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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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Wrong. The stuns on RANGED classes require a proc or setup or don't last as long as kidney shots/melee stuns. Try 2-3 seconds instead of 5-6.



Uhm, this "clarification/correction" didn't exist in the original post.

Edited by iheartnyc
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Yah but here's the deal that you are not comprehending and i know it is like this on my server and im sure it is on most others.


You imperials geared far faster than Republics,plus due to both heal and damage medals the Sorc's/Inquisitors were able to gear far and away faster than all other classes and guess which faction has a ton of those casters? the Imperial so you also benefitted for just being there,now the gear discrepency is even more apparent,if you dont realize or understand this i dont know what to tell you,like i said four to five casters per a group every group and with better gear is the norm now.


That was an imperial vs imperial fight. I also as a bounty hunter put out the best stats of the entire group. I put out more healing then the best damage did damage. My server has many many many many many many many many republic battlemasters so even if I WAS fighting the republic it would have been equal terms. Consular and Inquisiter have no differences they are a mirrior class.


The fact of that screenshot was you have all said that sorcerers have the most stuns and are deadly so I showed you a screenshot where I fought 7 sorcerers and didn't die once still topped the charts and healed myself of 170k damage in a single life + keeping my group alive too.


I'm a bounty hunter Merc Bodyguard. I get three medals or four medals MAX per match. THATS IT! So no medal farming for me.


If that screenshot was too much for you though here is another of me having one inquisiter on my team against a group of republic with 5 consulars. I still didn't die. I put out 50k more healing. And I was focused also.




I have a ton of these...Stuns aren't hard to beat and inquisitors/consulars are a joke unless played by the right people (who are very few) if you notice the one with nearly 500k damage in that SS is actually a marauder. Because a well played marauder>a well played inquisitor.

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It is both Sherlock,you know it,you guys have been having easy train mode with your abundance of casters and now you have all your gear too,well many have atleast some BM gear,and hell yah the stunfest with that gear makes a big difference and you know it.


Serious question then. If gear was equalized for Republic, would CC still be a big problem to you?

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Wrong. The stuns on RANGED classes require a proc or setup or don't last as long as kidney shots/melee stuns. Try 2-3 seconds instead of 5-6.


Also polymorph has a cast time, as do many of the soft CC's in the game on RANGED classes. They can be interupted.


I mean seriously. What do you think a sage/sorc is...


It is a vanilla shadow priest dumbed down, that doesn't have to shift in and out of shadow form to heal, and who procs instant mindblasts from spamming mindflay with no cooldown.


Even the grip is stolen from a priest lol.


I played the stupid class in beta led dps by 2 to 1 every game (being bored out of my mind) and gave feedback that it was the most stupidly op, dumbed down class (when hybrid specced) I have ever played in a game.


Want to know what happened? I was harassed every time I gave feedback by people like you whom I outdps by 200 k on a sentinel.


Not cus sentinel is OP, cus I can do even more on a sage/sorc using half the buttons, but because people like you are bad and can't even play a faceroll class right.


I don't even know why I bother trying to get through to the thickheaded developers. We told them sith would be overpopulated so what do they do?


Add same faction warzones which is what led to them being even more overpopulated. This design team is almost as clueless as you are.


Whatever have fun when all the sorcs/sages/commando/mercs hit 50. You can stun eachother and spam your 2-3 button rotations at eachother (where you are spamming one key the majority of the time).


Cus you know, playing a class that I mastered in vanilla WoW (cept easier) with a stun (LOL) is really fun. So is playing an arcane mage in plate who can heal themselves.


Such fantastic game design. Wonder what game Gabe will ruin next.




Oh snap I never thought of it that way, looks like Caelrie and iheartnyc just got schooled again LAWL

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Well, you have a point- the 4 second stuns that you can chain two together make for far longer CC periods than you'd ever get mezzed in DAoC, the god of pvp gaming.


They should have kept pvp similar to DAoC, where stuns/sleeps lasted far less than 4 seconds and you could only do one before they became immune to it.


Yes.. exactly..

I never played DAoC but u guess from what you wrote here, is similar to Warhammer online.

It worked like this:


stager = 9 seconds break with dmg

knocdown = normally 2-3 sec some classes had 4 or 5 sec with specific mechanic


and the important thing - you get immune next ones for 30 seconds when you were hit by these..


root = breaks with dmg and knocback had different immunity but again - when you were hit by root or knocback then you had 30 secons full imunity.


this system strongly forced you to use your brain ! and thats what im missing in swtor

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so you guys are complaining about a class that spams an ability now? there's this wonderful thing called an interrupt. also, sorc/sage damage is sustained, not massive burst like others. They WILL win the drawn out fights. learn to dps them down. (and it is possible to anyone with half a brain)
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That was an imperial vs imperial fight. I also as a bounty hunter put out the best stats of the entire group. I put out more healing then the best damage did damage. My server has many many many many many many many many republic battlemasters so even if I WAS fighting the republic it would have been equal terms. Consular and Inquisiter have no differences they are a mirrior class.


The fact of that screenshot was you have all said that sorcerers have the most stuns and are deadly so I showed you a screenshot where I fought 7 sorcerers and didn't die once still topped the charts and healed myself of 170k damage in a single life + keeping my group alive too.


I'm a bounty hunter Merc Bodyguard. I get three medals or four medals MAX per match. THATS IT! So no medal farming for me.


If that screenshot was too much for you though here is another of me having one inquisiter on my team against a group of republic with 5 consulars. I still didn't die. I put out 50k more healing. And I was focused also.




I have a ton of these...Stuns aren't hard to beat and inquisitors/consulars are a joke unless played by the right people (who are very few) if you notice the one with nearly 500k damage in that SS is actually a marauder. Because a well played marauder>a well played inquisitor.


oh you medal farmed by default by just being there because you were along with all the other casters,plus your class is not like yah know hard to obtain medals.


Yah and in your group that you posted who has what gear? i dunno,ever tried fighting a BM geared player with little PvP gear? maybe those Consulars have none i do not know,but most likely your Imp group far surpasses the Repub group,that is pretty much common knowledge and widely accepted unless your server is special which i doubt.

Edited by Sathid
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again, steps to avoid stunlock:

1.) don't charge in 6v1

2.) keep behind the enemy, they can't attack what they can't see

3.) co-ordinate with your group, let them know if a 2+ on 1 occurs

4.) use whatever DoTs you have (all melees have them) to keep damage up on the stun that will occur

5.) use your own root/stuns

6.) manage your 2min cd


do these things and I personally guarantee half your problems will be solved.


Yup melee should sit back and let ranged attack them. Great plan. Oh wait they can't attack what they can't see. All melee in this game have prolonged stealth I guess.


Also voice communication always happens in pugs. So are you saying this game is total crap unless it is premade vs pug? Cus yeah that is really challenging. Clownstomping undergeared pugs is skill.


I don't think anyone is saying they are having a problem with beating pugs on premades...


To be honest if you can't win games in pugs vs pugs you suck to begin with. They are saying the resolve system sucks. They are saying there was no need for this much INSTANT CAST CC, and RANGED STUNS in a MMO.

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and to the cc=EZ mode comment, obviously not, otherwise you guys wouldn't be crying like my newborn about it. stuns and managing them are a major strategy to both ranged and melee classes. giving a person 30 seconds of immunity after they get hit by one takes out more than half the tactics of pvp
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If you mean BH and you actually think that we can put out damage and heal well with the same spec you are just horribly horribly horribly horribly horribly bad.


It's like midnight, and it's also a school night. What are you doing up? I was right, you are a tracer round spamming merc telling people they are bad.......LOL

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again, being stunlocked for a long time by 2/3 the bg is not ridiculous, it's ridiculous you don't want to be stunlocked that whole time. use tactics, teamwork, and don't charge in against multiple players by yourself, you'll find your issues go away pretty fast


You obviously haven't played the PvP on this game :p


The WZs are geared so that big groups usually fight rather than solo skirmishes. The 'Assassin Medal' for solo kill is surprisingly rare of the layout of the maps and way people play.


The resolve system is *** and should be 1 CC = 20s immunity. When it takes 2 stuns to max my resolve, that could be 8-10s that I'm out the game for. You be dead :p So my 'resolve' has normally extinguished by the time I get back into the action after respawn.


CCs need to be nerfed for DPS classes. For support classes - fine. But this game has a sloppy version of support, which usually means 'be a great healer AND a great DPS', etc.


I don't mind a system where you can switch between 2 spec trees at the touch of a button before the WZs start but when you can heal for 300+K and deal 300+K damage then that's an OP class. If you slap a guard on that class also then you may as well give them GOD-MODE, ha!


The classes in this game are balanced up until the point where people realise how to play them, then BOOM!


This change definitely needs to apply to sorcs/sages, mercs/troopers. (Esp. the latter due to the ability to rock heavy armour). It makes DPS only classes a joke and gives no incentive for people to roll with a tank spec.

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Also voice communication always happens in pugs. So are you saying this game is total crap unless it is premade vs pug? Cus yeah that is really challenging. Clownstomping undergeared pugs is skill.


How is this possibly true? Not everyone on PUGS is on vent, and unless you pregrouped and are on the same vent server (which would make it...not a PUG), can't communicate...

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Yup melee should sit back and let ranged attack them. Great plan. Oh wait they can't attack what they can't see. All melee in this game have prolonged stealth I guess.


Also voice communication always happens in pugs. So are you saying this game is total crap unless it is premade vs pug? Cus yeah that is really challenging. Clownstomping undergeared pugs is skill.


I don't think anyone is saying they are having a problem with beating pugs on premades...


To be honest if you can't win games in pugs vs pugs you suck to begin with. They are saying the resolve system sucks. They are saying there was no need for this much INSTANT CAST CC, and RANGED STUNS in a MMO.


every melee class who can't stealth has a way to close the gap. from there it's keeping behind the caster and rooting/stunning them. and I'll agree a diminishing returns value should be thrown in, but it's not as ridiculous as they are making it out to be. just don't be stupid.

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oh you medal farmed by default by just being there because you were along with all the other casters,plus your class is not like yah know hard to obtain medals.


Yah and in your group that you posted who has what gear? i dunno,ever tried fighting a BM geared player with little PvP gear? maybe those Consulars have non i do not know,but most likely your Imp group far surpasses the Repub group,that is pretty much common knowledge and widely accpted unless your server is special which i doubt.


I don't get medal credit from other classes they do but not me. Republic has the EXACT same caster as imperials BTW.


Battlemaster is worthless it gives single digit stat increases.


As for my server being special? Yes actually it is. The republic have almost just as many as the imperials on my server and are just as geared. We have jedi here with the blue/black lightsabers everywhere.


Here is a SS taken from last tuesday when 100 republic out numbered the 40 imperials over 2 to 1 with so many republic that the ilum 1 zone filled and we were unable to beat them even once the entire night due to sheer numbers.




Here is also the stat difference of battlemaster gear so you can see just how worthless it is.




So yea L2P learn how to resolve and get better and stop making excuses because you're bad.

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I'm not saying diminishing returns wouldn't be a plus, I'm saying that if you go charging in 6v1 (which was the original complaint) you're going to get stunlocked to ****. in a group v group scenario, you should have people supporting you, making the stunlock less of an issue.
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It's like midnight, and it's also a school night. What are you doing up? I was right, you are a tracer round spamming merc telling people they are bad.......LOL


It's 2am and I'm off work this week as I'm moving into a new house. Problem?

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You obviously haven't played the PvP on this game :p


The WZs are geared so that big groups usually fight rather than solo skirmishes. The 'Assassin Medal' for solo kill is surprisingly rare of the layout of the maps and way people play.


Completely disagree with this comment. Organized teams play as teams yes. But in most PUG warzones I've been in, you see an astounding number of 1v1s going on

(sometimes nowhere near the objective point). Sure, they're all happening within the same area, but minimal team healing, team support or buffs/debuffs occuring.


And solo kill doesn't happen often because once one 1v1 finishes, then, and only then, will a PUG go off to help DPS, resulting in a 2v1.

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