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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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Personally, the old cool downs didnt need touching. And now instead of simply rolling back to how it used to be, they have gone the extra mile and turned it in to another mess.


There is a simple fix here - ROLL IT BACK to how it was on day 1. It didnt need changing, and the clown that said it did needs slapping.


You have many other issues with the UI to deal with instead of making changes to something that didnt need touching in the first place.

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it was not so good before. Now its just bad. Someone had to have tested this before implementation... how did they think this was some kind of improvement? I am beginning to believe theres a bunch of dart throwing when it comes to decision making with this game. Or perhaps they just need a better magic 8ball.
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Just give us OPTION to change that new ugly UI, it is fairly unplayable with maurader, when i don`s see availability of my rage spenders [ not enough rage etc ] some may find it usefull, some not, just give us option and maybe inform ur customers that you know about this and goin to fix it
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I logged in to play after that small patch, went out to do some questing and noticed that my action bars were acting very very strange during combat,


Sooo, I thought it was just bugged tbh, so I logged out, and back in, still the same, ****.


Thanks Bioware, now I cannot tell when any of my skills are comming of CD, it's complete hit n miss, all I have is this strange blue glowing flashing effect.


How exactly did you manage to make the GCD indicator even worse ?


Did you even test this first ?


Are we still in Beta, and no one told me ?

Edited by Ellvaan
Avoiding the language filter
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this needs FIXING asap, i having loged in since yesterday, ty to the light show bw introduced, frankly it's the worst fix by far by anyone in any mmo.


they r very gud at messing the game up and making people quit.

they r getting better every day so far from what i see :mad:

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Being a Jedi Warrior, I have no trouble knowing exactly when to use my abilities, mostly because at level 50, I'm experienced enough to know about how long I have between my skills. I know which to use, at what time. What I dont like is in PVP they dont instantly refresh at death. which sometimes in Warzones cause more deaths. but the colors dont cause issues.
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Being a Jedi Warrior, I have no trouble knowing exactly when to use my abilities, mostly because at level 50, I'm experienced enough to know about how long I have between my skills. I know which to use, at what time. What I dont like is in PVP they dont instantly refresh at death. which sometimes in Warzones cause more deaths. but the colors dont cause issues.


Yeah, me being a jedi Sentinel, I have started using the Force to judge exactly when my skills are comming of CD, I also have a direct link up to Yoda, and he keeps me upto date with an exact estimate of when the GCD is gonna expire.


I thought the WoW forums were bad, but jesus this place.

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Really considering cutting my losses...


Calling it like I see it... All the UI patch did was make good players worse, and bad players better. I want a game to test my skill, not sht on it because a 14 year old might unsub after he's squarely beaten by efficient play. That's all this is about.


Not only that, but solo PvE is just annoying to deal with now. I want to blow through groups of mobs like I was yesterday, not stare at my UI and guess if a CD is ready or not.


I'm so friggin' pissed because just yesterday I was LOVING this game; have been since launch.


And not even a response beyond a 14 hour ago, "We'll investigate it".




I mean, a substantive response would have probably put my mind at ease -- but it's clear what the direction of this game is now.


Veteran MMO players need not apply.

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If you have certain vision troubles (color/night vision) the new method makes it literally literally unplayable.


I now have a piece of paper taped OVER my skills bars. And I just mash buttons, hoping what I want is available, because since every button I hit oscilates the bar from light to black and back, I can't see any of it. Well... until I am corpse rezzing cause I died.

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Old UI-


Do I have enough rage to use this ability- yes it is lit up

Am I in range to use this ability- yes it is lit up

Is this ability ready or on gcd- maybe, it may be lit up but still unusable/queue-able


New UI-

Do I have enough rage to use this ability- No idea unless I read the tooltip and check rage bar, if I'm on gcd I can't tell

Am I in range to use this ability- No idea, I'm on gcd so everything looks unusable and so dark I can't even tell what they are

Is this ability ready or on gcd- maybe, I can still queue abilities that aren't quite yet ready, at least I remember what all these black boxes do


Absolutely not an improvement, how did this even get out of the gate?


Came here to say a lot of stuff. This guy covered it.

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The problem is Shadowed with scrolling down bluish tint where the actual cooldown of the skill is a 2 millimeters above that line. You can't see that line. It slows the rotation if you "wait and see" where you're at after the GCD effect.


Can't know when to Static Barrier my companion without waiting for the GCD effect to get done with it's prettiness. Static Barrier shares a GCD with Force Lightning. The UI effect covers up the static information I had BEFORE the patch. Bottom line is I have less information after this patch. This slows the rotation, and makes the game less enjoyable for me.


I'm not sure what you're talking about, GCD has absolutely no visible effect on the abilities already on cd. Test it for yourself if you don't believe me. And the flash pretty much guarantees you'll recognize when an ability is off cd, GCD or regular cd.


I can understand how it might help a newer MMO player, and I don't mean it as a knock on you; I have no idea about your experience. But, this stalls the fluency of a player that wants to play in an environment that allows the most efficient use of abilities.


It makes me worry about the direction of this game. I don't want to have to press a key 10 times to see if/when it queues. And I don't want to extend my queue time higher now just to try and "wing it" because the UI stopped giving the specific information.


Frankly I don't understand all the complaints about the change, I'm pretty sure it's more or less a rollback to what we had originally with an added flash to the end of the animation. And unlike the previous version of the UI this one has no real problems I can see, other than perhaps the flashing might be annoying to some tiny portion of players. Whereas the previous one had a very real problem of it being impossible to distinguish visually between an ability with a long cd actually being off cd or just almost off cd.


I've been playing these games off and on since long before there even were GUIs, in the first online rpg I played the gcd was something like a minute. And to be honest, I find it to be the opposite, newer MMO players have difficulty with even the smallest changes because it's all the know, us old timers have just about seen it all at this point.

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Being a Jedi Warrior, I have no trouble knowing exactly when to use my abilities, mostly because at level 50, I'm experienced enough to know about how long I have between my skills. I know which to use, at what time. What I dont like is in PVP they dont instantly refresh at death. which sometimes in Warzones cause more deaths. but the colors dont cause issues.


Sorry bud, that's not skill -- it's just playing inefficiently. You're likely a very sloppy player, or a one trick pony that would "deer in headlights" at any tangent from the three buttons you exclusively use (all damage abilities, of course).


The complainants in this thread use more than straight damage.


Roll a healing/cc/damage hybrid, then post.

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I'm not sure what you're talking about, GCD has absolutely no visible effect on the abilities already on cd. Test it for yourself if you don't believe me. And the flash pretty much guarantees you'll recognize when an ability is off cd, GCD or regular cd


I'm not sure how to be more clear about it beyond the concrete example I gave.


If Static Barrier BECOMES ready to be queued, I can't know it until the global cool down effect is done.


I can expand on why this wasn't the case yesterday (as I did earlier but don't expect you to read crap that was pages ago; np), and why it is problematic, but I want to keep it short and too the point here.

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I'm not sure what you're talking about, GCD has absolutely no visible effect on the abilities already on cd. Test it for yourself if you don't believe me. And the flash pretty much guarantees you'll recognize when an ability is off cd, GCD or regular cd.




Frankly I don't understand all the complaints about the change, I'm pretty sure it's more or less a rollback to what we had originally with an added flash to the end of the animation. And unlike the previous version of the UI this one has no real problems I can see, other than perhaps the flashing might be annoying to some tiny portion of players. Whereas the previous one had a very real problem of it being impossible to distinguish visually between an ability with a long cd actually being off cd or just almost off cd.


I've been playing these games off and on since long before there even were GUIs, in the first online rpg I played the gcd was something like a minute. And to be honest, I find it to be the opposite, newer MMO players have difficulty with even the smallest changes because it's all the know, us old timers have just about seen it all at this point.


You miss the point. The point being that there was nothing wrong with the original cooldowns. Then, Bioware decided to change it with the mess that made it a running joke. Especially when youre cooldown had say 2-5 seconds remaining but it looked like it had cooldown - so you are pressing the ability and of course, nothing happens.


Now, with this 'new' update, the joke continues with a light show of rubbish. Bioware didnt need to change this - the UI is already one of the worst in gaming history and now is probably THE worst.


And, not everyone has perfect vision and although now, you can just about tell whats cooling down, not everyone can see the true colours of the cool down. At least at launch, the greyed out effect worked and didnt bother anyone.

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It really baffles me that there are people out there that like the change :eek:


It brings horrible to a complete new level.


You literally have to guess if your ability is up when the GCD is falling off and on top of that, there is a delay - GCD is dropping and it takes some time before your ability lits up.


There was a post from someone that only clicker have this problem - I think it's the opposite - as a pure non-clicker I'm focused on a few ability, that might get reset or not (depending on RNG hits) now, you have to stare even more on these few abilities.


Seriously, how could that even remotely made it to the live system is beyond me.

Edited by Tanyala
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the new ability bars look horrible :( they are so bright and flashy its rediculous, if i wanted to be blinded by flashing lights i would ask the paparazi to come to my house. Put digits as the cd indicator and get rid of this ugly flashing stuff and I would be happy. But this all wont matter in a few days cus i wont be playing this ****pile anymore
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I have been playing this game for as long as most here, or at least early access and beta and have bit my tongue on every mess up after patch because I can generally just put up with it until it's resolved, but this issue you have created with the toolbar.. it's just terribad.


I wont bother re-iterating all the posts here because we all pretty much share the same frustration, but will put my 2 cents in just so we are heard collectively.


I just tried to play.. I really did. I gave it about an hour and I just couldnt do it anymore, it's possibly the worst 'improvement' you have made to the game so far and I pray you deploy a hotfix soon so I can log back on and play, until then, I'm signing off. If it's not fixed by the next billing cycle, I'll most likely cancel that too.

Edited by Talarchy
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It really baffles me that there are people out there that like the change :eek:


It brings horrible to a complete new level.


You literally have to guess if your ability is up when the GCD is falling off and on top of that, there is a delay - GCD is dropping and it takes some time before your ability lits up.


There was a post from someone that only clicker have this problem - I think it's the opposite - as a pure non-clicker I'm focused on a few ability, that might get reset or not (depending on RNG hits) now, you have to stare even more on these few abilities.


Seriously, how could that even remotely made it to the live system is beyond me.




It is now harder to see if an ability will be usable when the GCD is over. In UI design this is a step backwards.

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