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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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Not to invalidate other complaints/opinions, but personally I probably would not have even noticed there was a change if I hadn't read the forums before I played.


Thats exactly what happened to me with the prior change. I had to ask on the forums for an explanation because I didnt know what they were talking about ! This ones slightly different, more noticeable, but fine in my book.

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Not to invalidate other complaints/opinions, but personally I probably would not have even noticed there was a change if I hadn't read the forums before I played.


Play a Jedi Sentinel / Sith Marauder. My bars are in a constant state of grey and flashing. I can't tell what abilities I have Focus available for, what abilities are on CD, and when I'm in range. It's horrible.


My operative alt is also bad, but not not nearly as bad as the Sentinel.

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plz fix this problem asap, i literally cant play the game, if this is not fixed soon, i have to quit this game since it's getting annoying with the amount of bugs and a new prob every 2 weeks, and i cba to run to fourms and cry for change every single day :mad::mad::mad:
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honestly i'm not trying to be a drama queen or say i dont like these new effects. the effects actually make me dizzy and feel car sick. i cannot play the game right now because i dont want to feel ill. i love this game, so i am pretty mad i cannot play it right now. after 15 minutes of play i become dizzy because of the constant flash in my peripheral vision. No I do not stare at the bars I use keybinds for 90% of my abilities. And I have never felt this with any other game. Edited by gryhmr
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Not to invalidate other complaints/opinions, but personally I probably would not have even noticed there was a change if I hadn't read the forums before I played.


Lucky you. I have a friend who walked down a block past the spot where the school we went to used to be, and now it is a parking lot. And he didn't notice a thing either. He's one of the happiest people I know.


Having said that, the new cooldown effect is absolutely horrible. Can't you just rip off OmniCC from WoW like you ripped off all of the Sith Juggernaut abilities? If an amateur can make an addon like that, quickly and for free, surely your elite team of world class programmers can make something like it in a couple of months?

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I don't understand why they make a change that so many have an opinion about, either pro or con, and don't just make a checkbox or pulldown option to pick among several options. It would save coding time in the long run, eliminate this type of thread, and be better for the game overall.


I kind of like the new system, and I liked it at release, but I can see why people don't.

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Players are obviously on both ends of the spectrum on this. You cannot just "revert" because that's not fair to those that were having trouble discerning what cooldowns were active or not active.


The only real solution is to give players a choice in the options menu that allows them to choose how they want to view cooldowns.

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I really like the new cool down effects, but I didnt have a problem with the originals either. Just to make everyone happy I guess there has to be an option to choose which one you want as its obvious there is going to be complaints either way. Cheers to BW for trying though.
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Maybe this UI is separating two groups of players - I don't want to say good or bad players.


As a pure PvPer I want/need to look everywhere but my quick bars, looking at my QBs has to be at an absolute minimum


I.E. Opponent casting a devastating spell - is my Interrupt up?

My Dot landed, is my follow up ability up?

My opponent is running, do I have to snare him or can I pull him back?


All these decisions are happening in a split second - I need/want/must see if my ability is ready to be fired or not.


I hate to post it again - but look at this and you know, you won't see if your ability is available or not, or are you in ranged, out of ammo or whatever...it is just MADNESS!



Darn, do I have to become a clicker to play this game???

Edited by Tanyala
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I really like the new cool down effects, but I didnt have a problem with the originals either. Just to make everyone happy I guess there has to be an option to choose which one you want as its obvious there is going to be complaints either way. Cheers to BW for trying though.


That's all I want, the option to go back to non-strobe light actionbars. My disco-dancing days are over, tyvm.




People do still disco...... right!?!!?

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It's a terrible change. I cannot tell when certain actions are off cooldown. The flash at the end makes me nauseous and the whole gameplay now is giving me a migraine.


I do not understand how Bioware's legal counsel cannot be taking all the comments in this thread about the deleterious health effects these changes have been causing to heart. This is a serious matter. :(

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Long post. Tl;dr summary: change your monitor settings.


Full story:

Last night, my eyes hurt so much from this that I could not play. I posted this in the old thread. The strain was horrible, quite painful after a few minutes. I have no recorded problem of photosensitivity or any such issues in games.

I also thought the change was too flashy and uninformative - I could not tell which abilities would be available after the gcd - but that was really not the main point, it was so painful to look at that I logged off and read a book instead, even though I really wanted to play.


Today, I came back to the forums to see if there had been a fix or an option to use the previous system. Instead, I noticed one or two posts suggesting a change in positioning, lighting conditions, and monitor settings, so I thought I'd give it a try. It really helped.


I am using an LCD monitor, 22". My previous settings turned out to be: brightness 70/100, contrast 100/100, color temperature 6500K. First I changed the brightness and contrast to 50/100, then I noticed my monitor has an sRGB setting, which takes care of all that and is the recommended one for "casual" viewing in "typical" lighting at home.


I also moved the monitor further away, as far as the desk allows, and the chair back. I'd say this gained me about 5 to 10 inches of distance. This also helped a lot: if I move closer my eyes hurt more from looking at the bar and I find it harder to tell what's going on; if I move further, it gets a little better.


I still don't like the new ui flash and intrusive cd bar. I still think it makes it harder for me to concentrate on the information I want. BUT: I CAN play, with these changes, whereas before I could not. I now find it possible, if still not as easy as before, to tell what will be available after the gcd. I now see that there is a slight difference in the level to which abilities are darkened out if they are available or not. The bar effect and flash blindness effect is simply now so much brighter that it becomes overbearing, making it harder to tell that the difference is there, but it is still there. I think it's even possibly just the same as before the latest patch, it's just so much harder to see.


Hopefully others will find this useful.

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Well....I played my trooper shortly after the patch and had no issues with the change...even liked it. But then last night I played my smuggler and had a horrible time. Allmost all the skill icons will stay dark and was hard to tell when the CD was over or if it was ready or not. WTH? Tried some other classes and it seemed to be ok. Why is it good for some, but sucks for other chars? Makes no sense.
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I do not understand how Bioware's legal counsel cannot be taking all the comments in this thread about the deleterious health effects these changes have been causing to heart. This is a serious matter. :(


If the cooldown does not fit, you must ragequit!!

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Long post. Tl;dr summary: change your monitor settings.


Full story:

Last night, my eyes hurt so much from this that I could not play. I posted this in the old thread. The strain was horrible, quite painful after a few minutes. I have no recorded problem of photosensitivity or any such issues in games.

I also thought the change was too flashy and uninformative - I could not tell which abilities would be available after the gcd - but that was really not the main point, it was so painful to look at that I logged off and read a book instead, even though I really wanted to play.


Today, I came back to the forums to see if there had been a fix or an option to use the previous system. Instead, I noticed one or two posts suggesting a change in positioning, lighting conditions, and monitor settings, so I thought I'd give it a try. It really helped.


I am using an LCD monitor, 22". My previous settings turned out to be: brightness 70/100, contrast 100/100, color temperature 6500K. First I changed the brightness and contrast to 50/100, then I noticed my monitor has an sRGB setting, which takes care of all that and is the recommended one for "casual" viewing in "typical" lighting at home.


I also moved the monitor further away, as far as the desk allows, and the chair back. I'd say this gained me about 5 to 10 inches of distance. This also helped a lot: if I move closer my eyes hurt more from looking at the bar and I find it harder to tell what's going on; if I move further, it gets a little better.


I still don't like the new ui flash and intrusive cd bar. I still think it makes it harder for me to concentrate on the information I want. BUT: I CAN play, with these changes, whereas before I could not. I now find it possible, if still not as easy as before, to tell what will be available after the gcd. I now see that there is a slight difference in the level to which abilities are darkened out if they are available or not. The bar effect and flash blindness effect is simply now so much brighter that it becomes overbearing, making it harder to tell that the difference is there, but it is still there. I think it's even possibly just the same as before the latest patch, it's just so much harder to see.


Hopefully others will find this useful.


ty for sharing the tip but we seriously need a perma solution for this, i have a wall mounted monitor which cant go any further than it already is, and i cant play the game more than 10 min without getting a migraine

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Now GCD makes all your abilities dark ... *** the only way you can cast things now is => 23456234561234562345623456123456234562345612345623456234561234562345623456123456234562345612345623456234561234562345623456123456234562345612345623456234561234562345623456123456234562345612345623456234561234562345623456123456
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So have we had some sort of replay from BW ? sorry i am bit lazy to read 80 pages of this thread since yesterday I read all 113 of last one :D

Are they still working on it ? Its unbeleviable so many ppl is having problems and they are just quiet lol.

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Maybe this UI is separating two groups of players - I don't want to say good or bad players.


As a pure PvPer I want/need to look everywhere but my quick bars, looking at my QBs has to be at an absolute minimum


I.E. Opponent casting a devastating spell - is my Interrupt up?

My Dot landed, is my follow up ability up?

My opponent is running, do I have to snare him or can I pull him back?


All these decisions are happening in a split second - I need/want/must see if my ability is ready to be fired or not.


I hate to post it again - but look at this and you know, you won't see if your ability is available or not, or are you in ranged, out of ammo or whatever...it is just MADNESS!



Darn, do I have to become a clicker to play this game???


Can't agree more with this post. PvE is alot more leisurely than PvP is, on my sage I can actually wait a few seconds between button pushing to see what I need to do next. PvP is constant mashing, every time GCD is off.... if I am not activating a skill then I need to know immediately whats available to me to be used. This change is just beyond bad.... I really hope they fix it by the time I get home tonight, cause I want to be able to play!

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I unsubscribed last night and went back to FFXI. The main reason? Look at the number of post on this topic. Look at the number of post on Warzone lag/fps issues. Now how many dev post are there addressing the issues or reassuring us? Fact of the matter is, is that if they were that concerned over our inability to play, headaches, etc... they would have at least posted saying, "we are working on a solution".


You want them to listen, unsubscribe, I did. Im not saying Ill never come back. What I am saying is that Im not going to pay you to ignore me.


Dont say I dont know what Im talking about. I had 4 tickets in on in-game bugs that were open for nearly a week then closed with no response. You guys can keep paying someone to give you a headache. Personally, I think that is about retarded.

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I'm fine with the new one, and IMHO is the best GCD effect they've had, EXCEPT that the icons underneath are too dark, so I can't see what's off of CD during the GCD refresh. If they take off the darkening of the icons during the GCD reveal this IMHO would be the best bar yet for the game.
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For me:


1 - I like the blue indicator showing how long the cooldown has left.


2 - the flashing is not helpful as it is distracting and doesn't really indicate anything useful.


3 - The icons are so dim in comparison now you cannot tell what abilities are available after the 'flash' such as abilities that require the target to be in a particular state.


All in all:


Making the cooldown overlay brighter is good. Everything else is bad with this UI change.

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I unsubscribed last night and went back to FFXI. The main reason? Look at the number of post on this topic. Look at the number of post on Warzone lag/fps issues. Now how many dev post are there addressing the issues or reassuring us? Fact of the matter is, is that if they were that concerned over our inability to play, headaches, etc... they would have at least posted saying, "we are working on a solution".


You want them to listen, unsubscribe, I did. Im not saying Ill never come back. What I am saying is that Im not going to pay you to ignore me.


Dont say I dont know what Im talking about. I had 4 tickets in on in-game bugs that were open for nearly a week then closed with no response. You guys can keep paying someone to give you a headache. Personally, I think that is about retarded.


They do. On both issues. Try the Dev Tracker!

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