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Deserter Debuff


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BIO for the love of god and all this is pure in MMO gaming ....Please oh please make a deserter debuff of 30-60 mins


I am sick to death of all the weak minded non skilled morons that leave a WZ after one cap or one thing goes wrong ...and once they do its 5-8 and you no chance of catching up until its too late


FIX IT PLEASE I BEG you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:


Sure, they could do that. Then it'll take even longer for a warzone to pop.

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There absolutely needs to be a deserter debuff.


That Real Life issues can cause you to have to AFK is a necessary cost to avoid the rampant abuse -- abuse including the unfortunate fact that AFK'ing a WZ is the fastest way to get to your Fleet (silly!).


PSST. That won't stop the AFKing to fleet problem. It's still a 30 min fleet hearth compared to 18 hours or whatever ridiculous nonsense it is now.


Solve the actual problem, not the symptom.

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So yeah, if I am lossing then yes I will damn well leave because there really isn't a point to try win. How about you try harder? I don't expect to win when I was entering the the ring, best I could do is just play death match and try to kill anything in site to whittle down their numbers (it is the easiest thing to do BTW) so you can do the rest.

Look out y'all this guy knows his warzones, he leaves during losses and plays em like deathmatches.


PSA: Whittling down opponents is not a good strat in any of the current warzones as every objective is very close to their spawn.


In huttball if you kill that sorcerer/merc when your team is close to capping, your ball carrier may end up in the pit, let that sorc in the middle of the map live and it is an easy score.


In civil war if you "whittle down" your opponents they will be chain rezzing and able to keep you off the nodes (as if you care).


Void star when you blow up the first door if you leave everyone on the other team alive and get out in front they will have a really hard time catching up unless you kill them (which ports them in front of you).


In summary deathmatchers are idiots who often cokcblock the objectives for those trying to win, then (you know the type) they whine about how everyone sucks but them and leave early ensuring the loss that they helped create.


Anyway, I'll say it again. 30 min deserter debuff that allows you to queue and enter but halves your valor/commendation gains and blocks dailies.

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There are too many bugs/exploits in Warzones to implement a deserter debuff. Sorry, but I'm not going to stay in a Voidstar after someone uses one of the multiple exploits to plant a bomb on the door when they cannot be attacked. I am not going to stay in a game when the crappy bugged CC leaves me stuck in place (dead or not dead) and reloading the UI does nothing, can't /stuck, and if I'm dead, can't even release to respawn. I am in fact helping my team by leaving the warzone so they can get an at least functional player in my spot.


Also, there cannot be a deserter debuff unless there is also a vote to kick feature added. I am not going to stay in a Hutball where there is someone on my team in the same guild as the premade on the other team that throws them the ball or gives them a jump target in the endzone or yanks their own players into the fire to give the other team a score. Also not going to stay in games when the other 4 players are completely worthless.


Finally, there cannot be a deserter debuff unless there is also a feature to just allow people to pick what Warzone they want to queue for. Lots of people hate one of the maps. Shouldn't penalize people for not wanting to play a map when they have no ability to choose.


The reality is that the number of games where people purposely leave early is a very small minority. In fact I would guarantee that there are far more occurrences of people crashing out than there are of people choosing to leave.

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Deserter debuff should exist, but unfortunatly I have to agree with many that game issues can cause someone to get booted and they should not have to suffer.


Maybe add a stacking deserter debuff for those that make it a habit of, if the other team scores once, they leave. First stack, can not que for 5 mins, debuff last 10 min. If you receive a second stack while having the debuff it doubles the time of the debuff and the time you are locked out of queing. So if you left the first time, you have to be in the instance for 5 min at least or a second debuff will hit you and move your lockout to 10 min and debuff for 20 min.


It's not ideal, some would still work around it, but it may discourage some losers who think its right to bail rather then help if it doesn't look like the team will carry them.


Those against a deserter debuff because the system is not stable have a valid concern, and I empathize. Those against it because they want to bail and re-que until they get on a team with an unstoppable 4 man pre-made because they suck so bad it is better to ride coat tails instead of learning to play and contributing, I hate you and hope you quit the game.

Edited by Bracosius
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There are too many bugs/exploits in Warzones to implement a deserter debuff. Sorry, but I'm not going to stay in a Voidstar after someone uses one of the multiple exploits to plant a bomb on the door when they cannot be attacked. I am not going to stay in a game when the crappy bugged CC leaves me stuck in place (dead or not dead) and reloading the UI does nothing, can't /stuck, and if I'm dead, can't even release to respawn. I am in fact helping my team by leaving the warzone so they can get an at least functional player in my spot.


Also, there cannot be a deserter debuff unless there is also a vote to kick feature added. I am not going to stay in a Hutball where there is someone on my team in the same guild as the premade on the other team that throws them the ball or gives them a jump target in the endzone or yanks their own players into the fire to give the other team a score. Also not going to stay in games when the other 4 players are completely worthless.


Finally, there cannot be a deserter debuff unless there is also a feature to just allow people to pick what Warzone they want to queue for. Lots of people hate one of the maps. Shouldn't penalize people for not wanting to play a map when they have no ability to choose.


The reality is that the number of games where people purposely leave early is a very small minority. In fact I would guarantee that there are far more occurrences of people crashing out than there are of people choosing to leave.


Or Force Leap into the Nebula outside of the Voidstar. Force Leap through a fire pit back into Nar Shadda country zone...Force leap into the broken door in Voidstar, cannot move. Force Leap a Force Speed sorceror who just transitioned elevations, so that your character is stuck inside an invisible cage, or my absolute favorite-Force leaping to the character screen.


In WoW and WAR, I have never had so many bugs which cause you to bug out and not be able to rezz. My deserter debuff in WoW was justified as all I did was cap the first point in AV, and "guard" it while doing homework. In SWTOR, I'm just getting screwed by game mechanics.


Just last night, I was playing my alt, and I jumped down from the Voidstar spawn, and the deserter debuff didn't leave me...really?!...not only do my wins not count, but deserter debuff doesn't always clear....there are not enough palms in the world to facepalm the faces in this world.


If I get a deserter debuff prior to them fixing their ******** force leap mechanics amongst the myriad other bugs and exploits, I'm sure there are other game developers who deserve my money more.

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Pro-tip: Go out to your kitchen, pour yourself a nice cold drink, sigh in contention, now smash it on the counter and grab a shard to slash your...


You get the point. Its a freaking video game FFS, I know damn well every one of you keyboard jockies in favor of desertion buffs have walked away from something in your life that you didn't see a point to continue because it wasn't worth it. Someone quiting a match is no different, you don't like it because it affects your gamer score yet...I am pretty sure you have dissappointed someone deserting on them.


How about adding a debuff as the higher your score racks up, your stats get debuffed so you play worse...lets the underleveled / less skilled have a fighting chance. Yeah, I don't get give a damn to get face rolled in a button mashing bad sex its over in seconds clickfest where STATISTICAL ADVANTAGE > Skill any day of the week. Better gear, more powers, more skill points slotted, more hitpoints...you still have the advantage in your favor regardless of the fact a lower level has the chance to defeat you...the odds are still in favor. Exact reason I hated World of Tanks (Tanks fun, being disadvantaged by a mile because your gun bounces, your armor is way to thin vs their pen, and you have 1/4 of their hitpoints...**** yeah I loved blowing up my tank in their face)


So yeah, if I am lossing then yes I will damn well leave because there really isn't a point to try win. How about you try harder? I don't expect to win when I was entering the the ring, best I could do is just play death match and try to kill anything in site to whittle down their numbers (it is the easiest thing to do BTW) so you can do the rest.


Or...how about better awards all around even for losing.. You face punch me for OVER 9000!!! points and getting massive rewards for it...I get massive rewards for taking the hit. YOU PAY ME TO BE YOUR PUNCHING BAG! Yeah, sounds more fun...I whack you off as you off me and we both awarded for it. FFS, I know you don't work for free while your boss makes bank off your labor unless you are getting compensated well enough for your time with an agreeable amount and the minimum wage payout for getting beat down in a WZ isn't justifable for my team spent going through the same crap match after match because Knockback -> Stun -> Whack! -> Whack = dead in seconds.


Oh and I am sure if you leave you don't get any reward. Punishment enough for wasting my time.


This is the guy I hate, yes I said HATE towards you. The ONLY person you give a flyin F about is yourself. Who gives a damn about the person that has just sat in queue for 20 minutes and has to come in behind you. Wasting those 20 minutes in queue and now having to fill your slot in a match you helped F up.


I don't want to come in behind you, I didn't make your match a losing match, you did. You stay. NO, that next match isn't meant for YOU, it is meant for ME, the one who just sat in queue for 20 minutes waiting on it while you were pissin away YOUR match.


You dont want to waste your 5 minutes on the loss you helped create, well guess what....NEITHER DO I. You quit your match, you sit out the next queue, stop flipping the queue so you get back to back chances at the perfect team and screwing the rest of us in the process.


Oh and if YOU don't like it, tough ****! :D

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I vote a resounding NO to the deserter debuff idea - at least until they implement a smarter queue system where I can queue for specific warzones (absolutely NO huttball please) and team compositions (like I don't EVER want to see a premade if I queue solo).


Once those things are in, then you can put in a deserter debuff.

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Well, I am sick to death of all the people that think having a deserter debuff in the game in its current state would help AT ALL.


You wanna know what would really happen? People would just AFK and not leave, meaning that no one can even join to take their spot.


They have to first address people that AFK and the fact when you join a WZ late you can be kicked out before you can get out of the starting zone before they even consider putting in a deserter debuff.


Hope you can understand that.

This end up RARELY being the case, in my past experience with every MMO once they put in a deserter debuff.


In comparison to the number of people who jump ship EVERY SINGLE MATCH when their team starts to lose, the number of folks who want to stand around and do nothing comes in at a very distant second.


Remember, we're talking about a bunch of over-obsessed, probably ADHD, slobbering foreveralones and the last thing they want to do is waste their time doing nothing. They can leave early, go PVP on Ilum while their deserter debuff wears off, then go back to warzones and quit early again. They'll get paddled with this so many times that eventually they'll get sick of seeing that it's taking them much longer to get their daily done, and to just stick it out in WZ's. At least then they still have a chance of getting a win credit because they match could be turned around for a win. Quitting or standing around doing nothing, however, will never yield a win credit.


edit: But I am moderately amused at the small understanding of human psychology going on here. You can definitely tell who the WZ quitters are. They're the ones with the defeatist attitudes here in the threads, saying things like, "fixing things will never work, because..." (this is really all I'm getting out of the posts who think deserter debuffs won't work, when clearly it works with every other MMO.)

Edited by Nangasaur
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my quest says : win a pvp match


im on my alt as i write this, lvl 44

i end up in wzs with half my ops being lvl 10 (not even sprint), majority generally lvl 30~ ish at best (not as many abilities) and the other ops scores within 2 minutes, my team totally disoriented and the military precision of toddlers in a washing machine.


i know i will not be able to complete my quest...i leave.

su me?



since this is about the deserter buff...

why would i deserve one? because i refuse to watch this sad game to the long end?

its a totally different story if the quest says " play a match" like it does on earlier lvls.

i stay until the end and do my best.

but if its "win a match" ?

see above and i will keep doing that and i doubt you can blame anyone for it, leave alone a deserter buff...

the devs can start thinking about such a thing after introducing wzs brackets in 10s steps.


Edited by Dekkard_TNGC
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BIO for the love of god and all this is pure in MMO gaming ....Please oh please make a deserter debuff of 30-60 mins


I am sick to death of all the weak minded non skilled morons that leave a WZ after one cap or one thing goes wrong ...and once they do its 5-8 and you no chance of catching up until its too late


FIX IT PLEASE I BEG you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:


If it wasnt for the 'non skilled morons' that allowed the first 2 flag caps in the opening 2mins of huttball, or the whole team piling on 1 base/door in the other 2 WZs to allow the other team to go 2 bases up or straight through that un-defended door, the 'non-skilled morons' that you refer to wouldnt have a reason to leave

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my quest says : win a pvp match


im on my alt as i write this, lvl 44

i end up in wzs with half my ops being lvl 10 (not even sprint), majority generally lvl 30~ ish at best (not as many abilities) and the other ops scores within 2 minutes, my team totally disoriented and the military precision of toddlers in a washing machine.


i know i will not be able to complete my quest...i leave.

su me?

If you die during a PvE quest, do you leave?


If you wipe in a FP, do you leave?


At least stay for the zomg 5 minutes it's going to take for them to win, get your commendations, exp, and valor for losing, and re-queue. But honestly, complaining about not being able to complete your PVP daily when you are sub-50 is...just...well...amusing. You'd be better off just moving to the next planet in your level grind, because that's all the sub-level 50 PVP quest really amounts to in terms of granting anything useful: exp.

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If you die during a PvE quest, do you leave?


If you wipe in a FP, do you leave?


At least stay for the zomg 5 minutes it's going to take for them to win, get your commendations, exp, and valor for losing, and re-queue. But honestly, complaining about not being able to complete your PVP daily when you are sub-50 is...just...well...amusing. You'd be better off just moving to the next planet in your level grind, because that's all the sub-level 50 PVP quest really amounts to in terms of granting anything useful: exp.


edited my post,sorry about that.


and no, i dont leave it in pve to it ofc.

but then i dont quest with people 30 lvl below my own in my area..

Edited by Dekkard_TNGC
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debuff is not entirely fair but a vote kick system would be imo that takes care of the afkers as well.


Instead of a vote to kick (because that could be abused), just say ... if you're spec'd DPS for instance you have to gain a certain amount of damage to get ANY rewards from that match, exp, valor, etc. Say you make it pretty low, around 50K damage ...


The problem with your suggestion is that means I can still thrown into matches with seconds to go, my team is winning and get ALL the exp, etc for a full match which we won.


The damage suggestion (or healing, whatever) would make it so that AFKers can't bot their characters so it appears they're moving but the players actually asleep whilst their toon is in WZs.

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Gotta love how 90% of the people against this start or end their arguments with" because my team are morons/stupid/noobs"



I am all for implementing this, if they can code it to where any force loggers and people that click leave war zone only are penalized then sweet, if not just chalk it up to the cost of doing business.


The biggest problem with all these games is everyone forgets that everyone else has an equal right to enjoy this game.

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Absolutely not.


I'd rather play with half a team and lose and at least finish than get in, just barely miss being able to run out into the game, and get kicked because I was stuck where we rez even though I wasn't afk and get booted for no reason and on top of that have to wait an hour to queue again.


If I had a penny for every time it's kicked me because it shut me in that stupid little area as soon as I got in...

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If it wasnt for the 'non skilled morons' that allowed the first 2 flag caps in the opening 2mins of huttball, or the whole team piling on 1 base/door in the other 2 WZs to allow the other team to go 2 bases up or straight through that un-defended door, the 'non-skilled morons' that you refer to wouldnt have a reason to leave


A lot of the time I end up in matches with 4 other guys against a full-team. They score (like they fckn should with almost double the players) and maybe score again. And THEN the WZ abort is cancelled because we get a full-team ... one or 2 see the score and leave ... so they score again. So on, so forth.

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Not sure what you mean by 'de-buff' but they shouldn't be allowed to re-enter a WZ for 15 minutes.


Yes, real-life happens. Yes, internet connectivity issues happen.


But waiting 15 minutes to re-join a WZ isn't going to kill you...and it will prevent people from WZ-hopping to find a winning team.


EQ 2 has been doing this for years and it's very effective.

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