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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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Please point out where I said it wasn't a big deal for some people. I didn't. I said for me it isn't as eye-straining for me as others have claimed. That does not negate their opinion, rather says my experience differs from theirs.


You guys need to stop reading what you WANT to see and actually read what is being typed.


"Played for about 3 hours last night doing almost solely PvP. Overall I think that, for me personal, it is not nearly as drastic as others believe it to be."


Your saying in that sentence, that you believe people are blowing it out of proportion based on your own personal experience. Maybe if you had left out the "it is not nearly as drastic as others believe it to be", I wouldn't have jumped all over your post. But I did read what you typed :rolleyes:

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I personally wish they would just stop trying to be all cute and fancy with the UI and the CD indicators.


All they simply need to do is put the cooldown count right on the skill icon.

It is already hooked into the skill, as if you hover over the skill while it is on cooldown you can see in the very bottom right hand corner in the tooltip what time is left on the cooldown.


So please stop trying to be fancy with your cute little design with the UI and just K.I.S.S. it already.

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In my opinion the biggest problem with the change is it's now more difficult to see which buttons are lit up and available for use. Before the patch it was easier to glance at the bar and plan the next 2-3 abilities to use. Now the UI has become a bottleneck as I wait for it to finish the GCD scrolldown/flashing and show me what I need to see.


Obviously a good UI should impart the necessary information clearly and directly with minimal user effort and this patch takes a step backwards in that sense.


Personally I would like to see an option for a countdown indicator on the button itself like WoW's OmniCC addon. At the very least please either revert the change or let us toggle this latest change on/off, thanks.

Edited by Projawa
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Not to invalidate other complaints/opinions, but personally I probably would not have even noticed there was a change if I hadn't read the forums before I played.


Same! Like it really is NOT that big of a deal..it's clear to me when I can use my skills and I know my abilities well enough to know which are my my actual cool down abilities..That's why I take 30 minutes to bind my keys ever 5 levels and take the time to learn a combat pattern rotation and timing.

Edited by Moitteva
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"Played for about 3 hours last night doing almost solely PvP. Overall I think that, for me personal, it is not nearly as drastic as others believe it to be."


Your saying in that sentence, that you believe people are blowing it out of proportion based on your own personal experience. Maybe if you had left out the "it is not nearly as drastic as others believe it to be", I wouldn't have jumped all over your post. But I did read what you typed :rolleyes:


Wrong. I said FOR ME PERSONALLY it is not as drastic. Others believe it to be drastic, I do not. That does not mean they are wrong and I am right. It's a matter of opinion. Just because I say someone believes it to be one way, doesn't magically mean I think they are blowing it out of proportion.


Again, read what is typed, not what you just want it to say to justify your own position.

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I am giving them to the end of today to address this in some way, otherwise I'll just move on to another game. Not to make changes yet (though I hope that will happen soon), but to address people's concerns and say they will make changes soon.


I literally cannot log in and play without the game making me ill -- headaches and nausea. I'm not going to play any game that does so.

Edited by ToliverGrey
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No idea why this was changed from the previous version. The only thing wrong with the previous version was that you coudln't tell when something came off a LONG cooldown. That was the ONLY thing that needed to be fixed, the GCD was fine. The new GCD animation is beyond distracting and makes seeing your abilities near impossible until the GCD has ended.


All that needed to be added to the old version was a slight dimming of the effects on cooldown, nothing more. I'm not sure why BW is trying to kill a fly with a bulldozer on this one.

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I think 1 day is too soon to unsub over this issue, but if it's not fixed longer term I may not have much choice :(


I agree that one day is too short to call for an unsub but the way they have handled this with lack of communication and not taking it seriously piled on top of the already terrible customer service they have shown is reason enough.

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The new ability bar makes it very easy to see how long I have for cooldowns to be ready, although I would still prefer an overlay that ticks numbers or at least the last 3 so I know exactly when it's ready rather than spamming abilities when it is nearly ready.


The little flash at the end, however, has got to go! It keeps my abilities darkened out rather than having them 1 by 1 return to their full color normal state when they are ready. It is HIGHLY obnoxious and actually makes it more difficult for me to tell when things are ready. I believe the intention here is to make it more obvious when abilities are ready, but it is unnecessary junk that actually accomplishes the opposite.


Last but certainly not least, why not give us ability to tweak it ourselves?

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Your saying in that sentence, that you believe people are blowing it out of proportion based on your own personal experience. Maybe if you had left out the "it is not nearly as drastic as others believe it to be", I wouldn't have jumped all over your post. But I did read what you typed :rolleyes:


You can jump all over any post you want, it certainly doesn't change the fact that not all of us have a problem with this.

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I'm getting very irritated by people saying stuff like "if you're having seizures over a game you should go see a doctor." Dennō Senshi Porygon, an episode of Pokemon which was aired in Japan in 1997, caused many viewers to suffer blurred vision, headaches, dizziness and nausea, and even a few people had seizures, blindness, convulsions, and lost consciousness due to excessive strobe effects. Over 685 children were taken to hospital by ambulance, but most recovered in the ambulance and only a small fraction of the treated children were actually diagnosed as suffering photosensitive epilepsy.


If this game is causing people to suffer with mild to severe symptoms that may or may not indicate they suffer photosensitive epilepsy, then this needs to be addressed seriously. Seeing a doctor can't fix what the game is causing, unless you're trying to say that only people who aren't photosensitive can only play this game. It's going to cause a lot of people to have to quit playing if that's the case.


Moral of the story?


Don't let your kids watch Pokemon.

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Or finally just give us UI mod support to make our own UI's, you know...save yourself the head ache of never making everyone happy



This... I think this solution will end a whole bunch of complaints. While before I didn't agree it was necessary but now ___if enough players think it is necessary and they pay then for the developers it is a necessary priority



In general, and more than the complainers, I thought this was a really decent first pass at UI it had all teh Basics. but, this has been a persistent complaint from a sufficent number people to make it a credible issue.


Let customers have their cake.

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Now doing dailies in Day 2 of the new GCD indicator. Just as bad as Day 1.


I have tried turning down the brightness and contrast on my monitor, but that doesn't help. The problem is not the brightness level, but that the GCD overlay compared to the faded tooltip is just too much variance. Basically, I have to look past a very bright fade line to try to get information from a very dark image underneath, and it's this forced rapid and constant adjustment that is making my eyes tired and my head hurt.


The added flash at the end of the GCD while I'm focusing so hard on the dark tooltip underneath just makes everything worse.

Edited by ptwonline
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I read the forums and expected the worst. Ran directive 7 last night and some heriocs and i had no issues on my sentinel. I like the change. It took a bit of getting used to but i can clearly see the cooldowns.


Everyone has an opinion but mine is: nice change

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Same! Like it really is NOT that big of a deal..it's clear to me when I can use my skills and I know my abilities well enough to know which are my my actual cool down abilities..That's why I take 30 minutes to bind my keys ever 5 levels and take the time to learn a combat pattern rotation and timing...to many cry babies.


Again, it's not the skills and abilities a lot of us are talking about.. it's the headaches and dizziness the flashing is giving us. Although, I don't expect someone who uses the term "cry babies" to begin to remotely comprehend that we are physically unable to play for longer than 15 minutes since this was implemented.


Each day this stays in effect is another day we are unable to play which is another day of our sub wasted due to no fault of our own. We would have been happy with a temporary roll back until they could get an option in place to turn it off/on just so we could take advantage of the time we have already paid for. If they do not get a fix for this out today that makes two days in a row that several of us have not been able to play because of actual physical pain.


When this thread started and the reports of headaches, nausea and dizziness started coming in they were civil and calm. What you guys are seeing now is frustration over very little communication from anyone at BW and the inconsiderate trolling calling us names and telling us to get over it. They have put more effort into communication over the Ilum issue than this which makes some of us feel they have their priorities out of order. Is it going to take someone going to the doctor and threatening to sue because of migraines for them to actually give the impression they are listening and it matters?

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Again, it's not the skills and abilities a lot of us are talking about.. it's the headaches and dizziness the flashing is giving us. Although, I don't expect someone who uses the term "cry babies" to begin to remotely comprehend that we are physically unable to play for longer than 15 minutes since this was implemented.


Each day this stays in effect is another day we are unable to play which is another day of our sub wasted due to no fault of our own. We would have been happy with a temporary roll back until they could get an option in place to turn it off/on just so we could take advantage of the time we have already paid for. If they do not get a fix for this out today that makes two days in a row that several of us have not been able to play because of actual physical pain.


When this thread started and the reports of headaches, nausea and dizziness started coming in they were civil and calm. What you guys are seeing now is frustration over very little communication from anyone at BW and the inconsiderate trolling calling us names and telling us to get over it. They have put more effort into communication over the Ilum issue than this which makes some of us feel they have their priorities out of order. Is it going to take someone going to the doctor and threatening to sue because of migraines for them to actually give the impression they are listening and it matters?


Well said. Thank you.

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Again, it's not the skills and abilities a lot of us are talking about.. it's the headaches and dizziness the flashing is giving us. Although, I don't expect someone who uses the term "cry babies" to begin to remotely comprehend that we are physically unable to play for longer than 15 minutes since this was implemented.


Each day this stays in effect is another day we are unable to play which is another day of our sub wasted due to no fault of our own. We would have been happy with a temporary roll back until they could get an option in place to turn it off/on just so we could take advantage of the time we have already paid for. If they do not get a fix for this out today that makes two days in a row that several of us have not been able to play because of actual physical pain.


When this thread started and the reports of headaches, nausea and dizziness started coming in they were civil and calm. What you guys are seeing now is frustration over very little communication from anyone at BW and the inconsiderate trolling calling us names and telling us to get over it. They have put more effort into communication over the Ilum issue than this which makes some of us feel they have their priorities out of order. Is it going to take someone going to the doctor and threatening to sue because of migraines for them to actually give the impression they are listening and it matters?



+ 1 yes thats true

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