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Proof that BioWare dont care about Hardcore Gamers at all!


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op: This is not proof that bioware dont care about hardcore gamers.




The proof is that "nightmare" content is easier than "normal" content in other mmo's, these is no competative pve or pvp at all and that the whole game is geared for casuals (less than 3days played to get fully raid ready from dinging 50, puggable normal modes, no new mechanics on hard/nightmare)



Your right, but for the wrong reason.

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Its going to be hilarious in the coming months once the casuals hit endgame and start ************ about not being able to do all the content because all the hardcores already abandoned the Tortantic long ago.


Have fun paying $15 a month for a single player game.

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I'll give it a shot.


"I did Nightmare EV some hours ago and, upon completion, we received a nice, new title, which, I don't know, may have been bugged before. This title is "The Infernal" and one receives it by doing a "speed run" or, to explain, make this nightmare run in under two hours. I am unimpressed.


"We cleared this run in 30-40 minutes and you think two hours is an appropriate time limit for which to grant this title?


"Please give us a title of which we can be proud, one which is difficult to attain! The Bosses in this run aren't even that difficult. Perhaps a title granted for no one dying on the run, or lowering the time limit of the speed run to 30 minutes would be more appropriate."


That's my best guess.


have you considered employment as the united nations

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Its going to be hilarious in the coming months once the casuals hit endgame and start ************ about not being able to do all the content because all the hardcores already abandoned the Tortantic long ago.


Have fun paying $15 a month for a single player game.


I'll be playing this cool game, and you won't have your hardcore Pandas (not quite yet...but soon...show patience)

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Its going to be hilarious in the coming months once the casuals hit endgame and start ************ about not being able to do all the content because all the hardcores already abandoned the Tortantic long ago.


Have fun paying $15 a month for a single player game.


By those standards, "hardcores" will have moved through 3-4 other games by then. So, who cares?


I was hardcore in WoW, and I am glad to be rid of that style of gaming. Playing at a more relaxed pace and enjoying things brings out a lot more for my money. I understand both mentalities, but I honestly always have seen hardcore players just shift from game to game to game, sometimes back, forth and back again, just strictly based on content and how fast they can blow through it, it really has nothing to do with SWTOR.


They will go to GW2, and when they blow through that maybe TERA if the litigation ever finishes and it actually launches. Of course by then they'll be floating back to WoW or SWTOR for MoP or new SWTOR content, and back, forth and so on with new releases tossed in every so often.


Grats on your superfluous investment into boxed copies of retail content patches.

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"Hardcore Gamer" is a moron.


You had 4 too many letters in your sentence.


I took the liberty of removing them for you to bring it in line with what I thought the very second I read the OP.

Edited by Gomla
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'Hardcore' themepark MMO player....... it's like hanging out in the 'deep end' of a ball room.


This is almost exactly how I feel about the term "hardcore gamer" but... more recently as I used to be one. Now I see that it was really just silly and childish not to enjoy the games, but just try to "be the first" all the time.

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English please?


I tried running the original message through babblefish a few times and this is the best it could come up with.


Nano measuring instrument, that it EV to do can this new duno directly in certain time and before we became beautiful 1 of the names, which are possible buged, it, received. In an inhuman way that widerliches all' Thing ****, which concerns which concerns this is reached, in order speed of nano measuring instrument of the way enterprise concerns, formed - which _ - which names the enterprise of the speed to manufacture under 2H firmly it, in order to form, when it is extreme, under 2H is and name CSU releases **** from us that 30-40mins and u we give, are to 2H, which is given, are which! And good difficulty which one concerns I, the aren' take; The shelf admits; t is strong it to everything. Which concerns nell' When dying, it gives; Invasion or this works themselves exactly under 30mins, it accelerated

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See that you put just as much effort into your work as you do when you play the game. :eek:


Didnt no bad gamers=bad workers. Learn something new everyday


Normally I don't post however Bioware made star wars for casual gamers cuz the so called hardcore players ruin every other game like WoW was ruined by the so called hardcore players who whined that wrath was to easy so cata became to hard for casuals and now wow needs to nerf everything to fix it for said casuals. So yes hardcore gamers ruin games enough said less QQ more pewpew if you dont like the way star wars is go play WoW or any other game designed for hardcore players.


I raided in WoW from beginning of the game till the end of cata and I left for a more casual game since I work now and Star Wars is perfect and now that GW2 is coming out this year which is even more Casual and ArenaNet wont change it from the so called hardcore people who complain about everything and then run away from the game..


The game is casual leave it at that go play another game that is designed for the hardcore players. I would if i was still hardcore but i am not and SWTOR is fine.

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By those standards, "hardcores" will have moved through 3-4 other games by then. So, who cares?


I was hardcore in WoW, and I am glad to be rid of that style of gaming. Playing at a more relaxed pace and enjoying things brings out a lot more for my money. I understand both mentalities, but I honestly always have seen hardcore players just shift from game to game to game, sometimes back, forth and back again, just strictly based on content and how fast they can blow through it, it really has nothing to do with SWTOR.


They will go to GW2, and when they blow through that maybe TERA if the litigation ever finishes and it actually launches. Of course by then they'll be floating back to WoW or SWTOR for MoP or new SWTOR content, and back, forth and so on with new releases tossed in every so often.


Grats on your superfluous investment into boxed copies of retail content patches.


Nope. Got it as a gift, gave it a chance, and realized how sub par this game is overall to the rest of the themepark competition. I'm an EvE player, so you know I don't jump from game to game.

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I tried running the original message through babblefish a few times and this is the best it could come up with.


Nano measuring instrument, that it EV to do can this new duno directly in certain time and before we became beautiful 1 of the names, which are possible buged, it, received. In an inhuman way that widerliches all' Thing ****, which concerns which concerns this is reached, in order speed of nano measuring instrument of the way enterprise concerns, formed - which _ - which names the enterprise of the speed to manufacture under 2H firmly it, in order to form, when it is extreme, under 2H is and name CSU releases **** from us that 30-40mins and u we give, are to 2H, which is given, are which! And good difficulty which one concerns I, the aren' take; The shelf admits; t is strong it to everything. Which concerns nell' When dying, it gives; Invasion or this works themselves exactly under 30mins, it accelerated


Okey i am official lost

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I tried running the original message through babblefish a few times and this is the best it could come up with.


Nano measuring instrument, that it EV to do can this new duno directly in certain time and before we became beautiful 1 of the names, which are possible buged, it, received. In an inhuman way that widerliches all' Thing ****, which concerns which concerns this is reached, in order speed of nano measuring instrument of the way enterprise concerns, formed - which _ - which names the enterprise of the speed to manufacture under 2H firmly it, in order to form, when it is extreme, under 2H is and name CSU releases **** from us that 30-40mins and u we give, are to 2H, which is given, are which! And good difficulty which one concerns I, the aren' take; The shelf admits; t is strong it to everything. Which concerns nell' When dying, it gives; Invasion or this works themselves exactly under 30mins, it accelerated


That's all he was trying to say bro's, chill. We're getting worked up for nothing. ;)

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Its going to be hilarious in the coming months once the casuals hit endgame and start ************ about not being able to do all the content because all the hardcores already abandoned the Tortantic long ago.


Have fun paying $15 a month for a single player game.

We are having fun, and we won't miss you. At all :)

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They will go to GW2, and when they blow through that maybe TERA


The hardcores can go to GW2 but complaining there about being hardcore and content isnt out fast enough wont fly since Arena Net made GW2 to be casual there are no raids at all only 5 man content and thats how the game will stay.

Edited by Surma-Genesis
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I tried running the original message through babblefish a few times and this is the best it could come up with.


Nano measuring instrument, that it EV to do can this new duno directly in certain time and before we became beautiful 1 of the names, which are possible buged, it, received. In an inhuman way that widerliches all' Thing ****, which concerns which concerns this is reached, in order speed of nano measuring instrument of the way enterprise concerns, formed - which _ - which names the enterprise of the speed to manufacture under 2H firmly it, in order to form, when it is extreme, under 2H is and name CSU releases **** from us that 30-40mins and u we give, are to 2H, which is given, are which! And good difficulty which one concerns I, the aren' take; The shelf admits; t is strong it to everything. Which concerns nell' When dying, it gives; Invasion or this works themselves exactly under 30mins, it accelerated


All I read first was "exactly under 30mins"


Now I'm hungry for pizza :(

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Did NM EV some Hours ago and we got this new nice title duno might have been buged before. The Infernal , how to get this is to do Speed run under 2H NM -_-


2H what a **** we clear that **** in 30-40mins and u give us a speed run Title under 2H


Give some title u can be Proud of doing!! and be bit hard well i know the bosses aren't hard at all. give like none die in the raid or just speed run under 30mins


I wouldn't say that they don't care about hardcore gamers at all, but it certainly seems like this game wasn't aimed at hardcore gamers, it's almost as if they didn't think things through when they set out to make this game, unless you plan on skipping every side quest or rolling on another faction this game is not replay friendly.

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The hardcores can go to GW2 but complaining there about being hardcore and content isnt out fast enough wont fly since Arena Net made GW2 to be casual there are no raids at all only 5 man content and thats how the game will stay.


Hehe I know, but it's not going to stop them. Hardcores tire of content very quickly, then complain it's too easy or there's not enough of it and so they unsub/quit and buy the "next great thing" that will "challenge" them.


And you'll see all these threads on those forums as well.

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Hehe I know, but it's not going to stop them. Hardcores tire of content very quickly, then complain it's too easy or there's not enough of it and so they unsub/quit and buy the "next great thing" that will "challenge" them.


And you'll see all these threads on those forums as well.


Have to agree on this!

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Hehe I know, but it's not going to stop them. Hardcores tire of content very quickly, then complain it's too easy or there's not enough of it and so they unsub/quit and buy the "next great thing" that will "challenge" them.


And you'll see all these threads on those forums as well.


I agree with you 100% your right it will be like that at every game i just dont understand why the hardcores dont do research so they avoid casual mmos and leave all the drama at the door.

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