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[Video] New Ability cooldown effects


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Protip: Memorize your cooldowns so you dont have to constantly stare at the action bars.



LOL, "protip" so are you talking about pve or pvp? because for pvp your advice is just silly, you dont follow rotation in pvp where fight can change in one second :p

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Any reason why they changed it to begin with? Was it not working properly or what?


That's the million dollar question. I scour these forums often, but I can't remember one thread that had any interest concerning the hotbar GCD being broken??? Where this came from and from whom is beyond me...

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Any reason why they changed it to begin with? Was it not working properly or what?


Misdirection, is my guess. While people complain about this 'feature' that annoys 99% of the userbase in some way, people won't complain about other things.

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Any reason why they changed it to begin with? Was it not working properly or what?


Because many people have been complaining on the forums about how awful the hotbar GCD and CD animation was. In the previous iteration a large group were complaining that they could not tell when the GCD would end because all of the available skills were lit up under the animation and the animation itself was dark. Now they are complaining that they can't see the available skills during cooldown and the animation is too bright.


Rather amusing to watch actually...

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That's the million dollar question. I scour these forums often, but I can't remember one thread that had any interest concerning the hotbar GCD being broken??? Where this came from and from whom is beyond me...




That thread hit 101 and they made another. Took me like one minute to find.

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its utter crap.


and the way the entire ui flashes at the end of the GCD is retarded, if i wanted to watch a light show i would buy tickets to one.. put it back to how it was at launch and go fix a real bug. like my companions teling me they failed a mission when they didnt


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Who is the misguided fool they have doing any of the UI stuff in this game? Amateur hour each time they "fix" it.

Its simple, Darken stuff that you cant use at the moment with the cascade going down it, then when its ready it comes back to normal brightness, simple. No flashes saying cooldowns over, no bright box around anything, just dull with cascade for not ready bright and shiny for ready.

Edited by Zebidia
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Protip: Memorize your cooldowns so you dont have to constantly stare at the action bars.


protip: try that in PvP in see how far your static rotation gets you.


also this doesnt help with proc-based abilities or those that have certain prerequisites such as railshot.

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doesn't really look that bad to me, although I didn't have a problem with the last version either.


I haven't played with it yet, so my impressions may change once I have.


I have to agree with this. I see how it could annoy some, but it doesn't seem like as big an issue as everyone is making it seem.


That opinion could change once I actually log in, though...

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Looking at the video, am I wrong in saying that it looks like:


Cool-down = coloured bar then flashes when complete

Unavailable due to range/power = darkened

Available = regular icon


If this is the behaviour, whats wrong with it?




Unavailable due to range/power = darkened


its also darkened during global cooldown and switches back to the regular icon when global cooldown finishes and it flashes.

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That's the million dollar question. I scour these forums often, but I can't remember one thread that had any interest concerning the hotbar GCD being broken??? Where this came from and from whom is beyond me...


I'm with you. People, including me commented about how hard it was to see the LONG cooldowns. The global was not an issue.

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