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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Disappointed by the size of the "fat" female option.


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Fat options are only an option because so many people are obese and overweight and fat noawadays and demand to have a way to identify themselves to a hero.


Don't sugarcoat it, the chances of being fat if you run around planets like your character does all day, are very very slim!


My character used to run around planets all day, but then he

bought a speeder :p



And yeah running is a VERY effective way to lose weight, provided you keep ramping up your workouts and don't stick to the same pace, same time etc.

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Just my 2 credits worth...if you select a fat body type...should it stay fat the entire time you play. I mean think of all the physical activity your toon does in the game. You run across a starting world for 10 lvls then go to another planet and run some more for another 15 lvls before you can get a mount to drive around. By lvl 25 your should have lost a good 100 lbs from your fat toon and become a buff toon. But of course they aren't going to put that in the game.
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I wonder if screen resolution really matters much. I've got a widescreen monitor, which should mean the image gets stretched a little, maybe ? Female #4 still does not look fat to me. Number 1 definitely looks unhealthy though, anorexic, or close to it.

Of male body types, I usually pick options number 2 and 3, though I kinda wish I'd picked number 4 on my trooper and made him a bald man (I AM BULLLET PROOF! *ratatataa*)

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OP, please don't take offence but I'll start my post here with a quote from a now rather dead Sith - actually, I think it was her last word before she swallowed a quickshot:




You are saying that it is hard for you to roleplay when your character is not fat at all...


sorry, I'll take a wild guess but... you have never roleplayed before?


Roleplaying means to play a role. Nothing fancy about that, right?


Now, this role could (in theory) be anything, the character could be based upon yourself to the dot, or could be a different gender, a different race, a different level of intelligence, strength, agility, background, etc. ad nauseam.


As I said: in theory!


Because the game design very likely limits your choices.


Ever since the first gamemaster told a player that s/he can't play that Dragon-Halfling halfbreed the rules were set: somebody gives you choices to build your character on, you have to live with them.


I'm sorry if in SWTOR that means you can't play a 'fat' woman.


Just like it means I can't play a slim girl with a nice DD cup size bust (even SWTOR needs strippers!)... or a longbearded midget (don't call him a dwarf!)... or even just a full armored scout trooper who uses a pistol and can go stealth.


Try using the options given to you in SWTOR, you may still end up with a character you like, despite him/her looking (and potentially being) nothing like your true self.


If you can't do that, well, not much I can say other than to go over to youtube and check for videos on character customization in different games. I'm sure (eventually) you will find a game where you can be 'yourself'...


Though I'm wondering whatever made you think you could be 'yourself' in SWTOR in the first place? I mean, well, I don't know anything about you but somehow I doubt in real life you are a Jedi Knight or a Sith or a galactic bounty hunter or a spaceship flying smuggler or you carry an actual blaster pistol or a fully functional lightsaber... not to mention the cost for logging into the Earth internet from whatever SWTOR planet you are on in RL: isn't that rather expensive? ;)


Anyways, I'll now go back to crying about not being able to create a beer-bellied, longhaired (we are talking way past shoulder length!), large arsed beach-bum biker style character in SWTOR because obviously that's what I am... or wait, maybe I'm actually that slim DD stripper 'bimbo' that just wants to relax a bit with SWTOR before going dancing at the club tonight?

Edited by Goreson
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Wow, these forums are really about as shallow as my kitchen sink! Anyway, I just wanted to say that the skinniest girl type is way too thin. While perhaps commercially viable, BW is feeding the sick ideal of totally skinny, unhealthy women. Boo to that, yay to healthy women with a little extra!
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Wow, these forums are really about as shallow as my kitchen sink! Anyway, I just wanted to say that the skinniest girl type is way too thin. While perhaps commercially viable, BW is feeding the sick ideal of totally skinny, unhealthy women. Boo to that, yay to healthy women with a little extra!



There is nothing healthy about being overweight. People just can't accept the fact that skinny is not only healthier, but the more attractive option.

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Speaking as a large sized female myself, I think that the "fat" option for the female gender is really just the shape of your average curvy woman. Now, the fat option for males is truly obese. It's hard for me to roleplay when my character isn't really fat at all.


The fat man for males is not obese, it just appears that way with armor. Take off his clothes and you'll see he's the mother f'in hulk.

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It's already annoying enough to have to sit or stand next to obese people in trains or in the underground.


The last thing I want to do when playing a video game is to look at more obese people.


PS: I suspect that in the Star Wars universe they have the technology to fix things like swine flu, bed bugs and fat people.

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I am currently 6'11 and 210 lbs, or very thin in short. I used to be 350 lbs, or pretty chunky in short.


As you can see by the differences, fat is a hell of a lot easier to change than some things not placed in the game.


So yes, the beard analogy mentioned early on is apt. It's possible no matter who you are. Under very rare circumstances the process might be unhealthy for you. (Bedridden terminally ill patients). Otherwise, you're not willing to lose the weight.


But hey, I could just be sick of hearing about needing special treatment for fat folks when I spent a year losing 140 lbs by busting my ***.


I would worry more about species and height than weight.

Edited by Valfodr
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Wow, these forums are really about as shallow as my kitchen sink! Anyway, I just wanted to say that the skinniest girl type is way too thin. While perhaps commercially viable, BW is feeding the sick ideal of totally skinny, unhealthy women. Boo to that, yay to healthy women with a little extra!


Spoken like a true fatty.

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Speaking as a large sized female myself, I think that the "fat" option for the female gender is really just the shape of your average curvy woman. Now, the fat option for males is truly obese. It's hard for me to roleplay when my character isn't really fat at all.



I agree, the "large" option for females isn't large in my opinion. It fits the average look of most women I see day to day. The other options to me fall into sheer anorexia. The male equivalent just comes off as more comical than fat really. Akin to kingpin from spiderman in proportions (he wasn't fat, he just had extremely large muscles)

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