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Everything posted by AvalonQ

  1. Hi, yes it came from a cartel pack and was in my stash. I pulled the full armor from there. I equipped and it says it unlocked for the character (per the screen shot). All I wanted to do was pull a copy down for the same character but it says i must pay again. I have already spoken to customer support 4 times and they denied me 4 times. One of the guys on this thread said he/she would send me a copy.
  2. Hi, thanks for the kind offer. I may do that. I'm on Star Forge. Thanks to everyone else for helping out. I appreciate it. Great community support!
  3. Ok, thanks all. All my other armors that are unlocked and I can grab a copy say the same thing as the Kreia armor. The full armor set was pulled from my stash as I've said. Since you guys are on the fence then I don't stand a chance with customer service. I'll wait until I get my complimentary coins for July and buy a 2nd time.
  4. Thanks for the replies. I'm not trying to pull down a copy of the armor for any other toon except for Lydia in the pic. It says it is available in my collections for her, as it should be as I pulled the full set down from my stash for her alone. I'm wearing most of the armor in slot 1. In my collections the box is "grayed" out and I can't pull a copy.
  5. The link works for me. I guess i need to use Imugr or something. I have placed all the tickets in-game. If there is a direct email where I can attach the photo I will try that. Thanks.
  6. I put in multiple tickets to customer support for armor that was pulled from my stash but in my collections it says I must pay again. I don't know what to do to convince them. I have linked a screen shot from my inventory of my character Lydia Lacroix. Can I call them instead? https://photos.google.com/search/_tra_/photo/AF1QipMlnPOHFdiIpeLTSUXnXP3vOHZQOR8z5B-TM1XY
  7. Tirade? that's a bit dramatic. 1000 CC's for jawa scrap is outright thievery. That price alone for one pack when I could have had 3 of another is an outrage. You should look at yourself for tirades anyway, junior. Complaining about complainers, lol. At least mine is justified.
  8. I just bought one and was pissed at receiving jawa scrap, purple-black crystal, a companion gift etc. EA should be held accountable for this.
  9. I have checked out many dye combos and gray aint it, lol. Ok, enough of me whining. I'm going to log in and play a while.
  10. My fault as I read on Dulfy that the sale was from the 21st-28th and thought I had time.
  11. I wanted to buy one yesterday but hesitated due to cost. I was going to purchase some coins and buy one of each today. Oh well, if they don't want my money...
  12. After 1.2 my Guardian is bald but my Sorcerer and Merc were spared.
  13. Options are good and for the UI a slider bar for opacity with a limited choice of colors for the cooldown effect then a on/off button for those wanting extra sparkles. I saw where the end flash was already toned down from what I remember but I still have a hard time seeing whats ready or not. I can click on a dark or light icon and it fires. So, that does make combat more difficult. I think the least Bioware could do is get us all big cookies from the mall with a choice of either light side or dark side frosting.
  14. Haha, and I'm 407644 of 454635 to a level 50 Jedi Guardian. I'm fighting it out! Just call me the blind swordsman Zatoichi now.
  15. I could see the bar just fine before and the cool downs (except the real slow ones). Now its covered, the icons are too dark and that weird flash delay...? I really have to stare at it now and how do you ignore all that distracting motion? Nice, solid color choice too Bioware. You say people are crying and I say you are a 13 year old troll; its all fair right? God, if they only made KOTOR 3 instead.
  16. Well, I tried to fight with this cataract UI again tonight and I'm pissed. Whoever likes this new visualization must have a ESP connection with the UI and I think thats the answer. This bar was aimed at the veterens. Those people that have come from other MMO's and have everything memorized just needing a little visual "flash" to let them know #4 is ready. Thats not me. I am basically new to MMO's. I am a KOTOR lover wanting more and forced online to get it. So, those that think it looks ok even though you can't see anything on the bar makes me think I have video issues but... but.. ggrr... I am with the other poster who said whoever signed off on this didn't care to test it; just yay, yay release it... I feel better now, not!
  17. I would like to thank Bioware for the new UI graphics. For you see, I have been playing this game almost every day since X-mas and I'm hooked. So, I logged in last night for my daily fix, got patched and just couldn't adapt to the new UI scheme for all the reasons that have been stated on this thread. I hung out at fleet for a while then logged off. But, I will jump back into the fight and give it another try because I like the game. If I can't wrap my head around the changes then I guess I'm free from the crack addiction! Thanks for saving my life Bioware!
  18. I am basically new to MMO's having barely played a couple in the 90's (UO/EQ). So, because of my love of KOTOR 1/2 I took the plunge. I do enjoy the game but unlike these "elite" players I like to (need to) look at my UI and plan what to use. But, with this new patch the dev team covered the UI up and made it flash when ready and like so many others have said this is very distracting, not needed and a step in the wrong direction. My vote is simply (or not so simply) to implement a setting option in the preferences. Maybe have a slider bar for transparancy with a choice of colors for the cooldown shader and maybe a button for those that like sparkley flashes. I hate to hold money over the devs but that is whats at stake. I would like to keep playing TOR but there are just too many games out there and believe me I would forget all about TOR.
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