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The Worst Excuse Being Used


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I've been seeing this over and over in almost every thread where someone complains a particular feature doesn't exist, and without fail, someone will show up with the excuse that wow didn't have it at launch either.


That was 8 years ago.


It's not a valid excuse. I'm not paying MSRP for a used car and I'm not keeping my sub active for the MMORPG equivalent.


SWTOR is nothing more than an 8 year old used car. I demand features. I demand them now. And I know I'm not alone.


I'll see most of you in the forums of one of those other 2 games soon!

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Personally, I find the "I don't care of the game's new, it should have every MMO feature ever conceived" threads to be hilarious. Especially when they come in the form of royal edicts.


P.S.: What's with you people and your really bad car analogies? "This game is an 8-year-old used car! Even though it's two months old, and bears absolutely no resemblance to a car!"

Edited by Pink_Saber
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I've been seeing this over and over in almost every thread where someone complains a particular feature doesn't exist, and without fail, someone will show up with the excuse that wow didn't have it at launch either.


That was 8 years ago.


It's not a valid excuse. I'm not paying MSRP for a used car and I'm not keeping my sub active for the MMORPG equivalent.


SWTOR is nothing more than an 8 year old used car. I demand features. I demand them now. And I know I'm not alone.


I'll see most of you in the forums of one of those other 2 games soon!



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Customers who "demand" things are referred to the "We have the right to refuse service" sign.


we'll see how many people they wave that sign in front of.



my guess, since they're still about 170 million dollars in the red with this game, is none.

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The problem is that his entire post reminds me of a 6 yr old girl screaming "I want it now!"




He's not "screaming", and he has leverage -- his money.


I don't understand the prejudice that people have against other paying customers who want certain things out of the product, come to say that they want them, and are willing to take their money elsewhere.


That's why you have great products, because the companies making them actually have to make great products to attract and keep customers.


If BioWare had a guarantee that they'd sell the same number of copies of Mass Effect 3 whether they finished it to perfection or shipped it now, unfinished, your ME3 pre-order would probably wind up being an unfinished, borderline-unplayable game.


Simple economics.

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I've been seeing this (SAME EXACT THREAD)over and over every day where someone complains a particular feature doesn't exist, and without fail, someone will show up with the (SAME EXACT THREAD AGAIN)excuse that wow didn't have it at launch either.


That was 8 years ago. (WoW was started for development in 2001, launched in 2004. BW went off of what they knew from WoW in 2006-07 from research when starting this game's development, but okay I guess you have different math standards as I come up with 2-3 years)


It's not a valid excuse. I'm not paying MSRP for a used car and I'm not keeping my sub active for the MMORPG equivalent.


SWTOR is nothing more than an 8 year old used car. I demand features. I demand them now. And I know I'm not alone.


I'll see most of you in the forums of one of those other 2 games soon!




Thanks for posting ANOTHER one of these. THIS one MIGHT BE the DIFFERENCE MAKER!!!!


Please try to be constructive and not flame people who take one side or the other. Makes you look like a REALLY immature brat.


Also: The analogies of CARS to VIDEO GAMES is quite stale. Who, in their right, sane mind puts those two things on the same level?!?!?! Make it an analogy that is comparable in price, practicality and usage.

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And this negates any actual point you may have had and reduces you to the level of a 4 year old throwing a tantrum.



because calling someone a 4 year old makes you look... older??




enjoy your used car, and don't forget your towel. your going to need it.

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You hard core bioware fans are some of the meanest people on the internet. Against a LFG tool cause it harms the community? If you guys are the community I never want to have to talk to you, gimme the tool already.


I'm a hardcore BioWare fan, and I'm not against a "LFG tool". What I'm against is an automatic group-forming, cross-realm, anonymous, unaccountable "LFG tool" like the one that presently exists in WoW.


The "LFG tool" that was in WoW in vanilla and BC (and early WotLK) was great. You marked the instances you wanted to do, added a note, and were there for other people to find, whisper, vet, invite, play with, and kick.

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He's not "screaming", and he has leverage -- his money.


I don't understand the prejudice that people have against other paying customers who want certain things out of the product, come to say that they want them, and are willing to take their money elsewhere.


That's why you have great products, because the companies making them actually have to make great products to attract and keep customers.


If BioWare had a guarantee that they'd sell the same number of copies of Mass Effect 3 whether they finished it to perfection or shipped it now, unfinished, your ME3 pre-order would probably wind up being an unfinished, borderline-unplayable game.


Simple economics.


I have something against people whining.


Saying "I demand!" is whining.

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