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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Healers = Alpha Class


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1v1 a healer should be able to heal 100% of incoming damage. Working as intended.


Team game as you stated at the end of your post. So that healer who is healing through 100% of damage then has a grav spammer buddy come up behind you and start wrecking you, and even if you have another person get involved, unless that person is a healer too, its a guaranteed loss.


But if both have healers, then one of the DPSing classes might die as the healers try to keep themselves alive but the healers won't die, and even if I kill the grav spammer, I'm still not going to kill the healer, even with a healer backing me up because the healer can heal 100% of incoming damage.


So....why even DPS them at all? Oh right cause if you don't your entire team is going to lose its *** because you can't win if you can't keep the enemy team at a disadvantage long enough to complete WZ objectives.


So 100% of my DPS gets 100% absorbed by this healer, who can still in the process, heal their team mates too. And thats working as intended?


Sounds like its good to be a healer, far as you make it out, cause you simply cannot fail unless you suck or 8 people jump on you and you don't have another healer to help you out.


So for every healer in a group, you basically cross off 100% of outgoing DPS from the opposing group. Thats not working as intended thats trivializing DPS entirely.

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So you're basing your skill on your ability to get broken medals as a tank?


Anyone else want to chime in here and tell him what I'm thinking?


You're not thinking. I linked you my spec, its more than obvious that its built for DPS its more than obvious I know what I'm doing with it. Its more than obvious that you just want to continue to play the L2P card when theres nothing left to learn.


Hitman spec'd, check, interrupts used, check, Carbonite Spray and Electro-Dart used, check...and I continue to laugh at you for even suggesting Grapple as a CC to an AP SPEC'D BH. CLOSE QUARTERS IS IN THE SHIELD TECH TREE. AP spec PT's CANNOT USE GRAPPLE INSIDE THEIR OPERATIONAL DPS RADIUS WHICH IS 5 - 10M.


And you're telling me to L2P? You don't even know which PT spec is capable of what.

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I'm noticing this too. It's amazing how much they can heal through. Not just the consulars, but any good healer. Sometimes they don't even fight back, and just heal through the incoming damage.


..... :rolleyes:


This is how you know you have them on the ropes. If the healer can't even spare a GCD to throw out a CC to reduce the incoming damage, it's a pretty clear sign that they are in trouble. You've forced them to stop (which is bad) and focus healing on themselves (which is also bad). You've essentially shut them down and taken them out of the game at this point. If you are careful about timing your CC/interrupts/burst, you should be able to burst them down. If you can't figure out how to do that, I don't know what to tell you.


One good DPS is enough to take a healer out of the game. ONE. Two good DPS can rock a healer's face in pretty quickly. The trouble with most DPS I've seen is that they give up way too easily. Be tenacious. Stick on the healer. Force them to blow their CDs. Don't just use every ability as it comes off cooldown. Bide your time a little bit so you can chain your abilities for good burst. Don't interrupt the wrong thing. Do you know how many DPS I trick into wasting their interrupt? Lots.



@OP: I call shenanigans. No one can stand in a fire pit and heal through it for the full duration. No one can heal while stunned. The problem that I see here is that you failed to notice the support the healer had from its team in the form of guard and heals. Any good team is going to go into full-on protection mode when they see the ball handler stuck in a fire pit.


And as for the operative who kited an entire team to the goal line? Same thing. You didn't notice the heals it was getting from some other source. The healing an operative can do on the run is very small. It's not enough to keep them up through one DPSer, let alone an entire team. You were at the bottom of the pit, so how could you expect to see everything?


OP had another story where he was playing a tank paired with a healer.....and is surprised that they couldn't burst down two healers? I mean.....seriously????


Everything I've read in this thread by the OP reeks of L2P issues, no offense. You might benefit from rolling a healing class and trying it out in PvP so that you can better understand how to fight them.

Edited by belialle
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1v2 1v3 1v4 thats a given situation of failure for everyone.


Healers being able to heal through and survive the DPS of being STUNNED IN A FIRE PIT is a bit obvious something is wrong.


I'm an 8/31/2 BH PT AP, I'm built for burning people down, I'm built for DPS, and I have no problem burning down any class that can't heal. I don't have enough stuns/interrupts/CC's to take down a geared healer.


And in counterpoint I generally ignore Force Lightning, I can't ignore Project or Telekinetic Throw at all. Force Lightning tickles, Project and Telekinetic throw are horrifyingly damaging in comparison.


As a Merc DPS Pyro there isn't a single healer in this game that can survive me 1v1. Period...learn to play your class. Sorry but that is the truth

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You're not thinking. I linked you my spec, its more than obvious that its built for DPS its more than obvious I know what I'm doing with it. Its more than obvious that you just want to continue to play the L2P card when theres nothing left to learn.

Where did you link your spec? I can't find it in the last few pages. I don't know the names of the BH abilities but for a Vanguard(mirror) this is the best control spec, and it does great dps if you're in dps gear.



That's the base tank pvp spec. This spec works great in both tank and dps gear.


And you're telling me to L2P? You don't even know which PT spec is capable of what.

Guess what? A Vanguard in the spec I just linked really messed me up once. So I did the research and figured out what he was doing. Can you tell me off the top of your head which heal for each class is the one you're supposed to interrupt? FYI interrupting the wrong heal does nothing. Interrupting the correct heal really screws over a healer.

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OP should try playing a healer.


Nothing alpha about being stun locked and interrupted to death by crap DPS just because there are so many stuns and ridiculous DPS in this game.


Yes, I know how resolve should work, but it doesn't work often times.

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i think this falls into that whole l2p your class category because i wreck healers by the time all 3 of my cc's wear off they are dead...(they are about to get a heal off, interupt...they are about to do another, stun...they are about to try it one more time, knockback) by the time all that goes down they are dead.


Yeah I do all that, I'm not going to make assumptions here and say stuff like you must be playing with bads or not in the 50 bracket. Maybe you're right, but;


I do all this stuff. I get completely opposite results. Well other than the knock back part because I don't have a knock back as Advanced Prototype.


But I do have a CC a stun and my interrupt. I use my interrupt nearly constantly when dealing with a healer. Electro-Dart comes next, that can get me a bit more damage but there is a good chance they'll CC break on that at least a 60/40 chance they'll break that CC, and even if they don't its only 4 seconds, but if they break it, it leaves me with Carbonite Spray, as a back up, which gives me 4 seconds to try to flatten them, which definitely isn't enough. Which pretty much leaves me with nothing but Quell from there til the stuns/CCs are off CD again. And I've got two points into prototype electro-surge, which cuts the CD on Electro-Dart by 10 seconds, and its still a fairly long CD in PvP.


In a perfect world I might be able to find a healer who I could hit with Carbonite Spray and Electro-Dart and for some reason they wouldn't break out of either CC and I'd have a full 8 second burn on them where they couldn't do anything but thats not really a realistic situation to even consider.

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As a Merc DPS Pyro there isn't a single healer in this game that can survive me 1v1. Period...learn to play your class. Sorry but that is the truth


Dude you're a Merc Pyrotech, I'm an Powertech Advanced Prototype.


I don't need to learn to play my class, you need to stop playing face roller spec's.


I could wreck any healer in the game too, with that spec. My grandmother could wreck any healer in the game with that spec. Why do you think I'm not playing it?

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Dude you're a Merc Pyrotech, I'm an Powertech Advanced Prototype.


I don't need to learn to play my class, you need to stop playing face roller spec's.


I could wreck any healer in the game too, with that spec. My grandmother could wreck any healer in the game with that spec. Why do you think I'm not playing it?


Actually it's harder killing a *good* healer as tracer spec than as a melee spec. It's pretty easy LoS'ing a ranged. It's impossible to get away from a good melee.


It's kinda funny when a merc tries to stay on me while I'm pillaring him. Usually they call me "hide n seek champion" or some other form of QQ. Unfortunately the pillar doesn't keep melee off me.

Edited by Jooji
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Omg i kan kill evryone but healerz with tracerspam plx nerf!





Heybrosky go roll a Jedi Guardian or Sentinal then you can solo everyone at the same time with like 1 button.




Hey brosky, PowerTech's don't have Tracer spam. I don't even use my rocket unless its just...oh that targets outside my DPS radius so might as well add some damage to it.

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Dude you're a Merc Pyrotech, I'm an Powertech Advanced Prototype.


I don't need to learn to play my class, you need to stop playing face roller spec's.


I could wreck any healer in the game too, with that spec. My grandmother could wreck any healer in the game with that spec. Why do you think I'm not playing it?


So maybe make a dps class and not a tank hybrid? Again, learn to play?

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Actually it's harder killing a *good* healer as tracer spec than as a melee spec. It's pretty easy LoS'ing a ranged. It's impossible to get away from a good melee.


It's kinda funny when a merc tries to stay on me while I'm pillaring him. Usually they call me "hide n seek champion" or some other form of QQ. Unfortunately the pillar doesn't keep melee off me.


I agree. The missile ones aren't too bad. It's the melee ones that are

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i have an assassin 27/0/14. i have to admit it is hard for me to kill healers, i dont die to them either but killing one is a chore. in a WZ i pick out the healer and herass the hell out of them. i interrupt, stun, pull, dps and do everything in my power to stop them from healing.


it works every time.


i dont need to kill a healer in a WZ because i know that when my healer keep my dps up through a blitz we have the advantage. after about 30 seconds 3 people are free to help me kill the healer.


basically this game should not be 1,2,3, i just ownd that healer. that would make this game stupid, its about using your skills to PREVENT healing and make the healer stress out about weather to toss heals on teammates or keep themselves up through the pressure.


any class that can blitz a healer should not exsist in a pvp oriented game. if you do kill a healer it should be a long drawn out game where the healer has to mitigate your damage and conserve resources to stay in the fight. that is the skill of a healer... not dying.

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i have an assassin 27/0/14. i have to admit it is hard for me to kill healers, i dont die to them either but killing one is a chore. in a WZ i pick out the healer and herass the hell out of them. i interrupt, stun, pull, dps and do everything in my power to stop them from healing.


it works every time.


i dont need to kill a healer in a WZ because i know that when my healer keep my dps up through a blitz we have the advantage. after about 30 seconds 3 people are free to help me kill the healer.


basically this game should not be 1,2,3, i just ownd that healer. that would make this game stupid, its about using your skills to PREVENT healing and make the healer stress out about weather to toss heals on teammates or keep themselves up through the pressure.


any class that can blitz a healer should not exsist in a pvp oriented game. if you do kill a healer it should be a long drawn out game where the healer has to mitigate your damage and conserve resources to stay in the fight. that is the skill of a healer... not dying.


^^^ Exactly this. Could you imagine if every class could take out healers like they weren't even there. Some people really don't think before posting.

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i have an assassin 27/0/14. i have to admit it is hard for me to kill healers, i dont die to them either but killing one is a chore. in a WZ i pick out the healer and herass the hell out of them. i interrupt, stun, pull, dps and do everything in my power to stop them from healing.


It's incredibly frustrating when a good tank or melee decides to sit on you the whole match as a healer. I've seen assassins do exactly what you're referring to, they pull me away from my group then keep me in an area so I can't get to my team to heal. It isn't always about killing him.

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Actually it's harder killing a *good* healer as tracer spec than as a melee spec. It's pretty easy LoS'ing a ranged. It's impossible to get away from a good melee.


It's kinda funny when a merc tries to stay on me while I'm pillaring him. Usually they call me "hide n seek champion" or some other form of QQ. Unfortunately the pillar doesn't keep melee off me.


And thats the thing, as this spec http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301hMhZrsrrobckdsZb.1 I would be right up in your face, constantly.


Approximate calculation of Explosive Dart/Retractable Blade/Flame Burst/Immolate/Railshot, all in one burst? Probably around 6k damage with crits up to 8.5k on non-PvP geared targets.


So I throw down 6k damage, but I can guarantee your 30 seconds of Force Armor negates a good chunk of that. Depending on when I get to you and when you pop your bubble.


Whatever gets through you heal through, and seriously if you're a GOOD healer, even if I am interrupting Deliverance, you will seem to get by on Benevolence and Rejuvenate. And then its just Force Slow, knockback, hit the Force Speed button and you are completely not worth chasing after that.

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Is this thread really still going?


Just go and play a healer already and see what it is like. By the way:


when i see DDs fighting each other, they pretty much always fight like they lost their movement keys, just standing there and spam their skills, most likely even cklicking.


A healer won't just stand there but use everything to his/her advantage including the terrain, kiting you, using LoS, etc. to make it as hard as possible for you to kill him/her. Something i rarely see from DDs as stated before.


And to bring the most important point up again:







and see how you deal with getting less medals per match, being always on the run, absolutely need of terrain/situation awareness (if that guy dies, i will be next...), dot up the stealther as fast as possible so he can't just sneak up behind me, etc. Most DDs are just stupid as **** and i guess you are one of them.

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1v2 1v3 1v4 thats a given situation of failure for everyone.


Healers being able to heal through and survive the DPS of being STUNNED IN A FIRE PIT is a bit obvious something is wrong.


I'm an 8/31/2 BH PT AP, I'm built for burning people down, I'm built for DPS, and I have no problem burning down any class that can't heal. I don't have enough stuns/interrupts/CC's to take down a geared healer.


And in counterpoint I generally ignore Force Lightning, I can't ignore Project or Telekinetic Throw at all. Force Lightning tickles, Project and Telekinetic throw are horrifyingly damaging in comparison.


Sooo what your saying is because you can't handle healers they're OP? Yes? Am I right?

Well let me counter point you. I can handle a healer just fine. I'm a JK BTW. I destroy healers 1v1. Point of fact no if's and or buts about it, they will not live. On the other side of that coin is this. BH's generally destroy me. I how ever don't feel that BH's are OP because I know this. every class has a weakness that some other class can exploit, with me, it's BH and all the armor piercing or internal/elemental damage they toss about. It's the way of things my friend, you simply have to deal with it and enjoy killing all us JK's. let your juggs kill the healers.

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And thats the thing, as this spec http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301hMhZrsrrobckdsZb.1 I would be right up in your face, constantly.

Wrong. You have **** for control. You don't even have the charge. A melee without charge is much easier to deal with than a melee with charge.


So I throw down 6k damage, but I can guarantee your 30 seconds of Force Armor negates a good chunk of that. Depending on when I get to you and when you pop your bubble.

I'm not a sorc but I know a sorc bubble doesn't absorb 30 seconds of damage lol. It absorbs a couple attacks and they can't use it again for 20 seconds?


Whatever gets through you heal through, and seriously if you're a GOOD healer, even if I am interrupting Deliverance, you will seem to get by on Benevolence and Rejuvenate. And then its just Force Slow, knockback, hit the Force Speed button and you are completely not worth chasing after that.

Once again you're on a spec with **** for control. I don't know what spec most powertechs run in PvP but I'm willing to bet it isn't your spec.

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Healers are supposed to be able to outheal a single DPS. What purpose does a healer have if he can't heal through one enemy? 2 skilled DPS can take out a healer, 3 mediocre DPS can take out a good healer, 4 bad DPS can take out a very good healer. 2 good dps and 1 very bad dps can take out a very good healer. Mix and match as you want.


1 healer vs 1 DPS should be even with each other in terms of heals vs damage. That is called balance. All things being equal its should be a 50/50 fight. I will wait to judge this until my Merc/Pyro gets better gear, but right now I don't have any real issues with healer specs.

Edited by pixelelement
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1 healer vs 1 DPS should be even with each other in terms of heals vs damage. That is called balance. All things being equal its should be a 50/50 fight. I will wait to judge this until my Merc/Pyro gets better gear, but right now I don't have any real issues with healer specs.


pre 50 any class should be able to kill a healer, its once expertise is introduced that they get a little funky...


in full BM gear they get +15% healing and +15% damage reduction. now keep in mind IM NOT QQing, but thats what people are having issues with. i think healing is fine in this game. if you want to see stupid healinggo play World of Warcaft.


in WoW you cant kill a resto druid 1v1 you can be the best dps in the game, but they will kit you allllllll day, heals will out do your dps every time. only a few classes can kill one and thats after a long match. but now in this game a healer cant kite, cant dot very well, cant stealth heal, cant "bear form" heal, this game is much better about healing.


if you havent play wow then i can see why you would feel the healing in this game is op. but if you have played wow, then you know for a fact that SWTOR did a much better job with healing specs this time around.

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