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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Intimidating Roar is unbalanced


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I gotta agree with this post. Awe and Intimidating Roar used to have an identical animation and someday last January, Bioware decided to intentionally stealth change the animation for Sith warrior's version to make people lie on their back like a baby. They should make Awe animation the same or reverse the change. It's unfair advantage when empire players can clearly see who is being cc'd so they don't break it. Guess they want all republic players to unsub or play empire
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Curse you filter!






Next time you gotta tell them its extra if they want to shoot it in your eyes, I learned that the hard way. luckily, it's sterile...usually.





On a serious note, why have all the different animations? It directly ties into poor framerate in multiplayer situations....


If you remove the art-fx file from your swtor asset folder you get rock solid fps in warzones and ilum.

Edited by Superawesomerman
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Have you ever noticed that Intimidating Roar always lasts for the full duration? Do you know why? Because it's easy as hell, even for complete morons to tell who is cc'd because those affected are rolling around on the ground.


The Jedi version...not as easy for morons to tell who is cc'd and thus it gets broken more often and is less effective. Just another example of how Republic gets screwed because of "flavor" animations...


It may be easier to tell who's cc'd but that does not mean that they're less susceptible to being broken. Idiots will break this CC or flashbang because they're dumb, accidents happen in hairy situations too. Animation does not mean that you're more likely to stay cc'd. As a marauder i can contest what you say wholeheartedly.


Also, your aoe headache gives everyone effected a big white orb over their head. If you can't see that from space you've just got to get glasses man. I suggest you start crying about actual problems.

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It may be easier to tell who's cc'd but that does not mean that they're less susceptible to being broken.


I disagree, I believe there is a direct correlation between being able to easily identify who is cc'd and how often that cc is broken.

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Next time you gotta tell them its extra if they want to shoot it in your eyes, I learned that the hard way. luckily, it's sterile...usually.





On a serious note, why have all the different animations? It directly ties into poor framerate in multiplayer situations....


If you remove the art-fx file from your swtor asset folder you get rock solid fps in warzones and ilum.




Yes on a serious note you are correct. It's what I have been saying all along. The problem isn't that the animations are different. It's the animations entirely. There should not be any connection between ability animation and how good it is in pvp.

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Yes on a serious note you are correct. It's what I have been saying all along. The problem isn't that the animations are different. It's the animations entirely. There should not be any connection between ability animation and how good it is in pvp.


shrug, theyre lookimg into it, but if they want to improve gameplay AND framerate, theyll make the animations and particle effects as sparse as possible.


The memory management in this game is beyond abysmal. They spent way to much effort on looks and not nearly enough effort on the actual game.

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Is this possibly balanced by the fact that Lightning is a giant flashy beacon saying come kill me while pebbles are hardly visible? Or perhaps a BH flying 15 feet up in the air vs a guy just standing shooting?


I'm not sure bioware should idiot proof pvp to be honest. 99 times out of 100 the idiot that blindly breaks a jedi shout would break any cc regardless of animation. You can't fix tunnel vision stupid.

Edited by Fan_Atic
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Is this possibly balanced by the fact that Lightning is a giant flashy beacon saying come kill me while pebbles are hardly visible? Or perhaps a BH flying 15 feet up in the air vs a guy just standing shooting?


I'm not sure bioware should idiot proof pvp to be honest. 99 times out of 100 the idiot that blindly breaks a jedi shout would break any cc regardless of animation. You can't fix tunnel vision stupid.


Very true.


Teammate: ok, planting


Me: leap, aweing,the respawners, go go plant


Random guy: ahmg red grav round grav round


team: you x2# 411™4#& noob

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  • 5 years later...
Have you ever noticed that Intimidating Roar always lasts for the full duration? Do you know why? Because it's easy as hell, even for complete morons to tell who is cc'd because those affected are rolling around on the ground.


The Jedi version...not as easy for morons to tell who is cc'd and thus it gets broken more often and is less effective. Just another example of how Republic gets screwed because of "flavor" animations...


You know what a vengeance jugg's cc immunity looks like after he leaps? An extremely obvious red shield symbol. You know what a vig guardian's immunity looks like after he leaps? A blue haze bubble that looks exactly like all the other blue haze bubbles guardians get after burning a cool down.


Republic isn't screwed over by animations. They're screwed over by pubs who suffer from some sort of persecution complex. But you're going to continue to think that it's the devs screwing you over right? Why else would you lose so much of the time.


(Yeah, I know this post was from 2012. I think it's cool to argue with people from the past.)

Edited by Severith
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always last for full duration? lmfao good one, the actual full duration is 6 seconds, and that more or less NEVER happens in pvp.


Also It breaks on damage.


This is one of only 2 cc abilities marauders get, there is absolutely not justification for whining about it.



do reps get screwed in flavour of animations as you say? sure I agree to this, I play a sentinel and a marauder and my marauder has far better animations, but the intimidating roar animations are low on the list of whats annoying tbh.


Might just be that the grass is greener on the other side but I'm the opposite. I main a jugg but I think the guardian animations look so much cooler.

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My nostrils do flare a bit when I have to set out a full FB/Roar, but thats not very often unless I do something stupid like cleanse that 4 second initial stun.


I'd say sitting out full 8 sec mez's happens to me like 1 in 10 games? If I'm worried about mezes tho, I'll situate myself near the fringes of the skirmish and often times that nets me some residual dmg to clear it early.

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I rarely say this.... but this entire topic is a L2P issue.


The "Awe" animation has a unique animation on pubside. If a person looks like they've been AoE flashbanged, don't attack. simple.

Edited by Seterade
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Have you ever noticed that Intimidating Roar always lasts for the full duration? Do you know why? Because it's easy as hell, even for complete morons to tell who is cc'd because those affected are rolling around on the ground.


The Jedi version...not as easy for morons to tell who is cc'd and thus it gets broken more often and is less effective. Just another example of how Republic gets screwed because of "flavor" animations...


This is sarcasm right, you are mad about some nerf?


It is very nuanced :p

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