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Fix the camera, we are getting sick of it.


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On a scale from 1 to "****" i think this issue is a 3 at best.


Its sometimes annoying, but certainly not gamebreaking... for me anyway.


The TAB targetting.. now THERE's a problem that could use some reworking...

if i could use the word ***** here i would say "It's a *****"..



Edited by Guarrand
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I think the OP nailed the biggest issue with BW. BW is full of programmers, but none of the coders seem to be game players. I really have to wonder if the core developers play this MMO or any others.


Why not create options? If you are going to have a closed UI--at least let the 1.3million players select what they prefer instead of expecting everyone is going to be content with the UI changes. There should be multiple options for the camera behavior. There should be multiple options for how cooldowns are displayed.


I ain't holding my breath.

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lol like the alien in the VIP area with the British accent? it just doesn't fit


or the ship droid with a none "droid" Scottish voice, make me want to dismantle that droid every time it speaks!! i be leave its on my trooper !! fix that :p

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The fact that I need to constantly zoom out (back to my original zoom position) multiple times in a single pvp fight says something. I know bugs take time to fix, but this seems like a fairly simple fix. A zoom-lock option would be nice. I know when going inside or under something it needs to zoom-in, but for #!@#'s sake, please make it return to my original position. IT makes PVP 10x harder when I'm fighting, it zooms in so far I can hardly find who im targeting, then I need to zoom back out while still putting DPS down on my target. I'm not yet 50 and very PVP oriented, as of now this is one of my biggest issues with the game. Its a silly problem with a simple solution!
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If this was a suggestion of a feature so you could turn it off, i would support it. Some like it, some don't but your way might be as bad as the one currently in place. If me and a friend tought it would be a great idea for the interface to made of curry and every voiced line to be replaced with "HERP-A-DERP!" it might be something that "we" like, but it most likely wouldn't be something you'd like!


Bad suggestion, bad post. Bad OP! Down from the couch!

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Bad suggestion, bad post. Bad OP! Down from the couch!


easy there mate. This post was moved to suggestion forum like if it would be a suggestion. It is not suggestion it is fix request. For me atm. its totally broken and i have provided valid reasons. Many people think alike, so there is no reason why should it not be fixed. The onyl logical way is to make it as an option if they have already invested time in it. With time every PvPer would have it all disabled anyway, but there of course would be malcontents saying they liked it and that it should come back - so of course it can be an option insetad of definitive removal... You are being picky anyway. bad reply, bad post, bad poster... yyy forgot your drift...

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  • 2 weeks later...
pls fix this bioware, its been months that we've been asking for this. just give us the option to turn it off. you know how hard it is to pvp with this thing on. it makes it impossible to click on someone while running away. As soon as you release the mouse to click on the person the camera pivots back, making it impossible to click on people behind you.
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Sorely disapointed by lack of fix of this camera junk in yestarday's patch... Feel free to check my game time Bioware, i find myself playing swtor less and less becouse of that. Propably wont extend my subscription, if you dont give a damn about fixing little thing that would make our gameplay so much better. All we ask for is a toggle or removal of this bad code. How hard can it be?
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Much bigger issue than the camera on auto follow.


Rather lets agree that all 3 issues are huge issues with camera, some people find one of those three bigger issue than rest, but they are all great frustration factors. That only proofs camera was designed by non-player or console-player where camera is forced by software and not 100% controllable by players as it is in PC games.


We - dedicated PC players prefer to have controll and value it more than cinematic and visual aspects of the game... So please Bioware cut out that bu#!%#&@ or im moving to competition.

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Are you testing players patience? How long it might take to fix freaking camera in game?


1. turn off camera auto-follow which makes us loose controll of what we see and what we want to see. It basically steals controll from player for absolutely no freaking reason, renders mouseovering/targetting on the move anything that is not in front of us impossible, missplace mice on mousepads and succesfully disorient players for a brief moment.


2. disable camera movement smoothing. This stuff is like implementing hotbar auto-hide feature... It might look nice, but its a horrid idea in practise. Camera movement smoothing puts a barrier between player controll and the game. There is a reason why old school, great players will call mouse smoothing a sacrilege, Bioware... >.< I thought to be a game developer you should be player aswell - seems i have been wrong.

+ this camera smoothing causing wierd, awkward, camera bug , which randomly change its facing for no reason to some random point also succesfully disorienting players and make the struggle for camera controll continue...



Controll over camera should be solid, comfortable, simple. Stop reinventing the wheel cause it doesnt ends well. And if you feel creative and cant resist, then fix the stif animations like inquisitor's lighting strike casting animation or sith warrior's channel hatred animation... And if you will feel the energy still bursting out of you, then double check if your voiceovers are properly placed, cause i have seen a male Zabrak on the Empire Fleet that have female voice... Thank you.


Please dont include me in your "we" as I dont have a problem with the camera.

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