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More than 8 players in a Warzone needs to be fixed ASAP


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I made a little album showcasing what happened in my last match.




We had a full 8 players on our side, but the game still closed due to too few players. Whether the other team did it on purpose, or it was by accident, it needs to be fixed.


It shows people on the list even though they were in the match and left and then someone who was in queue replaced them. They weren't in there all at the same time.

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Then why did the game close with us having 8 players in the game?


Because nobody on your team left and got replaced by a person who had been in queue. That's not uncommon when your team is winning. People leaving the game in a huff usually happens when they're losing.

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It shows people on the list even though they were in the match and left and then someone who was in queue replaced them. They weren't in there all at the same time.


No there is an exploit that has been allowing more than 8 people into a match. I have seen it happen this weekend on our server a few times.


Yes it does need to be fixed and the exploiters banned.


Bad enough the Imps out number us 3 to 1 in open world PvP now they cheat to do so in Warzones.

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No there is an exploit that has been allowing more than 8 people into a match. I have seen it happen this weekend on our server a few times.


Yes it does need to be fixed and the exploiters banned.


Bad enough the Imps out number us 3 to 1 in open world PvP now they cheat to do so in Warzones.


I see no proof though, just your anecdotal report. I'm not disagreeing or disbelieving you guys, but the proof isn't in the scoreboard at the end because of what I pointed out. It has to be a screenshot showing the overload of players actively in the match.

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It's not an exploit its a bug! And yes it is happening rampantly I see it all the time, but your SS in no way shows it happened.


You dont really gain anything by doing this as you get abysmal credits/comms/valor for doing it as the matches end too fast. It's more of an extreme annoyance than anything.

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Because nobody on your team left and got replaced by a person who had been in queue. That's not uncommon when your team is winning. People leaving the game in a huff usually happens when they're losing.


I don't even understand what you are saying.


No one left and got replaced so that is why the game closed early?


We had 8 the whole time. Game still closed. The only way that happens is because they had more players than us.

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I don't even understand what you are saying.


No one left and got replaced so that is why the game closed early?


We had 8 the whole time. Game still closed. The only way that happens is because they had more players than us.


Or they had less than you because they were quitting. And there was no one in the queue to replace them.

Edited by Ruuprect
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On my server during the day Warzones almost exclusively start with 7 Republic side and will play out completely with only 7. On the other side of that we have groups of Imperials using the exploit to get more people into Warzones. So you end up with 7 Republics vs 10 Imperials in some Warzones. Couple that with the fact that almost all of the Imperial players choose sorcs and spam lighting and the Warzones are drying up. I've seen what once was instant ques which are now 30 min ques which still start uneven in the favor of the Imperials so people leave and are replaced within the 2 min countdown. So what happens is the Imperials win the Warzone due to plan and simple higher numbers and overpowering, but the warzone plays to completion anyways meaning they get a good chuck of valor for easy play.


BW really needs to get some sort of State of the Game post up and let us know what's going on because numbers are for sure dropping. I don't know if people are going Imperial or just leaving. But you can see the count on the fleet ships and on Republic side, its down to a faction of what it was.

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For the 125102985423095820395823094th time, BioWare does not care about cheaters and hackers and exploits. It's totally utterly pointless to rage about this because nothing will be done. If someone was going to be done, it would have been done months ago.
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No there is an exploit that has been allowing more than 8 people into a match. I have seen it happen this weekend on our server a few times.


Yes it does need to be fixed and the exploiters banned.


Bad enough the Imps out number us 3 to 1 in open world PvP now they cheat to do so in Warzones.


First off it wasnt an exploit, its a malfunction of the que system and when it happens the game ends just like when there is not enough playewrs to make a full 8 or at least thats what happened in some WZs i been in.


One or 2 people leave in a huff and in trying to quickly add replacements too many are added.

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It's not an exploit its a bug! And yes it is happening rampantly I see it all the time, but your SS in no way shows it happened.


You dont really gain anything by doing this as you get abysmal credits/comms/valor for doing it as the matches end too fast. It's more of an extreme annoyance than anything.


It actually is a expoit, involving a 2+ group queing together, and its very easy to do, it involves getting your party member a second que.when he is already in the warzone, he leaves the second que fooling the sustem, and they open another slot, this weekend there were 13 man imp teams, dont speak on thing you have no knowledge about. BW needs to fix this, us imps will continue to abuse it and the reps suffer more, unfair imo.

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First off it wasnt an exploit, its a malfunction of the que system and when it happens the game ends just like when there is not enough playewrs to make a full 8 or at least thats what happened in some WZs i been in.


One or 2 people leave in a huff and in trying to quickly add replacements too many are added.


Lol your wrong, I love this, from someone that has tested this on imp side, IT IS AN EXPOIT, AND 90% OF THE TIME THE WZ DOESNT END IF THE 8 reps stay in, only if they quit, DONT SPEAK ON **** YOU KNOW NOTHNG ABOUT MY GOD

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It happens on our server a lot. Repub premades all do it and it's probably 50% or more of the WZ's I get into.


Repubs on our server are terrible and they lose 90% when we play straight up. I guess this is their attempt at getting us back.


People just leave them if they're unbalanced so they don't get rewarded. Results in a lot of games closing early.

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it has to do with a certain someone reloading a ui after some conditions are done. You can get more than 8 in. Certain imperial guild on my server does it.


you are correct, finally someone, that knows what there talking about, i love how half these kids on the forums state there ideas as facts, unless youve done it, dont add, your theory just makes all the kids saying it isnt an exploit look stupid

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Bioware I was once a fan girl.... but allowing all these hacks and bugs and not taking appropriate action to ban individuals who are gaining an unfair advantage will bite ya'll in the rear.


It's showing you don't know how to protect and fix your PvP system so that it's fair for the masses that do not use cheating tactics to get ahead.

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Also BW is aware of the issue, I've opened several tickets about it and they said they're aware of it and working on a solution.


You can say what you want about BW but they've been pretty fast fixing issues imo.


The battlemasters that traded their way to their title and gear a month ago and have yet to see a repercussion would like to have a word with you.


The speed hacker that someone posted videos of today who has been advertising "30 second hutt ball wins" on his server, who has been reported dozens of times, and is still actively playing, he would also like a word with you.


The republic players that haven't completed an Ilum daily since 1.1 would like a word with you.


The players who miss credit for what seems like 1/2 of their wz wins and 1/2 of their kills in Ilum would like a word with you.


The players that walk to the edge of Ilum after every WZ to get their Ilum control buff to reapply would also like a word with you.


I could go on and on all day. But hey, at least they got around to fixing healer medals from shockfrozen water. That one right there was absolutely game breaking, amirite?

Edited by Celebrus
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