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Deserter Debuff


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A lot of the time I end up in matches with 4 other guys against a full-team. They score (like they fckn should with almost double the players) and maybe score again. And THEN the WZ abort is cancelled because we get a full-team ... one or 2 see the score and leave ... so they score again. So on, so forth.


Aye, happened to me a few times, im fortunate enough to not have massive que times and this is pretty much the only time I will leave (clock dependant)


I kinda agree on the idea some debuff should be implemented but I will continue to quit any game i feel and re-join until there is one

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Personally I'd like to see WZs brought down to 10mins tops. VS wouldn't be possible (for obvious reasons) but tight games are FUN but very rare. Usually one side just gumba-stomps the other and in Huttball this usually leads to farm or be farmed at 5-0/5-1 with currently up to another 6-7 minutes to go.


Those are where the 450-500+K Damage games are.


If you're a good DPS you should be able to hit your 300+K damage in 10 minutes. Healing I'm not sure ...


Would speed things up for those 'casuals' who want their sh*t faster, etc, and hopefully take the edge off the grind a little. Not that fussed about the 15min timer but just an idea.

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The biggest problem with all these games is everyone forgets that everyone else has an equal right to enjoy this game.


Disagree. I don't think we should fuse rights and opportunities. Prime example off the top of my head ... someone may ENJOY spamming n00b tubes in MW2 ...


Everyone should have equal OPPORTUNITY to enjoy the game, but having a Right? LOL :D No.

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Reduced times in WZ aint a bad idea. Agreed, im not that fussed with 15mins but a reduced time might help.


Removing medals would help imo, give the teams winning less reason to 'farm' the other team.


Give both winning/losing sides an increas to what they get at the end of the game - say an average of 5medals per game as it stands, add that to each sides total then just removing the reward for medals full stop.


This will also give a reason to 'win' the game after people have done their daily/weekly instead of just 'farm' other players.


This will also help people who still need to do their daily/weekly as everyone SHOULD just want to do w/e they can to win each game

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If you die during a PvE quest, do you leave?


No, because I can rez, start where I left off, keep plugging away and win. However, no amount of "plugging away" will win you that warzone if your team is terrible.


If you wipe in a FP, do you leave?


Sometimes, it depends on how far we are, how bad the group looks and what I think the chances of finishing are. Not sure why you think I or anyone else are obligated to stick it out in an obvious losing situation.


At least stay for the zomg 5 minutes it's going to take for them to win, get your commendations, exp, and valor for losing, and re-queue.


You don't get credit for the daily by losing continuously, and eventually you run out of time to get the daily done.


But honestly, complaining about not being able to complete your PVP daily when you are sub-50 is...just...well...amusing. You'd be better off just moving to the next planet in your level grind, because that's all the sub-level 50 PVP quest really amounts to in terms of granting anything useful: exp.


If we'd be better off moving to the next planet, then why queue for pvp in the first place? With your logic, we're better off not even doing warzones at all until we're done leveling because we're "better off" moving to the next planet.

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Through out this thread, and the many more just like it, I have seen only one argument that says NO to a deserter debuff, and that is you want to leave a losing match to get your win and progress your daily.


So lets look at that shall we, if the reason everyone is leaving the match is because it wont count for the daily quest and hurts thier time obtaining a bag, then that is the problem that needs to be fixed.


STOP giving bags out in dialy/weekly quests. That fixes the ENTIRE problem right there. It stops the kill trading problem on Illum, it stop the WZ quitter problem, it stops all this stupid crap.


Make the bags purchasable with commendations all the way up, warzone commendations earned in matches for participating, trade them up to Merc, trade those up to Champ, trade those up to Centurian, trade those up to BM. 2-1 accross the board trade up, and 1-2 trade down. NO MORE RNG BAGS. Let peopel go in and EARN thier gear by PLAYING.


No idea why they just can't see how BAD of an idea these RNG bags are. The Daily/Weekly quests for them, they are just killing PvP in this game at lvl 50. They need to go away.

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this does not count for matches below lvl 50, therefore it makes everything you said invalid


The rare leavers on low tier wz's are trying to complete their daily to get a boost to their xp.


No deserter debuff, remove dailies. Bags should be only purchaseable via commendations. Right now champion bags cost a little too much for what they give, i would put the battlemaster 300-300 (900 commendations 1 auto token and 7 champion), and the champion 100-100 (400 commendations 15 cent-7 champ).


That way people would like to play more warzones instead for just doing the daily.


The only problem then, are afk'ers. Vote system, report and banning them 1 week should get rid most of them.

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Gotta love how 90% of the people against this start or end their arguments with" because my team are morons/stupid/noobs"



I am all for implementing this, if they can code it to where any force loggers and people that click leave war zone only are penalized then sweet, if not just chalk it up to the cost of doing business.


The biggest problem with all these games is everyone forgets that everyone else has an equal right to enjoy this game.


I'm going to play devil's advocate.


What if I am in the middle of Voidstar, wife says come help me move the sofa now!!!!...do I say in 12 minutes honey? or do I afk and wait for a boot or worse afk in stealth in a cargo container, because leaving gives me a deserter debuff for 30minutes?


There really is no adequate brute force solution that will be a win-win...it's the unfortunate fact, as we all come from diverse walks in life.

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Haha, I actually had a team member leave our side in Huttball last night, then come right back and end up in the same game on the opposing team's side.


A debuff would be cool, but 30 minutes is waaaay too long. I'd be fine with a 2 to 5 minute debuff so guys who lag-miss the spawn release and the guys who crash aren't penalized so excessively.


What I'd like to see is an option to report/vote-kick the AFKers.

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Through out this thread, and the many more just like it, I have seen only one argument that says NO to a deserter debuff, and that is you want to leave a losing match to get your win and progress your daily.


So lets look at that shall we, if the reason everyone is leaving the match is because it wont count for the daily quest and hurts thier time obtaining a bag, then that is the problem that needs to be fixed.


STOP giving bags out in dialy/weekly quests. That fixes the ENTIRE problem right there. It stops the kill trading problem on Illum, it stop the WZ quitter problem, it stops all this stupid crap.


Make the bags purchasable with commendations all the way up, warzone commendations earned in matches for participating, trade them up to Merc, trade those up to Champ, trade those up to Centurian, trade those up to BM. 2-1 accross the board trade up, and 1-2 trade down. NO MORE RNG BAGS. Let peopel go in and EARN thier gear by PLAYING.


No idea why they just can't see how BAD of an idea these RNG bags are. The Daily/Weekly quests for them, they are just killing PvP in this game at lvl 50. They need to go away.


Adding an alternative to obtain battlemaster tokens would alleviate much of this. Let's be honest. A lot of players in the PvP portion of this game are Battlemasters. Once they get their 30 kills in Ilum, and play until they get 3 wins(if they count), they are done. They might help their guildies win some, but pretty much wait for a raid, do some crafting, then log onto an alt, or play Skyrim or Kingdoms of Amalur.


Even if it was something stupid like 800/800 merc/wz commendations for a battlemaster

commendation, it would mean some people would still stick arouond and grind out a few more comendations...This will eventually lead to the problem that once you are full battlemaster, you will never warzone again until "war hero" gear is obtainable, so it is a double-edged sword somewhat.

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your trolling right?


Your trolling while trying to countertroll right ?


There are bugs (which kick you out the wz) and exploits (the infamous 11vs8 ie). If people don't have to complete a daily, they won't care to leave if they are loosing, they will try harder.


Seems like people didn't wz's pre-50 dailies pvp man.

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The reason ppl leave is because the WZs are about two things for ppl.


1. Winning games and completing the Daily.


2. Getting commendation and gearing up their fresh 50


Players in the #1 category most likely have some gear and are trying to complete a daily which means winning the match. They're not concerned with fighting 1v1 and are simply focused on running the ball, watching the plant, capping the point.


Players I see in the #2 category seem to rarely be objective based players. They are either so un-geared they're ant squishy or they seem to not have objective focus and fight 1v1 instead of running the ball, watching the plant, capping the point.


The funny thing is the #2 peeps don't seem to get if they simply worked more on being more like a #1 they're not only get commendations but also win games.


If you're not 100% focused on winning the objective you can expect the more experienced players to drop.

Edited by slonep
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I'm all for it.


If you have to go afk and leave a warzone for whatever reason, tough luck. You're leaving the rest of your team a player down and at a disadvantage until someone else joins. I think it's only fair you incur a penalty.


30 minutes is over the top though, I'd say 10 minutes max. Just enough to deter people from quitting as soon as it looks like they may not win, and since most WZs last 10-15 minutes anyway it would make more sense for players to see the current one out rather than quitting and re-joining a different one.


If you get booted from a WZ / disconnected / crash then a 10 minute debuff is hardly the end of the world.

Edited by achtungbabies
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I don't think a buff can help. If you want to punish them, it's better to take away commendations and valor for leaving imo.

Seems unfair for people with bad connections and or RL issues?


Guess what, I couldn't care less

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you make as much sense as a random sentence generator.

go apply at bioware, you'd fit perfectly in the team which designed Ilum


Let's see little brat.


When you get to BM there's only one way to get new gear, doing the dailies. Just that, there's zero incentive on doing more warzones or even doing ilum.


So why people leave warzones ? Because they want to get their dailies done as fast as possible. If you instead dailies, add a system which makes you able to get your rewards by playing warzones withouth the ********* from dailies people would play more warzones, would try harder to win, and leave way less, just because even if you loose, there's an incentive on commendations which will let you get gear.

Edited by Paralassa
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Let's see little brat.



i read until that sentence.

you can stop talking to me now,i stopped listening already.


I don't think a buff can help. If you want to punish them, it's better to take away commendations and valor for leaving imo.

Seems unfair for people with bad connections and or RL issues?


Guess what, I couldn't care less


that is only half a solution.

most people under 50 don't care about valor and get no commendations anyway; they just want to get their quest done.

and your solution limits the puishment to 50s basically because there are more people playing wzs below 50 than you think maybe.

and there the problem is just as bad.


as i said earlier, i leave, because i cant be bothered trying to carry half a dozend lvl 10s through a wz, which don't even have sprint, leave alone combat abilities,when i'm on my alt.

and..stay to the end to watch them fail utterly because their only useful combat ability just got interrupted for 5 seconds...

i do not join wzs under 20, leave alone under 14.

i don't expect everyone to have this common sense, but then they cant expect me to play with them.

so i leave and i should not be punished for that


first step: introduce wz brackets in 10s steps

second step: change quest to "play 3 warzones" instead of "win 1 warzone" for ALL brackets

THEN...think about deserter debuffs.

Edited by Dekkard_TNGC
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i read until that sentence.

you can stop talking to me now,i stopped listening already.




that is only half a solution.

most people under 50 don't care about valor and get no commendations anyway; they just want to get their quest done.

and your solution limits the puishment to 50s basically because there are more people playing wzs below 50 than you think maybe.

and there the problem is just as bad.


as i said earlier, i leave, because i cant be bothered trying to carry half a dozend lvl 10s through a wz, which don't even have sprint, leave alone combat abilities,when i'm on my alt.

and..stay to the end to watch them fail utterly because their only useful combat ability just got interrupted for 5 seconds...

i do not join wzs under 20, leave alone under 14.

i don't expect everyone to have this common sense, but then they cant expect me to play with them.

so i leave and i should not be punished for that


first step: introduce wz brackets in 10s steps

second step: change quest to "play 3 warzones" instead of "win 1 warzone"

THEN...think about deserter debuffs.


I stopped reading after this line in BOLD up there. You quit because you are a quitter. You think you are better than everyone else, reality is you probably suck. You prefer to blame everyone around you for the losing match, maybe you just cause it to be one.


Honestly, I hope to hell you never play on my server. Your leadership ability is total crap. If you were half as skilled as you thought you were you would be useful in teaching those less skilled than you.


Oh and NO, do NOT change the quest to 'I am lazy, I dont want to try, I just want to put in my 3 matches win or lose and get my ****'. Seriously, you want to log in and get your free gear in the mail so you dont even have to queue up? That next for you?

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