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What are YOU doing while you wait?


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Today just happens to be my day off. I was up at 6:30 to make sure I was set. Then I went nuts becuase I coulnd't get in and found out I'm not alone. I have been searching forums and trying to watch the tube. I tried to play other games but I can not get into the mood to play more than a few minutes.


i feel ya there man, yesterday i was really into DCUO but as of 600am i couldnt play anything all i want to do is play swtor, class ended today got the next month off to play! I WANT IT NOW!

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Playing BF3, MW3, trying to chat with a friend, watch a few videos from HuskyStarcraft, trying not to beat myself up over the fact that I didn't realize the game was coming out till Nov 17th...various other things. Edited by Issacton
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Watching the forums and every so often starting up another replication job on our storage at work. I love VPNs.


I have to get 120TB replicated, and that doesn't happen fast when it's broken into like 50 different volumes.


I'm also trying to figure out how the hell I'm going to provide 15TB of storage for some critical data when the equipment it needs to reside on won't ship until 12/26.


I'm hoping I can solve all of this before I get in so that I don't feel guilty that I'm blowing things off to play a game.

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Unless the project is due tomorrow, why not space out your work and play time? This way everything gets done.


I told them it'd be done by tomorrow night. But I still haven't gotten the invite and I'm guessing I won't until at least the morning, so I've got all night to finish it (no work tomorrow, hip hooray).

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