't seem balanced. Maybe I'm wrong, and it will all balance out in a few weeks.


thats nonsense. Full auto is hands down our strongest attack. If any Gunnery Trooper isn't using it then they are absolutely the worst player to ever play.

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we all shulb be happy to see dumb mercs/commandos in pvp becaus if they used all their abilities in the optimal way they woulb be able do deal over 7k dmg in one gcd from time to time.


mercs/commandos are definitely op. they just deal too much dmg waerimg heavy armor and having an absurd aoe knockback ands stun and blind. they can also heal themselves for a small amount which is not that small concidering the instacast buff.


i play a commando on lvl 25 and a sentinel at valor rank 59 and full t2 pvp. it is just rediculous how much dmg output the commando generates out of nothing, just with grav round and high impact bolt+sticky grenade.


the kyting argument doesnt work because it implies that u dont attack the commando/merc nor anyone standing in his los. it also points out the rediculously high dps of the class as u are forced into cover just because of one player.


a full t2 healer casts his 2k noncrit heal for 2,5s during this time a merc/commando has almost dealt 3k dmg with two casts of his main dmg ability without cd.


im sorry but I dont have a blind. and the best way to kill us is with melee all over us.

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thats one guy and he sucks. and the team he is playing against sucks. please stop showing this garbage *** video. He has no clue how to play the character. I can make the same exact video using Forced Lightning only. So I really don't even see how that is relevant.

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