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Ilum + Sents = :(


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All I do if I ever dare to attack when I think my pc wont lock up.


I will jump in and AWE them all, then camo out as i pop all my defensive cool downs. Wait for everything to be up again and do it again. Now I can barely even do that with the amount of imps there are that out number us.


My favorite part about it all is that they think they are smart to just camp us at our base... if they left we could get a big ops group together to have a fun open area battle. But so far its such boring world PvP. To big orbs of players pulling one dude at a time into your orb....yeah...fun.

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I just go to do my daily commendations and if the planet is populated enough, I'll see if there are any republic groups holding the armament area so I can leech off them. Otherwise I may or may not go and check if the whole place is unattended. Usually is, so I don't bother. Come back at another hour or another day and see if I can fill my daily and maybe even weekly if I've got the patience.
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All I do if I ever dare to attack when I think my pc wont lock up.


I will jump in and AWE them all, then camo out as i pop all my defensive cool downs. Wait for everything to be up again and do it again. Now I can barely even do that with the amount of imps there are that out number us.


My favorite part about it all is that they think they are smart to just camp us at our base... if they left we could get a big ops group together to have a fun open area battle. But so far its such boring world PvP. To big orbs of players pulling one dude at a time into your orb....yeah...fun.


Is it hard to get an op's group at base and all take a speeder to say middle, then fight them in open? or is that too easy?

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The current slide show zergfest is the most pathetic excuse for PvP I've ever seen. And I've played some terrible PvP games.


Until the performance issues are fixed and the goals/rewards encourage real PvP no reliable class analysis can be done IMHO.


I solo. I head out and look for fights away from that mess at center. It's the only way I've found that works.

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There's only one marginally useful thing a Sentinel can do in a zerg and that's leap into a bunch of enemies, near the back, and hit Awe. If you get the front guys, it's pointless, as AoE will break your Awe. But if you get the guys in back, it can cause some confusion and weaken their zergs offensive output for a few seconds. Then you Camouflage and run back to your zerg. 4 out of 5 times, you make it. If there's an attentive Powertech, you might not.


Either way, it's not a safe option as the 20% chance you get caught hits your valor huge. I do it mostly when I'm bored enough to care.


Ironically, the more players, the easier it is to get away with this due to performance issues.

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Yea as already has been said, leap in, awe, run and force smash, camo. The only time I ever die is if I get pulled back in & stun locked. This is how i maximize valor and pugging/soloing.


When there is like 3+ people that I can communicate with we just pull people in one at a time and melt them. I don't get to tag people that get aoe'd down in cluster but I contribute more doing this.

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Just spam your might buff in the zerg Operations group.


You'll get credit for everyone else's kills, for having given them your basic class buff.


It's lame -- yes, but everything on Ilum is lame at the moment. Be glad melee classes can even do this.

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How are you guys dealing with getting your daily/weekly done on Ilum? No ranged attacks (that I know of) and being heavily outnumbered makes this really rough...


I haven't bothered with ilum since the change, totally pointless as a sentinel, almost nothing we can do there.

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