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SWG'ers, are you content or bored with SWTOR?


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Final Fanasy 11 and WoW are older games QUOTE]





Release date WOW November 23, 2004

Release date FF11 on PC October 28, 2003

Release date SWG June 26 2003


Either or

WoW 8years old this year and still has more subs than SWG ever had !

FF11 9 Years old this year and still has more subs than SWG ever had !

SWG 8years this year and is dead/closed/over , it sucked from the day it went live to the day it ended. 10k players at the end lol . the max it ever had was 200k players and never went over that. It only lasted 7 year which is alot for a game that mostly had 10k players . Most F2P games have more active accounts than that !


FF11 not considered a TOP MMO had over 1million players max and still has over 600k players now . It will be 9 years old this year and has beat SWG to death .

Edited by mefit
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very content but what i would give for one of my Ber 44 Elite harvesters here :D


Both Unity and Dark Unity are building up nicely, lots of weekly content on both side with some joint social meet ups on Nar Shaddaa BUT i know guild banks are coming soon BUT i would really apprechiate more guild tools, social stuff here as i miss hosting events. In SWG i ran live events, quiz nights, fancy dress competitons, vehicles and motor shows, pvp and pet v pet tourenments, comedy club nights, Storyteller events and more. Lack of tools here inc no macros has me beat for ideas.


So far, we have done 1 social cantina event (cant even play games inside, our arcade in prometheus had 4-5 playable games) and having a Hide and Seek fun event in Prominade this weekend for both Unity and Dark Unity combined. Would love to do more.


Its the little things like this, not having multi passenger vehicles, crap guild tools to work with, no guild cities/housing or ships etc thats the only downside for me with Tor, everything else is fine


I say give it some time because what you mention wasn't in swg right away and took a few publishes and a few years to get some of those features.

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I will admit


There is no real Socialising in TOR , I think more than just one thing is responsable for this .

My guild but me are all on XBL , sucks to be me in a quiet Guild and to be honest , if they weren't my friends from years of Gaming ..............I would be looking for a new Guild !


The only real player hub is Fleet bases.


("World Chat would allow for my in game socialising and yes TROLLING , it would also help LFG for Flashpoints or Heroics . People are too lazy to type LFG in the Search option lol")



I think TOR has tried to make a place for us all too go but there is nothing really to do when we get there . Needs card games and maybe dance sidegame . Will aggree chat bubbles might help but really hard to tell when most players are always on teh move !

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Graphics: Outstanding

Music: Sweet

Storyline: Fairly compelling

Combat System: Standard MMO

Interface: Lacking

PvE Grouped: Boring

PvE Ungrouped: Hamstrung

PvP: He who hath the Epics wins.

Crafting: Meh

Mounts: Unimpressed


:eek: No combat logs to see how effective your build is... bad move.

:eek: No UI mods... bad move

:eek: No macros... bad move

No >5 button mouse support... this is 2012, isn't it?

15 players in a zone... too many servers without a supporting population.


:o Was expecting SWTOR to tear Blizz a new one... my bad.


;) Renewing subscription... highly unlikely.

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Is it just me, or is it strange to compare a game that's been out for just about 3 months to more established games that have been out for years? Especially comparing it to games that pretty much set the golden standard to the genre of game we're talking about.


Listen, Bioware has some work ahead of it. No doubt about it. But at the same time, how can you expect a perfect game in the Vanilla version? People use the War Hammer analogy (I've never played it but I've seen it used over and over here) about releasing content too soon.


Not all of us are 24/7 gamers who can lvl to 50 and be battlemaster capped in a week. Some of us work 5 days a week or have kids or other hobbies. So us "typical" members of society who happen to have OTHER STUFF (aka. real life) going on, don't really have the problem of rushing through content.


I had an absolute BLAST lvling my jedi knight. I thought the story was great (act 1 fantastic, act 2 slowed down a bit but act 3 picked it up again). Now I"m lvling a trooper and again I love it. They wanted to emphasis story and cinematic qualities, and they've done that.


It's just bad business to show all your cards up on the table right off the bat. What kind of business model is that? No they have to wet our beaks, so we pay our monthly dues. Then once the MAJORITY of players (not the pro gamers) have seen most of the content, they release newer stuff, new contents, new dialogues, new companions (perhaps?), etc. When did AQ get released in relation to Vanilla Wow? Certainly not after 3 months right? (I could google this but I'm in the middle of this ish so I won't).


I guess the point of this post is, just in case it's TL:DR, is that how can we compare this game to games that have been out years when it's only been live about 3 months? Holy ***, give Bioware time to look at data, gauge customer reactions, and make adjustments from there.

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Is it just me, or is it strange to compare a game that's been out for just about 3 months to more established games that have been out for years? Especially comparing it to games that pretty much set the golden standard to the genre of game we're talking about.


Listen, Bioware has some work ahead of it. No doubt about it. But at the same time, how can you expect a perfect game in the Vanilla version? People use the War Hammer analogy (I've never played it but I've seen it used over and over here) about releasing content too soon.


Not all of us are 24/7 gamers who can lvl to 50 and be battlemaster capped in a week. Some of us work 5 days a week or have kids or other hobbies. So us "typical" members of society who happen to have OTHER STUFF (aka. real life) going on, don't really have the problem of rushing through content.


I had an absolute BLAST lvling my jedi knight. I thought the story was great (act 1 fantastic, act 2 slowed down a bit but act 3 picked it up again). Now I"m lvling a trooper and again I love it. They wanted to emphasis story and cinematic qualities, and they've done that.


It's just bad business to show all your cards up on the table right off the bat. What kind of business model is that? No they have to wet our beaks, so we pay our monthly dues. Then once the MAJORITY of players (not the pro gamers) have seen most of the content, they release newer stuff, new contents, new dialogues, new companions (perhaps?), etc. When did AQ get released in relation to Vanilla Wow? Certainly not after 3 months right? (I could google this but I'm in the middle of this ish so I won't).


I guess the point of this post is, just in case it's TL:DR, is that how can we compare this game to games that have been out years when it's only been live about 3 months? Holy ***, give Bioware time to look at data, gauge customer reactions, and make adjustments from there.


Is it just me, or is it strange to compare this game to the features of the other game thats been dead for five plus years?

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Is it just me, or is it strange to compare this game to the features of the other game thats been dead for five plus years?


These people are from a game that only a Zombie would love ! I guess when you are a PRO at nothing , it is hard to be in a game with something to do !


Ultima Online , when its servers went down people joined Private servers because they didn't want to move on !

SWG has a Private server or emulator whatnot out and people would rather take us all into their misery than go play their stupid game !


I DO NOT LIKE OR SUPPORT PRIVATE SERVERS but I am sick of these minority SWG players comparing this game to a game that never did anything worth noting .


SWG Had really no story

TOR has lots of stories

SWG was empty

TOR is on some servers over packed

SWG was blocky

TOR is smooth

SWG characters movement was like ROBOTS

TOR characters move like living people


SWG had a better social than TOR . Sure but when you have nothing else to do might as well use the game for a chat room !


TOR is nothing like SWG , the only things that bring them together is

1 They are both MMOs

2 They are both have Star Wars for titles ("So does the CloneWars Multiplayer and it has more active accounts than SWG ever had ")


Go play you SWG , no one cares but you guys .

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These people are from a game that only a Zombie would love ! I guess when you are a PRO at nothing , it is hard to be in a game with something to do !


Ultima Online , when its servers went down people joined Private servers because they didn't want to move on !

SWG has a Private server or emulator whatnot out and people would rather take us all into their misery than go play their stupid game !


I DO NOT LIKE OR SUPPORT PRIVATE SERVERS but I am sick of these minority SWG players comparing this game to a game that never did anything worth noting .


SWG Had really no story

TOR has lots of stories

SWG was empty

TOR is on some servers over packed

SWG was blocky

TOR is smooth

SWG characters movement was like ROBOTS

TOR characters move like living people


SWG had a better social than TOR . Sure but when you have nothing else to do might as well use the game for a chat room !


TOR is nothing like SWG , the only things that bring them together is

1 They are both MMOs

2 They are both have Star Wars for titles ("So does the CloneWars Multiplayer and it has more active accounts than SWG ever had ")


Go play you SWG , no one cares but you guys .


I could careless if people don't like tor, but i find it sad that people are claiming that pre-cu/cu is better than this when that style of gaming has been dead for 5 years now. How about we compare it in the form that it closed at with this game, it might hold a little more merit.

Edited by SeanC
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SWG Had really no story

TOR has lots of stories

SWG was empty

TOR is on some servers over packed

SWG was blocky

TOR is smooth

SWG characters movement was like ROBOTS

TOR characters move like living people


SWG had a better social than TOR . Sure but when you have nothing else to do might as well use the game for a chat room !



Before anyone thinks I dislike SWTOR, on the contrary I do enjoy the game, but I think Mefit needs put in his place.


Story: Yes SWG was not story driven, and as a result of Biowares commitment to story, it excels there. What you cannot do is create your own adventure because you are stuck in a linear story line with no deviations. Try and head to Nar Shada before Taris and tell me how your story line went. As SWTOR is now it is ground pound the baddies, play the space arcade, or PVP. My guess is that you are one of those who needs his adventure spoon fed and unable to decide your own characters fate.


SWG was empty, SWTOR has packed servers: My condolences that you were on a dead server. The one I was on was quite populated. Used to go out with the guild in groups and take over the planets from the Imps, Naboo, Tatooine, etc. Sometimes we had other guilds involved, so we had huge numbers at times. I remember Imp players putting out the word trying to scramble people to fight us. You cannot take over so much as a platform in this game, and I have yet to see a major PVP battle for territory in a non-PVP zone, oh that is right you can't do that here.


SWG was blocky, SWTOR is smooth: Maybe a result of the technology gap between the two games? I am just guessing here.


SWG characters moved like robots, SWTOR move like real people: Hmmm, so nothing has changed in computer animation since 2003.


SWG had better social environment than SWTOR: here you are correct but for the wrong reason. You had non-combat classes that promoted that social environment that created a great community. You had dancers for buffs which were helpful when you went out to wage large scale battles. Merchants to craft actual items that were unique. No two RE items were ever identical, unlike here. Created a strong game economy.


Again, I like SWTOR and I hope it does well and becomes a very sucessfull MMO, but there were features that made SWG a very fun game in its own right, unless you are the "need to be spoonfed" game player, SWG allowed you to do your own thing at any time. Quest, space (where I spent a lot of time), PVP, PVE, craft (with a non-combat character), etc. I approach games with an open mind and realize both games having their strengths and weaknesses. Mefit, only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Edited by Svengoole
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Starting to get bored. I believe this is mostly due to the fact that I'm stuck on a particular profession.


Currently have a sniper at 50. I hate pretty much everything about the class, but loved the light side story line.


I started leveling an assassin and like the play style, but could care less about the story.


Why can't I have an alt to play around with different classes (TKM, fencer, BH, ect..)? Obviously main was Jedi, but the ability to switch around classes in little to no time was great. Hell, I could have even gone with a crafter. Great having crafting abilities on your main, maybe, but an alt dedicated to it is better.

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well ive not got to 50 yet ( 39 ) and play a few hours a week-so i guess your outlook on this is based on your playtime; myself i reckon its a good game-but the lack of endgame has caused the drop off in numbers on the servers?? to compete with other titles you gotta have the same and a few improvements as your competition--sadly this doesnt seem to have it- i hope this is remedied as the effort that has gone in to this title is great-- the story etc is good- however this is mmo world-a different set of rules to satisfy the fickle nature of the genre-- come on bio, sort it out, this deserves to be long term...once GW2 and secret world and the others are out- your game has to be sorted.

Anyone know if the servers are being migrated too yet?

opinions please on the above-


Keep the faith and may your god go with you.:)

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So remarkably bored with this game. My current time expires in a little less than a month, I'll likely be unsubscribing till server transfers or mergers happen. Even then, I'm not sure if I'd be back. I think it's a bad sign that I have absolutely no interest in leveling another character.
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As a seven year SWG player I can tell you honestly that this game is nothing like SWG and never be a replacement for it.


But that is OK. It is not supposed to be. I am still playing it as of now and will be judging it on its own merits.


For my first month I have enjoyed facets of it, but really get the feeling that it is a solo game masquerading as an MMO.


The only game I could campare it to is Dragon Age.


So much of SWG centered around player interaction at a level no MMO has reached. As such TOR cannot be a repalcement for that kind of game play and if folks are looking for that here they will be dissappointed. Also, game players in general who are looking for something "revolutionary" will most likely be dissapointed as well.


I have not been playing long enough to make any final decisioons about the game but I am making a concerted effort to view it on its own and not through the prism of SWG or WoW or any other game.


That is a trap too many folks fall into.


Well-said. I'm playing and will play TOR for what TOR is, not what it isn't. If this game turned out to be SWG II then I would have been tremendously disappointed.

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You know what I find amusing? I find it amusing that..


-Some claim sandbox mmo's are dead and will never ever be made again when there are near limitless threads and posts in these and other game forums about the need for more content. Isn't asking for more content sort of like asking for a bigger sandbox? I find it downright hilarious when the same people basically state give the developers more time to make the sandbox bigger, and/or that it shouldnt be compared to Wow because they have had many years to increase their sandbox...


-Some manage to draw the conclusion if a product did not have commercial success absolutely everything must be wrong with it. I recall trying a touch enabled computer monitor once in 1984 or something like that. I think it was Hewlett-Packard. Unless I am forgetting some product I have seen over the years I think it took 20 years or so before I saw another touch screen. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt there a fruit company that has had at least minor success with touch screens now?


-Some seem to think the only way to add content to a game is by adding flashpoints, operations and quests. Is that really the extent of your imagination? If so perhaps you should be interested when others have different ideas.


-Some seem to think the only way to add a specific element that once existed in a different game is by copying it exactly including the horrible bugs and 10 year old graphics.


-Some people buy a product they like and decide to spend time at the complaints counter verbally attacking people that forward complaints or feedback thinking THEY are the idiots in that situation.


-Some seem to think a game forum is not the right place to submit feedback about a game or discuss it with other players. If I am in the wrong place for feedback and discussions with other customers please recommend a better alternative.


For some I recommend trying to comprehend that everyone currently enjoying SWTOR might not think the game is perfect as it is. Some might actually think it can be improved in one or more ways. They might even think this forum is the appropriate place to word it.


For some I recommend making an actual argument or simply state you dont like some idea. You might actually be respected even though you disagree...



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Currently enjoying the game, this is actually the 1st game i've actually gotten 2 characters to a high level. Right now i've got a 50 Sorcerer, 44 Commando and a 31 Scoundrel. The game has replayability for me, which is something for myself at least I can't claim having in any other MMO i've played.


My concern for the game in the long term, replayability is all well and great for single player games. However this is an MMO not a single player game, in which typically the producers of such games want customers for years. Not a few months. And for me, the way to do it would be putting out some open world PvP for 50's other than Ilum.


Otherwise this is just going to turn into another game, where if your not doing your open world dailys. Your going to sit in the main hub, and wait for the xserver WZ/FP finder to get you in a group or op for something. And honestly if that's what I really wanted from a game, i'd still have my account active for Rift or WoW where these mechanics are already present.

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I'm tired of this game. The PVE is too easy and faceroll, so I refuse to play it.


And - if you are Empire - PVP always queues you into Huttball. So the entire game is just Huttball to me.


I guess what I'm say is that I'm done playing Huttball. Off to find a better game.

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And - if you are Empire - PVP always queues you into Huttball. So the entire game is just Huttball to me.


That's what made me roll a Commando on the republic side of things, on Rakata at least for the 10-49 bracket is usually pretty decent. I'm hoping it's the same when I hit 50.

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