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SWG'ers, are you content or bored with SWTOR?


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If I made a list of everything that I think was wrong with SWG and SOE's management of the game it would be as long as a bad year. Looking at sales/subscription base during its lifecycle I wish anyone good luck making a good argument why SWG was nothing but a massive failure.


Despite that I have never played a game I enjoyed more. Why? Primarily because it had a lot of elements I enjoyed in addition to combat and improving gear. Those elements most important to me (not listed in a prioritized order) were:


-A complex crafting system including stat based resources.

-A complex crafting system that itself gave me additional reasons to engage in combat both to test my products and to aquire rare loot in order to make rare editions of my weapons.

-Player cities.

-Player housing and decoration.

-Player shops/vendors.

-Space combat including a wide range of ships and customization options.


As for the social aspect in a mmo SWG had many mechanics facilitating contact with other players other games should learn from. For example running a Weaponsmith shop meant I had a ton of players coming to my shop asking questions about weapons, combat, crafting, running a shop etc. A lot of players asked if they could provide me with resources for crafting, loot for rare weapons etc for a fee or rebates at my shop. Oh yes, I think I also had my fair share of beggars and the type of customer you would prefer vacate the premises yesterday. The key point is that I made a lot of friends in the game through my shop.


I find it strange so many completely disregard all aspects of SWG just because that title did not do better in the market. It is a breach of logic to conclude that everything was wrong with it because it failed in the market.


Most mmo gamers talk about the importance of content, this forum is no different. We must have more endgame content, ASAP! Yes, I do not disagree. The more content the merrier. With this in mind I find it strange to see so many claiming sandbox mmo's are dead or not economically viable because so few enjoy them. Correct me if I am wrong, but isnt more endgame content kind of like asking for a bigger sandbox?


Try to look past the definition of a sandbox game as a completely open and free environment with no guidance what you should do. What if someone developed a game that had both story based levelling and content, AND the freedom to explore and do alternative things both while levelling and at max level? Would that really make mmo's worse?


It seems to me a good few think WOW or something fairly like it is the optimal mmo. There are certainly many voicing opinions in that direction. Combat and a continous stream of improved obtainable gear, that is primarily what it offers. What product or product type has ever survived for a lengthy period of time without alterations and evolution? I can think of one but I will not mention it on these forums. Since way before Frogger computer games have continously evolved. They have to or they will not be popular as the gaming community evolves as well.


SWTOR offers nothing that has not been done before as far as I can see. Voice acting and story based levelling is not new to mmo's. The massive amount of it including the level of dependancy on it is new yes.


I am currently still enjoying SWTOR to a certain degree. I love a good story specially when implemented in a Star Wars setting. I have not experienced most of the total content currently in the game and yet I am already experiencing a sense of boredom. Prior to starting the game I was sure I would at least enjoy playing through each main class once and experience the individual stories. Now I am not so sure.


For my part SWTOR lacks depth and complexity. There are virtually no options when it comes to character customization and progression. Everything is extremely linear. The different classes are virtually identical besides animations and the classic gameplay differences between roles such as tank, healer and dps. Conversation options doesnt really do anything but provide slightly different responses and light/dark side points that does nothing for your character besides a couple of different gear options and possible sith corruption. It does virtually nothing to your story progression. The simplicity in every aspect of the game makes it feel too repetitive and that is probably what my feeling of boredom between new story bits is mostly about. It certainly doesnt help that it has no activity to offer besides combat.


Hopefully some additions and changes are made to the game to make it more appealing over time. And no, simply adding more of exactly the same most likely will not prolong my interest in the game.


To anyone feeling compelled telling me I should go play SWG Emu or stop living in the past. I dont want to go back even if SOE published SWG pre-CU officially. Like most other aspects of life what I enjoy in a game evolves. For me to enjoy a game as much as i once enjoyed SWG it would have to be more than SWG once was.


I doubt SWTOR will ever become a game I enjoy more than I enjoyed SWG but I hope I am wrong in that respect.


If you think SWTOR is the greatest game you ever played, all I can say is: Cool, does that mean you think its impossible to improve it?





i love your post, but don't sign your name on it. your name is too funny for me to take that seriously :p. though, mine wouldn't improve it at all either.

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This is how I pretty much feel. I found this post and I have to say that this guy HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD.


"QUOTE - Balmuck


1. Healing is atrocious with way to many interrupts, stuns and low medal counts for trying to actually heal on a healer. Even basic, "get info the fight:, melee abilities, such as leaps, have roots and interrupts associated with them, which means that healers almost have no place on the battlefield when fighting organized groups. Better to have two tanks and two DPS then one healer who can't get one cast off when getting assisted on. If you wanna heal in this game, level up Biochem to 400, roll a heavy armor DPS or a stealther and you're basically god mode.


2. Boring and repetitive Warzones with fairly horrible PVE mechanics. They reward mindless zerging and suicide instead of strategic re spawns and killing opponents. The medal system is completely horrible. It encourages individualism and selfishness because most people don't care for nothing more then to rack up their own medals. Who cares for a win when you can end up with 11 medals for a loss and still get 100 commendation. Seeing someone let their side die so they can get the solo kill medals is beyond ridiculous and truly sad. I would be ashamed if I was a game developer and came up with such a pathetic PVP mechanic. Not only that but as I stated... the game LITERALLY ENCOURAGES this type of behavior.



3. Class balance is horrible. Majority of the melee classes have some sort of vanish to get out of fights, allowing them to not only control the start of the fight with leaps or stealth but also decide when the fight will end and when they feel like they'll pull out. The range classes all have multiple forms of CC so basically whoever sees each other first, wins. No skill required since most classes can spam one button for easy kill. While range, especially the force users dominate the battlefield at lower levels, the game is completely turned upside down at level 50. Melee become untouchable while RPDS blow up like paper dolls. While it's somewhat satisfactory to see this, it however, is nothing to be proud off. People that play melee operatives or scoundrels for example, think they're gods with the ultimate amount of skill, even thought they know that their class is way OP.. I don't really care if they do as such but the dev team should be on top of classes as such. Each day and week that passes by, more people leave the game.


4. CC and CC immunity is horrible. Majority of the time, your resolve bar goes off inside your respawn area while you're waiting to get back into the fight. While some claim that resolve works, 99% of the time, it works as I said. You get stunned once, choked, rooted and then immobilized with full resolve bar and it only activates after you're dead. The 8 second immunity is practically useless since most classes that have vanish, will and do, in fact vanish or stealth during this time to continue the charade after their target's CC immunity is down. The 2 min CC break is a joke since stuns are on 20-30 sec cool down timers. The CC is also a huge problem on the RPDS since they can literally chill on the side lines, CC their targets while the target can't even defend or fight back. (Resolve is basically useless. The golden rule of any game when playing healers or kiters is that if you stand still, you're dead. However, in this game, majority of the classes have roots and abilities that immobilize targets which if used correctly, can and will keep the target in once place for more then 15 seconds at one time. This of course results in a death of that said target)


5. Open world PVP is a joke. It's very poorly implemented, rewards not killing the other faction and the valor and comms you get from it is laughable at best. This of course encourages people to only go to Illum to win trade for their daily quests. Outside of that, most people actually void the PVP zones since there is nothing to do in them. The chest and really good crafting nodes were all removed because of hackers and such, which means that 99.9% of the populations gets shafted because Bioware wants to "warn" these users. Only warning they should have gotten for blatant exploitation of the game is a ban.


6. UI and lag and latency are pretty horrible as well. People with top end machines, myself included, will and still do experience sporadic lag spikes that decide outcome of fights. This of course is a well known issue and Bioware, even in the beta, knew about this and still take no direct approach to deal with the issue. This is especially frustrating when playing melee classes because the client response is so horrible that they can't even hit the target they're chasing due to all the stuttering and rubber banding. UI itself is a complete and utter nightmare. It's hard to tell who needs cleansing or healing due to very bad UI frames which do not keep up with player's ACTUALLY HP. A lot of times people will die even thought they show as having full HP on the raid frames. This also applies with tanks or anyone else who needs to pay attention to raid bars to do their jobs properly. Targeting friendlies by clicking on them is pretty much impossible in this game so if the UI doesn't work or the person does not show up on the UI frames, (this happens ALL the time), they're basically screwed that whole Warzone.


7. The aesthetics of animations take away from the functionality of the game. As many people have complained, animation lag, length and such do effect the time stamps of abilities, which in some cases decide the outcome of fights. Project on the Consular for example, has 1.8 second delay between the activation of the ability and the damage application on the target, which in PVP can make a huge difference. 1.8 seconds, when trying to interrupt objective caps, is an eternity and can cause you to actually loose that objective even thought you've clearly interrupted the cap about 2 sec prior to completion.




How about that? I bet I get a ton of hate for that, lol. I do wanna inform ALL of you that all the issues listed above have been in the game since August of last year. That's when I started testing this game and nothing has changed since."

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The ONLY thing about SWG that i think should be implemented in SWTOR is the ability to choose a side. In SWG you chose your class, then after awhile you could choose to work for the Empire or, fight with the rebellion, or even not join a side. I would love the ability to choose for yourself who your troop, smug, BH, whoever, wants to fight for. Edited by lord_raven
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Thank god swg is dead! That game lasted far too long for it's own good.....take off the rose tinted specs and remember....

Dead cities and cantinas

Dead servers

Crafting was worthless with no one to buy your wares

Quests that gave vendor crap as rewards

Space was empty

Buff wars and exploits in pvp

Overpowered spies in restuss

Card game what was that about!!

Charging what.....50 dollars just to move your character to server with a marginally few more people on....what a bleeding rip off


I could go on and on.....while the servers were up it was the most berated mmo in history. I'm so glad it's gone

Edited by Tsukuni
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^^ rose tinted glasses? still got mine on then as im playing it still on emu. Im on the test server and have had more fun and interesting stuff in two hours than I have had on tor in days.

Theres actually more activity and multiplayer than this single player game.

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Seven year vet player of SWG. Ive played WoW, RIFT and a most of the other MMO's out there and none kept my interest more than SWG.

Yes the CU sucked. Yes the NGE sucked. So why did I stick with SWG?

Game play options.


SWG had more game play options than most MMOs.


Such as...


  • Player housing.
  • City building.
  • Guild/City wars.
  • Decorating homes, guild hall and ships.
  • Planet control scrimmages.
  • Cantinas with a purpose.
  • Bounty hunters that actually had bounties to hunt (other players).
  • A complex and fun crafting system that was very Star Warsy.
  • Merchants who could set up there own enterprise from their home or a merchant tent. (also very Star Warsy)
  • Non-combat classes that kept the social atmosphere alive.
  • Fishing.
  • Social events.

...and much more...


In SWTOR, there is combat, lazy crafting and datacron hunting. Thats about it. After level 50, its really just combat.


Now I know they never said SWTOR was going to be SGW2, but is it me or is Star Wars the Old Republic not very Star Warsy?


  • Cantinas that server no purpose. Un-Star Warsy.
  • Bounty hunters without bounties. Un-Star Warsy.
  • No merchants selling their wares. Un-Star-Warsy.
  • A simplistic, lazy and un-tangible crafting system. Un-Star Warsy. (No moisture vaporators? Come on! lol)
  • No weather change. Un-Star Warsy. (Tatooine sand storms anyone?)
  • No day/night cycle. Un-Star Warsy. (Twin suns setting? Night sky over Curoscant?)
  • Little life on planets. Un-Star Warsy (Star Wars universe is abundant with commerce and social activity.)

...and on and on...


I guess my point is, Im bored or maybe just combat/PvP/xp grind burnt out or maybe I'm just not feeling the Star Wars "intended" immersion. I guess I just was spoiled by SWG's many non-combat and social game play options to chose from when I just needed a break from the combat. I guess I was spoiled by the immersion of day/night cycles and weather changes. I guess I was spoiled by having a unique space in the Star Wars universe I could call my own.


I love many aspects of SWTOR and have no immediate plans to cancel my subscription, but it needs Star Warsy non-combat and social game play to keep my interest. Agree? Dont agree?


You fellow ex-SWG'ers bored or content with SWTOR?




... this is SWTOR, not SWG! For someone who was so SPOILED by immersion you failed to see a few things:


  • Cantinas that server(<--- you cant spell) no purpose. Un-Star Warsy.
    Cantina's provide resting XP and is the ONLY place in game you get to hear Figrin da'an classic works.
  • Bounty hunters without bounties. Un-Star Warsy.
    Their whole story is a HUNT! it is called the great hunt for a reason. and if you want to hunt players, do so... use your imagination! RP-PVP !
  • No merchants selling their wares. Un-Star-Warsy.
    There are merchants at every checkpoint!
  • A simplistic, lazy and un-tangible crafting system. Un-Star Warsy. (No moisture vaporators? Come on! lol)
    HAVE YOU EVEN BEEN TO TATOOINE?! there are vaporators everywhere and you need to harvest them to make purple color crystals... you fail at life!
  • No weather change. Un-Star Warsy. (Tatooine sand storms anyone?)
    you win this one.
  • No day/night cycle. Un-Star Warsy. (Twin suns setting? Night sky over Curoscant?)
    you get this one too
  • Little life on planets. Un-Star Warsy (Star Wars universe is abundant with commerce and social activity.)
    there are NPCs everywhere doing random things and saying scripted stuff... clearly you are blind, unless you are talking about players, which most of them are anti-social and you cant force them to cooperate.


So as i said this isnt SWG... And please, it is better to have others wonder if you are an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

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... this is SWTOR, not SWG! For someone who was so SPOILED by immersion you failed to see a few things:


[*]Cantinas that server(<--- you cant spell) no purpose. Un-Star Warsy.

Cantina's provide resting XP and is the ONLY place in game you get to hear Figrin da'an classic works.





So as i said this isnt SWG... And please, it is better to have others wonder if you are an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.


You mean like correcting someone's typing, while screwing up your own? No apostrophes in plurals, dear. Apparently you can't 'spell', either.


Aside from the level of unneeded snark in your response, you barely addressed the poster's points.


Yes, cantinas provide resting XP- which is only useful in combat. Which was the poster's main complaint- the heavy focus on combat


Yes- there are *NPC* merchants everywhere. Not *PC* merchants. While there is the GTM for selling you crafted items, it's pretty sterile.


Again, yes, there are *NPCs* running around, spouting the same 2 or 3 sets of canned lines (still with the audio bug where they start to talk, stop, then finish their conversation once you're well out of earshot- but you can still hear them). I play on several supposedly-RP servers, and when I see player chat at all outside of General, it's mostly people looking for teams for Heroics and FPs. Which is totally cool, but reminds you constantly that you're in a game, not a SW movie.


Granted, the poster IS comparing apples and oranges- SWG, before it was broken, was designed as an mmo*RPG*. Whereas ToR is mostly a console-crowd team-based shooter.


I still find it fun, personally, but the poster is right. It's not anywhere near as immersive.

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I played SWG for the first 5 years of it's life. I have fond memories of it, especially the first two years, but quite frankly it was not a good game. It had a great community and yes, the sandbox elements were very nice and the crafting was stellar. At the end of the day, it had an extremely low amount of subscriptions and even if SWTOR wouldn't have launched it likely would have died out in a year or two.
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Lol you may have hated SWG but there's no denying that that game was superior in many ways. Not saying it's a better game but some of you should give credit where credit is due. I mean can you guys say that it wouldn't be awesome to have Jump to Lightspeed on TOR with upgraded graphics? That's just one example. Like it or not SWG had a lot of good things going for it.


Also, for the rose color glasses argument that game was live a couple of months ago and the EMU has pre-CU. I think we can still remember the game OK after two months lol, Still, haters are gonna hate.

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If you're bored go back and play SWG..... oh well guess you'll have to wait for the next sandbox SW based MMO....LOL . or even the next sandbox MMO. The game was so bad it didn't even go F2P. SWG takes its well deserved place in the dustbin of MMO history. Save for the few die hards it won't be missed.
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SWG WAS DEAD IN its second year PERIOD !


SWG was the worst of everything while it gave alot of everything .

SWG Fans are like a CULT , even Sony has said the game itself was not in anyform profitable .


SWG had the worst sales out of any StarWars game dating back to Atari !

TOR has out sold , has more players , and has more story !


SWG just gave alot of options that were decent . Building a house was probably the only thing good about that game and that was that .


SWG's graphics were barely better than EQ1

SWG's UI was the worst looking UI in MMO history



I will give it 2 things tho ,


1 the fans are commited to it even though it was as dead as the deserts of tatoonie that was in SWG ! Tatoonie in SWG was DEAD too lol

If MMO Companies gave Refunds , I would be so wanting a Refund for what I spent in buying the game when it came out .................if only I'd waited


2 The whole community coming together in one spot shutting down the game from the buildup of data will always be epic



Other than that , I do not think I have ever played a worse MMO than SWG and I played UO lol.

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SWG WAS DEAD IN its second year PERIOD !


SWG was the worst of everything while it gave alot of everything .

SWG Fans are like a CULT , even Sony has said the game itself was not in anyform profitable .


SWG had the worst sales out of any StarWars game dating back to Atari !

TOR has out sold , has more players , and has more story !


SWG just gave alot of options that were decent . Building a house was probably the only thing good about that game and that was that .


SWG's graphics were barely better than EQ1

SWG's UI was the worst looking UI in MMO history



I will give it 2 things tho ,


1 the fans are commited to it even though it was as dead as the deserts of tatoonie that was in SWG ! Tatoonie in SWG was DEAD too lol

If MMO Companies gave Refunds , I would be so wanting a Refund for what I spent in buying the game when it came out .................if only I'd waited


2 The whole community coming together in one spot shutting down the game from the buildup of data will always be epic



Other than that , I do not think I have ever played a worse MMO than SWG and I played UO lol.



Are you on meth or something? You must be since your post makes it appear as though you have half a brain.

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Farstar was very active before the announcement of the game closing. Our guild there had to remove members who didnt log on for 70 days just to make room in the guild for newer members as the guild cap was only 500 and we were constanly at 500 for months and alot of other guilds were very active also. Our City had a thriving trade, swgcraft was being updated daily and we were hosting events. Then the announcement and bang but alot of us stuck with it to the end.


In some ways i miss SWG but in other ways i dont.

I miss the sandbox type of game and the crafting was superb but Tor has great storylines and for me personally, servers that can cope with more than 3 people and a mouse droid in the same area without lag lol.


As i was guild deputy leader for 7 years there (still am, guild came across to tor) i miss the social and guild aspects more than anything.

Simple things like sitting in chairs, houses, decorating, appearence tabs so everyone looked different. And Macros, god i miss macros. I used to host things like quiz events in SWG and without macros cant do those here. Atm only managing cantina social events, hide and seek events etc.

On the guild features, guild email is missing here also.


SWG was alot of work, enjoyable but alot of work for me. With my getting on in years now, although i miss SWG i also enjoy the pick up and play aspect of Tor as dont need to put so much effort into it,

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4 year vet here (last 4), as it is right now SWTOR is an ok subsutite for SWG. I saw as it is right now because there is soo much potention here for a great game but IMHO unless TOR makes it possible to place items and decorate our (crappy) ships it will NEVER be as good as SWG. They say that you never find out how much you enjoyed something until you can't do it anymore, at the time I hated the crafting system back in SWG, but looking back what you had to do to make an item it is much better than this do next to no work system we have now. Great thing about TOR, your personal storyline doesn't end halfway to max level with no clear ending.


All hail the devs of SWG!

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Swtor would be the WoW of 6 years ago if it came out first.. I truly believe people want this game to be WoW most will not admit that but its true.. I never played SWG but I did play Asheron's Call/Anarchy Online/Ultima Online and WoW for 6 years.. And i can tell you this game is the best when it comes to story.. Not so great when it comes to end game content and things like a combat log or a group finder etc..


If Bioware and EA stick with this game it will be an awesome MMO.. WoW took years to become the MMO it is today.. Give Bioware a chance..

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iam bored outta my mind in this game, after hitting level 50 its all standing around waiting for WZ and troll the forums LOL. yes i really miss SWG pre-cu and cu...for me i will be looking for a new home in a new MMO, most likely GW2 if not D3 or starcraft2 part2. definatly not coming back to this game no matter how much content they add.. no point in adding content when the game is so full of bugs and everyone goes unpunished for exploiting or using 3rd party programs.
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Considering it is only a few months post launch I would say still content. I would like to see what upcoming changes occur and what comes out of this roundtable thing in Austin. Why it was limited to guilds and guild leaders, I personally do not understand but hopefully something smart can come out of it.


Crafting is largely useless. Every mod is too close to the next and rendered more weak because you can gear out via comms as you level.


I do not understand why people cheer the ability to not waste time crafting when we are forced to run back and forth for interplanetary travel or (trooper) go back to corescaunt for a sit down with Garza at level 40ish. Starport to senate is a haul, even with a bike. There is way too much useless timesink travel in this game. It is want brought about the rush of mounts, speeders, and shorter shuttle wait times in swg back in the day.


There is no end game crafting in TOR, SWG, NGE had beast mastery at least. We will never see the likes of swgpets.com (still up) for TOR or swgcraft.com(down). Swgpets.com was agreed to be left up for the social aspect of that crafting community so they could stay in touch. Beast master vent is still up and people regularly chat there as well. In TOR's current state, we will never see that.

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Seven year vet player of SWG. Ive played WoW, RIFT and a most of the other MMO's out there and none kept my interest more than SWG.

Yes the CU sucked. Yes the NGE sucked. So why did I stick with SWG?

Game play options.


SWG had more game play options than most MMOs.




You fellow ex-SWG'ers bored or content with SWTOR?






enjoying it still at the moment, but even before I started I knew my time on swtor would only last 6-9 months due to lack of complexity and social fabric, leading to boredom, leading to not bothering to log on...



but for now I'm happy (and noticing A LOT of references to SWG in the game)

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Complaint #1: Cantinas that server no purpose. Un-Star Warsy.


Reply #1: Buddy, Cantinas don't 'server' any purpose. They're for meeting other people and buying those little consumables that can be used along with stims to boost stats, and for RPing.


Complaint #2: Bounty hunters without bounties. Un-Star Warsy.


Reply #2: PVP. Do some. It might be hard to believe, but you get creds for killing things. Amazing, huh?


Complaint #3: No merchants selling their wares. Un-Star-Warsy.


Reply #3: I sell my Cybercrafted stuff to players all the time. The GTN is a last resort for me. I prefer to do things face to face.


Complaint #4: A simplistic, lazy and un-tangible crafting system. Un-Star Warsy. (No moisture vaporators? Come on! lol)


Reply #4: You're talking about an MMO, not a perfectly formulated chemical solution that if even a millileter off could cause the end of existence. Sometimes, simple is better. People don't want to have to read a 500 page instruction manual on things.


Complaint #5: No weather change. Un-Star Warsy. (Tatooine sand storms anyone?)


Reply #5: If you want to spend a few hours being forced to 'walk' without using your map and not being able to see 5 feet in front of you, be my guest.


Complaint #6: No day/night cycle. Un-Star Warsy. (Twin suns setting? Night sky over Curoscant?)


Reply #6: Day/Night has never actually played much of a role in Star Wars. If stuff needed doing, it got done. End of story.


Complaint #7: Little life on planets. Un-Star Warsy (Star Wars universe is abundant with commerce and social activity.)


Reply #7: If you want 1-5 Frames Per Second on an Alienware with Max Specs, be my guest to do this. Otherwise, pipe down and play.

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