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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Combat Error Text Turned Off


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Does anyone know of a setting or a way to turn off the combat error text?


In WoW you could type this:


/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()


and you wouldn't constantly see those error messages scrolling down the middle of your screen like you don't have a target or you cannot do that now. It is very annoying.

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This is extremely annoying for melee classes I've been looking all over the web for an answer to this and i can find any relevant info I would think it should be by deactivating flytext but nope doesn't do it.

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nope i disabled all fly text options and still nothing the errors i refer to are for example Not enough rage or target out of range ect. they just keep spaming in red in the middle of the screen and it gets super annoying
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Yeah, its not part of the flytext system, it is a alert system designated for center screen. Currently no way to disable those messages. Maybe during their new UI pass, they may see this thread and see that it may be a good idea to add that option in.


I personally wouldn't mind having the option to turn that off, as its worse for melee characters. Not so much for ranged.

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yup i played a range during beta and it wasnt an issue but for melee it gets irritating if your constantly spaming commands lol guess ill just have to slow down my key sends for now to diminish the error spams but i sure hope they read this and put in an option to disable it in the future. thxs for you response
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Does anyone know of a setting or a way to turn off the combat error text?


In WoW you could type this:


/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()


and you wouldn't constantly see those error messages scrolling down the middle of your screen like you don't have a target or you cannot do that now. It is very annoying.



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