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Disappointed by the size of the "fat" female option.


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This is a great thread, haven't had this much fun reading posts in ages.


To the OP....roflmao!


Firstly, it would be irresponsible of a game to promote unhealthy eating habits that allow people to end up overweight with health problems.

Secondly, why would you want to play a fat character? There are very few if any people who are fat and 100% happy to be that way. Some try to pretend they are, some try to claim it's natural, when in all honesty nearly all of them would drop a few kg's if they could. (and I have some experience dealing with this particaulr issue).

Ultimately, the game is fantasy so in fantasy you don't try to eminate rel life, that is why characters have scars, cybernetics or even tentacles coming out the top of their head. It isn't real.

Thirdly, these characters spend the entire game running and fighting..a lot. There is no way they would ever be fat after doing all that.

Fourth, in the SW films, how many fat people did you see...so in a way this is keeping with the lore.


and for fun :-

-If you were allowed a fat char, they would need to build a fat engine for you.

--After every run, you need double the amount of time to recover.

--You would need a random chance after every fight to have a heart attack.

--A doctor every couple of levels to tell you you have high cholesterol and need to diet

--All gear would need altered to "fit the fat one"

-- all potions need an extra "Fat free, artificial sweetener" ingrediant"

--all speeders need extra reinforcement nd double thrusters to keep them floating.

--anyone using force lock on you would only last 1/2 as long as it needs twice the effort to lift you of the ground.

--all lightning attacks do 1/2 damage as you have natural insulation.

--if someone tries to force kick you, you don't move back, just fall over.

--"force leap"....roflmao. Maybe "force body slam" instead.

--Anytime you try to flirt with a pretty or thin char they tell you to "Get your backside on the treadmill chunky!" and laugh.

--Your only romance option is with the Huts.

--Whenever you go into a Cantina, the barman greets you as "Mr Creosote" and brings you the entire menu of food.

--All Taxi trips costs twice as much due to the extra fuel costs.

--your only option for clothes are the brown Jedi robes as nothing else will fit you.



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Yeah, I agree that the body type is not really fat. Unfortunately, there are a lot of players who really don't want to see fat toons in a game. So you can expect that a game developer is careful about this.


But I'm not sure if this was Bioware's reason. Because I would find it odd to see an even heavier toon as highly trained professional warrior. After years of training I would expect that someone with that body type would turn into body type 4 (but with varying chest size maybe :p). Making the toon larger would make it look as if he/she is retired from combat :p

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Yeah, I agree that the body type is not really fat. Unfortunately, there are a lot of players who really don't want to see fat toons in a game. So you can expect that a game developer is careful about this.


But I'm not sure if this was Bioware's reason. Because I would find it odd to see an even heavier toon as highly trained professional warrior. After years of training I would expect that someone with that body type would turn into body type 4 (but with varying chest size maybe :p). Making the toon larger would make it look as if he/she is retired from combat :p

Ignorance and social discrimination :mad:
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SW universe have huts, in their background everything else looks skinny and insignificant ,

I wish there will be possible to play hut in the future, you can be mean, bossy and spit on ppl from your grav sled, and huts can be really fearsome warriors.

Edited by Urukkhan
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This. Obesity places a huge burden on our healthcare system. And it is DANGEROUS to your health. I challenge you that it is IMPOSSIBLE to be obese, and healthy. Come at me.


I am throwing grenades at female resistance fighters.... but it's wrong to be fat in a game?


Wow some people need to re-analyze their priorities.

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I am throwing grenades at female resistance fighters.... but it's wrong to be fat in a game?


Wow some people need to re-analyze their priorities.

Yep, there is tortures, genocide, slavery and all other forms of discrimination in the game, and overweight is tabooed theme :D
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I am throwing grenades at female resistance fighters.... but it's wrong to be fat in a game?


Wow some people need to re-analyze their priorities.


we dont allow a "meth head" body option (ok maybe body type 1)..


why allow a body style that promotes a dangerous and unhealthy lifestyle?

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Speaking as a large sized female myself, I think that the "fat" option for the female gender is really just the shape of your average curvy woman. Now, the fat option for males is truly obese. It's hard for me to roleplay when my character isn't really fat at all.


The size 4 female in this game is just right, exercise and stop eating 4 doughnuts in the evening and you can rp as size 4 :) I wish you luck!

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I am throwing grenades at female resistance fighters.... but it's wrong to be fat in a game?


Wow some people need to re-analyze their priorities.


To be honest if you look at the massive increase in gastric band surgery in Western socierty over the last 10 to 15 years.


It would be pretty logical to assume that with the technology of the SW universe most species had genetically reduced their stomachs to the size of golfballs.... either that of banned high calorie stuff under the galatic genocide act. :eek:

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I am throwing grenades at female resistance fighters.... but it's wrong to be fat in a game?


Wow some people need to re-analyze their priorities.


He's being sarcastic, if you can't tell, coz the OP is obviously trying to troll and the thread is actually funny.

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no, its called making a point. and i made it VERY well. you are being insensitive to ppl with TRUE disabilities by claiming that the game should cater to you because you are overweight, but make NO mention of any of the examples i used. yes, they where examples, but VERY good examples.


Yes saying your a banana in real life is an excellent example id have to agree with you on that :confused:

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