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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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Im sorry, i just dont believe your story. 15min really? I can see maybe a hour a two but in that time you would need a break. Everybody would.


What don't you understand from these posts? The issue does not effect everyone.


For some people, it can become debilitating quite quickly. Once again, this does not reflect everyone.


There has been one capped thread in less than 24 hours that covered it. There is more than likely going to be another one before tomorrow. You may feel like burying your head in the sand and pretending other people are liars is the correct way to respond, but if that's the case then you may as well keep your piehole shut.

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All my abilities are grayed out during combat when they are in cooldown or not in cooldown. Every single ability is always grayed out on my bar, with or whithout a blue line. Out of combat the abilities relight up. This is VERY, VERY, VERY confusing and only occured after this most recent patch.


This is what it looks like in my game. Everything's greyed out/unavailable the entire time in combat. You see the gcd flash, but it always looks like every ability is on cd constantly.

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Im sorry, i just dont believe your story. 15min really? I can see maybe a hour a two but in that time you would need a break. Everybody would.


Sorry i don't care about in what you do or don't believe. You aint affect nothin here.


I need Bio to fix this nonsense or tell me straight that it will not be fixed so i can unsub and be done with it.

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Im sorry, i just dont believe your story. 15min really? I can see maybe a hour a two but in that time you would need a break. Everybody would.


Nope 10 - 15 minutes. Try doing a google search on video games headaches and nausea. This is a well known problem and you are an insensitive ignorant fool if you think otherwise.

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i really like this new ui the only issue for me is the insane difficoult to check if the ability is ready or not, think this need and adjustment but it's all, for all the rest i see correct that bw puts an option in preferences that let you choose which ui you want to use. Edited by elfoscuro
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A couple things:


First you claim the UI fix is better. Judging from this post many people don't feel that way. I won't bother reiterating the reasons because you clearly didn't bother reading prior posts.


Second, basically you are saying that all the people claiming headaches are liars and that it is all just a giant conspiracy.


The point is many people find the game unplayably in its current state. At least the Ilum problem was isolated to a single area of the game.


There was a post just like this when the new UI first came out with complaining. Granted we can't tell what people like them all, like one or the other or hates them all. All im saying is that i think headaches and medical problems is overdoing it. Im sorry but this is the first that I've heard in alot of games and forums that people are complaining because of medical issues with the game.


I'm not trolling, i just think this post is ridiculous. That's all. Maybe you guys have seizures because of it but I doubt it.

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Its making me sick because its a horrible effect that is more hinderance than visually affective. They went totally overboard on the change because some didn't like the prior effect. So bioware was like "they want flashy and vibrant and huge annoying graphics to show when everything is cooling down and lets obscure everything while we are at it!"


Its awful.

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There was a post just like this when the new UI first came out with complaining. Granted we can't tell what people like them all, like one or the other or hates them all. All im saying is that i think headaches and medical problems is overdoing it. Im sorry but this is the first that I've heard in alot of games and forums that people are complaining because of medical issues with the game.


I'm not trolling, i just think this post is ridiculous. That's all. Maybe you guys have seizures because of it but I doubt it.




I doubt people are having seizures from it, but you have to admit that instead of making the UI more clear as to what was on GCD and what wasn't this is a total failure and looks TERRIBLE. It also does something called the "Aura effect" that can induce nausea and headaches.

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Hope I helped a little :)



No that's not help in the slightest. The problem isn't that it's not what we've used for the past few months and it 'upset' us. The problem is the way and the manner in which they changed the UI. For some people it will cause a physical reaction. It's a form of motion sickness and it's very common in video games. Try Googling it. I personally could care less just how shiny and cool looking the UI is as long as it provides me with the information i need in an easily usable and identifiable manner. I can't even comment on whether it scores on the first criterion, it fails on the last.


Glad you find it so cool though.

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aaa ok. I know what it is:


....BioWare, good job with the cool new look but it's overdone a little bit. Make it so the backgrounds of the hotbars where the abilities sit do not go TOO grey/fading out but so they are JUST right. THAT'S what is causing all this trouble. Some people have things with their eyes, like astigmatism, or migraines, or anything to that matter, just something as simple as this can cause the retina of the eye to become irritated in the back which sends signals to the brain it can't take that type of torture anymore therefore giving you headaches or making you dizzy.


BioWare, I tell you this, make it so it's not TOO drastic of a change, just because it seems as though the people who ARE complaining won't be playing your game. And you don't want that. This isn't a little thing it seems. It seems like a lot of people have conditions of their eyes/brain that this screws with them.


And is it just me...or do some of the gcd even appear greyed out all the time because of this effect now? For me..ok..I'll admit it. I loved having the way it was because I LOVE timing EXACTLY when my cooldowns and abilities stop so it was great before. But...this is pretty good working, you just have to do one thing: don't have it be so drastic so the white fading backgrounds pop out so much and keep fading THATS whats screwin with people :)


Hope I helped a little :)


Yes. For a game that has been acknowledged as "most accessible" i can say that for me, for my eyes, this change has rendered it virtually unplayable. For my admittedly poor eyes, the graying out is too much, leaving the contrast too great. The flashy indicators are distracting as well.


In ten minutes of play tonight I was dizzy. Five minutes after that I had a headache.


But the previous animations were completely fine. Please, just let me revert to the prior version of animations. I'm very unsure I can ever get used to the new version, and if I can't, I won't be able to play, or therefore, pay.

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Nope 10 - 15 minutes. Try doing a google search on video games headaches and nausea. This is a well known problem and you are an insensitive ignorant fool if you think otherwise.


TBH, Then you prolly shoudn't play video games if it's that bad. You think a guy with a torn ACL is going to play football, obviously not.

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There was a post just like this when the new UI first came out with complaining. Granted we can't tell what people like them all, like one or the other or hates them all. All im saying is that i think headaches and medical problems is overdoing it. Im sorry but this is the first that I've heard in alot of games and forums that people are complaining because of medical issues with the game.


I'm not trolling, i just think this post is ridiculous. That's all. Maybe you guys have seizures because of it but I doubt it.


Video game related motion sickness has been acknowledged for about 20 years. Your ignorance of it does not mean it doesn't exist.

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I doubt people are having seizures from it, but you have to admit that instead of making the UI more clear as to what was on GCD and what wasn't this is a total failure and looks TERRIBLE. It also does something called the "Aura effect" that can induce nausea and headaches.


I agree, at launch was the best. It didnt need fixing so i dont know why they did.

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There was a post just like this when the new UI first came out with complaining. Granted we can't tell what people like them all, like one or the other or hates them all. All im saying is that i think headaches and medical problems is overdoing it. Im sorry but this is the first that I've heard in alot of games and forums that people are complaining because of medical issues with the game.


I'm not trolling, i just think this post is ridiculous. That's all. Maybe you guys have seizures because of it but I doubt it.


Okay so you admit you are saying people are liars. Stop trying to dress it up. Calling other liars doesn't add anything constructive. The only thing constructive in your thread is that you prefer the new UI (which is fair). Everything else you said is pointless and is trolling.

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All im saying is that i think headaches and medical problems is overdoing it. Im sorry but this is the first that I've heard in alot of games and forums that people are complaining because of medical issues with the game.



This is the first time most of us have ever had to post anything of this nature which kinda speaks for itself.

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TBH, Then you prolly shoudn't play video games if it's that bad. You think a guy with a torn ACL is going to play football, obviously not.


Dear lord, what are you not getting from this thread? People were fine yesterday. They are not today. Obviously, the problem came with the patch.

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TBH, Then you prolly shoudn't play video games if it's that bad. You think a guy with a torn ACL is going to play football, obviously not.


You're saying that when these issues were not present with the previous UI though.

So if it's 100% playable BEFORE something and isn't after...what does that tell you?


Oh. Maybe the new thing isn't so great for everyone after all.

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TBH, Then you prolly shoudn't play video games if it's that bad. You think a guy with a torn ACL is going to play football, obviously not.


Well, we should not be playing THIS video game since it's that bad. This is the only game I have ever had headaches and nausea from and I've played games all the way back to original EQ back in the day.


If we take your own advice then we should just cancel our subs? I'm good with that.

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awful, wretched beyond belief this new GCD implementation. Not only can i not see what abilities to use next, but the constant strobe light flashing on EVERY SINGLE BUTTON is giving me splitting headaches since i started playing today. Done with this game till they make up their effing mind on which GCD display they want to go with, seeing how they change it every week.


edit: for the millionth effing time, give us NUMERICAL GDC indicators. You know, numbers that count down until the ability is ready. Why do you think cooldown timers is the #1 downloaded mod for World of Warcraft?? This is the most fundamental aspect of any MMO UI, the cooldown indicator. Can't believe how amateurish Bioware is being with this. Its embarassing really.

Edited by Amonet
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