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Best game ever!!!


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Ok now that I got your attention check it out and tell me what you think.


I'd like to see someone actually take the successful parts of several games and rip them apart... mold them into a unique version that is so diverse it screams to every type of player.


I'm sorry to say but when I first thought of this Star Wars MMO coming out around the start of 2012 I was hoping for something very big and very successful. I want a mind blowing carrot on a stick, omg i have to play it constantly game... I don't want to run out of stuff to do. I want the game to have so many different avenues of approach it's straight crazy the number of things you could do.


Number 1 largest problem... so many different servers!!! Seriously you have tons of crappy servers that can't even withstand 30 people in the same area without completely bogging down.... Learn from CCP and improve what they already have... Seriously this is suppose to be the most expensive video game ever created? Doesn't look like it. I'm sure no one would complain if everyone was on the same server and it actually ran successfully! No one would have to switch realms or level characters or complain about not having enough people for warzones.


Population Shown at the Character Creation Window!!! Saying that you would like the player to go Republic/Empire for game Balance. But leave the choice up to them still.


What EVE-Online has for their space. Empire, Republic, controlled areas. Hutt Cartel areas. Huge Sectors... where a Smuggler can actually do some smugglin through Empire space and no he's not just going to instantly get shot down.


Also if you're a Jedi and you go all Evil on the Republic Side you should no longer be in the Republic... congratulations you are now a Sith or whatever you are. Anything but a Jedi Counsel Member... in fact there should actually be some way to earn several titles and responsibilities to your republic/empire. Where you can actually be a fleet commander and have other players flying around in a TIE. Where you have to issues the orders. Granted you can also get fired or worse force choked to death.


Also none of this automatic landing stuff on planets... Make the players fly and land their own starships in suitable areas of choice on the planet. And more than one starship. Take what you have now... fix the bugs... and add the rest of the universe. There is so much more to Star Wars than this.

Edited by Kentonic
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If you could literally move about the galaxy in open space in a fully customized ship like Eve, I would probably never leave my room again.


There is just so much more that game developers could be doing... give me a month and i could come up with 1000 different endgame ideas and how they would work.

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There is just so much more that game developers could be doing... give me a month and i could come up with 1000 different endgame ideas and how they would work.


And now try to get time/money to develop all those 1000 different ideas, and merge those with everyone else's own 1000 different ideas for how the endgame should be, and then you begin to see the problem :p


If it were as easy as saying, "I can think of a better way", then it'd be done, sorry ;)

Edited by Stealthymakoto
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There is just so much more that game developers could be doing... give me a month and i could come up with 1000 different endgame ideas and how they would work.


Yea but can you code those 1000 different ideas in a month? Remember the old saying, good things come to those who wait.

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But wouldn't listening to what people would like in a game actually help it?


Not saying everyone could get every idea developed in, but I'm sure the game could definately improve from listening to it's players and what they want.

Edited by Kentonic
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Thats what the suggestion area of the forum is for. Post your ideas, get feedback from the community, its much like any other MMO forum. The dev's might not be posting in every thread but it doesn't mean they aren't keeping track of them.
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mmos are huge projects, you cant release too much content all at once. the game would have to come out in 2015 if they added twice as much **** thats already in the game. not to mention they wouldve spent much more money. seems no one understands game development these days.
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I would think that there is also a timeline for when stuff is released. As the majority of the player base starts to head to level 50 then content will start to roll out. At least thats what I believe and I could be totally wrong but I've seen in before. Better to space it out so that there is always something new rather than dumping it all at once so that folks dominate it then complain that there is nothing to do.
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I'll rather take the subject (headline) as a question and my answer would be Football manger 2012 :)


Getting back to the real subject. Yeah its a good game, good fun. When they iron out the bugs and add more stuff it will be great. I feel the social aspect is really lacking, chatbubbles is almost a must have for me in MMO's and was shocked there wasn't a chatbubble option.


Who the helI cares about all the wacko discussions going on in general. I don't care what Lindsay Lonely did yesterday, og what Nerdherder3 just had for dinner.

Edited by DeeckTator
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I just hope they widen their perspective rather than focusing it on specific areas when they do push out the new stuff. Either way I don't see this happening within the next year. In fact I know EVE is already talking about pushing ground content into their game. Just wish they could have done all this with Star Wars and beat em to the punch.
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You have to remember its only been one month, I'm sure Bio Ware has tons of new stuff planned. It seems like what a lot of people are complaining about is lack of level 50 content. However this is what I like about tor, there's actually a game before you max out your character not just constant grinding like several other games. A lot of other mmo's it seems like you barely get a glimpse of the story til your max level, but in tor you have constant story throughout the game. Bottom line is BioWare has a lot on their plate trying to handle the various bugs in the normal game, they are trying to cater to the average gamer not just the hardcore.
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Yeah, let's see what song you're singing when you're 50 and are bored off your *** from lack of stuff to do.


Multply that by 10 if you play republic.


If they had forgone the voiceacting BS and concentrated on content and other stuff that makes a game...FUN...I might agree with you.


Yeah, it's an OK game for a few months (if they actually fix crap maybe longer, but I'm not holding my breath), however after that it's going to be on to the next game. It's definately not the WoW killer I and many others hoped it would be.


Unless they fix a lot of the glaring problems (e.g. faction balance, republic graphics, long delay times for abilities like project, backblast, etc) it'll die out in 6 months. Oh they'll make their money back from their game sales and the few months 1million+ subs, but after that the income is going to drop way off and they'll be wondering what they did wrong.


When that happens I hope someone there has the nuts to point out existing threads from the six weeks of release where their customers told them exactly what the problems were.

Edited by salvadorellama
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Yeah, let's see what song you're singing when you're 50 and are bored off your *** from lack of stuff to do.


Multply that by 10 if you play republic.


Yeah I'm a Republic Battlemaster :/ still working on the PVE side now just for something to do while i rack up the credits for what? Not sure yet...

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There is just so much more that game developers could be doing... give me a month and i could come up with 1000 different endgame ideas and how they would work.


Do you honestly believe they have a lack of ideas?


The problem with game design and development is rarely the lack of ideas.

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Yeah, let's see what song you're singing when you're 50 and are bored off your *** from lack of stuff to do.


Multply that by 10 if you play republic.


If they had forgone the voiceacting BS and concentrated on content and other stuff that makes a game...FUN...I might agree with you.


Yeah, it's an OK game for a few months (if they actually fix crap maybe longer, but I'm not holding my breath), however after that it's going to be on to the next game. It's definately not the WoW killer I and many others hoped it would be.


Unless they fix a lot of the glaring problems (e.g. faction balance, republic graphics, long delay times for abilities like project, backblast, etc) it'll die out in 6 months. Oh they'll make their money back from their game sales and the few months 1million+ subs, but after that the income is going to drop way off and they'll be wondering what they did wrong.


When that happens I hope someone there has the nuts to point out existing threads from the six weeks of release where their customers told them exactly what the problems were.


How come Republic is so much more boring?

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How come Republic is so much more boring?


Story-wise I don't think the Republic stories are any worse than the Imperial stories (with the exception of the Agent story, which, IMO is insanely well done).


Boring isn't the issue when leveling. Balance (number-wise and ability activation to land times), aesthetics, and poor economy (due to small population of Republic players) are the real issues.


Boring might be considered an issue when you get to 50, realize that it's incredibly hard to find people to play the MMO part of the game with due to lack of people playing Republic.

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