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Datacrons I Give UP


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I don't mind them. I don't mind them being challenging. I don't mind the jumping (it is after all, something 'different' from the normal gameplay for people who want to experience it).


What I do mind is spending 36 minutes of a 40 minute balloon ride, and to be in sight of the sand crawler with two datacrons on it, only for the balloon to disappear and all the occupants of said balloon appear on the sand below where the balloon was. :)

Edited by Scar
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Sure, 90x2 total. But you're not really concerned about Aim, Willpower, and Cunning as a Sith Warrior are you? Heck, you may not even be all that concerned about Endurance if you're not tanking or PvPing. Now it's 90x2/5. So instead of 180 stats, you're actually only looking at 36 useful stat points. Not a big deal when you have 1200. It would be a 3% increase to that stat, which might translate to about a 0.5% increase to DPS. It will be lost in the noise.


Don't come in here with your fancy "ma-the-ma-tics" mister! We be brawlin'!

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No one is forcing you to get them, but please understand that you seem to want them to be very easily obtainable, when they shouldn't and Bioware said so themselves.


I enjoyed getting them, my only concerns are bugs such as body type 3-4 can't get 2 datacrons without help, or MSSV bugs.

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Remember not only does this game have some really creative clipping planes, and the oh so lovely if you hit this jump at a 45 degree angle you bunny hop instead of jump issue. There is another part. On a good computer once you've learned the clipping plane none of them is hard. On an older computer some are just impossible. Meanwhile there shouldn't be ones that requires needless time sinks, the balloon or to waste other peoples time, the plus one type.


I helped a guy on Taris for the 2 man one, where he missed the jump 12 times, I wasn't going to abandon him because he helped me get it for myself, but without seeing where he was falling or looking at his keyboard or knowing his connection there was no way I could help him and it just became an exercise in frustration, hell for all I knew he wanted to quit after the 7th try but felt committed cause well I was there. How is this a good thing for the game?

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I kinda agree with the OP where the jumping is concerned. I've walked away from several datacrons because all the jumping, falling, starting over from scratch really got on my nerves. I like that they're hidden. I like that some of them require teamwork and strategy. I like that they're not 100% necessary, although it's conceivable for ops that people will insist that you have them. But I could really do without all the jumping. I wouldn't even mind that so much if there were a platform in the falling areas that let you pick back up from where you fell. But to start all over with shaky hands knowing you're probably going to fall 10 more times before you get lucky? That's just mean.
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You gotta learn how to jump. When I started my datacron hunt there were some that got me very frustrated. Through trial and error I became very good at the jumping game and now have all the datacrons. Well except for those body type 3 can't fit through.


Practice practice practice.



I put a ticket to BW about the body type. I think every size toon should be able to get every single one of them. Me and a friend tried for two hours on this one and found out that you need the smallest body type in order to get thru. I later found that there is another one that requires this also. Very frustating. I ask BW if I could change my body type since that seems the only way to get to some of these datacrons. Still waiting on an answer.

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I put a ticket to BW about the body type. I think every size toon should be able to get every single one of them. Me and a friend tried for two hours on this one and found out that you need the smallest body type in order to get thru. I later found that there is another one that requires this also. Very frustating. I ask BW if I could change my body type since that seems the only way to get to some of these datacrons. Still waiting on an answer.


I helped a size 3 friend get the one on Alderaan. Have a skinny person go in first, duel them, and let them force leap to you. Or you can force pull. Or they can charge, or whatever. That worked.

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I don't have a force leap. I play a sorc. I had another small sorc try and pull me thru but my body keep hitting the wall, not allow me thru the crack. I have another friend who has a bounty hunter with graple and when he hits 50 I'll try again. If I would have known about the advantage of the smaller body type I would have made him the smallest body type. I think I just hit defualt for body type. Believe me now that I know that all my alts will have the smallest body type possible. Edited by Rennno
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No one is forcing you to get them, but please understand that you seem to want them to be very easily obtainable, when they shouldn't and Bioware said so themselves.


I enjoyed getting them, my only concerns are bugs such as body type 3-4 can't get 2 datacrons without help, or MSSV bugs.


exactly, you don't have to get them, it's totally optional but for some like me, i have a lot of fun looking for the way to get to them, and yes sometimes its really frustrating but i always get a sense of satisfaction when i finally get it and if they were too easily obtainable it would be pointless, it's the challenge that is fun.

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I like exploring, I like lore. I want to get all the datacrons. I'm average in platformers. And TOR's datacron puzzle jumping has turned into a real horror story for me. It's not that bad if there is one or even two hard consecutive jumps to do; I can eventually manage them, but in some cases there can be easily half a dozen bad jumps.


I spent 2 hours before I got the Willpower datacron on Empire side Taris this night, got Endurance at first try and spent over 3 hours trying to get the Cunning one. Where BW devs in their wisdom made the pipes round so that it wouldn't be too easy and where you have to do over a dozen succesful jumps, minors included, to get the datacron. That I don't like. I was livid with anger with that one, because the controls in this game are not up to the demands, especially when we are talking about jumping on narrow round pipes. (And the supposed work-around for this datacron, the shorter route, doesn't seem to be true.)


The datacrons puzzle jumping seem like a nice idea that somehow got out of hand and spiralled out of control for the devs. It's just too hard in many cases. Fun is the farthest thing from many of the datacron hunts. They should have gone for rewarding exploring, not ability to be a good puzzle jump player.

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exactly, you don't have to get them, it's totally optional but for some like me, i have a lot of fun looking for the way to get to them, and yes sometimes its really frustrating but i always get a sense of satisfaction when i finally get it and if they were too easily obtainable it would be pointless, it's the challenge that is fun.


They are optional as much as going to a class trainer to update your skills after gaining a level is optional.

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They are optional as much as going to a class trainer to update your skills after gaining a level is optional.


maybe i'm dense but i don't see the point you're trying to make.


of course you have to update your skills or else you gonna get killed pretty easily but you don't have to get the datacrons, the bonuses they give are very small so you don't loose anything or close to anything if you don't get them.


So i don't get the comparison.

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Fyi, there are over 90 of them ingame total and I agree with you.


Mind explaining why my codex meter shows 67/67? I know there are several Republic-only datacrons, but I don't believe I can actually get those as an empire player. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong on this, as I don't want to leave any behind.

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I love finding them by accident. And figuring out how to reach them is part of the fun. I always like to explore and although I know that this is somewhat limited in this game, I still have to look in each corner. Sometimes you find elites too with chests. Or when someone mentions a datacron in general chat, I have to start searching for it right away :p
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maybe i'm dense but i don't see the point you're trying to make.


of course you have to update your skills or else you gonna get killed pretty easily but you don't have to get the datacrons, the bonuses they give are very small so you don't loose anything or close to anything if you don't get them.


So i don't get the comparison.


If you count the matrix shard relic I've been told you can boost your willpower by 88 through datacrons, and that's a fairly significant upgrade.


It's true the are "optional", but they aren't useless, and a pretty tempting incentive to try and get them does exists, which can force people who aren't interested in jumping puzzles to be forced to particpate.


I understand some people think these things are fun to get. But me and many others do not - and if we wanted to play a jumping game we would plug in mario brothers. That's just not the kind of gameplay we are looking for when we play an MMORPG.

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I dont understand this moaning about jumping to get datacrons.

I have yet to use more than 1 try of getting any of the datacrons.

It's not the game, it's you!

Seeing how easy they are, I really wonder how you manage not to get them on the first try.

I thought the one on Tatooine where you have to ride the balloon for a long time was a bit annoying though, but I just watched an episode of NCIS on my secondary monitor so it worked out nicely.

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I dont understand this moaning about jumping to get datacrons.

I have yet to use more than 1 try of getting any of the datacrons.

It's not the game, it's you!

Seeing how easy they are, I really wonder how you manage not to get them on the first try.

I thought the one on Tatooine where you have to ride the balloon for a long time was a bit annoying though, but I just watched an episode of NCIS on my secondary monitor so it worked out nicely.


Sorry Prop but I think you are full of it :)


NO way you got all of those datacrons on your first attempt.

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I dont understand this moaning about jumping to get datacrons.

I have yet to use more than 1 try of getting any of the datacrons.

It's not the game, it's you!

Seeing how easy they are, I really wonder how you manage not to get them on the first try.

I thought the one on Tatooine where you have to ride the balloon for a long time was a bit annoying though, but I just watched an episode of NCIS on my secondary monitor so it worked out nicely.


Well, personally speaking, I know it's me. As an older player with less nimble fingers and hand to eye coordination some of these are impossible to get.


It'll come to you one day too.

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