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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why don't settings last?


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Question for you forum folk and/or Bioware:


Why don't settings last?


Let me give you some examples...


-Randomly all my chat boxes will revert to the default font. This sometimes happens when I change characters, or when I move from one zone to the next (it just happened when I used my fleet pass).


-Randomly my mini map will zoom in to the default setting. I keep my minimap zoomed out all the way, but just like with the chat font it will sometimes (loading a zone, logging on to a different character and then back to my main) just zoom in. It usually happens in conjunction with my chat font resetting.


-Randomly when I go into my crew skills, the layout reverts back to default (all + tabs open and sorted by difficulty). I want them to stay sorted by level or rating, and have certain things searched or closed.


-While I am using the GTN, and my companion comes back with crafting mats, it closes the GTN (this is incredibly obnoxious, and I have found no way to turn it off). When I reload the GTN, everything resets to default with my search gone.


None of these are game breaking issues. Howeve,r I would like to know if others are experiencing them and if so, why they haven't been fixed? They are all minor annoyances that seem like they should have been sorted out in beta.



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yup, all of the above.


Also, my companion bar I like to keep as default on the right. Occasionally it will randomly switch back to the bottom bar. This really wouldn't be an issue if we were able to use hotkeys that get covered up by the companion bar, or able to use hotkeys on the un-expanded companion bar beyond the 1st four, but we can't.

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I have seen a lot of the things you have listed as well. They also tend to come and go with no rhyme or reason. I am sure there is one since it is software and not mechanical...things don't just wear out and their outcome changes.


I also notice that the "Show alignment gain" option in preferences sometimes turns off when swapping characters.


Like you said not game breaking just annoying as hell.

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The one that irritates me the most is my companion ability bar keeps going back to bottom.


Just to cover all bases, are you sure you're not accidentally hitting the tilda button? The ` ~ button at the top left? That will cause your companion bar to move to the bottom of your screen. That's the only time I've seen it happen, so just checking.

Edited by Clobern
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Nah, the tilda is meant to expand the companion bar, not specifically to the bottom bar. In the general preferences you can choose what bar it appears over.


If you set it to overlay left, when you hit tilda it will open up on the left. Same with right. Same with bottom if you leave it to the default.


The issue is that changes get reverted back to defaults for several different things that the OP mentioned, plus this. There are probably others ones too that I haven't noticed.

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Question for you forum folk and/or Bioware:

-While I am using the GTN, and my companion comes back with crafting mats, it closes the GTN (this is incredibly obnoxious, and I have found no way to turn it off). When I reload the GTN, everything resets to default with my search gone.


None of these are game breaking issues.


I'm shopping for new gear. I've selected each field on the GTN how I want it based on armor, cost, level, etc. There are 7 pages of results and I'm currently on page 5 working my way backwards. I've got my character screen up on the right so I can figure out what I need. I've already bought a couple of pieces and they're waiting for me in the mailbox. I'm about to go to the previous page of gear and I've got a good mental feel of where I'm at since I have crossed off boots and belt in my mind.


Suddenly the whole screen disappears. I'm jarred out of my intense concentration and I'm like "*** happened??". Then I hear the obnoxiously, stupidly annoying C2N2's voice telling me that there's no excuse for his failure even though he succeeded on the mission.


Sorry, but this IS game breaking to me. The above scenario has happened more than once and has infuriated me each time. And it's not just this particular issue; this is just the product of the underlying problem that the UI is borked. And in its current state, I just can't keep playing this game much longer. I mean I can't even search the GTN for crafting recipes while I have my cybertech window up so I can see which recipes I already have.

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This is because there are two setting files for every character. I have no idea why, but there are.


Look in "AppData\Local\SWTOR\swtor\settings"


and in there you will see:





A simple workaround, is to open them up in notepad you can copy the contents of the complete one over the incomplete one. Or just the elements you want to keep, like ChatColors or ChatChannels.


Make a backup in case you break something though.

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One of the most annoying ones is the camera zoom resetting everytime you enter a new zone. I would like to bind my MWD to an ability but it's annoying and takes a bit more time to use a zoom bind on the keyboard. Why must it reset? What possible reason could there be for this design decision?
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I'm shopping for new gear. I've selected each field on the GTN how I want it based on armor, cost, level, etc. There are 7 pages of results and I'm currently on page 5 working my way backwards. I've got my character screen up on the right so I can figure out what I need. I've already bought a couple of pieces and they're waiting for me in the mailbox. I'm about to go to the previous page of gear and I've got a good mental feel of where I'm at since I have crossed off boots and belt in my mind.


Suddenly the whole screen disappears. I'm jarred out of my intense concentration and I'm like "*** happened??". Then I hear the obnoxiously, stupidly annoying C2N2's voice telling me that there's no excuse for his failure even though he succeeded on the mission.


Sorry, but this IS game breaking to me. The above scenario has happened more than once and has infuriated me each time. And it's not just this particular issue; this is just the product of the underlying problem that the UI is borked. And in its current state, I just can't keep playing this game much longer. I mean I can't even search the GTN for crafting recipes while I have my cybertech window up so I can see which recipes I already have.


This is hands down the most frustrating out of all these bugs in my opinion. The terrible part is, when you are in a quest cinematic, the game knows to send your companion's mission info to the "pending" box in the upper right!


Why do we not at least have the option to make it so your companion missions go there while the GTN is open?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I notice this happening sometimes if I make a new character on whatever server. It will reset my Show Alignment options, my party chat color I switch from purple to blue, my chat timestamp.


Sometimes it changes by itself. I think this happens to all characters when I make a new one and it goes in and resets all the UI settings on those 3 options for me and if I don't log them all in and change them I will always have the4 same problem because one has been reset. The moment I log in that one, it will reset those 3 options among all my characters again.

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I get number one all the time, especially whenever I jump back to a character that I haven't played in a few days. It's like the server wipes the settings every week or something.


I haven't experienced 2 or 3, and 4 is a different situation all together. That's just a case of certain windows not having foreground priority. I'd also like for my companions to stop butting in on whatever I'm doing whether it's using the GTN, buying something from a vendor, or reading the codex.

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Just to cover all bases, are you sure you're not accidentally hitting the tilda button? The ` ~ button at the top left? That will cause your companion bar to move to the bottom of your screen. That's the only time I've seen it happen, so just checking.


Not 100% sure, but this isn't happening just randomly running around questing. This usually happens loading up for the first time that day or changing zones. I will definitely pay attention to that this weekend.

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