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Bioware, Your New UI Is Causing Me To Be Sick. Literally.


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UI is really really bad.


Rather than try to explain it, I'll give you an example:


Three mobs await.


I cast Static Barrier on Kehm, then send him in.


I start dmging a mob with Force Lightning and Shock. Cast a Static Barrier on myself just incase.


His Static Barrier protection goes down due to dmg. That's cool cause I know the cooldown is almost up.


So far, all is normal and well.


I'm in the middle of force lighting, and I think it's time to cast another Static Barrier on Khem.. The cool down from the last cast on myself should be up. But I can't tell... the Force Lightning I'm casting is making the Static Barrier UI hotkey slot not show whether or not it's ready. Is it dark underneath all that flashiness or not? I have no idea. I have to stop casting FL, while only a fraction of a second, to see if SB is actually ready or not. If it isn't, I've slowed down my flow. Time to rev up FL again, and be slightly irked.


Before the patch, I knew WHILE I was casting FS when Static Barrier was ready; saw the cooldown on it. Now I cannot.


I wish there was a way to revert back to the UI yesterday when I was melting faces. Just seems more clunky and unnecessarily flashy.

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Do you wear glasses? I wear glasses myself, if I don't wear them I get bad migraines playing video games.


Contacts. I do have glasses but they're set to a slightly different scrip than my contacts to help correct a very weak eye when I wear them (had to have surgery to fix it and everything!), so it's harder for me to play wearing glasses than it is with my contacts.

I already have my own eye issues to deal with as a gamer, that I can normally find a small workaround for no problem and still enjoy my games. This, however, has made it very very hard for me to focus properly, is making my head hurt and causing some pretty hefty eyestrain I never experienced before. I use computers every day all day without issue. Have played numerous PC games with no issue. This is giving me some serious issue.

I'm a little more than greatly let down right now.

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Contacts. I do have glasses but they're set to a slightly different scrip than my contacts to help correct a very weak eye when I wear them (had to have surgery to fix it and everything!), so it's harder for me to play wearing glasses than it is with my contacts.

I already have my own eye issues to deal with as a gamer, that I can normally find a small workaround for no problem and still enjoy my games. This, however, has made it very very hard for me to focus properly, is making my head hurt and causing some pretty hefty eyestrain I never experienced before. I use computers every day all day without issue. Have played numerous PC games with no issue. This is giving me some serious issue.

I'm a little more than greatly let down right now.


Hmph. :\


Well I'm sorry to hear that, I have some pretty hefty eye issues myself so I know what its like to get everything adjusted just perfect. I have chronic eye pain and migraines so playing games can be tricky for me. Hope you find a solution.

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There's one capped thread and another nearly capped thread that say otherwise. And that's just the people coming to the forums to voice their concerns over this.


I'm not denying that people have concerns about this. I do not, but that's not my point. I want to point out a flaw in your logic:


Let's say there are 1.7 million active players. Let's say 2% have the problem and 98% do not. Let's say 5% of those who have the problem are sufficiently annoyed to post. That's 1,700 people coming to the forums to voice their concerns. Those who do not have a problem have very little motivation to post, compared to those who do have a problem with the revised UI.


TL;DR: Forum postings represent a small, non-random sample of the total player population.

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Hmph. :\


Well I'm sorry to hear that, I have some pretty hefty eye issues myself so I know what its like to get everything adjusted just perfect. I have chronic eye pain and migraines so playing games can be tricky for me. Hope you find a solution.


If they let me turn off the crazy flashy UI they implemented, I'd be all happy-happy again.

It's just too much and too bright.

I just want a button that says, "Turn off inane UI GCD nightmare". I cleeck.

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I'm not denying that people have concerns about this. I do not, but that's not my point. I want to point out a flaw in your logic:


Let's say there are 1.7 million active players. Let's say 2% have the problem and 98% do not. Let's say 5% of those who have the problem are sufficiently annoyed to post. That's 1,700 people coming to the forums to voice their concerns. Those who do not have a problem have very little motivation to post, compared to those who do have a problem with the revised UI.


TL;DR: Forum postings represent a small, non-random sample of the total player population.


Not really. I rarely post on the forums. This is a really big problem though. It can be "gotten used to", but what is the point? It's gone from a fine UI to a clunky one. It limits fluency, and gives the player less data in playing their character.


It really is a big problem, especially in the game's infancy. I'm literally not playing the game now because the UI is just so annoying. Gonna try again after posting a bit on the forums, but you have to understand that the problem is legitimate.

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Take two excedrin migraine. Not a troll. Take them. If this was suggest I apologize. I'm responding directly to the op. You might also want to talk to your doctor about a promethazine prescription, its an anti nauseatic (sp). It makes the nausea go away, in a nutshell. I take it, and it works wonders.


I'm alright.


I use Tylenol because excedrin contains caffeine, which I am sensitive to, and also asprin, which I don't feel well on.


Acetaminophen is my go-to for headaches. Seems to help quite well.


And also, I have Promethazine for unrelated issues regarding my health.


Making all of this inconsequential: It seems to go away after an hour or two of logging off, and I don't want to play a game if I require MEDICATION to play it. Lol.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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I'm alright.


I use Tylenol because excedrin contains caffeine, which I am sensitive to, and also asprin, which I don't feel well on.


Acetaminophen is my go-to for headaches. Seems to help quite well.


And also, I have Promethazine for unrelated issues regarding my health.


Making all of this inconsequential: It seems to go away after an hour or two, and I don't want to play a game if I require MEDICATION to play it. Lol.



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I quite simply cannot even look at the toolbars anymore. I tried to get used to it, but the more I get into long battles that require more skill management ... the more I grow ill from the flashing fading wacky nature of these cooldowns.


Literally I do feel ill as well, and I have never felt this way playing this game until today.


Even the right side of my right eye is twitching now.



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If they let me turn off the crazy flashy UI they implemented, I'd be all happy-happy again.

It's just too much and too bright.

I just want a button that says, "Turn off inane UI GCD nightmare". I cleeck.


Yeah if I played the game with my bedroom lights off I'd be experiencing the same sick you do, maybe it just hasn't sunk in yet and I'm just in a latent period of not realizing how bad it is.

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I'm alright.


I use Tylenol because excedrin contains caffeine, which I am sensitive to, and also asprin, which I don't feel well on.


Acetaminophen is my go-to for headaches. Seems to help quite well.


And also, I have Promethazine for unrelated issues regarding my health.


Making all of this inconsequential: It seems to go away after an hour or two of logging off, and I don't want to play a game if I require MEDICATION to play it. Lol.


I hear ya loud and clear.

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Yeah if I played the game with my bedroom lights off I'd be experiencing the same sick you do, maybe it just hasn't sunk in yet and I'm just in a latent period of not realizing how bad it is.


Well for your sake I hope it never hits it. It's pretty much how the flu feels, except it's all in the front of your head and your eyeballs.

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Yeah if I played the game with my bedroom lights off I'd be experiencing the same sick you do, maybe it just hasn't sunk in yet and I'm just in a latent period of not realizing how bad it is.


Nah, for me at least:


It is only SLIGHTLY less torturous to play in a bright room. I still get the inevitable headache, it just gets there slower.


Rhila actually seems to be a really nice person, btw. You should be friends.

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100% of the people I asked in /general said they liked the new changes. :)


Your server has other people on it?


In response to the OP, I noticed that the "high" quality AA causes a slightly blurry effect to the game which is visually unpleasant, for me, at least. I went back to forcing AA through my drivers and it looks better and doesn't make my eyes want to cross. I can imagine that I might have gotten a headache if I'd stayed with the integrated AA.

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Your server has other people on it?


And a lot of them are either liars, haven't figured out how bad it is, are on preventative morphine, or decided to log out and call the game busted until they roll this gawdawful patch back. Probably the latter. Either way, the group that hates the UI can't voice their opinion in general.

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Sometimes I see the horizontal-line-cooldown-thingie flicker rapidly, in various horizontal positions on the applicable hotbar button, in a malfunctioning sort of way.


I did some Belsavis dailies to try to fraps it for youall but, with murphy's law being as it is, it's not cooperating atm. It may have been in Essecles today that it was happening. I'll try to grab fraps of it if I start seeing it again. Could be related to how busy the screen is or something.

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If they let me turn off the crazy flashy UI they implemented, I'd be all happy-happy again.

It's just too much and too bright.

I just want a button that says, "Turn off inane UI GCD nightmare". I cleeck.


Yeah I think something like that will have to go in if it's making headaches etc. for even a small segment of players.


Now, just how lighting-fast they will be able to make such a thing... that's a different question. Unfortunately, UI code doesn't like... grow on trees or.... turn up under rocks :(

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Yeah I think something like that will have to go in if it's making headaches etc. for even a small segment of players.


Now, just how lighting-fast they will be able to make such a thing... that's a different question. Unfortunately, UI code doesn't like... grow on trees or.... turn up under rocks :(


Rollbacks do until said code is done.



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Someone will have a seizure and sue Bioware at this rate. They don't include photosensitive warnings on their boxes, and I'm certain with this new UI it crossed the seizure threshhold.


Speaking of which, I want to return this game and get a refund now. I'm pretty sure I could find some kind of clause in some random law stating that they have to if the product HURTS THE CUSTOMER.

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