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The only CC that doesn't break on damage are stun and knockdown. The 60 second cc's everyone whines about do break on damage, and snares break on damage after 2 seconds. Also, resolve isn't broken, people just don't know how to use it.


You get stunned, that fills up most of your resolve bar. Do not use CC breaker. You get knocked down or whirlwinded, this fills up the rest of your resolve bar. Use CC breaker. Bam, instead CC invulnerability while Resolve is up, proceed to Profit.


LOL I was force choked and died right after I was knocked down yet never got a white resolve bar. It might work for you but I have never once seen it work for me where I was not at 5% life before the cc broke

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Back on topic,i think maybe some people who play classes that use CC alot have not experienced what its like with four or five of you guys spamming this stuff,trust me it really is almost unplayable,.



Thank you, this is what people don't seem to understand.

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I think Age of Conan had a great cc system. ( the game itself was fail ) but the cc system worked. Simple If you were cc'ed you cannot be cc by any cc for 2 sec's afterwards. Also it put's a 20 sec ( or 30 but you get the idea ) imm to that pictiular cc you were just in. Just my 2 cents anyway
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Yes. Resolve is completely broken. But also some cc abilities.


Lost count of how many time i've been using force stasis on an empty resolve player and watched him running away shooting others while taking just the channel damage.


But to sum up what i've read so far:



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Who cares about grammar,i am a co owner of a small buisness and the last thing i am going to think about is my grammar or anything else related.


Back on topic,i think maybe some people who play classes that use CC alot have not experienced what its like with four or five of you guys spamming this stuff,trust me it really is almost unplayable,and dont give me that BS about "There is a mirrored class" or "Use your break" i could say the same things about my class and people using a trinket or that there is a Operative that is the mirror.


I like to grammar police trolls. It's a hobby of mine. And get off your high horse. I could care less about your small business and just because people disagree with you does not make their opinions "BS."

Edited by iheartnyc
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LOL I was force choked and died right after I was knocked down yet never got a white resolve bar. It might work for you but I have never once seen it work for me where I was not at 5% life before the cc broke


Like we said, you don't understand how resolve works. It won't go white from being CCed once. Every CC ability has a points system depending on the types of CC it has and the duration of it. Some (like the old hidden strike) would fill the entire bar in one shot. Others (like force stun) won't.

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Run-on sentence? Uhm no, it's called a "compound sentence", which is composed of two clauses joined by a coordinator (in my case, a comma).


Hate grammar police, but just to show you how uneducated you sound:


"CC is important however in the current state that it is the cc is out of hand." -> "state that it is the" does not make sense


"Also Warhammer could of been" -> you meant "could have been"


"Further more" -> should be "Furthermore" one word


"If you took just one thing that worked from warhammer and that was cc break on damage and that is any type of damage then the cc would be fine in this game." -> this is a run-on sentence because of your failure to use any coordinators to connect the clauses


Just saying.


Stop correcting people's grammar bro. Like we aren't dealing with essays already where I'm from. If you want to be an English teacher no one is stopping you, but there's a time and place for everything.

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Stuns need to be removed entirely. I'm ALL for incapacitates and slows because this promotes cooperative gameplay. If you're running a sloppy team, incapac targets get damaged and the cc is worthless. Against a good team, they're making smart use of focusing down non-incapac'd targets.


As the game stands now, it's not worth $14.99 a month and I spoke with my wallet because of it. 9 days left, which I'll spend in Warzones so I dont' forget why I unsubscribed.

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This game already has that. Players have a resolve bar. NPCs don't.


Resolve doesnt do dick because 3/4's of the cc in the game dont count towards resolve. Mondo lamo. Rooted-stunned-slowed-blasted back. In that 4 cc sequence only the stun counts towards resolve.

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LOL I was force choked and died right after I was knocked down yet never got a white resolve bar. It might work for you but I have never once seen it work for me where I was not at 5% life before the cc broke


You telling me that in your entire WZ not one healer threw a heal on you? Aw, poor guy. roll Iron Citadel, queue with me, and I'll be your pocket healer. Then you will be alive to see Resolve work :p

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Run-on sentence? Uhm no, it's called a "compound sentence", which is composed of two clauses joined by a coordinator (in my case, a comma).


Hate grammar police, but just to show you how uneducated you sound:


"CC is important however in the current state that it is the cc is out of hand." -> "state that it is the" does not make sense


"Also Warhammer could of been" -> you meant "could have been"


"Further more" -> should be "Furthermore" one word


"If you took just one thing that worked from warhammer and that was cc break on damage and that is any type of damage then the cc would be fine in this game." -> this is a run-on sentence because of your failure to use any coordinators to connect the clauses


Just saying.


Just shows that you have no interest in the topic at hand. Its something simple that most people learn when dealing with idiots and forums. You bring out the troll to unvalidate their points. You have no interest here other than to dissuade people from the topic at hand. Your hand has been shown so crawl back under the bridge. Also it shows you play a class that has alot of cc and you dont want to see that changed.


I am right on both accounts, good day troll

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CC is needed in games problem is that in MOST games only a few classes have solid amounts of CC. If you look at say WoW...


Warriors: charge, intercept, shield bash or was it slam?

Rogue: have alot but its part of there core design.

Druids: roots is only CC last i checked, it only immoblizes

Mage: Sheep, have a passive chance to stun as fire but its kinda low

Warlock: Fear, pet intercept stun requires set up distance and micro managing

Death Knight: none(least as far as i remember)

ect ect


point is MOST classes do have CC's but it is fairly sparse and short lived. 1-2 seconds is average stun in WoW from most classes only rogue has an extended 5 second stun and requires alot of build up to do. Most CC breaks on damage or has a chance to break on damage, the issue in TOR is that EVERY single class has a 4 second stun with NO diminishing returns and a resolve system seems to take 3-4 stuns to work. If take WoW for example...each stun lasts less and less time... one possible fix is...


Resolve: resolve builds up and higher your bar shorter each CC lasts applied to you


1 bar: 20% reduction in CC time

2 bars: 40% reduction

3: 60% reduction

4: 80% reduction

5: white bar immune to CC lasts 10 seconds.


Additionally CC breaks remove 1 resolve bar and breaks any CC attached to you and makes you immune to all CC for 2-3 seconds.


Roots added to Resolve so its effected by resolve and cc immunities.


stuns removed or reduced accross the board, most classes do not need a 4 second stun those should be reserved for classes like jugg, maurder, and operative.


just my thoughts on it though.

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Resolve doesnt do dick because 3/4's of the cc in the game dont count towards resolve. Mondo lamo. Rooted-stunned-slowed-blasted back. In that 4 cc sequence only the stun counts towards resolve.


Again, we see someone complaining about resolve without understanding it. Common theme?


Knockbacks count against resolve.

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Just shows that you have no interest in the topic at hand. Its something simple that most people learn when dealing with idiots and forums. You bring out the troll to unvalidate their points. You have no interest here other than to dissuade people from the topic at hand. Your hand has been shown so crawl back under the bridge. Also it shows you play a class that has alot of cc and you dont want to see that changed.


I am right on both accounts, good day troll




Ya I was going to point out the irony but you did it for me

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Thank you, this is what people don't seem to understand.


If the four or five guys are spamming you, then clearly they are a coordinated team, or you are such a big threat to the other team that they feel the need to incapacitate you.


If the former, then of course you'll get rocked PUGing against a group of players who can function as a unit.


If the latter, well what can I say, it sounds like they need to do that to stay alive/keep from you killing them.

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If the four or five guys are spamming you, then clearly they are a coordinated team, or you are such a big threat to the other team that they feel the need to incapacitate you.


If the former, then of course you'll get rocked PUGing against a group of players who can function as a unit.


If the latter, well what can I say, it sounds like they need to do that to stay alive/keep from you killing them.

Not to mention, if 4 or 5 people are on you, you're dead anyway. Who cares if they're using CC? Would it feel better if they just killed you in 4 seconds?

Edited by Caelrie
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Just shows that you have no interest in the topic at hand. Its something simple that most people learn when dealing with idiots and forums. You bring out the troll to unvalidate their points. You have no interest here other than to dissuade people from the topic at hand. Your hand has been shown so crawl back under the bridge. Also it shows you play a class that has alot of cc and you dont want to see that changed.


I am right on both accounts, good day troll


"Its" -> should be "It's"


"Unvalidate" -> should be "Invalidate"


Seriously though, have you not read a single post that I made on this thread about how I don't CC? My main is a Sorcerer, my CCs suck (whirlwind broken upon damage) and electrocute (temporary short-term stun). I don't CC. But then I've played a lot of Warzones and have managed to avoid getting "CC spammed" 99% of the time.


You should just stop being bad at the game, or playing on a PUG Warzone against people who know how to play as a team.

Edited by iheartnyc
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If the four or five guys are spamming you, then clearly they are a coordinated team, or you are such a big threat to the other team that they feel the need to incapacitate you.


If the former, then of course you'll get rocked PUGing against a group of players who can function as a unit.


If the latter, well what can I say, it sounds like they need to do that to stay alive/keep from you killing them.


And this is why the resolve bar is useless all the way to it's core.


The % deducted doesn't mean squat if you are already brought down to 30% HP from the previous people attacking you. The resolve bar is only effect against 1 on 1. If I have 3 people on me, it's useless, but then again who survives a 1 vs 3. That being said, if you are making a great escape, which is what I usually do, being stunned every 3 seconds makes you wonder where the hell all these CC's are coming from.

Edited by Deathrupter
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Not to mention, if 4 or 5 people are on you, you're dead anyway. Who cares if they're using CC? Would it feel better if they just killed you in 4 seconds?


LOL thats the point. You dont have to be the focus target to get cc'ed. If you have a four man team you can lock down one person by retargeting them. Also if I have 4 guys on me I expect to do something other than stand around with my thumb up my arse.

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LOL thats the point. You dont have to be the focus target to get cc'ed. If you have a four man team you can lock down one person by retargeting them. Also if I have 4 guys on me I expect to do something other than stand around with my thumb up my arse.


Then your expectations are too high. If 4 people are on you, you should be dead. If you can survive 4 people, you need a nerf.

Edited by Caelrie
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And this is why the resolve bar is useless all the way to it's core.


The % deducted doesn't mean squat if you are already brought down to 30% HP from the previous people attacking you. The resolve bar is only effect against 1 on 1. If I have 3 people on me, it's useless, but then again who survives a 1 vs 3. That being said, if you are making a great escape, which is what I usually do, being stunned every 3 seconds makes you wonder where the hell are these CC's coming from


Short-term stun effects which every player has? Just avoid getting into 1v3 or 1v4. Seriously. Positioning and AWARENESS of where your team is, is VERY important in any PvP game (RTS or FPS). If you get caught out of position alone in any PvP game, you're usually dead. Meaning, if 3 players can be spamming you with stuns, while you're trying to run away, and you don't have ANY teammates around you to support or heal you, you or your teammates clearly did something wrong.

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CC can be toned down without affecting pve at all. Just make resolve drain slower. Or else make partial resolve partially reduce CC length. It's like a 20 minute fix, I'd rather CC be too ineffective than too effective.
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And here is the typical fanboi response. No this is how it should work not how I wished it worked. This will be one of the many reasons why you will see this game fail. Just like warhammer because they waited until the end to fix the cc problems in the game


So... Why didn't Bioware hire you?

Edited by Shadow_Spec
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