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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

It's not even healthy anymore


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I'm not saying diminishing returns wouldn't be a plus, I'm saying that if you go charging in 6v1 (which was the original complaint) you're going to get stunlocked to ****. in a group v group scenario, you should have people supporting you, making the stunlock less of an issue.


to me any stunlock is an issue because it is a time when im not playing.. .. im simply watching my character doing nothing and can do nothing about it.

yes, for sure CC is important but with this system and enviroment you actually spend really serious time in CC instead of acting.. and thats my biggest complain .. following by no need of thinking when to use it or not..

well, wait.. i remember one situation when i was using stun really in order to stop someone interupting my teammate while planting bomb.. wow.. thats probably the only case..

Edited by Aragiel
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and to the cc=EZ mode comment, obviously not, otherwise you guys wouldn't be crying like my newborn about it. stuns and managing them are a major strategy to both ranged and melee classes. giving a person 30 seconds of immunity after they get hit by one takes out more than half the tactics of pvp


Unless CCs become usable almost solely by support classes then they're detrimental to any 'tactical' gameplay in PvP.


1 CC should = 20s immunity.


Slap a GCD on all CCs. You should have to choose which is most appropriate in your circumstances. Do you need an extra second to finish off a guy in a close fight? Or do you need to get away and evade? Choose 1 - don't spam.


Tactics in PvP currently? LOL ;) The only tactic is to mash buttons, medal whore and hope GW2 announces a release date sometime soon for what looks like a meaningful, fulfilling PvP :p


Where are our leaderboards? Why should we go to depressing Ilum and cap assault points? Who scored in Huttball? Who capped the most turrets on Alderan? Who has the best DPS/Healing/Tanking for a certain expertise bracket on a particular server for that day/week/month?


Duelling arena?


No recognition? MOAR medals, please. W/L? Who gives a f-? It's meaningless. :)

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I still see this thread as a "OMG IM NOT GODMODE FX PLZ!!!!!!" thread. learn to co-ordinate, learn to play your class, and learn to utilize the terrain.


wrong.. im telling you whole time that this is EASYMODE and i want it to be harder and actually forcing me to use some skill and tactic

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to me any stunlock is an issue because it is a time when im not playing.. .. im simply watching my character doing nothing and can do nothing about it.

yes, for sure CC is important but with this system and enviroment you actually spend really serious time in CC instead of acting.. and thats my biggest complain .. following by no need of thinking when to use it or not..

well, wait.. i remember one situation when i was using stun really in order to stop someone interupting my teammate while planting bomb.. wow.. thats probably the only case..


how about when a class is about to use a nuke? or interrupting a major rotation of a class (lighting/TM) stunning a healer so you can dps him down? there's tons of situations where stuns are needed. and regardless of stuns or not, you're going to have downtime, unless you're the guy who runs all over the place and never defends a node

Edited by ArmiaKrajowa
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Bellok you made me spit my coffee onto the keyboard lol. And my IT guy is supposed to swap out my work computer.


TeH-DeVa, the dude's just messing with you. And it's pretty hilarious lol.


I know what he's doing and I'm merely responding. =)


I know there's no way ANYONE could be stupid to see three screenshots of a person that has emergency scan on their toolbar and still think they could spam tracer missle. =)

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Unless CCs become usable almost solely by support classes then they're detrimental to any 'tactical' gameplay in PvP.


1 CC should = 20s immunity.


Slap a GCD on all CCs. You should have to choose which is most appropriate in your circumstances. Do you need an extra second to finish off a guy in a close fight? Or do you need to get away and evade? Choose 1 - don't spam.


Tactics in PvP currently? LOL ;) The only tactic is to mash buttons, medal whore and hope GW2 announces a release date sometime soon for what looks like a meaningful, fulfilling PvP :p


Where are our leaderboards? Why should we go to depressing Ilum and cap assault points? Who scored in Huttball? Who capped the most turrets on Alderan? Who has the best DPS/Healing/Tanking for a certain expertise bracket on a particular server for that day/week/month?


Duelling arena?


No recognition? MOAR medals, please. W/L? Who gives a f-? It's meaningless. :)


why I said diminishing returns should be implimented. not this 20s immunity crap. that's just as detrimental if not more because then no one would worry about being stunned

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I don't get medal credit from other classes they do but not me. Republic has the EXACT same caster as imperials BTW.


Battlemaster is worthless it gives single digit stat increases.


As for my server being special? Yes actually it is. The republic have almost just as many as the imperials on my server and are just as geared. We have jedi here with the blue/black lightsabers everywhere.


Here is a SS taken from last tuesday when 100 republic out numbered the 40 imperials over 2 to 1 with so many republic that the ilum 1 zone filled and we were unable to beat them even once the entire night due to sheer numbers.




Here is also the stat difference of battlemaster gear so you can see just how worthless it is.




So yea L2P learn how to resolve and get better and stop making excuses because you're bad.


You are spending alot of effort on this,im on Ajunta Pall my server is Very Heavy alot and trust me ive done far too many Wz's and you are basicly telling me what i see is an illusion or that im lying or the i need to "L2P" or that im just bad.


Fact of the matter is,is that Resolve is not working right and stuns have become far too prevelant and chiefly among one faction that rolled the Darth Maul toon.


Now we can debate this til the cows come home and i myself can start saving screenshots that debunk you,but that would not have any point would it?


No sane person that has played in over 100 Wz's cannot tell me otherwise,its just a fact,and it has nothing to do with "L2P" or being bad.


Look at your class,do you think your class is even remotely hard?


I was and still am a 90 level illusionist in EQ2 for seven years, been in top raiding guilds,held the number one damage spot World wide for my class for three months til i gave up raiding recently,yah and i come to this game that is far and away easier on the curve and WoW for that matter than EQ2 and you tell me im bad?



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Completely disagree with this comment. Organized teams play as teams yes. But in most PUG warzones I've been in, you see an astounding number of 1v1s going on

(sometimes nowhere near the objective point). Sure, they're all happening within the same area, but minimal team healing, team support or buffs/debuffs occuring.


And solo kill doesn't happen often because once one 1v1 finishes, then, and only then, will a PUG go off to help DPS, resulting in a 2v1.


I find the Assassin Medal possibly the hardest to get for my respective class. Usually it's completely random, you'll find someone on 1/3rd health and finish them off (though they've obviously been fighting someone else), but other times you'll find someone fresh out of spawn, kill them and not get the medal.


Most of the time, though, one of your team mates will jump on the health deficit of the guy you're fighting to null the solo achievement.

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how about when a class is about to use a nuke? or interrupting a major rotation of a class (lighting/TM) stunning a healer so you can dps him down? there's tons of situations where stuns are needed. and regardless of stuns or not, you're going to have downtime, unless you're the guy who runs all over the place and never defends a node


ye exactly.. all the situatio you mentioned are pretty much just spaming it.. because there is no problem with it.

bounty hunter with tracer? interupt.. why? when i can stun him and kill him

stunning healer? why? i can stunn every target i call for.. why to use it only on healer? While playing in premade you have 4 class with full arsenal of CC and cybertech grenades.. im never out of CC in my bar.. or bar of my teammates..


and downtime? yes, for sure while im guarding a node or checking doors - but thats downtime i can accept.. because it is actually contributing to victory. I hate downtimes in the part of the warzone where im supposed do act ! not stay and defend.. thats acceptable

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I was and still am a 90 level illusionist in EQ2 for seven years, been in top raiding guilds,held the number one damage spot World wide for my class for three months til i gave up raiding recently,yah and i come to this game that is far and away easier on the curve and WoW for that matter than EQ2 and you tell me im bad?




I used to destroy people in Counterstrike. Tried my hand at Modern Warfare and was called noob and I got destroy so I stopped playing.


Same genre, different game mechanics, different set of rules. Adapt, or die.

Edited by iheartnyc
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I know what he's doing and I'm merely responding. =)


I know there's no way ANYONE could be stupid to see three screenshots of a person that has emergency scan on their toolbar and still think they could spam tracer missle. =)


While you were responding I sold more paper, and mastered the violin.

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I agree with this. Once you get cc'd, you are immune for the next 20 seconds (or whatever timer you want) after that cc ends.


Yeah, like I said I really don't care if I get CC'd by an actual support player for the purpose of them getting away. It's what CCs are meant to be for.


When DPS classes use them it's bad news, especially when they can hit you with 2 CCs which don't break on damage. I'm a BH PowerTech and we have 2 CCs, a 4 or 5s one and a 2.5s one which don't break on damage nor do they share a GCD. WHY?? Loool. I'm a DPS :p


We should get one, absolute tops which breaks on damage.

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how is using stuns cheating? if a player charges a group of me and 3 other guys, yeah, we'll stunlock him and roflstomp him to the ground, if anything, it'd be cheating if the one guy killed all four of us.


I actually do this sometimes when my PUG team has given up, just to practice my key sequence when I'm getting face-stomped.

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ye exactly.. all the situatio you mentioned are pretty much just spaming it.. because there is no problem with it.

bounty hunter with tracer? interupt.. why? when i can stun him and kill him

stunning healer? why? i can stunn every target i call for.. why to use it only on healer? While playing in premade you have 4 class with full arsenal of CC and cybertech grenades.. im never out of CC in my bar.. or bar of my teammates..


and downtime? yes, for sure while im guarding a node or checking doors - but thats downtime i can accept.. because it is actually contributing to victory. I hate downtimes in the part of the warzone where im supposed do act ! not stay and defend.. thats acceptable


I would consider stopping a nuke a pretty high priority. and forgive me for asking but have you pvped? healer= #1 priority. stuns and dps should be focused on them. . should diminishing returns be put in place? I definitely think so. should you have 20/30s immunity? absolutely not.

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Take the time to learn CC and the resolve system and you will be less affected by cc. for example some CC pushes your resolve to full making you immune. trinket it right away and nothing can stop you. only slow you down. Learning the game and you will see this is one of the first games out there that built their system with CC balance from the start. it actually is a great system
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