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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

It's not even healthy anymore


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and to the cc=EZ mode comment, obviously not, otherwise you guys wouldn't be crying like my newborn about it. stuns and managing them are a major strategy to both ranged and melee classes. giving a person 30 seconds of immunity after they get hit by one takes out more than half the tactics of pvp


LOL takes out half your tactics because you cant chain cc someone. Learn to play, maybe kite around a bit, line of sight people instead of standing there hitting 3 buttons focusing the target that has been locked in place

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wow that was a pretty long post....




To the people getting CC'd 4 times in a row.....you should probably stop trying to go 1 vs 4, and attack as part of a group.


LOL you got nothing from that post because you dont want to see the present system changed. They did this in warhammer and they let it go from almost a full year. During that time almost 85% of the population left the game. Game breaking is just that, when you see people complaining about it over and over and nothing gets done you just wont see those people anymore. If its not fixed just like hammer you will see the population just bleed out. EA will then pull the plug on this game too.

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Very untrue. Resolve is broken, I've been stunlocked while having a white resolve bar. Though to its credit it does work sometimes, just not most of the time. CC isn't the problem its the bugged out resolve system.


This, I rarely notice the resolve bar working. When it's does it's beautiful because it's a killin' time. Most of the time it goes something like whirlwind, oh good I have a white bar, force speed, force pull, come here you naughty sorc, stunned. Hmm, that's odd... Lightning spam, dots, knockback, slows, dead.

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If you can find a way to do it without screwing over my PVE then fine.


The unfortunate fact is PVP and PVE can't be balanced simultaniously. CC is very important for PVE even in solo play due to multiple enemy groups.


They should roll out diminishing returns for you PVPers... You know homogenize everything down for you guys and give you the total blandness you seem to crave.


It's always the other guy or game's fault right?


In the last patch they changed several abilities from being both pvp and pve to only being possible to use in one or the other. That is one possible solution to the constant stunlock cc-fest.


And to the above, yes resolve is broken. No guarantee itll work.

Edited by Flowerslayer
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LOL you got nothing from that post because you dont want to see the present system changed


No I can just tell who's no good at PvP. I get chain stunned alot and its no big deal. Its usually my fault that I put myself in that position.


Just last nite during voidstar, we were attacking and 3 lives in a row I got chain stunned and rofflestomped. I started to get a little upset about the whole thing.


Then a few mins later I clicked the data term and we won. I noticed I went 47-3, those were my only 3 deaths and I suddenly didn't mind anymore. I realized that every once in a while, its gonna happen to me.

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I seriously can't stand the CC's in this game. I've been observing this for a while now. People are just abusing CC's in PVP. I can't even play an aggressive play style without feeling like a tree half of the time. Literally run and stop and run and stop... Where's the fun ?You have any idea how this defies many laws of psychology?


The "ID", google it.


I watched your videos on youtube.... u lack serious skills in PvP... first i thought ***? when i saw this thread, then i watched the videos, now i understand why u made this thread.... the game is fine PvP-wise, its you that needs to improve.


I know this might sound harsh on you, but its the truth , you just need to get better. play some other classes and learn from them.


Good luck

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I think CC is mostly fine as it is. You just need to learn which abilities are stuns and which aren't. As an Operative healer I beat a Concealment Operative in 1vs1 because he didn't understand CC properly. He kept using his break on my Flash Grenade (which breaks on damage), once he did that, I hit him with the stun. Not only could I heal back up, I could throw extra DPS out. If he had held off on the first one, I would heal up, but the moment he took damage he would be able to come after me. I wouldn't have gotten the extra DPS needed to drop him before he dropped me. He also blew his stuns early and I broke them. I still got rooted up and slowed a bit, but it didn't matter. Those few things put me in resolve and I was able to heal while rooted to offset some DPS. Once his stun came back around I was in resolve and it was wasted. There is no reason I should have won that fight other than the player not understanding when to use CC, which CC to use, and when to use his CC break.


It took me a bit of time to learn to recognize the different CCs and which I should and shouldn't break on, but once I did, it became a much better experience and now I find it a lot of fun in terms of strategy. Knowing when to use which CC, when to break, trying to mix up my opponent and trick them into using their break early, it's a lot of fun.


There are a few annoyances that they could easily fix though. It would be good if all ability CDs reset on death. This would prevent you from being in a situation where you died shortly after using your break and now you have to run back in and you just get stun locked and killed. This would also help balance out matches some. I'm out of the match and away from my team for a while, so the winning team gets advantage there. But when I come back I've got all my skills available, while the other team may still be on CD from others. This gives my team a better chance to put up a fight after a big defeat and would help to cut back on the very one sided PvP matches that seem to occur most the time.


With the number of Pulls and Charges in the game, knockback should have more impact on resolve. Cutting a down slightly on the number of displacement effects a player deals with will greatly reduce the feeling of overwhelming CC. Despite knowing the system well, I still get annoyed when I get bounced around five times in a row and can't do anything.


Abilities like Force Choke should be effected by resolve. In PvE some enemies will take damage from choke/grip and still remain moving/attacking. In PvP it locks you down regardless of resolve being filled or not. As a result, a smart team will have force users abusing Choke/Grip on players that hit Resolve in order to keep them locked up. Pull/Charge is one thing, I'm still mobile. But allow Choke/Grip to lock me down when Resolve is full doesn't make much sense.

Edited by AnemicBoy
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No I can just tell who's no good at PvP. I get chain stunned alot and its no big deal. Its usually my fault that I put myself in that position.


Just last nite during voidstar, we were attacking and 3 lives in a row I got chain stunned and rofflestomped. I started to get a little upset about the whole thing.


Then a few mins later I clicked the data term and we won. I noticed I went 47-3, those were my only 3 deaths and I suddenly didn't mind anymore. I realized that every once in a while, its gonna happen to me.


how can you tell that i am no good at pvp through my comments? I had a very high rated loc in WOW. I could easily take on 2 people and win. I was one of the best WP on my server in warhammer. I could keep my 6 man group running with just me healing not to mention senarios where I was the only healer keeping up 12 people (granted that was against other pug teams). Not to mention my friend played a knight and we would dominate 4 to 5 people. This game I can kill people one on one with little effort due to the way the cc system works. If you have a two on one you have no chance to even move no less get some dps off. How can you consider that fun or even skillful when all you need is a snare stun then root that doesnt break on damage. Also dont even get me started on force choke. How they thought that would be fine boggles my mind.

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I watched your videos on youtube.... u lack serious skills in PvP... first i thought ***? when i saw this thread, then i watched the videos, now i understand why u made this thread.... the game is fine PvP-wise, its you that needs to improve.


I know this might sound harsh on you, but its the truth , you just need to get better. play some other classes and learn from them.


Good luck


Yah, he's a back-peddling clicker. CC is the least of his problems.

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how can you tell that i am no good at pvp through my comments? I had a very high rated loc in WOW. I could easily take on 2 people and win. I was one of the best WP on my server in warhammer. I could keep my 6 man group running with just me healing not to mention senarios where I was the only healer keeping up 12 people (granted that was against other pug teams). Not to mention my friend played a knight and we would dominate 4 to 5 people. This game I can kill people one on one with little effort due to the way the cc system works. If you have a two on one you have no chance to even move no less get some dps off. How can you consider that fun or even skillful when all you need is a snare stun then root that doesnt break on damage. Also dont even get me started on force choke. How they thought that would be fine boggles my mind.


QQ Baddy

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Yah, he's a back-peddling clicker. CC is the least of his problems.


You're right, I'll just stand in 1 spot when someone attacks me. Use your logic. Sometimes people say stuff on this forum that makes me want to say more than I'm allowed too. But Ill refrain.



it's like in call of duty when people rage against people who "drop shot" , the simple reply to that is " What am I suppose to do ? stand in one spot and let you kill me ? "... Pvp is more than just using skills, you need to learn how to move.



So before you judge someone for " back peddling", learn the benefits of it rather putting someone down for using this strategy. Clicker? my first video I clicked a lot and the second and third video I barely clicked.



Listen , if you want to bring me down, you can try but at least talk with a little bit of sense otherwise I'll have no choice but do correct you every time.


I stated my opinion on CC's and you've made it more personal. First you were on topic and now you judge the way I play.


And I wonder, where does a girl learn to speak like this. <--- thats a personal statement which is steeping low on the internet.

Edited by Deathrupter
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Agreed about the CC. This game is the king of CC-fests. I'm fairly sure it will change for the better; it basically has to.


My suggestion: I noticed that several of my guardian's stuns/immobilizers like those attached to bladestorm and master strike (and some high dps stun/snare dependent abilities like opportune strike) do not work in pvp - that needs to happen with many more abilities from other classes.


Huttball is mostly only fun for ranged classes, characters with healbots following them, masochists and the game devs watching us scrambling around as we get tossed around like 1st graders in an inflatable bouncing tent.


It's gotten to the point where any of my level 50 guardians major attacks that have animations (force sweep, overhead slash and, of course, master strike) are instantly interrupted. Two of those attacks are only effective/usable once every 20-30 seconds and the interrupts (stun, knockback) of many classes are on shorter rts thant that. So even 1v1, my character's windups are dependent on the enemy sorceror/bh/whatever to be looking the other way...

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Back pedaling has a place, specifically when a melee is coming in past your outer hitbox and you are also a melee. There are some other occasional uses for back pedaling. There is no excuse for clicking.


This is what happened, I posted my first video, and people gave me some good feedback and I corrected it.


When I posted video #2 and 3, most of those problems were corrected.



People should watch before they want to throw an insult me



Edited by Deathrupter
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You're right, I'll just stand in 1 spot when someone attacks me. Use your logic. Sometimes people say stuff on this forum that makes me want to say more than I'm allowed too. But Ill refrain.



it's like in call of duty when people rage against people who "drop shot" , the simple reply to that is " What am I suppose to do ? stand in one spot and let you kill me ? "... Pvp is more than just using skills, you need to learn how to move.



So before you judge someone for " back peddling", learn the benefits of it rather putting someone down for using this strategy. Clicker? my first video I clicked a lot and the second and third video I barely clicked.



Listen , if you want to bring me down, you can try but at least talk with a little bit of sense otherwise I'll have no choice but do correct you every time.


I stated my opinion on CC's and you've made it more personal. First you were on topic and now you judge the way I play.


And I wonder, where does a girl learn to speak like this. <--- thats a personal statement which is steeping low on the internet.


Moving isn't the problem. It's backpedaling, using the S key is slower than mousing off center and using your strafe keys. You look incompetent by backpedaling. It's honestly one of the quickest ways to tell how decent someone is. If they backpedal or if they just unbound S.


You move probably twice as fast by mouse/strafing rather then backpedaling. Backpedaling has zero advantage.

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Every complaint here can be solved with teamwork.


I know, that's too much to ask of people in a team game.


OMG I GET CC'd TOO LONG!... Well get a cleanse. These things can be removed from you just like in WOW and WAR and almost every other mmo. But ill give you a heads up. The max CC duration is way shorter then this then in WoW. Wow can go from 8->4->2->1 sec cc with the same move 4 times. That would be 15 seconds long before you go immune. And that would just be on a single CC type, you could get the same chain in another type and not be immune to that. In Swtor if someone hits you with a 4 second or greater cc you are immune afterwards. Just like wow as well, slows dont count against DR/resolve.


So whats the solution? Play with people who aren't stupid and are going to cleanse you, stick together as a team. The wz right now aren't rated, they are pug fests. Take them for what they are, this isn't a competitive form of pvp yet. When the rated's come and and there's an issue when its actually a competent team vs another competent team then we can talk about when and where cc is overpowered.

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imho, CC chain ruins every game.

you can say what you want, it discusts me

it doesnt let players use their abilities.

CC one time to prevent enemy from doing whatever he is doing= ok

4 secs stuns?= GARBAGE

4 sec stun followed by another stun from someone else while first guy kills you freely, cause you are a standing cadaver=GARBAGE

A CC should give you 15 secs CC immunity, or 3 GC.

Other games had this problem, CC chain, etc, and PvP turned to be WAAAY more tacticall,

chalenging, fair and FUN.

But what do i care, ill be playing GW2 when BW realises they lost 80% of their PvPers.

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sounds like you mad cause you get CCed by smart players then melted, PvP isnt a Raid you have to push more than 3 bottons & adept to the class you are fighiting a good player will wipe you as fast as a Raid boss! Edited by Airoper
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CC is such a wonderful topic. People get so mad about it, and for good reason.


As soon as you lose the ability to do anything in a game, it stops being a game. You are now watching a movie, where you are the star, and it doesn't end well.


This goes back to a basic design principal called COUNTER PLAY. Games that create situations in which there is no counter play are not fun.


Soft CC, like snares, roots, pulls, pushes, and silences are fine, because you still have options for how to counter play.


Hard CC such as stuns do not offer counter play, barring the use of your 1 or 2 CC breakers that are on far longer cooldowns than the CC's of the multiple enemies you are facing.


So far game's have instituted numerous ways to include hard CC in PvP, with the goal of not entirely frustrating the players. Some of these are more successful than others at achieving that goal.


1. Diminishing Returns - This method still leaves the period in which there is no counter play, and no two people will ever agree on what "feels" acceptable when it comes to Diminishing Returns. SWToR has the resolve system which is really just a fancy modified Diminishing Returns system and thus there is plenty of room to argue whether it is good enough. Hint to the devs, if there is argument then this is not an adequate solution.


2. Incapacitates - Otherwise knows as CC that breaks upon taking damage. In PvP this is another poor concept because coordinated teams will be able to abuse this.


3. Channeled CC - This is reasonable, because in order to maintain CC on an opponent the player is effectively CC themselves. This results in a strategic use case that pauses play on both sides. These should never deal damage however, because that would disrupt the net gain/loss for the parties involved.


4. CC that grants damage immunity - This is another solid mechanic. The player that is not able to do anything is also immune to incoming damage, so while they are temporarily removed from the combat, they do not need to fear denial of play. You remove the "burst from 100% to dead" scenario, which greatly lessens the rage generated by having no immediate counter play.


A lot of work could be done to improve the fun factor of the game's PvP. Hopefully it comes with time. For now however, things are not imbalanced in regards to CC.


The largest imbalance in this game comes from being matched against people of different gear levels, but that is a whole different game design discussion.

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Learn how resolve works.


Resolve is useless for a Melee class.


You get CCd, while getting smashed by a player, then another player CCs you, resolve fills up, all the while your still getting hammered by 2 players now.


Player 1 attempts to CC you again, Resolve kicks in YEY, unfortuantly, you die a second later.


RESPAWN depending on your luck, you may be in you respawn waiting for the duration of the resolve to end, or the time it takes to get back into the fight, resolve is depleted.


Oh and then the CC sequence starts again.


And don't tell me ******** about I shouldn't be taking on 2-4 players at a time. The truth is I don't set out to take on 2-4 players at a time. I target one and start my ability rotation, but his buddies see me, stop what they are doing and come to his aid, just as I would if I saw a teammate getting targeted as well.


People will always go for a group kill....its faster and more effective than engaging 1v1.

Edited by Ajudicated
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