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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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I think the mod missed the whole point that something was said about it and redirected the link to here.

That is the kind of spin moderation that makes the community feel ignored.


I don't know what to say about Biowares forum Nazis doing this. Simply amazing!


My fellow players past the first respondent need to have their eyes checked as well. Again, simply amazing!




Thank you much though for stating to them while it was in testing that it was going to be problematic for some players. Now if Bioware had actually read your input.


I am one of those who is having a severe reaction to the flashing. I can no longer play.

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The cool downs worked fine for me during beta, and the initial launch of the game. Then when they were changed prior to this patch, I wasn't a fan of that but I learned how to deal with it. With this one I don't have any problem with it at all. I definitely don't have a problem with the flashing, although I feel for those who do. It seems clear to me what is on cool down and what is not. I also think it's a matter of after playing for awhile, I kind of get used to the general length of the cool downs of each ability I use frequently, and just occasionally refer to the UI for confirmation of that.


UI customization is desperately needed in this game, regardless. I also wish they would allow us to pick which style of cool downs to use, as I don't really want it to change yet again. It works just fine for me as is.

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I will be cancelling my subscription in a few days when my paid days are over unless we get our old cooldown setup back. This version is garbage. This game will be worthless soon if this doesn't get fixed ASAP, as most of us remaining players will leave.
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I don't know what to say about Biowares forum Nazis doing this. Simply amazing!


My fellow players past the first respondent need to have their eyes checked as well. Again, simply amazing!




Thank you much though for stating to them while it was in testing that it was going to be problematic for some players. Now if Bioware had actually read your input.


I am one of those who is having a severe reaction to the flashing. I can no longer play.



My reaction is not severe but I will not pay to get a headache and fell nauseous. That'd be absurd. Almost as absurd as Bioware's non acknowledgement about this issue. I've cancelled and at this point I'll not resub even if they fix it when my subscription runs out. Had enough. An no, to whomever asks, you can't have my stuff.

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I would be very thankful if users were given the option of which effect they want on their UI. That way people who like the latest look can keep it and people like me can have another look. I'm one of the people feeling run over health wise with the latest look. And I've been playing since a few days before launch. And I can't play for too long if I'm going to be in a fight now.
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I will be cancelling my subscription in a few days when my paid days are over unless we get our old cooldown setup back. This version is garbage. This game will be worthless soon if this doesn't get fixed ASAP, as most of us remaining players will leave.


wrong, previous version is garbage.

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So, we are some 200+ pages now, this and the last thread which was *maxed* out. We have down time tomorrow... Where is the mention of a fix for the issue we have raised? No where. Am I surprised? Nope.


If this is what we can expect this MMO will last as long as all the other failures.


When we a dev team start 1) Testing 2) Listening?

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So, we are some 200+ pages now, this and the last thread which was *maxed* out. We have down time tomorrow... Where is the mention of a fix for the issue we have raised? No where. Am I surprised? Nope.


If this is what we can expect this MMO will last as long as all the other failures.


When we a dev team start 1) Testing 2) Listening?


They say that they'll include solution in patch 1.2.


Which comes out next month, maybe.


So this is when i am gonna be back to game, i will care about it by then.

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Well, I tried to fight with this cataract UI again tonight and I'm pissed. Whoever likes this new visualization must have a ESP connection with the UI and I think thats the answer. This bar was aimed at the veterens. Those people that have come from other MMO's and have everything memorized just needing a little visual "flash" to let them know #4 is ready. Thats not me. I am basically new to MMO's. I am a KOTOR lover wanting more and forced online to get it. So, those that think it looks ok even though you can't see anything on the bar makes me think I have video issues but... but.. ggrr... I am with the other poster who said whoever signed off on this didn't care to test it; just yay, yay release it... I feel better now, not! :mad:
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i liked it, could use some small changes though its kind of hard to tell when reactive abilites proc but other than that i thinks its a pretty good improvement. I must admit i liked the previous one just fine too.


dont know what the fuss is over the flash its not that bad i wouldn't have even noticed if it wasn't for all the crying on the forums. i kinda laughed when i saw it. i was expecting something much more like some crazy anime style seizure inducing flashing but instead it like well hardly noticable

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So you must not have any interrupts then hm.. How do you know if the guy you are hitting is casting something to be interrupt if you don't occasionally glance at your bar area??? Sorry but you just defined yourself as a substandard player.


enemy cast bars, animations? do you just stare at your hotbar waiting for stuff to light up?

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enemy cast bars, animations? do you just stare at your hotbar waiting for stuff to light up?


Well hell, i do. In hot bar area, anyways. Coz i am healer, thats what i do - monitor health of my teammates/companion. And constant flashing strain my eyes big time.

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enemy cast bars, animations? do you just stare at your hotbar waiting for stuff to light up?


Where is the enemy cast bar located.. well on my UI it is right above their portrait. So now where is the focus portrait located? hm right next to your bars.. You HAVE to look in their general direction unless you can customize your UI.


I don't stare at my cast bars, because my interrupt isn't a proc interrupt.. I can cast it even when they are healing themselves if I want. But if you aren't situationally aware enough to constantly moving your eyes around your screen to take everything in that is going on, you are a worse player than one who glances at their bars to check if a CD is up.. Sorry to burst your bubble.

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Well, I tried to fight with this cataract UI again tonight and I'm pissed. Whoever likes this new visualization must have a ESP connection with the UI and I think thats the answer. This bar was aimed at the veterens. Those people that have come from other MMO's and have everything memorized just needing a little visual "flash" to let them know #4 is ready. Thats not me. I am basically new to MMO's. I am a KOTOR lover wanting more and forced online to get it. So, those that think it looks ok even though you can't see anything on the bar makes me think I have video issues but... but.. ggrr... I am with the other poster who said whoever signed off on this didn't care to test it; just yay, yay release it... I feel better now, not! :mad:


its not for veterans,, trust me, it's garbage and blinding the flashes do nothing but irritate.. its a sea of blue crap that is unneccessary and makes you not able to pre-plan your next couple of attacks

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Where is the enemy cast bar located.. well on my UI it is right above their portrait. So now where is the focus portrait located? hm right next to your bars.. You HAVE to look in their general direction unless you can customize your UI.


I don't stare at my cast bars, because my interrupt isn't a proc interrupt.. I can cast it even when they are healing themselves if I want. But if you aren't situationally aware enough to constantly moving your eyes around your screen to take everything in that is going on, you are a worse player than one who glances at their bars to check if a CD is up.. Sorry to burst your bubble.


not all classes are pure cooldowns, next time have clues before you trash others.. because as of right now, your the baddie

Edited by Shrug
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wrong, previous version is garbage.


The previous version actually displayed info such as if you have enough rage to use an attack, even while on CD/GCD, which made it 10000000000000x better than any other iteration for rage users.

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"I play a Marauder and because i have soo many abilities on constant rotating and cool down this is making it very very hard to see what is available. If i didnt know my rotation so well i would just be guessing.



Please please please change it back."


Agree with this only changing that I am a scoundrel, use 75% of the abilities on my bottom two rows in a rotation and have to wait until cooldown art to confirm that something has come off cooldown.

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enemy cast bars, animations? do you just stare at your hotbar waiting for stuff to light up?


I could see the bar just fine before and the cool downs (except the real slow ones). Now its covered, the icons are too dark and that weird flash delay...? I really have to stare at it now and how do you ignore all that distracting motion? Nice, solid color choice too Bioware. You say people are crying and I say you are a 13 year old troll; its all fair right? God, if they only made KOTOR 3 instead.

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i was expecting something much more like some crazy anime style seizure inducing flashing but instead it like well hardly noticable


come back with a level 50 jedi guardian and all action bars enabled...



The previous version actually displayed info such as if you have enough rage to use an attack, even while on CD/GCD, which made it 10000000000000x better than any other iteration for rage users.


which was a fix from version 1.0, but then people complained they can't see their cooldown, which made them do this version.

I don't know what's so difficult in simply greying out abilites on cd?

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come back with a level 50 jedi guardian and all action bars enabled...





which was a fix from version 1.0, but then people complained they can't see their cooldown, which made them do this version.

I don't know what's so difficult in simply greying out abilites on cd?


Quite simply, bioware needs to differentiate the GCD from a CD. This new version works for CDs, but the previous version should be used for GCDs

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For me I don't necessarily have to be looking at the bars, my peripheral vision picks up on it fast. Real fast. It's eyestrain pain (feels like flu if you don't know what that feels like) quickly followed by a headache.


I sense a trend in many posts that some folks think those of us complaining are are exaggerating or outright lying. In my case nothing could be farther from the truth. I have poor eyesight and take a medication that makes me photosensitive. This game was fine until the patch had the flashing start.


I've never before had a physiological response to a video game before this current situation arose.


Not everyone responds the same to this type of stimulus.


I don't want to spoil anyones game. I just wish Bioware would simply offer an option to kill the blasted flashing on my end.


I don't see why a simple separately down-loadable patch to my client couldn't kill this game killing effect for me and other suffering from it. I don't see why this would necessitate any game downtime either if done with a client side patch.

Edited by Catsmeat
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