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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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They MUST add the dungeon finder system to swtor. Thats all i know... If they want to people see their content then add this thing thats easy or group finder... i like pve i like Hard modes i want to see the content but if nobody response my lfm or lfg how can i see swtor pls tell me ??? who wants to friendship or community just dont use the bloddy finder system that is an option... i m the 7 years old MMO player and if i know something swtor must add this thing if they will not too many people gonna bored and left the game. i m saying this.
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Glad your still in here touchbass trying to make this game that much better. Almost half way through the game and I've yet to run a flashpoint, really upsetting, don't know how this game launched without this tool.



I've been 50 for almost 3 days now, I have run one flash point that I was invited too without looking for it, and since that time I have been sitting in the IF looking for a group and getting absolutely 0 response whatsoever. I've gone to the planets and asked around, I've sat in the IF at least 3 hours each night and still can not find a group.


Im pretty much done.

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/signed the only flashpoints i have done so far are going back at a high lvl to experiance them. its a shame that they put so much hard work making these flashpoints with no LFG tool. some of us that play have a hard time filling groups. its a very awkward feeling to be spamming for a group. even when your flagged for a group with the tool we already have its still rough getting one together.


i fully support any effort to make getting groups easier. :)

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Yes, it's 6.30 AM here. Guess what, I am the only lvl 50 at the Fleet and I want to play HM! You think that is going to happen? :p


Oh?? So instead of doing something simple, like playing when there is more people on.. You want them to break the game so you can play at the wee hours of the morning??


An LFG system will destroy the need to be social and destroy the need for guilds.. Maybe you should find a guild with people that play during your play time.. Then you would have a group all ready to go whenever you want.. Instead of demanding that the solo group button be installed.. Just press a button and the game finds you a group.. Where is the multiplayer in that?? You may as well be playing with a group of companions at that point.. Maybe they should make a bunch of NPC players for people to do flashpoints and operations with.. It would serve the same purpose as an LFG system would.. It would also destroy the social aspect of an MMO as well.. :cool:

Edited by MajikMyst
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Oh?? So instead of doing something simple, like playing when there is more people on.. You want them to break the game so you can play at the wee hours of the morning??


An LFG system will destroy the need to be social and destroy the need for guilds.. Maybe you should find a guild with people that play during your play time.. Then you would have a group all ready to go whenever you want.. Instead of demanding that the solo group button be installed.. Just press a button and the game finds you a group.. Where is the multiplayer in that?? You may as well be playing with a group of companions at that point.. Maybe they should make a bunch of NPC players for people to do flashpoints and operations with.. It would serve the same purpose as an LFG system would.. It would also destroy the social aspect of an MMO as well.. :cool:


What a load of bovine manure.


LFG can only IMPROVE social aspects because now people actually get to find others to group MORE often, instead of spamming the chat channels for hours an unable to find others to group with. As the group to overcome a flashpoint or heroic, they get to INTERACT and find out how one another played. Maybe even form some friendship and bond later. If players don't even have the chance to group up, how the hades are they going to socialise? Just make small talk in chat channels?


You have poor understanding of why people request for certain tools.


A global LFG tool also allows players to go do their missions in various planets and still yet able to find a group for flashpoint and use the emergency fleet pass to return to the fleet to do their flash points.


Or they can be anywhere, in their starship playing space mini-games while waiting for the right number and roles of players to play.

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Only responding because I am desperately bored.


Oh?? So instead of doing something simple, like playing when there is more people on.. You want them to break the game so you can play at the wee hours of the morning??


This just sounds like a joke to me. Maybe it's sarcasm? Maybe they should just shut all servers down and only let them run when greater than x amount of people are trying to log on? :p That'll force us to create a community for sure. :rolleyes: Or maybe they should charge us more to play during non-peak hours, to further inhibit "bad" players. (down the *********** rabbit hole I went...please someone save me)

Edited by BlueSkittles
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Oh?? So instead of doing something simple, like playing when there is more people on.. You want them to break the game so you can play at the wee hours of the morning??


An LFG system will destroy the need to be social and destroy the need for guilds.. Maybe you should find a guild with people that play during your play time.. Then you would have a group all ready to go whenever you want.. Instead of demanding that the solo group button be installed.. Just press a button and the game finds you a group.. Where is the multiplayer in that?? You may as well be playing with a group of companions at that point.. Maybe they should make a bunch of NPC players for people to do flashpoints and operations with.. It would serve the same purpose as an LFG system would.. It would also destroy the social aspect of an MMO as well.. :cool:


Troll post?

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Oh?? So instead of doing something simple, like playing when there is more people on.. You want them to break the game so you can play at the wee hours of the morning??


An LFG system will destroy the need to be social and destroy the need for guilds.. Maybe you should find a guild with people that play during your play time.. Then you would have a group all ready to go whenever you want.. Instead of demanding that the solo group button be installed.. Just press a button and the game finds you a group.. Where is the multiplayer in that?? You may as well be playing with a group of companions at that point.. Maybe they should make a bunch of NPC players for people to do flashpoints and operations with.. It would serve the same purpose as an LFG system would.. It would also destroy the social aspect of an MMO as well.. :cool:


i have made lots of friends with the cross server LFG in wow and some moved to my server just so we could hang out. i did quit wow last year but the point is groups are groups and they will be as social as they want to be. sure we have all run into that less than wonderful player in the group but wether they are on the same server that you spammed them on or another server they will be that way.


what people want is the ability to continue questing and have the hopes of getting atleast 1 flashpoint in a day vrs 1 per week or longer. most of the flashpoints that i have done is on a high lvl toon in lower lvl flashpoints. bioware worked hard to make those flashpoints some of us want to see them at the lvl they were intended for :)

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Don't bother replying to that guy, he's one of those who are against everything that would actually improve the game and make it at least decent compared to the current mmo standards.


And the worst thing is that i think he's genuinely serious about the bs he posts.

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I hope the SWTOR devs will not be like the WOW devs who ignored their players. They took years to finally let paladins and bear druid tank. And then years more before they came out with a LFG tool (which I heard works). However, I have long quit wow after spamming to look for groups in non-max level dungeons. The LFG tool came too late for me.


Let's hope history does not repeat itself for SWTOR. I head SWTOR has many wonderful high end flashpoints but what is the use when no one experience them?

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It's kind of amusing to compare here with the WoW forums where everyone is moaning about how much better the game was before the LFD tool and how there was more of a community.


I'd prefer something simpler, like a single server LFD tool like was first introduced into WoW. Or even just a universal LFG channel that spans all the planets. That way you can still do missions around the universe but have an easier time getting groups for flashpoints.


And it would keep the same server community others want to have.

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Don't bother replying to that guy, he's one of those who are against everything that would actually improve the game and make it at least decent compared to the current mmo standards.


And the worst thing is that i think he's genuinely serious about the bs he posts.


Oh I know, he was claiming that Dual-Specs were what was causing WoW to die...I honestly have no idea how though and he couldn't even explain it. Though now apparently it's the LFD tool that's destroying WoW.


I asked him for his source of information on how Dual-Specs were causing WoW to die, he told me that was like asking for a source on driving...which is strange because that could be easily supplied.

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Oh?? So instead of doing something simple, like playing when there is more people on.. You want them to break the game so you can play at the wee hours of the morning??


Last i checked the servers do not shut down just because its the wee hours of the mornings. Just how dare you try to dictate at what time some one should play! Are you so blind that you honestly think most people have that kind of control over when their free time happens?

Oh and break the game? In our view its fixing the game!


An LFG system will destroy the need to be social and destroy the need for guilds.. Maybe you should find a guild with people that play during your play time.. Then you would have a group all ready to go whenever you want.. Instead of demanding that the solo group button be installed.. Just press a button and the game finds you a group.. Where is the multiplayer in that?? You may as well be playing with a group of companions at that point.. Maybe they should make a bunch of NPC players for people to do flashpoints and operations with.. It would serve the same purpose as an LFG system would.. It would also destroy the social aspect of an MMO as well.. :cool:


This is yours and people like you problem. You feel that people you may never meet again are not people. That whole attitude speaks volumes about your personality.

People are people and worth playing with regardless of if ill ever see them again. A real person to play with is so much more than a npc!

Your problem is that unless you can meet people again then you feel they are worthless!


The need for guilds is OPS or raiding not small man content! The need for a guild is to push yourself and your team through harder content!

Frankly most guilds i have been in (all raiding guilds) Wont even accept a member till they are raid ready!

Destroy socializing? My friends list on wow would like a word with you! the majority of the players on my wow friendslist are NOT even on my servers! A good cross realm system opens a player up to a lot more possibilities for meeting people than a single server could ever provide! Now it may destroy your little gated community and frankly i dont care! The majority of people choose to NOT live in gated communities in real life and many also make that same choice daily in games that have cross server systems!

You do realize that its generally thought that those that choose to wall themselves up in small gated communities are the anti social people!


Probably a waste of time replying to this but i felt the need!

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It's kind of amusing to compare here with the WoW forums where everyone is moaning about how much better the game was before the LFD tool and how there was more of a community.


I'd prefer something simpler, like a single server LFD tool like was first introduced into WoW. Or even just a universal LFG channel that spans all the planets. That way you can still do missions around the universe but have an easier time getting groups for flashpoints.


And it would keep the same server community others want to have.


I read the wow forums almost every day also and no not everyone is whining about the lfd/lfr. Those threads are also full of players stating they love the system its a split just like it is here.


I would not be happy with just a chat channel or a single server system! i will not settle for less than a full function cross server lfg system!

i am willing to give them a few months to get one in but they are working again a time line for me.

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Oh I know, he was claiming that Dual-Specs were what was causing WoW to die...I honestly have no idea how though and he couldn't even explain it. Though now apparently it's the LFD tool that's destroying WoW.


I asked him for his source of information on how Dual-Specs were causing WoW to die, he told me that was like asking for a source on driving...which is strange because that could be easily supplied.


In the first place, anyone who claimed WOW is dying, you should straight away give him a 90% discount on his words.


Geez, a game that has 10 million subscriber is dying...yeah right.


If people quit WOW, most likely it is because they got sick of it, like I did, rather than because of certain features.


In fact, I quit wow BEFORE there was such a thing as a LFG and dual spec. If those things were around, I might have stayed longer. For me, the trigger point was the end game was boring and the dev don't seem to listen to players and the sucky-patchy sorry excuse of a storyline, if you can even say they have a storyline.


When I heard about LFG and dual spec, I was like "well, too late!"


So I hope SWTOR can implement those before I and many other users got tired of it. Because once someone quit a game, its not going to be easy to bring that person back again. It would be like returning to an ex-girlfriend.

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No you're right they are split over at the WoW forums, I just find it amusing how there the argument is "We lost the community with the LFD Tool!"

and here it's "There's no community, we need the LFD Tool!".


As it is I've only done each Flashpoint once because I get bored standing for hours at any point of the day trying to find a group.

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No you're right they are split over at the WoW forums, I just find it amusing how there the argument is "We lost the community with the LFD Tool!"

and here it's "There's no community, we need the LFD Tool!".


As it is I've only done each Flashpoint once because I get bored standing for hours at any point of the day trying to find a group.


Dude, imagine I have 10 ALTS. So for every flashpoint, all those waiting is times 10 for me. For some strange reason, I still want to run flashpoint!


Maybe I should skip them some day. I am already skipping some of the heroic 4.


Luckily for one of my alts, I have a regular gaming group weekly so I can at least experience at least ONCE.


This really brings back evil memories of my time trying to find a group to run for the sunken temple...*shudder*

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So I hope SWTOR can implement those before I and many other users got tired of it. Because once someone quit a game, its not going to be easy to bring that person back again. It would be like returning to an ex-girlfriend.


Hehe, good one! ^^


Anyways, Republic side will die if this does not come up relativly fast I believe. There are simply not enough of us, on almost every single server, to get groups running up fast enough. Also, without handing out hefty rewards to vets for doing random dungeon, you will have the people with more casual playstyles getting stuck because there never will be anyone good to tell them what to do because they will never go with a random unless they have to.


Personaly I used to be one of thouse vets in WoW, and I initially was like "God, now I have to boost noobs. How tiersome!", but in the end I ended up loving it, and got maybe more friends because the atmosphere was more lax, and you could take the game alot less serious. The way it is now you are scared ******** of screwing up, which will cause a group splittup, which will make maybe up to an hour of work go down the toilet. Not to mention that the gear requirements are way to high when you don't "force" experienced players together with newbies, not to mention thouse of us who love to timerush instances don't get instant access to all the good stuff and ends up waiting for more time than you are player, and I could go on and on and on...



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I am just coming here to add my vote of NO! HECK NO! because the topic has been beaten to death and I just want my opinion to be calculated.




Why are you so strongly against something that wouldn't affect you at all, but help improve the quality of gameplay for many others?

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Very recent example as to why this is needed NOW!


I logged on last night for the first time in 2 weeks. I wanted to run a flashpoint at lvl 38. I traveled to the Imperial fleet (way too many steps - Hoth), flagged myself as LFG (total waste of time, baaaad system), and started spamming General chat to get a group. Even tried to get some guildies to run Foundry or Colicoid.... NOT a single response (this was prime time for my server). I then did a /Who search and discovered my problem. There weren't even enough players at my level to create one group (108-120 in the Fleet at the time), let alone if we had the right mix (tank, heals, dps).


I logged off and did something else.


Bad, just bad!


fanbois, feel free to tell me all of your brilliant ideas for getting groups for flashpoints at level 38. All the things I did wrong... and before you say, "you should have gone to Hoth and asked"... I have done that plenty of times... the trip to the fleet is so cumbersome, no one responds to that request either, not to mention that they aren't on Hoth to run flashpoints, they are there to quest.


Bad, just bad!

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