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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Tracer Spam


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I've said it before and I will say it again, increase the time the Tracer Missle debuff stays on the target and you can add a cool down or add heat. When I can only get off 3 or 4 attacks before I MUST use Tracer again to maintain the debuff, it will always be heavy in the rotation. Interrupt me during that refresh and you can bet I will be spamming again as that debuff is too important to ignore.
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Imo most of the time the target I am firing at is a squishie, so using grav round will probably hurt them if they don't get help. The other times I am focus firing in support of melee characters or melee/ranged characters assist me, you can't really tell whose doing all the damage in this game. Edited by LordRaeth
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If tracer spam out dps you then you are doing something wrong. I'm Merc pyrotech and pyrotech easily out dps tracer spam by A LOT. Tracer spam should never out dps you and if it does just know that you need to change your tactics because you're doing something terribly wrong.
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forced lighting is free (when specced) and cause it is channeled it gives back force why it is being shot at you. So again I don't see the relevance to it only costing Troopers 2 ammo (not sure how much for BH)


you dont understand how sages work. force lightning is never free to cast. at best it can be reduced by 50% to cast with a hybrid build


it also takes 3s to do the same dmg as tracer missile over it's duration, tracer missile does the dmg in 1.5 seconds and force lightning/tk throw will never reach the amount of base crit possible with tracer and 2pc tionese/columi/rakata

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Tracer costs 16 heat out of a pool of 100 (untalented it costs 25 heat) or 16% of overall heat

Snipe costs 20 heat out of a pool of 110 (untalented pool of 100) or 18% of overall energy


and snipe is a ranged attack affected by shielding and defense of which glowstick users have a base 10%, tracer missile is not

Edited by Corran
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and snipe is a ranged attack affected by shielding and defense of which glowstick users have a base 10%, tracer missile is not


I don't play a sniper, how often do you need to use your no energy cost skill? As a 50 BH, i need to use it every 3-4 skills to maintain heat, or I spike on heat and am stuck doing nothing but the no heat skill for quite some time. Do snipers not get tech skills that ignore glowstick deflection? I know the deflection is a pain when i use some of my skills.

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And I'll have your stealth & force sprint while we are all caring and sharing.





Ahhh, you see, I'm not saying Force Sprint and Cloak are worthless. The previous poster said his heavy armor was worthless....I figured that I'd just alleviate his problem by taking it.

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Carbonize <- Not Mercenary

Concussion Missile <- long activation time, how you going to interrupt with this cc?

Electro Dart <- this is a cc, long cd

Grapple <- Not Mercenary

Jet Boost <- this is a melee skill, can't interrupt healing at range

Jet Charge <- Not Mercenary

Quell <- Not Mercenary (THIS IS AN INTERRUPT BTW)

Rocket Punch (if talented) <- Only in Arsenal tree, also melee skill


Please, do go on and teach us how to play our class...


Well you did ask what those abilities are for "BH", not specifically Mercenary...

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thats nonsense. Full auto is hands down our strongest attack. If any Gunnery Trooper isn't using it then they are absolutely the worst player to ever play.


If we are under any sort of attack or damage, Full auto is a two tick because of the crappy animation on republic side. What that means is unless you are free to cast unmolested, you are better off not using it.

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Ahhh, you see, I'm not saying Force Sprint and Cloak are worthless. The previous poster said his heavy armor was worthless....I figured that I'd just alleviate his problem by taking it.


For - whats seems like - 0.5 extra seconds of life... Without the armour buff of tanking abilities the armour is pretty much a non-issue, You could for instance put on the Jedi version of Dark Charge and gain more armour by far than I have. :p


I dunno what's worse -


1) Tracer/Grav spammers.


2) People who lose to them.


3) People who lose to them, then cry about it constantly because they don't understand that Gunnery/Arsenal has to open with - what seems like - Tracer Missile/Grav Round Spam to be able to get the most out of their other abilities like Full Auto, Heatseekers & railshot.

Edited by CptBrit
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If we are under any sort of attack or damage, Full auto is a two tick because of the crappy animation on republic side. What that means is unless you are free to cast unmolested, you are better off not using it.


i didn't say that we use it all the time, but any trooper not using this skill when able to is just dumb

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Let me start by saying I have no problem with the damage tracer missile and grav round do. However, I am tired of getting into warzones and having half of the enemy team standing in one place spamming one button. I am a vanguard, and fight bounty hunters on a regular basis. I must use a dozen different abilites, while the only cast bar I ever see on their portrait is tracer missile. At the end of the warzone, they have done more damage on average, from standing in one place channeling one ability.


Would it be so hard to add a short cooldown, say 10-15 seconds, so that these players actually have to learn to do more than press one button?


Do you not understand how tracer missile works? it works as intended?!


you have to cast 3 Tracer missiles, use your final abillity/Railshot in conjunction , what you ASSUME is a 1 key spammage is actually a 3 keyspammage which is no different from say Assassins who uses Voltaic Slash/Shock/Maul, then you can add to the fact that any BH with a slight registering of Brainwave patterns might find it useable to stun/DFA and use a various amounts of AoE abilities to fight in group fights and you have a fully functional class, this tracer missile spam is YOUR lack of knowledge and not a fact sorry

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