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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Any word on those Valor rollbacks or bannings for the Ilum exploit?


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They should do the exact same thing they did to all the Imps who based camped on day 1 of the 1.1 patch and farmed insane amounts of valor without the possibility of death..........nothing.


I find it hilarious how many that defended that event, that also come here and complain about the kill trading.


At least with the kill trading, you die every other round, and can only gain valor every 3min.


That zergfest in the Rep base on day 1 of patch 1.1 had no such barrier.

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The issue has been dealt with......lol.


Of course nothing was done.


The standard response to exploits is to post that you are all serious about exploits and then remove any post referring to the exploit followed by nothing till everyone just moves on.

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All the people that worked the system will just get bored and reroll or quit. Once everyone has BM gear it won't even matter.


Exploiters need to pay the price though,otherwise it sets a bad precedent.

Edited by Sathid
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The precedent has already been set. Bioware doesn't care about their game, so why should the players? Right?


Apparently,i have waited two weeks for some resolve to this and nothing,im not even going to mention the speedhacks,whoops.

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The precedent has already been set. Bioware doesn't care about their game, so why should the players? Right?


The people paying the price are all at Bioware. Players have been working the system with all kinds of bugs due to a hastened release of this title. In the end, it's going to be Bioware that suffers.


Would I like to have seen a rollback? You bet. Am I going to let the lack of a rollback ruin my fun? No. I get plenty of joy out of killing bad players in BM gear.

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