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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

It's not even healthy anymore


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after being CC'd, I got tons of dps on me without the CC breaking. That's not normal at all.


as a melee myself i can second that.


Slows, mezz, stuns, knocks ... and we only have this one skill to break it every then and when ...


you need to have a strong pewpew as a melee ..

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Stop sticking out and getting tab targeted by the entire enemy team.


You know what other game had a bunch of CC? DAoC. And it had great pvp.


I wish they would bring back the CC class archetype, immortal jugs kind of fit but their cooldowns are too long

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Last night in Ilum I was really frustrated. Resolve is completely broken. I'll try to explain why.


A bunch of Republics on a bridge. I charge in, shielded up (I'm a Merc). I AOE knockback. Of course I get cc'd. OK, resolve is full. I trinket so I can get back to my team. Er... stuck again. And again. That resolve bar is full, but I am still being stunned, rooted etc. Its a rediculous situation.


Resolve needs to be based on the recipient, not the cc'er. BW have stated that its fine for other players to cc you once your resolve is full from another player's cc's. I just can't get my head around why they did it that way.

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