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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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Yea rrealy big need. Im leveling already alt 1 and alt 2 up, and there is a real issue finding players because almost noone uses the LFG tool and people are normaly spread out when questing. Please give us a simply tool, don't need a 'we build automated groups and carry youre *** into the flashpoint'.
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I don't understand why BW is dragging its feet on this. They haven't said anything about it in their Q&As. It's almost as if the nonsensical rhetoric of "LFG will destroy communities and guilds" is actually swaying them. If one isn't implemented soon, this game will not hold me. The current system is terrible and needs improved ASAP. The fact that its not in this next patch is dissapointing to say the least.
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Probably a waste of time replying to this but i felt the need!


You probably would have been better off not replying.. All you succeeded in doing was proving my points..


You say that all the people on your friends list are on other servers.. Well.. That pretty much says that the local server community is dead to you.. You complain about recruitment requirements for guild.. While that may be true for some, it is not true for all.. But it is safe to say that you are not in a guild and you don't need to be to run flashpoints or operations.. Which is my point in the first place.. Thanks to the LFG system, you don't need to do anything to support your local community on your server, nor do you have to join a guild to run operations and stuff.. Which as I said, is my point..


The community isn't the people on other servers, it is the people that inhabit the same server as you.. We should not become dependent on an LFG system and people on other servers to run groups.. You are right, the servers aren't shut down in the wee hours.. But that wasn't my point was it?? Or do you really believe that is what I was implying?? 6:30am is not a peek time for any server.. That is just a plain and simple fact.. So if you are trying to find a group at that time.. Perhaps some extra steps are needed to insure you have a group.. Like find an early morning guild, with people that play during those times.. Or do you really want everyone to believe that you thought the servers were shut off during those times?? Especially since I never implied it..


In the end my point remains.. An LFG system is not a positive thing for the local community.. I see no reason to destory the community for all, so that a few, who on the surface appear to be to lazy to consider their options to find a group.. Destroying the need for guilds will destroy this game for a lot of people.. Bioware and you should be aware of that.. You post is a prime example of what I am saying.. Thanks for making my points.. :)

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You probably would have been better off not replying.. All you succeeded in doing was proving my points..


You say that all the people on your friends list are on other servers.. Well.. That pretty much says that the local server community is dead to you.. You complain about recruitment requirements for guild.. While that may be true for some, it is not true for all.. But it is safe to say that you are not in a guild and you don't need to be to run flashpoints or operations.. Which is my point in the first place.. Thanks to the LFG system, you don't need to do anything to support your local community on your server, nor do you have to join a guild to run operations and stuff.. Which as I said, is my point..


The community isn't the people on other servers, it is the people that inhabit the same server as you.. We should not become dependent on an LFG system and people on other servers to run groups.. You are right, the servers aren't shut down in the wee hours.. But that wasn't my point was it?? Or do you really believe that is what I was implying?? 6:30am is not a peek time for any server.. That is just a plain and simple fact.. So if you are trying to find a group at that time.. Perhaps some extra steps are needed to insure you have a group.. Like find an early morning guild, with people that play during those times.. Or do you really want everyone to believe that you thought the servers were shut off during those times?? Especially since I never implied it..


In the end my point remains.. An LFG system is not a positive thing for the local community.. I see no reason to destory the community for all, so that a few, who on the surface appear to be to lazy to consider their options to find a group.. Destroying the need for guilds will destroy this game for a lot of people.. Bioware and you should be aware of that.. You post is a prime example of what I am saying.. Thanks for making my points.. :)



All good points that People playing MMOS should read. If you want to play an MMO play and MMO to be social and find people that have the same goals as you. Do not come to an MMO wanting it like a single player game or a lobby game.


Here is what a New MMO is doing for a LFG tool




8. The LFG tool, when used properly, is your best friend.

Spamming “LFG 1 more DPS for Secret Base then GTG!” can be a really annoying task, an annoying message to filter though, and an annoying advertisement to respond to. It’s not the only way to get people’s attention for your groups though. I introduce to you, the LFG tool:After entering our LFG message in the dialog and confiming, it appears on the list. Others can now see it on the list and view it’s details, and we can publicize the message into LFG chat.



After the message is displayed in LFG chat, players can click on the link in chat to see details of the group, and send you a PM with their details. From there, all you have to do is accept or deny their application.



Now for people who need guilds.



7. The guild system is robust, take advantage of it!

Getting into a guild is extremely easy in Tera. The guild list tool is the closest thing to monster.com you can get in an MMOrpg. It allows you to see a complete list of all the guilds out there, What they stand for, what they’re recruiting, their praise level, guild level, etc, etc. Completing guild quests will not only help your guild progress, but it can give you access to elixirs that can give you bonus damage and defense versus players, extra endurance, and even 5% extra XP while quests. These also all persist through death!



SWTOR should look at what Tera is doing for the new MMO. They are going away from K-Tera X-Server LFD tool. I wonder why? Maybe because MMOs are to be MMOS not lobby games.

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I don't understand why BW is dragging its feet on this. They haven't said anything about it in their Q&As. It's almost as if the nonsensical rhetoric of "LFG will destroy communities and guilds" is actually swaying them. If one isn't implemented soon, this game will not hold me. The current system is terrible and needs improved ASAP. The fact that its not in this next patch is dissapointing to say the least.


Go. If you want a LFD tool there are other failing games with it. Yes they are Failing. Why? Simple because MMO players understand that a Cross Server LFD tool does not work. Many of my friends I use to hang out with between several MMOs are done with them now, Why Cause they hate the X Server LFD tool. If we wanted to play a Lobby game we would go play NWN2 or Diablo 3 when it comes out. But we dont we play MMOs to play with other people and social interaction, something that does not happen with a Automated here is your group tool.

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Go. If you want a LFD tool there are other failing games with it. Yes they are Failing. Why? Simple because MMO players understand that a Cross Server LFD tool does not work. Many of my friends I use to hang out with between several MMOs are done with them now, Why Cause they hate the X Server LFD tool. If we wanted to play a Lobby game we would go play NWN2 or Diablo 3 when it comes out. But we dont we play MMOs to play with other people and social interaction, something that does not happen with a Automated here is your group tool.


Who would have thought that a LFD tool was so powerful that it actually kills MMO's. And here I really enjoyed WoW's version of it, because without it, I never ran the early dungeons while leveling alts. With it, I saw everything the old zones had to offer!


But, then I wised up and left WoW, because of the very tool that I loved... when someone opened my eyes to the fact that it was the EVIL OGRE that would kill WoW.


Community.. totally overrated in MMO's! If you want community, meet your neighbors, or hang out at your local mall, play Facebook.. but don't play games!

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Well, kinda of an update. Primetime Republic Side. It's 2140. Asked LFM any HM at fleet, (Which had 75 people atm). It took me 30 min to get a tank, and after 10 min he had a friend which could join us that saved or bacon...


Just saying, getting groups on Republic side right now is close to impossible, had a normal EV raid here who have been Looking for a healer for over an hour! -_-

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Taking these on in no particular order....


High pop servers will wait longer because low pop servers will be taking people from their pool of people and offer little in return because they don't have the people to contribute. Even if all the servers were equal it would not make things faster. Because as you increase the pool of players you also increase the number of groups looking for players.


Actually, there's this thing called ratios. Lets talk about this for a moment.


Generally, you will find a higher ratio of DPS per group/server than healer/tanks. Now, what this means to you is simple. If on my server I have 3k players, but the DPS ratio is say... 10 dps to 1 healer or 1 tank, and your server is 1k, but the dps ratio to healers and tanks is 8 to 1 healer or tank, your server being lower population is actually contributing MORE to the LFD q than my higher population server. What this means in the end? Cross server DPS to Heals to Tanks as far as population actually becomes more balanced - not less. The ability to dual spec within an AC would help with the imbalance - but obviously we don't have that (but one can wish).


To claim it has always worked is to claim that the game was released on patch 3.3.. I guess we all just kinda skipped BC.. Bummer.. All those months in Kara, SSC, DT, and all the others just didn't happen I guess.. That is good to know.. Does that mean when this game is about 3 or 4 years old it will just be starting too??

BC was your server only - cross server was not there until wrath. Also, in wrath they released cross server ignore with cross server tool.


Also, contrary to what has been said, yes, it did give the option to pick roles in the BC dungeon finder. If you looked it up in the wikis, they also show that ability and where the check boxes for it were (across the top as with their current system).


Many people don't want to the servers linked due to lack of accountability issues.. I am one such person..


However, if they can link 4 servers or so to where, chat, GTN, and HCTN, are all connected as if it was a single server.. That would be great.. We would have the appearance of a larger server, without the quest issues of all the people..

Some possible help to get accountability in line for LFG would be adding a [companion] button to rolls that's above greed, but still below need. Adding that and then having it grey out anything that's not for your class specifically may be ideal. And before anyone argues 'but my cosmetic gear' the companion button could probably be used for that as well - seeing as your cosmetic heavy armor that's str when your class uses aim shouldn't be rolled over a player that needs it for an actual upgrade anyway. To keep [companion] from being used as the new greed - have the system bind and drop the value of anything rolled on as 'companion' to 1c.


Continuing on...

Oh?? So instead of doing something simple, like playing when there is more people on.. You want them to break the game so you can play at the wee hours of the morning??


........Maybe they should make a bunch of NPC players for people to do flashpoints and operations with.. It would serve the same purpose as an LFG system would.. It would also destroy the social aspect of an MMO as well..


So... I shouldn't be playing if I'm not at peak times? Tell that to bioware when I cut off my sub because I can't find a group because of the hours I work/where I end up working. I'm pretty sure bioware would rather give me the LFG tool than see me and my money walk.


Generally I do play at peak times, however, when I deploy I don't pick and choose where I'll be going, and I won't reroll to another region of servers and off my own just to please someone like you or for the chance that maybe I'll get more groups. That's why I enjoyed x-server and being in a guild in wow, and would like to see x-server here.


The community isn't the people on other servers, it is the people that inhabit the same server as you.. We should not become dependent on an LFG system and people on other servers to run groups..


...6:30am is not a peek time for any server.. That is just a plain and simple fact.. So if you are trying to find a group at that time.. Perhaps some extra steps are needed to insure you have a group.. Like find an early morning guild, with people that play during those times..


In the end my point remains.. An LFG system is not a positive thing for the local community.. I see no reason to destory the community for all, so that a few, who on the surface appear to be to lazy to consider their options to find a group.. Destroying the need for guilds will destroy this game for a lot of people.. Bioware and you should be aware of that.. You post is a prime example of what I am saying.. Thanks for making my points.. :)

I'm actually going to quote from a previous post, then tackle this.


As for 'x-server kills guilds' I'm sorry, but my guild in WoW is thriving with x-server. Only a few lone wolves hit x-server without asking guild. Generally, we grab from guild first because we know for a fact that it's more likely that we'll do well with a guild group than a full pug group. We aren't dying because of x-server, we're doing well, and we're using the system to augment our play - not letting it become the only way we play. As for raiding with LFR in that guild? Our lower geared members hit it and the LFD/x-LFD with guild and with guild alts as needed to allow them to become geared enough to be able to catch up with the rest of the guild for normal raid progression without us having to change around raid nights to get them up with the rest. The guild I'm in by the way, rather fluid in that we have a few that are military who have occasionally had to vanish for months on end because of work. This means we've had to build a strong second line of raiders that don't mind rotating out off and on when they're gone/home.


The fact is, my experience states that LFD does not hit a guild that has a strong back bone, nor does it hit the smaller mom and pop type guilds with any force. However, everyone will have a different experience than mine - as we are all different people from different servers and situations.


I really can't find any sympathy for anyone that allows a system to use and run their game play rather than using the system to do what they want if they're looking to be social.

X-server actually helps local server in that you get your groups faster - which gives you a chance at getting your gear faster. People gearing faster may mean people hitting end game content faster. Or getting to see content that is otherwise skipped.


Socially, it actually does.... nothing. The same thing applies for x-server as intra-server. A full guild group or group of friends will still generally go through content better than a group of pugs - thus x-server does not hurt guilds/friends unless they're actually anti-social to begin with.


For those wondering: Why am I not still in wow?


Honestly, I wanted to play with my boyfriend (who doesn't play wow), and my roomate kept talking this game up. I decided to give it a shot at release to check what bugs/other it had, and later got the game for my boyfriend. I don't have time for both games and my training and everything else - so SWTOR became my primary game. The scenery where I'm playing matters a little - but not as much as the people I play with. I do still keep in touch with the guild from WoW - I was part of a strong guild community there and don't really want to give that up, but I'm slowly building new ties here too.

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I completely agree that this game needs some sort of vastly improved tool for finding groups. I want to run hard mode FP's, but I absolutely HATE sitting around for an hour on the Fleet spamming general chat for nothing. This may be a byproduct of another problem, low server populations. But PLEASE Bioware make this a top priority. I'm about ready to unsubscribe because all this game is to me at the moment is: log on, sit in the fleet for an hour spamming for a group, get frustrated, log off.
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What this game really needs at this point...is a Dungeon Finder. It was a huge success in other MMO's, no reason for it not to be in this game.




1. Can continue questing while waiting for group to form.

2. Prevents trolls from sitting there ruining General Chat while they are bored trying to fill a group.

3. Proves that BioWare can do something like this. Buys street creds.




1. Some people think it ruins the community...but I think they are wrong. They obviously have not sat for an hour trying to fill a Flashpoint group.

2. People who think like that are probably in a huge guild and have no trouble filling groups. We're usually filling 2-3 of 4 and just need that last role.


In response to your pros:


1. Ill let you have that one. It is convenient since you cant hit up trade chat out on other planets.

2. Those trolls now get to ruin your flashpoint runs and there WILL be times when you cant boot them so this doesn't seem like a pro to me.

3. Buys street creds? How? All they would need to do is copy/paste from WoW. Taking an idea already implemented in another game doesn't really bring about a lot of "street creds." That's like saying i could be an awesome rapper by lip syncing other rappers songs.


Your cons:

1. It DOES ruin the community. It takes the need to interact with your servers community and throws it in the trash. The game then becomes a "click a button get candy" grind that becomes boring FAST. Also while i may not have "sat for an hour" trying to fill a flashpoint group i have sat for an hour waiting for my dungeon finder to pop up in WoW and it's no better.

2. My guild has about 43 people in it most of whom are alts and out of that maybe 5 people are on around prime time and 2 out of those 5 will be 50. Me being one of the 2. Im imp as well and im still sitting here saying i dont want a dungeon finder.

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This is something I don't understand... They have no problems with the automated and insta-teleport PvP grouping, yet they hate the LFD when it applies to PvE. They'll have to play the game and focus on their role in both aspects, instead of sheet chatting all the time about their personal lives like in General Chat.


I'll create a thread on how easy and instant gratifying the game is on PvP, and demand groups to be formed manually, spamming General in the Fleet so everyone in the Warzone can talk about their life in the school and job while being roflstomped by rival players.


That's because you're looking at it as hate for the LFD tool concept itself, and ignoring the fact a lot of them are simply against cross-server functionality. Players want a functional tool that helps them put groups together, but not all of them want one that works across servers. I don't know if that makes sense, or if pro-cross server functionality people even care about someone else's concerns.

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BC was your server only - cross server was not there until wrath. Also, in wrath they released cross server ignore with cross server tool.


Please make sure you read my post before quoting it and attempting to correct it.. I specifically stated 3.3 for a reason.. That was the patch the cross server LFG was added.. Which was during Lich King.. I never implied or stated cross server was added during BC.. Have a nice day.. :)

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I remember Hakkar (WoW PvP) when my fellow latin americans left to Ragnaros, Hakkar turned into a wasteland in a matter of days, specially on the Alliance side. LFD did not bring in more people to the Alliance, but made things way easier for those who remained on that server and faction to group up for dungeons.


What I'm trying to say, is that the LFD may not bring in more people to the Republic, but it'll surely make things easier for those loyal republicans who want to do all their Flashpoints.

Edited by Orisai
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I play on a constantly heavily populated server at peak times and it is almost impossible to put a group together between the mid-20's and the mid-40's. I am in a guild with 335 people in it and it still takes forever to get a group together. Oh and you don't get to keep questing or whatever, you have to stand there for an hour spamming chat channels.


I am not opposed to cross-server LFG but I think a server wide one would work for now just because I imagine it would take less time for them to implement the latter option. Anything is better than nothing at this point.

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That's because you're looking at it as hate for the LFD tool concept itself, and ignoring the fact a lot of them are simply against cross-server functionality. Players want a functional tool that helps them put groups together, but not all of them want one that works across servers. I don't know if that makes sense, or if pro-cross server functionality people even care about someone else's concerns.




It offers a help to low pop servers if they don't want to merge. It also offers server only to those that wish to take advantage of that aspect. I'm pretty sure that's as close to meeting in the middle and not having it all one way or another that we're going to get.


The original concept for this is that

[]server only.

*Would allow only people from your server to join your group q. This is to include people on your own server that are in the cross server q.


[]Cross server

* Allows players that wish to expose themselves to the larger population and other servers to do so in group - a player in cross server may end up in a group which is full server only. A player which ends up with one or more people in queue for server only, but is queue cross server will only be eligible for server only groups as long as those individuals are in group. As soon as those individuals leave or change queue they will be eligible to get replacements from cross server. The system will not highlight who is or is not queue for server only to help prevent some griefing.

I believe the original concept was brought up by a pro-x-server person. This is from a previous thread where I expanded on it. It does at least show people were thinking a bit outside of the box and considering what others want. It is in fact, the only compromise I've seen offered by either 'side' in the LFG discussion.


I prefer server only, I got into most of the guilds I've been with in the past through PuG LFG groups. X-server does take away that opportunity for me to a point. However, I understand that the reality of low population servers may make x-server a necessary evil.I will continue to try getting a group started by friend/guild first, then hit whatever LFG tool is put into place. As stated previously, I refuse to let a dungeon finder dictate how I play, and I don't have much sympathy for anyone that allows a tool to decide how they have to play either.


I would like to see server only put in first, then if it shows that enough servers - low or high pop - are having issues getting people into LFG that they should consider x-server with options.


Actually, going to pull the rest of another post I made here.


Community is your guild - your friends - people on your server, being able to sit around and chat about absolutely nothing on fleet without having to be doing anything out in PvE/PvP, or discussing things on a planet while leveling. Like it, love it, or hate it, gear-gateways created by elitists neither encourage nor help community. At the moment, it appears, as Aeon's case and a few others have shown, if the current server-community is creating false-gateways that Bioware didn't intend to have there, or requiring that everything be done within a guild, the community is failing, as it will block out new players and discourage them. Maybe I need to re-visit an old concept for those of you that missed it. As it is a very old school concept that was around back in EQ and FFXI - both of which are/have been more 'hardcore' than WoW ever dreamed of. Skill > Gear.


LFD is intended to help people do what they want within the game. The current system is failing and has failed to pull in and help players accomplish what they want in game. The main and only reason I currently think x-server is a horrid idea for this game is because I feel people should grow to recognize names on their server and get to know people there more before the gates to xserver are opened (if they are) and even then I feel that people should have the check box option of []server or []cross server, thus, hopefully, making more people that hate X-server happy.


Generally, I would feel that server only LFD helps with community - but again, if we're already down to trying to be elitist jerks, that little system has already failed and shouldn't be considered as high of a priority as letting people play the game they enjoy - and create any ties they want outside of dungeons. This is the point that those screaming 'get a guild!' should really look at. If elitists are preventing pugs - and thus preventing groups which would potentially pull someone into a guild, they're preventing community from becoming stronger and are hurting it. In this case, something needs to be done to remove the elitists from the equation to allow casuals to easily get groups that they are geared for. The LFD tool - if automated - fills that need to help the community.

To expand on this - some of the servers already have people saying 'you will have x stat, and have all your daily acquired gear before we allow you to pug in with us - if you don't have it, we won't let you come. Period'. Even though those individuals have completed the dungeons before without issue, or have all but one or two of the items gotten from dailies. If bioware puts in a stat req on an LFG system and goes 'here, this is what we feel you 'need' for this, can't q before that, now go have fun', the elitists don't get the say. Mind you, this concept applies both to x-server and server only.


This issue is on top of us not having a LFD tool that is commonly used/with people already having a small population to pull from. Seems like our community is already shooting itself in the foot as far as creating gateways when a person is missing 1-2 epic pieces (but at least has blues in those slots).


Am I nuts that I'd rather a LFG system something like DDO's though? I doubt it'd work here, but I actually liked their system as well. http://ddowiki.com/page/Social_panel

Edited by Manathayria
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Please make sure you read my post before quoting it and attempting to correct it.. I specifically stated 3.3 for a reason.. That was the patch the cross server LFG was added.. Which was during Lich King.. I never implied or stated cross server was added during BC.. Have a nice day.. :)


Actually, it was implied with the comment about forgetting BC ever happened. LFD never needed x-server LFD ignore till LFD x-server was added. You're missing the point. Anyway, back to the game.


Side note: I did find it interesting that the wayback site didn't show anything with the role selection - guess it wasn't shown on any of the pages (which is why some people on the thread thought it wasn't there).



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Just for the record, it is'nt just me who are having problems getting a group in prime time. A friend of mein are in total frenzy over it. (He's not the most social type, he works a lot and just want to play once he is online.)


We even started Empire characters, with the hope that endgame here will be a lot easier to get groups seeing as they are 3 times the amount of people. I'm afraid of what will happen if it turns out this is no better.

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Actually, it was implied with the comment about forgetting BC ever happened. LFD never needed x-server LFD ignore till LFD x-server was added. You're missing the point. Anyway, back to the game.


I not missing the point in the least.. The issue isn't about a cross server ignore.. You also need to read my post again as it was not implied.. I specically stated what patch cross server LFG was added.. Now you are going to tell me that I implied it was at a different time?? Sorry.. That dog just doesn't hunt.. You either misread my post or misunderstood.. It was not implied anywhere in my post to say that the cross server LFG was added before Lich King.. Sorry.. Wow 3.0 was Lich King.. 2.0 was BC.. 3.3 was post Lich King and when cross server LFG was added..


I don't care when cross server ignore was added.. That isn't the topic of this thread.. I do not want to see a cross server LFG system added to this game as it will literally destroy the server community and guilds.. It removes the need for guilds..


That is my only point.. Thanks.. :cool:

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Just for the record, it is'nt just me who are having problems getting a group in prime time. A friend of mein are in total frenzy over it. (He's not the most social type, he works a lot and just want to play once he is online.)


We even started Empire characters, with the hope that endgame here will be a lot easier to get groups seeing as they are 3 times the amount of people. I'm afraid of what will happen if it turns out this is no better.


While I will sympathize.. I will say that if someone isn't the social type.. Perhaps an MMO is not for them.. My wife works and goes to school.. Like many other people that play this game.. That is still no reason to demand an cross sever LFG system that could destroy the game for others.. An MMO is all about community.. Without community it is no better than an SP game.. MMO do not operate on your time or your friends time.. You are playing with other people and you have to learn to bend and exist within the community.. If you can't do it then perhaps an MMO is not the right game for you..


Bottom line is, an LFG system is not the answer here.. They need to allow server transfers and they need to combine some servers.. They need to do all they can to both balance the servers and make sure they have a healthy population on them.. MMO's require doing things with other people.. And that means operating on their time or learning to schedule things.. It shouldn't mean asking bioware to do something that will out right destroy the game and the community for everyone else..


If all there is to do get into an operation is to push a button, and let the game place you in a group.. What is the point of a guild?? What is the point of chat?? What is the point of community?? It is not a single player game with a button for those times you really must play with other people..


I happen to be social.. I am in a guild.. I group almost constantly.. Some times just to quest and do heroics.. Out side of my guild.. I have little trouble finding a group and I am on the republic side.. Just standing at the GTN lastnight someone asked me to join a group he was putting together.. So I went and did some flashpoints..


I am sorry that some are having issues with finding groups.. But destroying the multiplayer aspect of the game is not the answer.. The game is much more fun when you are grouped with friends or at least people are you are familiar with.. Nobody should have to live with a life of nothing but randomn pugs.. Filled with people that resemble companions who once in a while say something intelligent in chat.. :cool:

Edited by MajikMyst
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LFG will not destroy the need for guilds. Where are you pulling that idea out from?


There will always be a need for guilds. People will prefer to group up for Raids and Dungeons with people they know, rather than always random people.


Please stop throwing your opinion around as if it were fact. Especially when it's a poor opinion.

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As a side note...


LFG system can be for flashpoints normal for start, then the need for a guild will not be lost and pipl can gear up for next flashpoints rank like HM or other normals.


adding my opinion to the usless roaming in the fleet posting LFG spams for 2 hours and the "republic fleet: 7" note above...

and no.. it not at 4AM or so...

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I do not want to see a cross server LFG system added to this game as it will literally destroy the server community and guilds.. It removes the need for guilds..


That is my only point.. Thanks.. :cool:

To repeat...

Community is your guild - your friends - people on your server, being able to sit around and chat about absolutely nothing on fleet without having to be doing anything out in PvE/PvP, or discussing things on a planet while leveling.

Community is not constantly posting LFG *insert HM instance* for 3 hours with no takers.


Cross server did not kill the guild I was in while playing wow, nor did it kill any of the guilds I was in while playing Rift.


Cross server will not remove the need for guilds. It may make people less dependent on them, but guilds - especially ones that're active/have a good leader, will still thrive.


Every hard-made raid I ever saw cleared - full guild run.


Every fast/efficient normal raid I saw - majority guild or majority alliance/friends.


In neither case, have I seen a full pug raid/operation/whatever for real end game content run successfully with a full pug. (Ok, except this one raid leader in WoW, but he was insane, and we're not touching that here...)


Cross server does not remove the need/usefulness of guilds. I'm sorry, but that's one of the misconceptions that annoys me.


That said, I do prefer the idea of going full server-only. However, we have a few issues with that here.


1. Population imbalance.

2. Low server cap for population.

3. (possibly) Not enough people have hit 50 yet.


3 is what is a killer. If not enough people are 50, HM will be hard to get at any time, and more people will be sitting looking for a better LFG because of how the current one is run, and more people will start looking back on old systems that got them groups faster (like wow or rift's x-server runs).


That said, I'm seeing a hell of a lot of people complaining that they can't find instance groups while leveling. Two issues for new people with not finding leveling groups;


1. Not finding instances/groups while leveling leaves a bad impression of the game - some people will see this and leave because of it.

2. (May or may not apply) People that solo all the way - because they were unable to find instances while leveling, get thrown into the deep end with hard modes at 50 without having 'learned' their job for grouping while leveling may struggle more.


I'll use whatever system they put in and be happy if it's an improvement over the current one. I will not let the system decide how I play the game I'm paying for. I will pre-form, then q if we get a system that's a q - even if it's server only.


I prefer picking and choosing what I group with for class balance rather than getting thrown into full class runs. I enjoyed grouping in AoC because most groups I ran with tried to go with only 1-2 of a class and varying it as much as they could, and I still enjoy doing that here.


Again .... I would like - if we see cross server - to be given a choice to check []server only []cross server, because it would give people that want to group only with their server that opportunity, and would give the opportunity to group x-server if they so desired. Give players a choice if it comes down to x-server being added.

Bottom line is, an LFG system is not the answer here.. They need to allow server transfers and they need to combine some servers.. They need to do all they can to both balance the servers and make sure they have a healthy population on them..

They should be doing this regardless of the issues some people are having with LFD. There is no excuse not to. The 'real' issue with our current LFD is so few people actually use it. I constantly check in fleet to see who's using it and who isn't that's LFD and generally, the people LFG are not using the system.


I think of all the MMOs I've played, Rift, actually had one of the better systems for character transfer. Free character transfer once a week for any character - each character on a separate timer. Yes it opened up a little for griefers, but it opened up a lot for people finding the right server/balance in a server for them.


If all there is to do get into an operation is to push a button, and let the game place you in a group.. What is the point of a guild?? What is the point of chat?? What is the point of community?? It is not a single player game with a button for those times you really must play with other people..

The point of a guild is faster - more efficient runs. People you know that you can steadily run. Want to be guarenteed to always run with the same geared people? Run with a guild. Want to gear yourself faster and more effectively - both with server only LFD or x-server LFD? Run with a guild. Even if you have a full group of BH running HM, you are more likely to get your gear faster because of people getting all their gear and not feeling the need to roll over you as they might in a pug.


What is the point of chat - well, generally in PuGs I don't see much more than 'this boss does x, avoid it'. That's not being social. That's discussing or pointing out strategy for a boss. That does not have much to do with community and has everything to do with just discussing a boss. World chat however, varies on my server from everything regarding classes to other MMOs (we were discussing HKO, and the concept of a my little ponies MMO on Kass earlier...), that sort of chat generally doesn't happen in a dungeon unless I'm with friends. World chat has everything to do with a community, and showing how we interact with each other. World chat being fully dead with 100~ people planet side may not be a good sign.


Community - here's that argument again. Community is the guild you're in, your friends you've met, and anyone you have more than a few seconds of boss strat discussion with. It's recognizing the people that are on planet with you as you level. Community has nothing to do with running an efficient, fast, dungeon though. That said, I still prefer getting to run dungeons with people/names I recognize, but I don't always mind running with strangers either.


I hope if we get the x-server worm-can opened, we also get x-server friends lists of some sort added. The server-community barrier has always been up there because of lag, or play styles (IE: RP vs PvE vs PvP servers), I wouldn't be as cautious about x-server if we had logical groupings (like x-server between RP servers, not just random ones), and the servers had a way for us to group and draw people into dungeons x-server prior to qs.


Just standing at the GTN lastnight someone asked me to join a group he was putting together.. So I went and did some flashpoints..

I have to ask it, which class/spec?


On my IO or my BH, I rarely have any issues getting groups. I actually find myself wishing I could go /anon on my IO when I'm running with my duo trying to level, being a healer, I get a lot of people wanting me to group/ The same applies with my Powertech(tank). My marauder and sniper however, have a ton of issues trying to find groups, because they're DPS and there's so damn many dps.


The game is much more fun when you are grouped with friends or at least people are you are familiar with.. Nobody should have to live with a life of nothing but randomn pugs.. Filled with people that resemble companions who once in a while say something intelligent in chat..

I absolutely agree. I however, don't dictate how anyone else should find their groups. I think, if a system is failing, it needs fixed, or the people using it need educated. I don't have the time to educate everyone on all the servers - and I doubt anyone else is going to take that time either.


What we need at the moment is a LFD that is more obvious, not hidden under the /who screen. I'm not talking an auto-x-server finder just yet - small steps, see if those work. Give us another LFG system that lets people see what groups are up for what dungeons. Maybe something like DDO has, maybe something different, but it needs to be something that is clearly in it's own screen set so people will use it.


If bioware is willing, merge/offer server x-fers for full guilds to other servers. Something needs done about the population issues on some of these servers, because that will help with the LFD issues we're hitting at the moment.


I am, in the end, open to x-server for faster groups if bioware finds it to be necessary.... but I'm also part of a guild, and I cling to being able to be in a social group of people, and being able to draw from them to run dungeons. I use the system to augment my play, I don't let it dictate how I play - but that's because I walk into the situation with my eyes open and I'm willing to take advantage of whatever tools I'm given.

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