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Macros that could fix the Marauder


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It has been said that Macros won't fix the complexity issues with the Marauder. Having played Rift, I can tell you, if they implemented them correctly, they would help a great deal.


Cast sequence macros, like those from WoW would not do much to simplify things, simply because Marauders don't have a set rotation. However, if they went down the same route as "Rift" with Priority Macros, it would help a TON.


Priority macros work as follows; you set a list of skills and the system tries to cast each one on the list in order. If the first one is unavalable, because of CD, range, or not enough Rage/Force/ex the macro attempts to cast the next one on the list. If that one can't cast, it moves to the next one, and so forth and so on.

Example, one macro for Vicious Throw and Deadly Throw.


/Cast Vicious Throw

/Cast Deadly Throw


With the priority macro system Vicious Throw would cast whenever you target is below 20% health, and Deadly Throw any other time. It effectively "Checks" to see if Vicious Throw is castable. If it's not, it automatically casts Deadly Throw. This would also be useful with Obliterate and Force Charge. (I play Rage)


/use Relic

/cast Obliterate

/cast Force charge


This macro would let you charge and Obliterate with one button depending on your range/rage/CD and automatically cast your relic when you are jumping into battle.

I could find ways to free up about half of my hotkeys with this type of macro system.

This macro system worked better than any other I have seen. It was one of the best features that came from Rift.


More Examples.


/cast Retaliation

/cast Force Scream

/cast Vicious Slash



/cast Cloak of Carnage

/cast Saber Ward



/cast Frenzy

/cast Bloodthirst



/cast Battering Assault

/cast Assault




Please devs, I can has macros?

Edited by Mcleavestein
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macros never should priorize, if the first cast fails the rest should fail too, if thats not the case then you could just create your rotation in one button, the macros should be there however to create mouseover macros or focus shifts, hostile and friendly macros ( charge / intercede ) or to use out of cooldown abilities such as retailate or trinkets and cooldowns.
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I would agree with you. I loved the RIFT macro system to a point where the whole rotation could be put into 3 keys.


I would love the priority system but they need to limit the macro to 2 abilities that can be macro'ed. This would help us severely to free up key bindings and be a little more efficient.


However, I would not expect to see macros on a priority system like RIFT.

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There's no doubt that this would make the class easier to play. But that's the point isn't it? I don't think it would lead to a 1 button death machine for the Marauder though, they have way too many skills. I was using a dozen or so keybinds on my warrior on Rift, and he wasn't anywhere near as complex.
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I'd bind vicious on every attack, and free some keybinds for defensive cooldowns and relics. Like undying+medpack, perhaps cloak+ward. These are things I usually use together anyway. Also I'd use the focus target feature more, like interrupt/deadly/execute focus target. Right now I don't see any point in using it. Targeting system in this game is pretty bad, and I prefer to take my chances than lose time trying to tabswitch targets or click them.
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Not everyone struggles with playing a marauder. They are not complex. No such thing as a "complex mmo character". They are all easy to use to make to so the millions of people using them continue to play. Edited by Furyofwar
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Not everyone struggles with playing a marauder. They are not complex. No such thing as a "complex mmo character". They are all easy to use to make to so the millions of people using them continue to play.


But there 10 x more complex than my BH for sure

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Not everyone struggles with playing a marauder. They are not complex. No such thing as a "complex mmo character". They are all easy to use to make to so the millions of people using them continue to play.

I had to buy a 17 button mouse because I ran out of hotkeys. I don't want easy mode, I do just fine in PvP, top 3 in dmg normally. I am using every button on my hot bars. My sorc friend was watching me play, and he was amazed by how many more skills I had than he did. I've had to invent new keybinds that I have never had to use in all my years of MMO experience. Been playing since 1999... Still no QQ here, just suggestions. I still love my class.

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I had to buy a 17 button mouse because I ran out of hotkeys. I don't want easy mode, I do just fine in PvP, top 3 in dmg normally. I am using every button on my hot bars. My sorc friend was watching me play, and he was amazed by how many more skills I had than he did. I've had to invent new keybinds that I have never had to use in all my years of MMO experience. Been playing since 1999... Still no QQ here, just suggestions. I still love my class.


I key bind every ability for all characters...there is no reason not to.. in fact anyone who doesn't is bad by default. Because even if a ability is only useful 1 out of 100 fights if you don't have it ready. An you get owned. Your bad. So everything must be ready. I use same amount of key binds on my mara as my Merc. Same goes for my new alts. I bind everything they got even though they are not 50.

Edited by Furyofwar
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I key bind every ability for all characters...there is no reason not to.. in fact anyone who doesn't is bad by default. Because even if a ability is only useful 1 out of 100 fights if you don't have it ready. An you get owned. Your bad. So everything must be ready. I use same amount of key binds on my mara as my Merc. Same goes for my new alts. I bind everything they got even though they are not 50.


That's what I was saying. I keybind everything. I have something like 36 keybinds on my marauder, far more than any other class I have ever played on any character on any other MMO, and I have played more than my fair share. Like I said, I do fine in PvP. I don't have the best gear, but I still manage top 3 in most warzones. But it is hard to argue that 36 buttons isn't out of the norm for past MMOs, and macros had a lot to do with the streamlining of those other games. I actually had to take several skills such as Hilt strike off just because I ran out of hotbar space.

Edited by Mcleavestein
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<sigh> another macro post..... bottom line you kiddies cant play a game without having one button to push only. l2p and learn how to keybind your abilities so you can do just this stuff. no macros no noooooooo never stop trying to make this wow.
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<sigh> another macro post..... bottom line you kiddies cant play a game without having one button to push only. l2p and learn how to keybind your abilities so you can do just this stuff. no macros no noooooooo never stop trying to make this wow.


Sigh, another moron who blindly hates things he doesn't understand .


By the context of his post, I will assume he is just a kid.

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another idiot who cant tell sarcasm..... medal earned for you.


To be fair. I didn't read your post as sarcasm either. It's not exactly easy to convey sarcasm over the interwebs. That being said, I've been on MMO forums on several games, and I've developed a thick skin because of it. People shouldn't speak to people on a forum in a way they wouldn't speak in person. Being rude for no reason, is a dead give away as to one's age.

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