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SOA random aggro P3? (bug)

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This isn't a "Bug". Soa now resets his agro table after each mind trap he casts. It was their fix for the tank getting mind trapped and then soa despawning because he still had agro inside.


A better fix would have been to just make the tank not get mind trapped at all. Whoever is top on the Agro Table doesn't get Mind trapped (Should be the tank). Problem Solved.


the fact is this is making the encounter damn near impossible to do if someone is getting picked on the other side of the room like what happened to me as a veng jugg and our mara we never touched the boss we were working on mind traps and every time it was one of us and he was walking through taunts not going right back that caused us to miss pylons and not kill him if thats how the fight is supposed to work now then bioware is a bigger joke at designing endgame then i though

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this dev team has little talent, they are amateur at best. They can't fix anything. the initial design of EV is just terrible, SOA is one of the most poorly conceived boss fights ever. These devs lack the talent to fix something without recognizing what will happen to another. This game must be so unstable and so poorly built. These issues have been happening over and over since beta. So the devs either A). Lack the talent to fix a poorly designed raid or B). Built something that was so broken that nobody can fix it now without causing other issues. So what is it Bioware, let us know?


PS: fire your current team and find some talented people that actually seem to care about their game. This game feels and plays like big corporation trash. I love Star Wars, please make me a game where I can enjoy this universe.

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this dev team has little talent, they are amateur at best. They can't fix anything. the initial design of EV is just terrible, SOA is one of the most poorly conceived boss fights ever. These devs lack the talent to fix something without recognizing what will happen to another. This game must be so unstable and so poorly built. These issues have been happening over and over since beta. So the devs either A). Lack the talent to fix a poorly designed raid or B). Built something that was so broken that nobody can fix it now without causing other issues. So what is it Bioware, let us know?


PS: fire your current team and find some talented people that actually seem to care about their game. This game feels and plays like big corporation trash. I love Star Wars, please make me a game where I can enjoy this universe.


first off you're wrong the soa encounter without bugs is a great encounter because everything up until him was a complete joke of a fight i agree they dont have the right people to be fixing these bugs on him seeing as they fixed something then broke another and you're wrong about how the game plays

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first off you're wrong the soa encounter without bugs is a great encounter because everything up until him was a complete joke of a fight i agree they dont have the right people to be fixing these bugs on him seeing as they fixed something then broke another and you're wrong about how the game plays


it's terribly conceived. The platform jumping was cool at first but it gets old. I wouldn't mind it so much but there are just so many bugs that make you repeat this fight that it gets old/tiring.


The fact that you need to run into lightning as a mechanic is plain stupid. Designing a fight where the raid needs to eat lightning balls by design is retarded. The second phase is complete RNG on who gets called out and where the balls are when the person being thrown falls. A fight that provides RNG as the difficulty curve is bad design.

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the random aggro thing might be a mechanic. its not that big of an issue if everyone pays attn. what is a big issue is him getting smacked by the pillar and not losing his shield. happens 1-3x every attempt weve done him. having to do him 15+ attempts for a kill praying that he wont be too bugged out to kill everytime isnt good and it needs to be worked on asap. its not even on their high priority list. weve had no confirmation that they even are checking up on a 23 page bug thread thats been on here for a week. that in itself is unacceptable.


You will lose subs if u dont fix this bioware.

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Seeing how he just started doing the aggro dump on last patch without any sort of patch notes to indicate that was intended... I'm going to bet this is a bug and it is insane how a dev has yet to confirm or deny this assumption.


This is also not talked about at all on the latest patch notes.... so much for SoA for another week I suppose.

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Seeing how he just started doing the aggro dump on last patch without any sort of patch notes to indicate that was intended... I'm going to bet this is a bug and it is insane how a dev has yet to confirm or deny this assumption.


This is also not talked about at all on the latest patch notes.... so much for SoA for another week I suppose.


I doubt it is a bug. He starts to roam (agro dump) when he places someone in a mind trap. It's very likely this was the mechanic put in place to make sure he does not reset if the tank is placed in the trap. It's still simple, save taunt for that moment. Works fine.


The biggest issue with SOA is the crystal not popping the shield.

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You guys made it to p3? That's crazy! Most of our attempts ended early because he decided we didn't need pieces of the floor in p2 and for the p3 transition. Nothing is more fun that chasing mind traps while you have holes in the floor. Then you don't get them for a ramp either and everyone just dies to fall damage. Best boss ever!
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This isn't a "Bug". Soa now resets his agro table after each mind trap he casts. It was their fix for the tank getting mind trapped and then soa despawning because he still had agro inside.


A better fix would have been to just make the tank not get mind trapped at all. Whoever is top on the Agro Table doesn't get Mind trapped (Should be the tank). Problem Solved.


Suppose I'll need to post this for every page -_-


If you raided before the last patch on nightmare you would know what bug was fixed even if it's not specifically said in the patch notes.

Edited by Zormarius
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This isn't a "Bug". Soa now resets his agro table after each mind trap he casts. It was their fix for the tank getting mind trapped and then soa despawning because he still had agro inside.


A better fix would have been to just make the tank not get mind trapped at all. Whoever is top on the Agro Table doesn't get Mind trapped (Should be the tank). Problem Solved.


Or a better fix would simply be that he simply skips the top guy if he can't attack him and attacks #2 on the agro list

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All I know is that this new surge nerf patch lowers all of my groups raid damage significantly and we don't have ANY better alternative to regain it due to the lack of enhancement types that actually will boost damage.


Also... before all the surge nerf, biochem nerf, and the issue that SoA aggro dumps... my 8 man group was very close in taking out Nightmare SoA. After the biochem nerf it made it almost impossible to utilize the DPS needed on phase 3 with the RNG of mind traps occurring during shield breaks and other factors (atleast for my groups class setup). After the surge nerf it's basically a done deal in my mind that it's impossible with current gear up options, let alone has too many RNG factors to deal with still that should be better tuned. Only way to make it possible now, if they kept the nerfs, is to tweak SoA's HP on nightmare or at least make it where he can't do mind traps PERIOD when it gets close to the shield breaks. You can't possibly have one DPS in a mind trap during that phase or it's game over.


CLARIFY - SoA sometimes mind traps people right when a shield will break. You cannot say this is a problem with the group getting the guy out of mind trap fast enough because it's literally RNG that completely shuts you down on winning the fight. This is a bad mechanic.


This coupled with the fact that they didn't even fix SoA still for his aggro dump in this latest patch is ridiculous. If this was INDEED INTENDED... you have to have a dps in the group that can taunt. This is a requirement on NIGHTMARE at the very least because, again, if the tank gets mind trapped RIGHT BEFORE A SHIELD BREAK how else will you land it on him? If you don't think this is absurd yet...


I want to continue to play and enjoy myself but I'm certainly finding a hard time figuring a reason in which to stay judging by the direction of the patches these past few weeks. The devs simply have no idea what they are doing to raiding, that is, what raiding they even have in this game since it's pretty bugged and all... let alone the reason of even doing Nightmare period for OPS. Master looter is also bugged. I'm going to stick around and see what they will be doing in March and if I don't like it I'm out of here. I will certainly give them time to show us if they have a direction in which they are taking us.. or if this is all simply erratic.


Regardless, SoA is a mess and needs to be tuned better with his mechanics. When he uses them... how he uses them... you name it. This is in addition to the bugs festering all around him.

Edited by Craiss
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I doubt it is a bug. He starts to roam (agro dump) when he places someone in a mind trap. It's very likely this was the mechanic put in place to make sure he does not reset if the tank is placed in the trap. It's still simple, save taunt for that moment. Works fine.


The biggest issue with SOA is the crystal not popping the shield.


If that is indeed the case, it is horrible encounter design. He mind trap frequently

in p3 so you have to constantly taunt/high threat move to regain agro.

Some classes DO NOT HAVE this capability to spam taunts/high threat moves

every few seconds.


If you do its a fight totally on rng because if he drops agro once during p3 amd misses

a pylon its a wipe generally. That, again is horrible encounter design.


The whole goal of the phase is to control the boss and break the shield with the pylons and burn the boss. This "fix" makes that insanely difficult. The fight is already hard enough

with the dps check and raid aware ness required to handle the orbs. Adding this, introduces a new difficulty level of INSANE.


And of course no word out of BW in a week, the more things change...the more they stay

the same.....sigh.

Edited by MarshallRouter
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This is the most irritating fight in the game by far. As my guild's main tank, there is nothing worse than taunting Soa, turning around so I can calculate the proper position, get there and turn around to see him on the other side of the room, hitting someone.


I can confirm that even with no one hitting him (as everyone is busy on mind traps), taunting him doesn't always work (Sith Juggernaut).


On a side note, how badly do these pyramids need a mark on the ground showing where they'll land ?

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Yep spent 3 hours wiping due to people porting to other phases/instances after killing the box, then spent every P3 wiping due to the boss not staying on the tank.


We just called it. It's pretty bad when you start ignoring strats and have to start building them around bugs. There is no excuse for the last boss in the game being broken.


even when we worked our strat around the bug, it still didn't work. we figured we'd just all travel as a clump and follow the tank around, so no matter who he's aggro'd on, he'd still get nailed by the pylon, right? nope. even when we are all on the ball (and I mean, the second the pylon is being lifted into the air), and get to the location as a group, he would path to us, and then stop to cast, and the pylon would land, before he got to us.


STOP NOT TESTING YOUR PATCHES. This is the problem. Pay one damn gamer to play a patch before you release it.


seriously, this isn't beta anymore. do some play testing before releasing stuff on live.

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This isn't a "Bug". Soa now resets his agro table after each mind trap he casts. It was their fix for the tank getting mind trapped and then soa despawning because he still had agro inside.


A better fix would have been to just make the tank not get mind trapped at all. Whoever is top on the Agro Table doesn't get Mind trapped (Should be the tank). Problem Solved.


I wouldn't call this a fix but rather a workaround which really makes it hard. Heck explain this, normal mode is according to designs be PUGable. Yet with this "fix" it's not any more. So I really really doubt this "fix" is working as intended.


I know my guild rather has pre-patched SOA where the tank had a slight chance of getting trapped rather then this. We like a challenge, but this is too random.

Edited by Schwick
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I'm a guild leader on Saber of Exar Kun and my guild managed to practically 1-2 shot all of EV HM, but not Soa. We've specifically set aside a full raid day just to focus on Soa and when he despawned with 3k health during a burst phase I gave up. His random aggro switches are complete crap. Had the tank taunting and blow all CDs off tank was doing the same and he chased after a DPS. DPS kited him to the pillar and Soa literally stopped moving and sat in the middle of the room until he despawned completely un-kitable.


I get that BW wants to fix issues that affect the larger portion of the player base but the fact of the matter is its the guilds and hardcore players that are playing multiple 50s and downing the high end content that will make the game survive. Not the 10 year old who's been level 30 since launch. Please fix this bug its frustrating to have to tell my guild "Yeah we are more than capable of ****** this boss, BUT bugs..."

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So, This is what you have to do with SOA in the Phase 3 at this point. Everyone in the party just has to stay as far away from him as possible accept the tank.


Soa doesn't seem to have an aggro table at all in the 3rd phase anymore, so he just attacks whoever is nearest to him. My guild is still able to down him on Nightmare Mode, but we've been killing Nightmare Mode Soa for almost a month now. Its just a pain to fight him now in the last phase.

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Did five tries today on NM. Random aggro is very difficult to handle but managed to get three pillars on him but not fourth. Still at enrage time we were kiting it to pillar but it did despawn so that bug is not fixed either. After that we did two tries on HM and got it despawn two times....


Great work piece of **** python coding or similar. Go kick your bug fixing teams a*# so that you won't introduce new bugs at each patch what are suppose to fix other issues.


Thanks :(

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It's strange how all the people saying that the aggro is not random, seem to be ignored by the majority of posters here.


SOA downed on nightmare with the so called random aggro, I'm tanking here and despite being thrown into a mind trap a second before the pylon dropped on his head in one instance it was all about just being ready to taunt the second he starts casting mind trap.


The only thing that is off in the SOA fight is where the pylons drop. I frapsed the video myself and the first pylon that drops is not in the same place on my video, compared the linked one.


But honestly, guys who are whining that aggro is random need to put on their reading glasses and tell their MT to taunt the second mind trap is being cast, then its easy.

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It's strange how all the people saying that the aggro is not random, seem to be ignored by the majority of posters here.


SOA downed on nightmare with the so called random aggro, I'm tanking here and despite being thrown into a mind trap a second before the pylon dropped on his head in one instance it was all about just being ready to taunt the second he starts casting mind trap.


The only thing that is off in the SOA fight is where the pylons drop. I frapsed the video myself and the first pylon that drops is not in the same place on my video, compared the linked one.


But honestly, guys who are whining that aggro is random need to put on their reading glasses and tell their MT to taunt the second mind trap is being cast, then its easy.


I guess its better to be lucky than good. The mechanic change is still bad encounter design and needs to be fixed. Period.

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I guess its better to be lucky than good. The mechanic change is still bad encounter design and needs to be fixed. Period.


Its bad enough that the pylon doesn't have an indicator as to where it is going to fire and that soa never wants to move fast enough to get to the pylon and just wants to stop moving to cast. Top it off with pylon not destroying his shield half the time and its just plain stupid.

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