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SWG'ers, are you content or bored with SWTOR?


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lol, and SWG patching bugs was any different? Really? And instead of fixing bugs, instead of adding content, instead of listening to players, SOE gave us the NGE. What BioWare has or hasn't done up until now in comparison is trivial to the debacle of SWG.


We are talking about the game not how SOE screwed it up.

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Yep, that game's dead yet the few faithful won't let it die. Last time I checked they shut it down. Games with solid player bases don't shut down.

Apparently though say something bad about it and they will report you so beware. I guess it's ok to bash WoW but if you offend that vocal minority watch out.


Im not offended if you bash SWG. Say whatever you like. Doesnt bother me one bit.

Just some feedback for bioware. Like I said, I do like the game. Im just a little bored and would like to see some non-combat and social game play found in a previous Star Wars mmo.

Simple as that.

Edited by MefuneAkira
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Yep, that game's dead yet the few faithful won't let it die. Last time I checked they shut it down. Games with solid player bases don't shut down.

Apparently though say something bad about it and they will report you so beware. I guess it's ok to bash WoW but if you offend that vocal minority watch out.


It had a solid player base and in case you didnt know SOE and LA desided that they should take the game and make it into a completely different game. I believe over 1/2 the players quit when the CU came out and more when they added the NGE. It wasnt the game that was the problem (and yes it did have some issues major and minor) but instead the company destroyed the game because they thought if they could make it like wow with a star wars theme they could get more players. Didnt work then and it wont work with this junk that Bioware put out.

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Im not offended if you bash SWG. Say whatever you like. Doesnt bother me one bit.

Just some feedback for bioware. Like I said, I do like the game. In just a little bored and would like to see some non-combat and social game play found in a previous Star Wars mmo.

Simple as that.


I agree with that.. I loved creating camps outside starting cities and having new players just wander up and rebuff.. I used to create master camps in places while I was searching for animals, and although I was a good 30 minute wallk from some cities, people always would wind up sitting down for a bit.

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I was bored with SWTOR so quick.


Yes SWG wasnt perfect but you could spend hours and hours doing things and never run out of anything to do.


The things I liked about SWG


1. No combat levels

2. The freedom to be any class you wanted

3. Your toon was your toon and you didnt have to make 8 alts to see the entire game

4. You only had one toon (excluding jedis) and you had to depend on other people to do stuff in the game, you couldnt be every crafting profession in the game with your alts.

5. Player Citys gave you something to show it was more than just your toon and gave you the presence of other people in the game even if they were somewhere else.

6. Space and space combat. A billion times better than SWTOR enough said

7. World PVP there was none of this stupid arena.warzone stuff. If you wanted to pvp you did it in the game and not in an instance of 8vs8. Theed 200 vs 200 battles

8. Crafting and gathering A billion times better than SWTOR and your stuff was sellable

9. The freedom to go anywhere you wanted at any time. You buy a speeder and your off. None of this you cant goto this planet or the exaustion zones in the MIDDLE of the map.

10. No one looked the same, with all the toon designs and armor designs and color options I dont think I ever say someone (not in a SW costume) look the same


The 3 biggest things I liked


1 Decorating. I didnt really start this much till after the CU but it allowed players to use their imagination to show their designs


2. Decay. Most people didnt like it and there were problems but I believe decay done right would always keep crafters as an important role in the game (and they were I think 7 of the 32 classes) and it kept everything fresh weather you wanted it to be or not. If you got that weapon you knew you after it decayed you would have to get another one at some point of time as with armor and everything else in the game. Remember I said if done right.


3. It was a sandbox. I had a friend that all he did was space and spent probable 99% of his time in game in his ship. Had a friend that was a dancer that only hanged out in the catina to socialize with people. In other words people in the game had something they could do even if they didnt like something else.


I am probable forgeting some since it was a long time ago but thats what 14 things I liked about the game. Yeah there might not have been a lot of people playing the game but everyone who was playing it had something to do and if you had a friend join later he wasnt stuck leveling just to play with you. The game was a social masterpiece that I dont think any other MMO will come close too.


It also taught that an MMO should mean that you have to interact with the other people in the game instead of then just being in the game and everyone playing solo.


You make good points. My time in SWG up until I ragequit (righteously so, I might add), was fun. It was fun, but it never really felt like Star Wars (for reasons I've outlined above).


I started out as a lowly crafter who saw a niche market in fireworks manufacturing and turned it into a multi-million credit droid and starship conglomeration. Then, in an RP sense, my character saw that he was profiting from war, felt guilty, and dropped all his skills to start over as a Creature Handler which I advanced to Master. I had the most awesome collection of exotic mounts. I also had some rare combat creatures, though not the rarest as SOE saw fit to end those dreams.


But I'd be the first to admit the pokemon-like nature of creature handler didn't quite jibe with Star Wars. Oh sure we couldn't point to the Rancor handler in EP6, but it was thin evidence at best.


I wish someone would make another game based on the SWG mechanics. Thing is, those mechanics don't have to be tied to Star Wars Universe. They could be incorporated anywhere.


But until that time, I'm having a blast in SWTOR. No regrets.

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It had a solid player base and in case you didnt know SOE and LA desided that they should take the game and make it into a completely different game. I believe over 1/2 the players quit when the CU came out and more when they added the NGE. It wasnt the game that was the problem (and yes it did have some issues major and minor) but instead the company destroyed the game because they thought if they could make it like wow with a star wars theme they could get more players. Didnt work then and it wont work with this junk that Bioware put out.


Umm I played the game up to the NGE, it was fun for a while. Then you realized there was nothing to do. I don't want to sit in a cantina and socialize. I don't want to make 1 million gizmos to be able to make a slightly better gizmo. SOE and LA put the finishing touches on what was a promising start, but there was nothing to do, unless you wanted to pay a monthly sub to have a social chat server.

If it was such a great idea of a game why didn't someone take the idea and run with it? Where's the next big crafting heavy, social intensive, sand box MMO? I haven't heard of one coming. Companies make games to make money, there isn't enough money in sandbox to warrant a big release, no matter how much the vocal minority pines for it. If there was some one would try to make a buck off it.

I remember my time in SWG fondly, but I realize it was a bomb from the start and if it didn't have Star Wars in it even less people would have played it. I don't have rose colored glasses about how empty and boring it was. It died for a number of reasons, the biggest was it was a sandbox and people are bored of them. Game genres die, sandbox MMOs have been consigned to the dust bin of history.

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Great, another retard. The point is that it felt like a city and not a planet. Tatooine felt like a planet, so did Hoth. Quesh was a joke. I take it back, it didn't even feel like a city. More like some ****** neighborhood.


Now, we get you're a fanboy, so are we. It doesn't mean you get to defend everything just because you can.


If you were reading any of my words in response to the OP, you've noticed that I said there's much to complain about in SWTOR, but the Star Warsyness wasn't one of them.


Oh, but I see. You're the self proclaimed objective voice here because you disliked Quesh, and I liked it? Apparently your thin argument would disappear if they had simply melded Quesh into another planet, say a high level zone on Taris? lol. Don't you see how ridiculous your complaint is? No...of course you don't. Never mind.

Edited by Wekeltes
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If this had 10% of the features of SWG I would be happy.


I agree. There are a number of features from SWG that would make this game even better. The glaring one for me is Space.


As the poster above pointed out, space system in SWG was awesome. I'd love to see a version of that ported here. Multiplayer ships? Yes please.

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Hmmm SWG EMU is out there go find it. And I promise you....people will still complain....If you dont like it dont sub geez


You need the original discs to play SWG EMU and many dont have them anymore or DL'd the client.

Edited by MefuneAkira
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I prefer ToR over SWG. I loved SWG pre CU, I than Loved then CU; NGE rubbed me the wrong way at first since the CU just came out not long ago. However after trying other games I go back to SWG and give NGE a real shot I liked the NGE and the content it added to the game since til its death. I however disagree with one of your Pros. Player bounties sure they worked awesome in the end since it could happen to anyone but I and many others probably remember being paranoid constantly while leveling a Jedi for fear of getting a bounty or worse DB'd. No game has ever singled out a player population with grief like SWG did, So I'm happy they aren't in this game. All this being said SWG was a great time sorry to see it go but it's time to move on.
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Old topic, OP. Don't know what you're trying to accomplish.


A very old thread of mine (would be longer but they wiped the forums, remember?)




Think you may agree with a lot of it.


But....this topic is pointless. This game is not SWG, and it never will be. This is the most casual of casual MMOs on the easiest easy easy mode. You're completely guided.

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Old topic, OP. Don't know what you're trying to accomplish.


A very old thread of mine (would be longer but they wiped the forums, remember?)




Think you may agree with a lot of it.


But....this topic is pointless. This game is not SWG, and it never will be. This is the most casual of casual MMOs on the easiest easy easy mode. You're completely guided.


I disagree. Many asked for guild housing and they are giving us Guild Capitol Ships.

I think Bioware are a bunch of competent guys who know to listen to their players and take what they have to say, at least, into consideration. SWG2? Probably not, but some of SWG's non-combat and social game play options, could be.


What am i trying to accomplish? I already did. Voicing my opinion. Thats about it.

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I never expect there to be another game like SWG, but the era of the straight-up, zero-customization, zero-exploration, you-never-leave-the-beaten-path theme park MMO needs to come to an end as well.


I'm bored as well. This is way, way, WAY too linear. Even space is on rails.

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I see no reason to not have story AND sandbox in the same kinda setup... I mean SWG was way too much sandbox and not enough story so I got bored of that, and SWTOR was fun up until the story ends, then theres nothing to do but PvP, datacrons and daily missions.


I have been waiting for a SW MMO with BOTH of these elements to make NO parts of the game boring and have it be fun all around, but I guess you cant win em all right :(


In any case I feel like SWTOR is superior to SWG imo, but thats just me and I wasnt around pre-CU and NGE, so I guess I woulnt know.

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They are one and the same, sister. One and the same. The game was screwed from the beginning because SOE didn't know what it was doing.


No they are not. The game had potential but the company SOE did nothing to improve on any points of the game except (JTL).


This game has potential also but if Bioware is going to fix stuff by just making it flash every sec instead then this game will have the same outcome as SWG.


In fact they are very similar


1. The combat system was terrible (ability delays)

2. There was lag and FPS issues the entire game

3. The PR with the players was non existant

4. Both keep saying they are going to fix fix fix but never did did did.


You would think that the same people that worked on SWG also worked on SWTOR by the comparision of the two in many cases.

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Guys, chill out and give this game some time... sometimes I think that people wouldnt be happy even with a game that would be like real life(graphics etc)... You all should think about what you are posting!

Obviously you are not going to have everything in first few months.

I aint a fanboy btw, its little boring for me sometimes but there are these moments that keep me playing.


So, just keep that in mind.

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Its called the CU/NGE


Nope, if the game was good people would have hung around to try and fix that crap. The key was people were really just waiting for an excuse to quit and the NGE gave it to them. I know I was there for it. I was bored before and the NGE just finished any hope that the game would get better. Same story for my guild. If the game was really worth saving people would have hung in. The instant drop of people showed they were just waiting for the final straw.


I have asked this a number of times in threads like this and get no answers: If sand box MMOs are so popular where is the next big AAA sandbox MMO coming out?

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